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Forked from joshma/WhyDidYouUpdateMixin.js
Last active March 3, 2016 02:39
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Performance Engineering with React (Part 2)
_ = require "underscore"
Drop this mixin into a component that wastes time according to Perf.getWastedTime() to find
out what state/props should be preserved. Once it says "Update avoidable!" for {state, props},
you should be able to drop in React.addons.PureRenderMixin
mixins: [WhyDidYouUpdateMixin]
isRequiredUpdateObject = (o) ->
Array.isArray(o) or (o and o.constructor is Object::constructor)
notify = (status, o1, o2) ->
console.warn('Update %s', status)
console.log('%cbefore', 'font-weight: bold', o1)
console.log('%cafter ', 'font-weight: bold', o2)
deepDiff = (o1, o2, p) ->
if !_.isEqual(o1, o2)
if [o1, o2].every(_.isFunction)
notify('avoidable?', o1, o2)
else if ![o1, o2].every(isRequiredUpdateObject)
notify('required.', o1, o2)
keys = _.union(_.keys(o1), _.keys(o2))
for key in keys
deepDiff(o1[key], o2[key], key)
else if o1 isnt o2
notify('avoidable!', o1, o2)
if _.isObject(o1) and _.isObject(o2)
keys = _.union(_.keys(o1), _.keys(o2))
for key in keys
deepDiff(o1[key], o2[key], key)
module.exports =
componentDidUpdate: (prevProps, prevState) ->
deepDiff {props: prevProps, state: prevState},
{props: @props, state: @state},
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