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Last active June 23, 2021 16:12
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triangulate only
exports.KM_PER_AU = 1.4959787069098932e+8;
exports.DEG2RAD = 0.017453292519943296;
exports.RAD2DEG = 57.295779513082321;
const EARTH_FLATTENING = 0.996647180302104;
function inverse_terra(ovec) {
// Convert from AU to kilometers
const x = ovec[0] * exports.KM_PER_AU;
const y = ovec[1] * exports.KM_PER_AU;
const z = ovec[2] * exports.KM_PER_AU;
const p = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
let lon_deg, lat_deg, height_km;
if (p < 1.0e-6) {
// Special case: within 1 millimeter of a pole!
// Use arbitrary longitude, and latitude determined by polarity of z.
lon_deg = 0;
lat_deg = (z > 0.0) ? +90 : -90;
// Elevation is calculated directly from z.
height_km = Math.abs(z) - EARTH_POLAR_RADIUS_KM;
else {
const stlocl = Math.atan2(y, x);
// Calculate exact longitude.
lon_deg = (exports.RAD2DEG * stlocl);
// Normalize longitude to the range (-180, +180].
while (lon_deg <= -180)
lon_deg += 360;
while (lon_deg > +180)
lon_deg -= 360;
// Numerically solve for exact latitude, using Newton's Method.
// Start with initial latitude estimate, based on a spherical Earth.
let lat = Math.atan2(z, p);
let cos, sin, denom;
for (;;) {
// Calculate the error function W(lat).
// We try to find the root of W, meaning where the error is 0.
cos = Math.cos(lat);
sin = Math.sin(lat);
const factor = (F - 1) * EARTH_EQUATORIAL_RADIUS_KM;
const cos2 = cos * cos;
const sin2 = sin * sin;
const radicand = cos2 + F * sin2;
denom = Math.sqrt(radicand);
const W = (factor * sin * cos) / denom - z * cos + p * sin;
if (Math.abs(W) < 1.0e-12)
break; // The error is now negligible
// Error is still too large. Find the next estimate.
// Calculate D = the derivative of W with respect to lat.
const D = factor * ((cos2 - sin2) / denom - sin2 * cos2 * (F - 1) / (factor * radicand)) + z * sin + p * cos;
lat -= W / D;
// We now have a solution for the latitude in radians.
lat_deg = exports.RAD2DEG * lat;
// Solve for exact height in meters.
// There are two formulas I can use. Use whichever has the less risky denominator.
const adjust = EARTH_EQUATORIAL_RADIUS_KM / denom;
if (Math.abs(sin) > Math.abs(cos))
height_km = z / sin - F * adjust;
height_km = p / cos - adjust;
return new Observer(lat_deg, lon_deg, 1000 * height_km);
function terra(observer) {
const df2 = df * df;
const phi = observer.latitude * exports.DEG2RAD;
const sinphi = Math.sin(phi);
const cosphi = Math.cos(phi);
const c = 1 / Math.sqrt(cosphi * cosphi + df2 * sinphi * sinphi);
const s = df2 * c;
const ht_km = observer.height / 1000;
const ach = EARTH_EQUATORIAL_RADIUS_KM * c + ht_km;
const ash = EARTH_EQUATORIAL_RADIUS_KM * s + ht_km;
const stlocl = observer.longitude * exports.DEG2RAD;
const sinst = Math.sin(stlocl);
const cosst = Math.cos(stlocl);
return [
ach * cosphi * cosst / exports.KM_PER_AU,
ach * cosphi * sinst / exports.KM_PER_AU,
ash * sinphi / exports.KM_PER_AU
class Vector {
constructor(x, y, z) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.z = z;
Length() {
return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y + this.z * this.z);
exports.Vector = Vector;
class Spherical {
constructor(lat, lon, dist) { = lat;
this.lon = lon;
this.dist = dist;
exports.Spherical = Spherical;
class RotationMatrix {
constructor(rot) {
this.rot = rot;
class Observer {
constructor(latitude, longitude, height) {
this.latitude = latitude;
this.longitude = longitude;
this.height = height;
exports.Observer = Observer;
function VectorFromArray(av) {
return new Vector(av[0], av[1], av[2]);
function ObserverVector(observer) {
let ovec = terra(observer);
return VectorFromArray(ovec);
exports.ObserverVector = ObserverVector;
function VectorObserver(vector) {
let ovec = [vector.x, vector.y, vector.z];
return inverse_terra(ovec);
exports.VectorObserver = VectorObserver;
function InverseRotation(rotation) {
return new RotationMatrix([
[rotation.rot[0][0], rotation.rot[1][0], rotation.rot[2][0]],
[rotation.rot[0][1], rotation.rot[1][1], rotation.rot[2][1]],
[rotation.rot[0][2], rotation.rot[1][2], rotation.rot[2][2]]
function VectorFromSphere(sphere) {
const radlat = * exports.DEG2RAD;
const radlon = sphere.lon * exports.DEG2RAD;
const rcoslat = sphere.dist * Math.cos(radlat);
return new Vector(
rcoslat * Math.cos(radlon),
rcoslat * Math.sin(radlon),
sphere.dist * Math.sin(radlat)
function ToggleAzimuthDirection(az) {
az = 360.0 - az;
if (az >= 360.0)
az -= 360.0;
else if (az < 0.0)
az += 360.0;
return az;
function VectorFromHorizon(sphere) {
const lon = ToggleAzimuthDirection(sphere.lon);
const lat = + InverseRefraction(;
const xsphere = new Spherical(lat, lon, sphere.dist);
return VectorFromSphere(xsphere);
exports.VectorFromHorizon = VectorFromHorizon;
function InverseRefraction(bent_altitude) {
if (bent_altitude < -90.0 || bent_altitude > +90.0)
return 0.0; /* no attempt to correct an invalid altitude */
/* Find the pre-adjusted altitude whose refraction correction leads to 'altitude'. */
let altitude = bent_altitude;
for (;;) {
/* See how close we got. */
let diff = altitude - bent_altitude;
if (Math.abs(diff) < 1.0e-14)
return altitude - bent_altitude;
altitude -= diff;
function RotateVector(rotation, vector) {
return new Vector(
rotation.rot[0][0] * vector.x + rotation.rot[1][0] * vector.y + rotation.rot[2][0] * vector.z,
rotation.rot[0][1] * vector.x + rotation.rot[1][1] * vector.y + rotation.rot[2][1] * vector.z,
rotation.rot[0][2] * vector.x + rotation.rot[1][2] * vector.y + rotation.rot[2][2] * vector.z
exports.RotateVector = RotateVector;
function Rotation_EQD_HOR(observer) {
const sinlat = Math.sin(observer.latitude * exports.DEG2RAD);
const coslat = Math.cos(observer.latitude * exports.DEG2RAD);
const sinlon = Math.sin(observer.longitude * exports.DEG2RAD);
const coslon = Math.cos(observer.longitude * exports.DEG2RAD);
const uz = [coslat * coslon, coslat * sinlon, sinlat];
const un = [-sinlat * coslon, -sinlat * sinlon, coslat];
const uw = [sinlon, -coslon, 0];
return new RotationMatrix([
[un[0], uw[0], uz[0]],
[un[1], uw[1], uz[1]],
[un[2], uw[2], uz[2]],
function Rotation_HOR_EQD(observer) {
const rot = Rotation_EQD_HOR(observer);
return InverseRotation(rot);
exports.Rotation_HOR_EQD = Rotation_HOR_EQD;
const Astronomy = require('./astronomy.js');
function ParseNumber(name, text) {
const x = Number(text);
if (!Number.isFinite(x)) {
console.error(`ERROR: Not a valid numeric value for ${name}: "${text}"`);
return x;
function DotProduct(a, b) {
return a.x*b.x + a.y*b.y + a.z*b.z;
function AddScale(sa, va, sb, vb) {
return new Astronomy.Vector(
sa*va.x + sb*vb.x,
sa*va.y + sb*vb.y,
sa*va.z + sb*vb.z,
function DirectionVector(observer, altitude, azimuth) {
// Convert horizontal angles to a horizontal unit vector.
const hor = new Astronomy.Spherical(altitude, azimuth, 1.0);
const hvec = Astronomy.VectorFromHorizon(hor);
// Find the rotation matrix that converts horizontal vectors to equatorial vectors.
const rot = Astronomy.Rotation_HOR_EQD(observer);
// Rotate the horizontal (HOR) vector to an equator-of-date (EQD) vector.
const evec = Astronomy.RotateVector(rot, hvec);
return evec;
function Intersect(pos1, dir1, pos2, dir2) {
const F = DotProduct(dir1, dir2);
const amb = AddScale(+1, pos1, -1, pos2); // amb = pos1 - pos2
const E = DotProduct(dir1, amb);
const G = DotProduct(dir2, amb);
const denom = 1 - F*F;
if (denom == 0.0) {
console.error('ERROR: Cannot solve because directions are parallel.');
const u = (F*G - E) / denom;
const v = G + F*u;
if (u < 0.0 || v < 0.0) {
console.error('ERROR: Lines of sight do not converge.');
const a = AddScale(1, pos1, u, dir1); // a = pos1 + u*dir1
const b = AddScale(1, pos2, v, dir2); // b = pos2 + v*dir2
const c = AddScale(0.5, a, 0.5, b); // c = (a+b)/2
const miss = AddScale(+1, a, -1, b); // miss = a-b
const dist = (Astronomy.KM_PER_AU * 1000 / 2) * miss.Length(); // error radius in meters
const obs = Astronomy.VectorObserver(c, true);
console.log(`Solution: lat = ${obs.latitude.toFixed(6)}, lon = ${obs.longitude.toFixed(6)}, elv = ${obs.height.toFixed(3)} meters; error = ${dist.toFixed(3)} meters`);
function Demo() {
if (process.argv.length === 12) {
// Validate and parse command line arguments.
const lat1 = ParseNumber("lat1", process.argv[ 2]);
const lon1 = ParseNumber("lon1", process.argv[ 3]);
const elv1 = ParseNumber("elv1", process.argv[ 4]);
const az1 = ParseNumber("az1", process.argv[ 5]);
const alt1 = ParseNumber("alt1", process.argv[ 6]);
const lat2 = ParseNumber("lat2", process.argv[ 7]);
const lon2 = ParseNumber("lon2", process.argv[ 8]);
const elv2 = ParseNumber("elv2", process.argv[ 9]);
const az2 = ParseNumber("az2", process.argv[10]);
const alt2 = ParseNumber("alt2", process.argv[11]);
const obs1 = new Astronomy.Observer(lat1, lon1, elv1);
const obs2 = new Astronomy.Observer(lat2, lon2, elv2);
console.log({ obs1, obs2 });
// Convert geographic coordinates of the observers to vectors.
const pos1 = Astronomy.ObserverVector(obs1, true);
const pos2 = Astronomy.ObserverVector(obs2, true);
console.log({ pos1, pos2 });
// Convert horizontal coordinates into unit direction vectors.
const dir1 = DirectionVector(obs1, alt1, az1);
const dir2 = DirectionVector(obs2, alt2, az2);
console.log({ dir1, dir2 });
// Find the closest point between the skew lines.
Intersect(pos1, dir1, pos2, dir2);
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