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Last active January 22, 2016 09:12
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Referencing hash values within module
class nvidia::driver_install (
include stdlib
$model_hash = {
009d => "$::nvidia::params::quadro_fx_4500_driver",
06dc => "$::nvidia::params::quadro_6000_driver",
06d9 => "$::nvidia::params::quadro_5000_driver",
11ba => "$::nvidia::params::quadro_K5000_driver",
17c2 => "$::nvidia::params::gtx_titanx_driver",
17f0 => "$::nvidia::params::quadro_M6000_driver",
) inherits nvidia::params {
if ($::is_virtual == true) and ($::class == 'server') {
notify { 'This is a virtual machine and the nvidia driver doesn\'t get intalled' :
# only run nvidia installer if the machine is a workstation and the driver is not already installed
} elsif ($::class == 'workstation') and ($::nvidia_installed == 'false') {
if (!empty($model_hash[$::video_card_id])) {
notify { "Installing driver for ($model_hash[key])" : }
exec { 'kdm-stop' :
command => '/usr/bin/service kdm stop' ,
unless => '/usr/bin/service kdm status | grep -i "stop" ' ,
before => Exec['nvidia-driver-install'] ,
# install nvidia driver
exec { 'nvidia-driver-install' :
command => "/usr/src/($model_hash[value]).run -s -X -N --force-tls=new --no-x-check --no-cc-version-check" ,
require => File["/usr/src/($model_hash[value]).run"] ,
notify => Exec['reboot_after_nvidia'] ,
# reboot after nvidia install
exec { 'reboot_after_nvidia' :
command => "/sbin/reboot" ,
refreshonly => true ,
} else {
warning("Could not lookup video_card_id (${::video_card_id}) to driver name")
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