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Last active March 27, 2018 02:45
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  • Save vinnyoodles/ac4f3aaf79a66d882e67d3612437dfb8 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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CS 4884 HW
#PBS -l walltime=24:00:00
#PBS -l procs=4
#PBS -q normal_q
#PBS -A cs4884s18
#PBS -W group_list=newriver
# Purge existing modules.
module purge
# Load java module for running FastViromeExplorer.
module load jdk/1.8.0
# Copy the java binaries to $WORK for fast I/O operations.
cp -r $HOME/FastViromeExplorer/bin $WORK
java -cp $WORK/bin FastViromeExplorer \
-1 $WORK/mesopelagic/$1_1.fastq \
-2 $WORK/mesopelagic/$1_2.fastq \
-i $WORK/GOV_viral_contigs_EPI_MES.idx \
-l $WORK/GOV_viral_contigs_EPI_MES_list.txt \
-o $WORK/mesopelagic/$1
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