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Last active October 9, 2016 21:14
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RegisterUserFunc "Page","getChildObjects", "getChildObjects"
RegisterUserFunc "WebElement","getChildObjects", "getChildObjects"
RegisterUserFunc "WebTable","getChildObjects", "getChildObjects"
Public Function getChildObjects(ByRef PageObject, ByVal strDescString)
Set oChildren = New cls_DPObjects
Set getChildObjects = oChildren.getChildObjects(PageObject, strDescString)
Set oChildren = Nothing
End Function
Class cls_DPObjects
Dim oChildObjects
Dim iDelayEachSetBy
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
iDelayEachSetBy = 0
Set oChildObjects = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
Set oChildObjects = Nothing
End Sub
Public Function getItems()
Set getItems = oChildObjects
End Function
Public Default Function getCount()
getCount = oChildObjects.Count
End Function
Public Function DelayEachSetBy(ByVal iTimeOut)
iDelayEachSetBy = iTimeOut
Set DelayEachSetBy = Me
End Function
'get Child Objects from a page matching a Descriptive string
Public Function getChildObjects(ByRef PageObject, ByVal strDescString)
If InStr(1, strDescString, ":=") > 0 Then
Set oDesc = Description.Create
arrPropValueCollection = Split(strDescString, ",")
For i = 0 To UBound(arrPropValueCollection)
If Instr(1, arrPropValueCollection(i),":=") > 0 Then
arrPropValue = Split(arrPropValueCollection(i),":=")
oDesc(arrPropValue(0)).Value = arrPropValue(1)
End If
Set ObjCollection = PageObject.ChildObjects(oDesc)
For i = 0 To ObjCollection.Count -1
AddObject ObjCollection.Item(i)
End If
Set getChildObjects = Me
End Function
'get only the Visible objects from the collection
Public Function VisibleChildObjects
If isObject(oChildObjects) Then
For Each strKey In oChildObjects
If CInt(oChildObjects.Item(strKey).Object.offsetHeight) = 0 AND CInt(oChildObjects.Item(strKey).Object.offsetWidth) = 0 Then
oChildObjects.Remove strKey
End If
End If
Set VisibleChildObjects = Me
End Function
'get only the objects matching a property from the collection
Public Function WithProperty(ByVal strPropValue)
If isObject(oChildObjects) Then
If strPropValue <> "" AND InStr(1,strPropValue,":=") > 0 Then
arrPropValue = Split(strPropValue,":=")
strProp = arrPropValue(0)
strValue = arrPropValue(1)
For Each strKey In oChildObjects
If UCase(oChildObjects.Item(strKey).GetRoProperty(strProp)) <> UCase(strValue) Then
oChildObjects.Remove strKey
End If
End If
End If
Set WithProperty = Me
End Function
'get only the objects matching reg exp property from the collection
Public Function WithRegExpProperty(ByVal strPropValue)
If isObject(oChildObjects) Then
If strPropValue <> "" AND InStr(1,strPropValue,":=") > 0 Then
arrPropValue = Split(strPropValue,":=")
strProp = arrPropValue(0)
strValue = arrPropValue(1)
For Each strKey In oChildObjects
If Not(RegExpTest(strValue, oChildObjects.Item(strKey).GetRoProperty(strProp))) Then
oChildObjects.Remove strKey
End If
End If
End If
Set WithRegExpProperty = Me
End Function
Public Function Index(ByVal intIndex)
Set tempObj = Nothing
If isObject(oChildObjects) Then
If oChildObjects.Count < (intIndex + 1) Then
intIndex = oChildObjects.Count - 1
End If
Set tempObj = oChildObjects.Items()(intIndex)
End If
Set Index = tempObj
Set oChildObjects = Nothing
End Function
' Set particular value for all the objects in the collection
Public Sub SetValue(ByVal strValue)
If isObject(oChildObjects) Then
For Each strKey In oChildObjects
Select Case UCase(oChildObjects.Item(strKey).GetRoProperty("micclass"))
If oChildObjects.Item(strKey).GetRoProperty("disabled") = "0" Then
oChildObjects.Item(strKey).Set strValue
End If
oChildObjects.Item(strKey).Select strValue
Case Else
End Select
Wait iDelayEachSetBy
End If
End Sub
'Private - add objects into the collection
Private Sub AddObject(ByRef TestObject)
oChildObjects.Add TestObject, TestObject
End Sub
'Check if the text is matching a pattern
Private Function RegExpTest(ByVal strPattern, ByVal strText)
Set oRegExp = New RegExp
oRegExp.Global = True
oRegExp.Ignorecase = True
oRegExp.Pattern = strPattern
RegExpTest = oRegExp.Test(strText)
Set oRegExp = Nothing
End Function
End Class
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