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Created December 7, 2016 00:50
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rTorrent map from file size and names
#! /usr/bin/env python-pyrocore
from pyrocore import connect
import os
files = {}
verbose = False
test = False
rootDir = "/home/username/torrents/rtorrent"
minSize = 1048576 # 1 mb of data before trying to map file
minSizeConflicts = 1e8 # 0.1 Gb of data min to not skip conflict
conflictItems = 0
conflictBytes = 0
totalItems = 0
totalBytes = 0
for dirName, subdirList, fileList in os.walk(rootDir):
for fname in fileList:
file = dirName + '/' + fname
size = os.path.getsize(file)
totalItems += 1
totalBytes += size
if size < minSize:
elif files.has_key(size) and size < minSizeConflicts:
print('Warning: we have two files with the same size (%s)' % str(size))
print(' %s' % file)
print(' %s' % files[size])
print('Skipping file...')
files[size] = '__CONFLICT__'
conflictItems += 1
conflictBytes += size
files[size] = file
if files.has_key(fname):
print('Warning: we have two files with the same name (%s)' % fname)
print(' %s' % file)
print(' %s' % files[fname])
print('Skipping file...')
files[fname] = '__CONFLICT__'
files[fname] = file
print('{0} files treated, of which {1} have been skipped due to size conflicts'.format(totalItems, conflictItems))
print('It represents about {0} bytes of data to be re-downloaded'.format(conflictBytes))
rt = connect()
proxy =
torrents = proxy.download_list()
print('Treating torrents')
for hash in torrents:
name = proxy.d.get_name(hash)
multi = proxy.d.is_multi_file(hash)
# exists = os.path.exists(dir)
# print(' %s (%s %s)' % (name, dir, u'\033[92m\u2713\033[0m' if exists else u'\033[91m\u2717\033[0m'))
# last = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(dir))
newPath = '/home/username/torrents/rtorrent/Bulk/' + name if multi == 1 else ''
fileCount = proxy.d.size_files(hash)
if verbose: print(' ' + str(fileCount) + ' files detected')
print('d.set_directory_base ' + newPath)
if not test:
proxy.d.set_directory_base(hash, newPath)
for i in xrange(0, fileCount):
id = hash + ':f' + str(i)
fileName = proxy.f.get_path(id)
fileSize = proxy.f.get_size_bytes(id)
base = os.path.basename(fileName)
if verbose: print(' %s (%s)' % (fileName, str(fileSize)))
size = False
name = False
size = files.has_key(fileSize) and files[fileSize] != '__CONFLICT__'
name = files.has_key(base) and files[base] != '__CONFLICT__'
identifier = fileSize if size else fileName
if name and not size:
fileSize2 = os.path.getsize(files[base])
size = fileSize2 == fileSize
if size or (size and name) :
# Let's go!
target = newPath + '/' + fileName
except OSError as exc:
source = files[identifier]
print(source + ' <= ' + target)
if not test:, target)
except KeyError as exc:
except OSError as exc:
except UnicodeDecodeError as exc:
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