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Last active May 21, 2020 03:36
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  • Save vinnom/6132bf29e84f04c017632ed72cd63d47 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save vinnom/6132bf29e84f04c017632ed72cd63d47 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
05-20 19:23:46.950 E/droid.bluetoot(16088): Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
05-20 19:23:47.153 E/bt_btif_storage(16088): btif_storage_get_adapter_property: Controller not ready! Unable to return Bluetooth Address
05-20 19:23:47.153 E/BluetoothServiceJni(16088): adapter_properties_callback: Status 1 is incorrect
05-20 19:23:47.222 E/vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-power_manager(747):
05-20 19:23:47.222 E/vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-power_manager(747): bt_power_cherokee enable (0)
05-20 19:23:47.222 E/vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-power_manager(747):
05-20 19:23:47.222 E/vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-power_manager(747): bt_power_cherokee enable (1)
05-20 19:23:47.467 E/vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-bluetooth_address(747): fetch_persist_bdaddr: c6:00:59
05-20 19:23:47.473 E/vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-power_manager(747):
05-20 19:23:47.473 E/vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-power_manager(747): bt soc version (1073807892)
05-20 19:23:47.473 E/vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager(747): PatchVerReq: rsp[CMD_RSP_OFFSET] = 0 , rsp[RSP_TYPE_OFFSET] = 2
05-20 19:23:47.494 E/vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager(747): /bt_firmware/image/crbtfw21.tlv File Open Fail
05-20 19:23:48.477 E/vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager(747): /bt_firmware/image/crnv21.b00 File Open Fail
05-20 19:23:48.478 E/vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager(747): /vendor/bt_firmware/image/crnv21.b00 File Opening from alternate path: Fail
05-20 19:23:48.478 E/vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager(747): /bt_firmware/image/crnv21.bin File Open Fail
05-20 19:23:48.484 E/vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager(747): BT TAG83 update: 07, 07, 07, 00, 01, 03, 05, 07
05-20 19:23:48.679 E/bt_btif_storage(16088): btif_storage_get_adapter_property: Controller ready!
05-20 19:23:48.742 E/NotificationService(1364): Suppressing notification from package by user request.
05-20 19:23:48.754 E/a2dp_vendor_ldac_decoder(16088): A2DP_VendorLoadDecoderLdac: cannot open LDAC decoder library dlopen failed: library "" not found
05-20 19:23:48.754 E/a2dp_vendor_ldac(16088): init: cannot load the decoder
05-20 19:23:48.755 E/a2dp_vendor_ldac_decoder(16088): A2DP_VendorLoadDecoderLdac: cannot open LDAC decoder library dlopen failed: library "" not found
05-20 19:23:48.755 E/a2dp_vendor_ldac(16088): init: cannot load the decoder
05-20 19:23:48.756 E/a2dp_vendor_ldac_decoder(16088): A2DP_VendorLoadDecoderLdac: cannot open LDAC decoder library dlopen failed: library "" not found
05-20 19:23:48.756 E/a2dp_vendor_ldac(16088): init: cannot load the decoder
05-20 19:23:48.757 E/a2dp_vendor_ldac_decoder(16088): A2DP_VendorLoadDecoderLdac: cannot open LDAC decoder library dlopen failed: library "" not found
05-20 19:23:48.757 E/a2dp_vendor_ldac(16088): init: cannot load the decoder
05-20 19:23:48.757 E/a2dp_vendor_ldac_decoder(16088): A2DP_VendorLoadDecoderLdac: cannot open LDAC decoder library dlopen failed: library "" not found
05-20 19:23:48.757 E/a2dp_vendor_ldac(16088): init: cannot load the decoder
05-20 19:23:48.758 E/a2dp_vendor_ldac_decoder(16088): A2DP_VendorLoadDecoderLdac: cannot open LDAC decoder library dlopen failed: library "" not found
05-20 19:23:48.758 E/a2dp_vendor_ldac(16088): init: cannot load the decoder
05-20 19:23:48.866 E/PodcastsMBService(13163): is not authorized to browse contents.
05-20 19:23:48.869 E/MediaBrowser(16088): onConnectFailed for ComponentInfo{}
05-20 19:23:48.881 E/MediaBrowser(16088): onConnectFailed for ComponentInfo{}
05-20 19:23:48.930 E/ Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
05-20 19:23:48.932 E/cutils-trace(16165): Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
05-20 19:23:48.935 E/VrService(16165): hw_get_module vr failed: -2
05-20 19:23:48.935 E/android.hardware.vr@1.0-service(16165): Could not get passthrough implementation for android.hardware.vr@1.0::IVr/default.
05-20 19:23:48.999 E/CachedBluetoothDevice(2202): updating profiles for Redmi AirDots_R, 1C:52:16:CA:01:D6
05-20 19:23:49.020 E/a.podcastaddic(16186): Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
05-20 19:23:49.029 E/tifier.freemiu(16202): Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
05-20 19:23:49.058 E/ametime.nba201(16229): Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
05-20 19:23:49.120 E/android.youtub(16258): Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
05-20 19:23:49.139 E/egram.messenge(16274): Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
05-20 19:23:49.278 E/PA_PlayerHelper(16186): Starting Player service...
05-20 19:23:49.287 E/ametime.nba201(16229): Invalid ID 0x00000000.
05-20 19:23:49.324 E/YouTube (16258): flushBinderConnectionCallbacks is unverified on SDK 29
05-20 19:23:49.443 E/PA_PackageValidator(16186): onGetRoot().isCallerAllowed(, 1002)
05-20 19:23:49.489 E/GmsClient(16258): unable to connect to service: on
05-20 19:23:49.490 E/GEL_DELAYED_EVENT_DEBUG(16258): Failed delayed event dispatch, no dispatchers.
05-20 19:23:49.624 E/Performance(16186): Tracking startup - initPodcastCache() - Podcast cache initialized with 26 entries => 301ms
05-20 19:23:49.719 E/ResolverController(644): No valid NAT64 prefix (101, <unspecified>/0)
05-20 19:23:50.065 E/e.process.gapp(16705): Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
05-20 19:23:50.105 E/PA_PackageValidator(16186): onGetRoot().isCallerAllowed(, 1002)
05-20 19:23:50.126 E/ActivityThread(16274): Failed to find provider info for com.teslacoilsw.notifier
05-20 19:23:50.129 E/MediaBrowser(16088): onConnectFailed for ComponentInfo{org.telegram.messenger/org.telegram.messenger.MusicBrowserService}
05-20 19:23:50.132 E/ActivityThread(16274): Failed to find provider info for com.teslacoilsw.notifier
05-20 19:23:50.314 E/FBAudienceNetwork(16202): You are using custom Application class and don't call AudienceNetworkAds.isInAdsProcess(). Multi-process support will be disabled. Please call AudienceNetworkAds.isInAdsProcess() if you want to support multi-process mode.
05-20 19:23:50.345 E/FA (16258): Missing google_app_id. Firebase Analytics disabled. See
05-20 19:23:50.349 E/FA (16258): Uploading is not possible. App measurement disabled
05-20 19:23:50.457 E/ocessService0:(16782): Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
05-20 19:23:50.517 E/GmsClient(16258): unable to connect to service: on
05-20 19:23:50.524 E/sensors-hal(763): ~worker:70, pthread_join iRet = 0
05-20 19:23:50.526 E/sensors-hal(763): ~worker:70, pthread_join iRet = 0
05-20 19:23:52.564 E/GmsClient(16258): unable to connect to service: on
05-20 19:23:53.488 E/audio_hw_primary(744): adev_open_output_stream: Primary output is already opened
05-20 19:23:53.680 E/bt_btif_sock_rfcomm(16088): find_rfc_slot_by_id unable to find RFCOMM slot id: 5
05-20 19:23:53.694 E/ResolverController(644): No valid NAT64 prefix (101, <unspecified>/0)
05-20 19:23:53.730 E/audio_hw_primary(744): offload_thread_loop: Compress handle is NULL
05-20 19:23:53.918 E/cutils-trace(16846): Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
05-20 19:23:53.920 E/VrService(16846): hw_get_module vr failed: -2
05-20 19:23:53.921 E/android.hardware.vr@1.0-service(16846): Could not get passthrough implementation for android.hardware.vr@1.0::IVr/default.
05-20 19:23:55.590 E/GmsClient(16258): unable to connect to service: on
05-20 19:23:55.620 E/bt_btif (16088): btif_rc_get_device_by_bda: device not found, returning NULL!
05-20 19:23:55.620 E/bt_btif (16088): btif_rc_check_handle_pending_play: p_dev NULL
05-20 19:23:55.645 E/btaudio_offload_qti(744): btapoffload_port_init, bluetooth provider session is not avail
05-20 19:23:55.646 E/btaudio_offload_qti(744): audio_stream_open_qti: failed
05-20 19:23:55.682 E/audio_hw_primary(744): offload_thread_loop: Compress handle is NULL
--------- beginning of crash
05-20 19:23:55.707 E/AndroidRuntime(2202): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
05-20 19:23:55.707 E/AndroidRuntime(2202): Process:, PID: 2202
05-20 19:23:55.707 E/AndroidRuntime(2202): java.lang.RuntimeException: Error receiving broadcast Intent { act=android.bluetooth.device.action.BATTERY_LEVEL_CHANGED flg=0x5000010 (has extras) } in$6@6a59034
05-20 19:23:55.707 E/AndroidRuntime(2202): at$ReceiverDispatcher$Args.lambda$getRunnable$0$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args(
05-20 19:23:55.707 E/AndroidRuntime(2202): at$$Lambda$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args$ Source:2)
05-20 19:23:55.707 E/AndroidRuntime(2202): at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
05-20 19:23:55.707 E/AndroidRuntime(2202): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
05-20 19:23:55.707 E/AndroidRuntime(2202): at android.os.Looper.loop(
05-20 19:23:55.707 E/AndroidRuntime(2202): at
05-20 19:23:55.707 E/AndroidRuntime(2202): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
05-20 19:23:55.707 E/AndroidRuntime(2202): at$
05-20 19:23:55.707 E/AndroidRuntime(2202): at
05-20 19:23:55.707 E/AndroidRuntime(2202): Caused by: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0
05-20 19:23:55.707 E/AndroidRuntime(2202): at java.util.ArrayList.get(
05-20 19:23:55.707 E/AndroidRuntime(2202): at
05-20 19:23:55.707 E/AndroidRuntime(2202): at$1300(
05-20 19:23:55.707 E/AndroidRuntime(2202): at$6.onReceive(
05-20 19:23:55.707 E/AndroidRuntime(2202): at$ReceiverDispatcher$Args.lambda$getRunnable$0$LoadedApk$ReceiverDispatcher$Args(
05-20 19:23:55.707 E/AndroidRuntime(2202): ... 8 more
05-20 19:23:55.736 E/InputDispatcher(1364): channel '4dc85d5 DockedStackDivider (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
05-20 19:23:55.736 E/InputDispatcher(1364): channel '52f04f6 (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
05-20 19:23:55.745 E/InputDispatcher(1364): channel '2c483ff ScreenDecorOverlayBottom (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
05-20 19:23:55.745 E/InputDispatcher(1364): channel 'afdb879 ScreenDecorOverlay (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
05-20 19:23:55.746 E/InputDispatcher(1364): channel '25b1b92 StatusBar (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
05-20 19:23:55.746 E/InputDispatcher(1364): channel '3d2aa3b NavigationBar0 (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
05-20 19:23:55.746 E/InputDispatcher(1364): channel 'db973b9 AssistPreviewPanel (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
05-20 19:23:55.749 E/BiometricService(1364): Enabled callback binder died
05-20 19:23:55.750 E/FingerprintService(1364): Lockout reset callback binder died
05-20 19:23:55.764 E/InputDispatcher(1364): Window handle Window{3d2aa3b u0 NavigationBar0} has no registered input channel
05-20 19:23:55.764 E/InputDispatcher(1364): Window handle Window{25b1b92 u0 StatusBar} has no registered input channel
05-20 19:23:55.811 E/ndroid.systemu(16870): Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
05-20 19:23:56.022 E/ion (16870): ioctl c0044901 failed with code -1: Invalid argument
05-20 19:23:56.031 E/bt_btif_sock_rfcomm(16088): find_rfc_slot_by_id unable to find RFCOMM slot id: 6
05-20 19:23:56.278 E/CachedBluetoothDevice(16870): updating profiles for Redmi AirDots_R, 1C:52:16:CA:01:D6
05-20 19:23:56.351 E/ndroid.keychai(16926): Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
05-20 19:23:57.101 E/cutils-trace(16870): Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
05-20 19:23:58.908 E/cutils-trace(16974): Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
05-20 19:23:58.910 E/VrService(16974): hw_get_module vr failed: -2
05-20 19:23:58.910 E/android.hardware.vr@1.0-service(16974): Could not get passthrough implementation for android.hardware.vr@1.0::IVr/default.
05-20 19:23:59.466 E/ResolverController(644): No valid NAT64 prefix (101, <unspecified>/0)
05-20 19:23:59.630 E/GmsClient(16258): unable to connect to service: on
05-20 19:23:59.690 E/NBA - UALib(16229): Channel registration failed with status: 401
05-20 19:24:00.227 E/sensors-hal(763): ~worker:70, pthread_join iRet = 0
05-20 19:24:03.933 E/cutils-trace(17012): Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
05-20 19:24:03.935 E/VrService(17012): hw_get_module vr failed: -2
05-20 19:24:03.935 E/android.hardware.vr@1.0-service(17012): Could not get passthrough implementation for android.hardware.vr@1.0::IVr/default.
05-20 19:24:08.916 E/ssioncontrolle(17023): Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
05-20 19:24:08.924 E/cutils-trace(17033): Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
05-20 19:24:08.926 E/VrService(17033): hw_get_module vr failed: -2
05-20 19:24:08.926 E/android.hardware.vr@1.0-service(17033): Could not get passthrough implementation for android.hardware.vr@1.0::IVr/default.
05-20 19:24:09.132 E/cutils-trace(17023): Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
05-20 19:24:10.542 E/hod.latin:trai(17101): Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
05-20 19:24:13.506 E/InputDispatcher(1364): Window handle Window{9902d7 u0 PopupWindow:ac98b4f} has no registered input channel
05-20 19:24:13.936 E/cutils-trace(17157): Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
05-20 19:24:13.938 E/VrService(17157): hw_get_module vr failed: -2
05-20 19:24:13.938 E/android.hardware.vr@1.0-service(17157): Could not get passthrough implementation for android.hardware.vr@1.0::IVr/default.
05-20 19:24:15.177 E/native (13240): Cannot create graph rescoring model.
05-20 19:24:15.187 E/native (13240): Cannot create graph rescoring model.
05-20 19:24:18.965 E/cutils-trace(17201): Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
05-20 19:24:18.968 E/VrService(17201): hw_get_module vr failed: -2
05-20 19:24:18.968 E/android.hardware.vr@1.0-service(17201): Could not get passthrough implementation for android.hardware.vr@1.0::IVr/default.
05-20 19:24:23.802 E/ResolverController(644): No valid NAT64 prefix (101, <unspecified>/0)
05-20 19:24:23.974 E/cutils-trace(17241): Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
05-20 19:24:23.976 E/VrService(17241): hw_get_module vr failed: -2
05-20 19:24:23.977 E/android.hardware.vr@1.0-service(17241): Could not get passthrough implementation for android.hardware.vr@1.0::IVr/default.
05-20 19:24:28.988 E/cutils-trace(17282): Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
05-20 19:24:28.991 E/VrService(17282): hw_get_module vr failed: -2
05-20 19:24:28.991 E/android.hardware.vr@1.0-service(17282): Could not get passthrough implementation for android.hardware.vr@1.0::IVr/default.
05-21 00:32:52.230 E/cutils-trace(14626): Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
05-21 00:32:52.233 E/VrService(14626): hw_get_module vr failed: -2
05-21 00:32:52.233 E/android.hardware.vr@1.0-service(14626): Could not get passthrough implementation for android.hardware.vr@1.0::IVr/default.
05-21 00:32:54.240 E/droid.bluetoot(14645): Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
05-21 00:32:54.451 E/bt_btif_storage(14645): btif_storage_get_adapter_property: Controller not ready! Unable to return Bluetooth Address
05-21 00:32:54.451 E/BluetoothServiceJni(14645): adapter_properties_callback: Status 1 is incorrect
05-21 00:32:54.533 E/vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-power_manager(747):
05-21 00:32:54.533 E/vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-power_manager(747): bt_power_cherokee enable (0)
05-21 00:32:54.533 E/vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-power_manager(747):
05-21 00:32:54.533 E/vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-power_manager(747): bt_power_cherokee enable (1)
05-21 00:32:54.778 E/vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-bluetooth_address(747): fetch_persist_bdaddr: c6:00:59
05-21 00:32:54.785 E/vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-power_manager(747):
05-21 00:32:54.785 E/vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-power_manager(747): bt soc version (1073807892)
05-21 00:32:54.785 E/vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager(747): PatchVerReq: rsp[CMD_RSP_OFFSET] = 0 , rsp[RSP_TYPE_OFFSET] = 2
05-21 00:32:54.806 E/vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager(747): /bt_firmware/image/crbtfw21.tlv File Open Fail
05-21 00:32:55.787 E/vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager(747): /bt_firmware/image/crnv21.b00 File Open Fail
05-21 00:32:55.788 E/vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager(747): /vendor/bt_firmware/image/crnv21.b00 File Opening from alternate path: Fail
05-21 00:32:55.788 E/vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager(747): /bt_firmware/image/crnv21.bin File Open Fail
05-21 00:32:55.792 E/vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-patch_dl_manager(747): BT TAG83 update: 07, 07, 07, 00, 01, 03, 05, 07
05-21 00:32:55.996 E/bt_btif_storage(14645): btif_storage_get_adapter_property: Controller ready!
05-21 00:32:56.054 E/a2dp_vendor_ldac_decoder(14645): A2DP_VendorLoadDecoderLdac: cannot open LDAC decoder library dlopen failed: library "" not found
05-21 00:32:56.054 E/a2dp_vendor_ldac(14645): init: cannot load the decoder
05-21 00:32:56.055 E/a2dp_vendor_ldac_decoder(14645): A2DP_VendorLoadDecoderLdac: cannot open LDAC decoder library dlopen failed: library "" not found
05-21 00:32:56.055 E/a2dp_vendor_ldac(14645): init: cannot load the decoder
05-21 00:32:56.055 E/a2dp_vendor_ldac_decoder(14645): A2DP_VendorLoadDecoderLdac: cannot open LDAC decoder library dlopen failed: library "" not found
05-21 00:32:56.055 E/a2dp_vendor_ldac(14645): init: cannot load the decoder
05-21 00:32:56.056 E/a2dp_vendor_ldac_decoder(14645): A2DP_VendorLoadDecoderLdac: cannot open LDAC decoder library dlopen failed: library "" not found
05-21 00:32:56.056 E/a2dp_vendor_ldac(14645): init: cannot load the decoder
05-21 00:32:56.057 E/a2dp_vendor_ldac_decoder(14645): A2DP_VendorLoadDecoderLdac: cannot open LDAC decoder library dlopen failed: library "" not found
05-21 00:32:56.057 E/a2dp_vendor_ldac(14645): init: cannot load the decoder
05-21 00:32:56.058 E/a2dp_vendor_ldac_decoder(14645): A2DP_VendorLoadDecoderLdac: cannot open LDAC decoder library dlopen failed: library "" not found
05-21 00:32:56.058 E/a2dp_vendor_ldac(14645): init: cannot load the decoder
05-21 00:32:56.203 E/ Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
05-21 00:32:56.211 E/PA_PackageValidator(16186): onGetRoot().isCallerAllowed(, 1002)
05-21 00:32:56.230 E/CachedBluetoothDevice(16870): updating profiles for Redmi AirDots_R, 1C:52:16:CA:01:D6
05-21 00:32:56.271 E/hirdpartyclien(14748): Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
05-21 00:32:56.278 E/PodcastsMBService(31642): is not authorized to browse contents.
05-21 00:32:56.326 E/MediaBrowser(14645): onConnectFailed for ComponentInfo{}
05-21 00:32:56.355 E/MediaBrowser(14645): onConnectFailed for ComponentInfo{org.telegram.messenger/org.telegram.messenger.MusicBrowserService}
05-21 00:32:56.369 E/tifier.freemiu(14777): Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
05-21 00:32:56.370 E/ Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
05-21 00:32:56.374 E/PA_PackageValidator(16186): onGetRoot().isCallerAllowed(, 1002)
05-21 00:32:56.405 E/ametime.nba201(14800): Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
05-21 00:32:57.065 E/ametime.nba201(14800): Invalid ID 0x00000000.
05-21 00:32:57.285 E/cutils-trace(15026): Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
05-21 00:32:57.288 E/VrService(15026): hw_get_module vr failed: -2
05-21 00:32:57.289 E/android.hardware.vr@1.0-service(15026): Could not get passthrough implementation for android.hardware.vr@1.0::IVr/default.
05-21 00:32:57.386 E/StaticCredentialMetricsTransport(14748): Static token cannot be null or empty
05-21 00:32:57.404 E/MediaBrowser(14645): onConnectFailed for ComponentInfo{}
05-21 00:32:57.500 E/GEL_DELAYED_EVENT_DEBUG(14763): Failed delayed event dispatch, no dispatchers.
05-21 00:32:57.553 E/ResolverController(644): No valid NAT64 prefix (101, <unspecified>/0)
05-21 00:32:57.633 E/FBAudienceNetwork(14777): You are using custom Application class and don't call AudienceNetworkAds.isInAdsProcess(). Multi-process support will be disabled. Please call AudienceNetworkAds.isInAdsProcess() if you want to support multi-process mode.
05-21 00:32:57.806 E/GoogleTagManager(14763): Invalid macro: _gtm.loadEventEnabled
05-21 00:32:57.830 E/sensors-hal(763): ~worker:70, pthread_join iRet = 0
05-21 00:32:57.831 E/sensors-hal(763): ~worker:70, pthread_join iRet = 0
05-21 00:32:57.855 E/GoogleTagManager(14763): Invalid macro: _gtm.loadEventEnabled
05-21 00:32:57.964 E/GoogleTagManager(14763): Unsupported Value Escaping: 3
05-21 00:32:57.980 E/GoogleTagManager(14763): Unsupported Value Escaping: 3
05-21 00:32:57.996 E/GoogleTagManager(14763): Unsupported Value Escaping: 3
05-21 00:32:58.049 E/GoogleTagManager(14763): Unsupported Value Escaping: 3
05-21 00:32:58.062 E/GoogleTagManager(14763): Unsupported Value Escaping: 3
05-21 00:32:58.088 E/ResolverController(644): No valid NAT64 prefix (101, <unspecified>/0)
05-21 00:32:58.314 E/ocessService0:(15209): Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
05-21 00:32:58.441 E/GoogleTagManager(14763): Invalid macro: _gtm.loadEventEnabled
05-21 00:32:58.455 E/ResolverController(644): No valid NAT64 prefix (101, <unspecified>/0)
05-21 00:32:59.896 E/ResolverController(644): No valid NAT64 prefix (101, <unspecified>/0)
05-21 00:33:00.014 E/ResolverController(644): No valid NAT64 prefix (101, <unspecified>/0)
05-21 00:33:00.039 E/ResolverController(644): No valid NAT64 prefix (101, <unspecified>/0)
05-21 00:33:00.118 E/....thirdpartyclient/ia(14748): Cannot get Build.getSerial(). No READ_PHONE_STATE or READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE permission granted
05-21 00:33:00.118 E/....thirdpartyclient/ia(14748): Cannot get build serial, return null
05-21 00:33:00.226 E/DrmWidevineDash(755): g_mutex is null
05-21 00:33:00.227 E/DrmWidevineDash(755): g_mutex is null
05-21 00:33:00.250 E/QC-time-services(568): Receive Passed == base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2, result = 0
05-21 00:33:00.250 E/QC-time-services(945): Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection
05-21 00:33:00.313 E/ResolverController(644): No valid NAT64 prefix (101, <unspecified>/0)
05-21 00:33:00.322 E/DrmWidevineDash(755): g_mutex is null
05-21 00:33:00.323 E/DrmWidevineDash(755): g_mutex is null
05-21 00:33:00.338 E/QC-time-services(568): Receive Passed == base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2, result = 0
05-21 00:33:00.338 E/QC-time-services(945): Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection
05-21 00:33:00.592 E/DrmWidevineDash(755): g_mutex is null
05-21 00:33:00.593 E/DrmWidevineDash(755): g_mutex is null
05-21 00:33:00.608 E/QC-time-services(568): Receive Passed == base = 13, unit = 1, operation = 2, result = 0
05-21 00:33:00.608 E/QC-time-services(945): Daemon: Time-services: Waiting to acceptconnection
05-21 00:33:00.776 E/audio_hw_primary(744): adev_open_output_stream: Primary output is already opened
05-21 00:33:00.817 E/audio_hw_primary(744): offload_thread_loop: Compress handle is NULL
05-21 00:33:01.150 E/ResolverController(644): No valid NAT64 prefix (101, <unspecified>/0)
05-21 00:33:01.150 E/ResolverController(644): No valid NAT64 prefix (101, <unspecified>/0)
05-21 00:33:01.150 E/ResolverController(644): No valid NAT64 prefix (101, <unspecified>/0)
05-21 00:33:01.150 E/ResolverController(644): No valid NAT64 prefix (101, <unspecified>/0)
05-21 00:33:01.155 E/ResolverController(644): No valid NAT64 prefix (101, <unspecified>/0)
05-21 00:33:01.518 E/AmazonVideo(14748): EXCEPTION JsonContractException in AppStartupConfigResponse$KeyValueEntryParser.parse: Encountered JsonContractException parsing list entry for additionalConfig; will drop from the list: expected value for key latestVersion and it wasn't found (or failed to parse) in the json
05-21 00:33:01.576 E/bt_btif_sock_rfcomm(14645): find_rfc_slot_by_id unable to find RFCOMM slot id: 5
05-21 00:33:02.263 E/cutils-trace(15382): Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
05-21 00:33:02.267 E/VrService(15382): hw_get_module vr failed: -2
05-21 00:33:02.268 E/android.hardware.vr@1.0-service(15382): Could not get passthrough implementation for android.hardware.vr@1.0::IVr/default.
05-21 00:33:05.458 E/bt_btif (14645): btif_rc_get_device_by_bda: device not found, returning NULL!
05-21 00:33:05.458 E/bt_btif (14645): btif_rc_check_handle_pending_play: p_dev NULL
05-21 00:33:05.458 E/HeadsetStateMachine(14645): Connected: currentDevice=1C:52:16:CA:01:D6, msg=Unexpected msg INTENT_SCO_VOLUME_CHANGED: { when=-1ms what=7 obj=Intent { flg=0x14000010 (has extras) }$SmHandler }
05-21 00:33:05.504 E/btaudio_offload_qti(744): btapoffload_port_init, bluetooth provider session is not avail
05-21 00:33:05.504 E/btaudio_offload_qti(744): audio_stream_open_qti: failed
05-21 00:33:05.545 E/audio_hw_primary(744): offload_thread_loop: Compress handle is NULL
05-21 00:33:06.546 E/bt_btif_sock_rfcomm(14645): find_rfc_slot_by_id unable to find RFCOMM slot id: 6
05-21 00:33:07.238 E/cutils-trace(15416): Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
05-21 00:33:07.240 E/VrService(15416): hw_get_module vr failed: -2
05-21 00:33:07.240 E/android.hardware.vr@1.0-service(15416): Could not get passthrough implementation for android.hardware.vr@1.0::IVr/default.
05-21 00:33:07.295 E/ResolverController(644): No valid NAT64 prefix (101, <unspecified>/0)
05-21 00:33:07.553 E/NBA - UALib(14800): Channel registration failed with status: 401
05-21 00:33:12.223 E/hod.latin:trai(15431): Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
05-21 00:33:12.251 E/cicx (2802): *~*~*~ Channel {0} was not shutdown properly!!! ~*~*~*
05-21 00:33:12.251 E/cicx (2802): Make sure to call shutdown()/shutdownNow() and wait until awaitTermination() returns true.
05-21 00:33:12.251 E/cicx (2802): java.lang.RuntimeException: ManagedChannel allocation site
05-21 00:33:12.251 E/cicx (2802): at cicw.<init>( (120400-309763488):3)
05-21 00:33:12.251 E/cicx (2802): at cicx.<init>( (120400-309763488):2)
05-21 00:33:12.251 E/cicx (2802): at chwp.b( (120400-309763488):21)
05-21 00:33:12.251 E/cicx (2802): at shl.a( (120400-309763488):24)
05-21 00:33:12.251 E/cicx (2802): at shl.a( (120400-309763488):31)
05-21 00:33:12.251 E/cicx (2802): at ampl.a( (120400-309763488):7)
05-21 00:33:12.251 E/cicx (2802): at ampl.a( (120400-309763488):1)
05-21 00:33:12.251 E/cicx (2802): at khu.a( (120400-309763488):31)
05-21 00:33:12.251 E/cicx (2802): at Source:0)
05-21 00:33:12.251 E/cicx (2802): at
05-21 00:33:12.251 E/cicx (2802): at sob.b( (120400-309763488):12)
05-21 00:33:12.251 E/cicx (2802): at (120400-309763488):7)
05-21 00:33:12.251 E/cicx (2802): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
05-21 00:33:12.251 E/cicx (2802): at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
05-21 00:33:12.251 E/cicx (2802): at (120400-309763488):0)
05-21 00:33:12.251 E/cicx (2802): at
05-21 00:33:12.264 E/cutils-trace(15461): Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
05-21 00:33:12.266 E/VrService(15461): hw_get_module vr failed: -2
05-21 00:33:12.266 E/android.hardware.vr@1.0-service(15461): Could not get passthrough implementation for android.hardware.vr@1.0::IVr/default.
05-21 00:33:16.318 E/InputDispatcher(1364): Window handle Window{a06d9c0 u0 PopupWindow:7b173fd} has no registered input channel
05-21 00:33:17.281 E/cutils-trace(15508): Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
05-21 00:33:17.283 E/VrService(15508): hw_get_module vr failed: -2
05-21 00:33:17.283 E/android.hardware.vr@1.0-service(15508): Could not get passthrough implementation for android.hardware.vr@1.0::IVr/default.
05-21 00:33:17.897 E/native (13240): Cannot create graph rescoring model.
05-21 00:33:17.912 E/native (13240): Cannot create graph rescoring model.
05-21 00:33:19.500 E/native (13240): Cannot create graph rescoring model.
05-21 00:33:19.514 E/native (13240): Cannot create graph rescoring model.
05-21 00:33:22.294 E/cutils-trace(15564): Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
05-21 00:33:22.296 E/VrService(15564): hw_get_module vr failed: -2
05-21 00:33:22.296 E/android.hardware.vr@1.0-service(15564): Could not get passthrough implementation for android.hardware.vr@1.0::IVr/default.
05-21 00:33:27.300 E/cutils-trace(15597): Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
05-21 00:33:27.303 E/VrService(15597): hw_get_module vr failed: -2
05-21 00:33:27.303 E/android.hardware.vr@1.0-service(15597): Could not get passthrough implementation for android.hardware.vr@1.0::IVr/default.
05-15 09:09:59.377 E/cutils-trace(7943): Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
05-15 09:09:59.379 E/VrService(7943): hw_get_module vr failed: -2
05-15 09:09:59.379 E/android.hardware.vr@1.0-service(7943): Could not get passthrough implementation for android.hardware.vr@1.0::IVr/default.
05-15 09:10:04.399 E/cutils-trace(7949): Error opening trace file: No such file or directory (2)
05-15 09:10:04.401 E/VrService(7949): hw_get_module vr failed: -2
05-15 09:10:04.402 E/android.hardware.vr@1.0-service(7949): Could not get passthrough implementation for android.hardware.vr@1.0::IVr/default.
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