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Last active January 12, 2024 14:59
An example of a very simple HTTP 1.0 web server in Erlang.
%% Simple web server.
-author('Steve Vinoski <>').
-export([start/1, start/2]).
%% start/1 takes a handler function and starts the web server on port 8000.
%% start/2 takes a handler function and a port number. The handler function
%% takes two arguments: a TCP socket and request data. The request data is
%% a property list indicating the invoked HTTP method, the target URI, the
%% HTTP version of the request, and a list of HTTP headers sent with the
%% request. For requests that provide data such as PUT and POST, the
%% handler function is expected to read the body off the socket. The
%% handler function returns a 3-tuple indicating the response HTTP status
%% code, the response HTTP headers in the form of {header,value} pairs, and
%% any response body. The start/2 function waits to receive a stop atom,
%% indicating it should close the listen socket and exit.
start(Handler) ->
start(Handler, 8000).
start(Handler, Port) ->
{ok, LS} = gen_tcp:listen(Port, [{reuseaddr,true},binary,{backlog,1024}]),
spawn(fun() -> accept(LS, Handler) end),
receive stop -> gen_tcp:close(LS) end.
%% The accept/2 function accepts a connection, spawns a new acceptor, and
%% then handles its incoming request.
accept(LS, Handler) ->
{ok, S} = gen_tcp:accept(LS),
ok = inet:setopts(S, [{packet,http_bin}]),
spawn(fun() -> accept(LS, Handler) end),
serve(S, Handler, [{headers, []}]).
%% The serve/3 function reads the request headers, assembles the request
%% data property list, calls the handler/2 function to handle the request,
%% and assembles and returns the response.
serve(S, Handler, Req) ->
ok = inet:setopts(S, [{active, once}]),
HttpMsg = receive
{http, S, Msg} -> Msg;
_ -> gen_tcp:close(S)
case HttpMsg of
{http_request, M, {abs_path, Uri}, Vsn} ->
NReq = [{method,M},{uri,Uri},{version,Vsn}|Req],
serve(S, Handler, NReq);
{http_header, _, Hdr, _, Val} ->
{headers, Hdrs} = lists:keyfind(headers, 1, Req),
serve(S, Handler, lists:keystore(headers, 1, Req,
{headers, [{Hdr,Val}|Hdrs]}));
http_eoh ->
ok = inet:setopts(S, [{packet, raw}]),
{Status, Hdrs, Resp} = try Handler(S, Req) catch _:_ -> {500, [], <<>>} end,
ok = gen_tcp:send(S, ["HTTP/1.0 ", integer_to_list(Status), "\r\n",
[[H, ": ", V, "\r\n"] || {H,V} <- Hdrs],
"\r\n", Resp]),
{http_error, Error} ->
ok -> ok
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