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Created October 18, 2012 17:52
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weird pg_restore behavior
Looking about a weird scenario, when I try to restore only one table from a dump,
but the restore does not work, without any errors.
$ psql -d postgres
psql (9.1.3)
Type "help" for help.
postgres=# create database my_poc;
postgres=# not null default nextval('testschema.testtable_id_seq'::regclass)
postgres=# \c my_poc
You are now connected to database "my_poc" as user "pgsql".
my_poc=# create schema testschema;
my_poc=# CREATE TABLE testschema.testtable
my_poc-# (
my_poc(# id serial,
my_poc(# name character varying(255),
my_poc(# CONSTRAINT pk_testtable PRIMARY KEY (id)
my_poc(# )
my_poc-# WITH (
my_poc(# OIDS = FALSE
my_poc(# )
my_poc-# ;
NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "testtable_id_seq" for serial column ""
NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "pk_testtable" for table "testtable"
my_poc=# insert into testschema.testtable (name) values ('nome1'),('nome2'),('nome3');
my_poc=# \d testschema.testtable
Table "testschema.testtable"
Column | Type | Modifiers
id | integer | not null default nextval('testschema.testtable_id_seq'::regclass)
name | character varying(255) |
"pk_testtable" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
So far so good, let's observe that I have a default value (for the sequence).
Then I create the dump....
$ pg_dump -U postgres -Fc -b -f my_poc.dump my_poc
$ pg_restore -l my_poc.dump
; Archive created at Thu Oct 18 14:20:43 2012
; dbname: my_poc
; TOC Entries: 16
; Compression: -1
; Dump Version: 1.12-0
; Format: CUSTOM
; Integer: 4 bytes
; Offset: 8 bytes
; Dumped from database version: 9.1.3
; Dumped by pg_dump version: 9.1.3
; Selected TOC Entries:
2169; 1262 50650175 DATABASE - my_poc pgsql
6; 2615 2200 SCHEMA - public pgsql
2170; 0 0 COMMENT - SCHEMA public pgsql
2171; 0 0 ACL - public pgsql
7; 2615 50650354 SCHEMA - testschema pgsql
164; 3079 11955 EXTENSION - plpgsql
2172; 0 0 COMMENT - EXTENSION plpgsql
163; 1259 50650357 TABLE testschema testtable pgsql
162; 1259 50650355 SEQUENCE testschema testtable_id_seq pgsql
2173; 0 0 SEQUENCE OWNED BY testschema testtable_id_seq pgsql
2174; 0 0 SEQUENCE SET testschema testtable_id_seq pgsql
2163; 2604 50650360 DEFAULT testschema id pgsql
2166; 0 50650357 TABLE DATA testschema testtable pgsql
2165; 2606 50650362 CONSTRAINT testschema pk_testtable pgsql
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Then, I tried to reproduce the error...
besides pg_restore have worked fine, it does not create the table in the right schema
and do not create the sequence and the default value...
$ pg_restore -t testschema.testtable -d my_poc2 my_poc.dump
$ psql -d postgres
psql (9.1.3)
Type "help" for help.
postgres=# \c my_poc2
You are now connected to database "my_poc2" as user "pgsql".
my_poc2=# \d
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | testtable | table | pgsql
(1 row)
my_poc2=# \d+ testtable
Table "public.testtable"
Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Description
id | integer | not null | plain |
name | character varying(255) | | extended |
Has OIDs: no
my_poc2=# select * from testtable;
id | name
1 | nome1
2 | nome2
3 | nome3
(3 rows)
then I tried to run more tests.. (including pass -n testschema) but the restore stoped to work...
$ createdb my_poc3
$ pg_restore -v -t testschema.testtable -d my_poc3 my_poc.dump
pg_restore: connecting to database for restore
pg_restore: implied data-only restore
$ psql my_poc3
psql (9.1.3)
Type "help" for help.
my_poc3=# \d
No relations found.
my_poc3=# \dn
List of schemas
Name | Owner
public | pgsql
(1 row)
$ createdb my_poc5
$ pg_restore -v -t testschema.testtable -d my_poc5 my_poc.dump
pg_restore: connecting to database for restore
pg_restore: implied data-only restore
$ psql my_poc5
psql (9.1.3)
Type "help" for help.
my_poc5=# \d
No relations found.
my_poc5=# \q
$ pg_restore -l my_poc.dump
; Archive created at Thu Oct 18 14:20:43 2012
; dbname: my_poc
; TOC Entries: 16
; Compression: -1
; Dump Version: 1.12-0
; Format: CUSTOM
; Integer: 4 bytes
; Offset: 8 bytes
; Dumped from database version: 9.1.3
; Dumped by pg_dump version: 9.1.3
; Selected TOC Entries:
2169; 1262 50650175 DATABASE - my_poc pgsql
6; 2615 2200 SCHEMA - public pgsql
2170; 0 0 COMMENT - SCHEMA public pgsql
2171; 0 0 ACL - public pgsql
7; 2615 50650354 SCHEMA - testschema pgsql
164; 3079 11955 EXTENSION - plpgsql
2172; 0 0 COMMENT - EXTENSION plpgsql
163; 1259 50650357 TABLE testschema testtable pgsql
162; 1259 50650355 SEQUENCE testschema testtable_id_seq pgsql
2173; 0 0 SEQUENCE OWNED BY testschema testtable_id_seq pgsql
2174; 0 0 SEQUENCE SET testschema testtable_id_seq pgsql
2163; 2604 50650360 DEFAULT testschema id pgsql
2166; 0 50650357 TABLE DATA testschema testtable pgsql
2165; 2606 50650362 CONSTRAINT testschema pk_testtable pgsql
$ pg_restore -v -t testschema.testtable -d my_poc5 my_poc.dump
pg_restore: connecting to database for restore
pg_restore: implied data-only restore
$ psql my_poc5
psql (9.1.3)
Type "help" for help.
my_poc5=# \d
No relations found.
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