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Last active November 15, 2020 13:57
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Storm-Hive-Integration - on HDP

Download from maven central or build it from

Note: No need to setup Kafka, as this demo topology simulates the input data from a local Spout.

We will try to save records with following fields into Hive table


A) Storm Hive managed partitioned transactional table integration Demo.


create database if not exists  stormdb;
use stormdb;
CREATE TABLE `storm_person_partTransTable`( 
   `id` int ,  
   `name` string  ,  
   `phone` string  ,  
   `street` string  ) 
    PARTITIONED BY (                                    
   `state` string,
   `city` string)  
 STORED AS ORC TBLPROPERTIES ('transactional' = 'true');

1.1) Give table/db access to 'storm' user; ACL Eg: //else use Ranger

hdfs dfs -setfacl -m default:user:storm:rwx /warehouse/tablespace/managed/hive/stormdb.db

1.2) Submit storm topology

/usr/hdp/current/storm-client/bin/storm jar ./storm-hive-examples-  org.apache.storm.hive.bolt.HiveTopologyPartitioned  'thrift://'  stormdb storm_person_partTransTable storm_person_partTransTable_topology

1.3) Test the output from hive

beeline> select count(*)   from stormdb.storm_person_partTransTable limit 1 ;
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