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Last active June 5, 2023 04:17
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pragma circom 2.1.4;
include "circomlib/circuits/poseidon.circom";
include "circomlib/circuits/mux1.circom";
include "circomlib/circuits/comparators.circom";
template Secret2Public () {
signal input sk;
signal output pk;
component poseidon = Poseidon(1); // the input of poseidon hash is the number of variables you want to hash, normally one or two
poseidon.inputs[0] <== sk;
pk <== poseidon.out;
log("pk:", pk);
template Sign(){
signal input m;
signal input sk; // private
signal output pk;
component checker = Secret2Public(); <== sk;
pk <==;
template GroupSign(n){
signal input m;
signal input sk; // private
signal input pk[n];
component checker = Secret2Public(); <== sk;
signal zeroChecker[n+1];
zeroChecker[0] <== 1;
for(var i = 0; i < n; i++){
// the following line is not work because cirom cannot multiple more than 2-order to one variable
// and the self multiple is not allowed,too
// zeroChecker <== zeroChecker * (pk[i] -;
zeroChecker[i+1] <== zeroChecker[i] * (pk[i] -;
zeroChecker[n] === 0;
template PoseidonComputer(){
signal input left;
signal input right;
component poseidons = Poseidon(2);
poseidons.inputs[0] <== left;
poseidons.inputs[1] <== right;
log("out", poseidons.out);
template MerkleTreeMembership(nLevels){
signal input sk; // private
signal input pathIndices[nLevels];
signal input siblings[nLevels];
signal input root; // public input
// check that we know the secret key corresponding to the public key
component checker = Secret2Public(); <== sk;
component poseidons[nLevels];
component mux[nLevels];
signal intermediatHashes[nLevels+1];
intermediatHashes[0] <==;
for(var i = 0; i < nLevels; i++){
pathIndices[i] * (1 - pathIndices[i]) === 0;
// the poseidon hash component cannot be reused
//because the wire is fixed one the has is done.
poseidons[i] = Poseidon(2);
mux[i] = MultiMux1(2);
// select the scenario of hash is left leaf or right leaf node through selector
mux[i].c[0][0] <== intermediatHashes[i];
mux[i].c[0][1] <== siblings[i];
mux[i].c[1][0] <== siblings[i];
mux[i].c[1][1] <== intermediatHashes[i];
mux[i].s <== pathIndices[i];
poseidons[i].inputs[0] <== mux[i].out[0];
poseidons[i].inputs[1] <== mux[i].out[1];
intermediatHashes[i+1] <== poseidons[i].out;
// root <== hashes[nLevels];
// check if the root is equal to the computed results
component rootChecker = IsEqual();[0] <== intermediatHashes[nLevels];[1] <== root;
rootChecker.out === 1;
component main {public [root]}= MerkleTreeMembership(2);
// component main = PoseidonComputer();
/* nLevels = 3
- -
- * - -
/* INPUT = {
"sk": "5",
"root": "11430533323050598331064087431769380666823219951566281601915492140621000439116",
"pathIndices": ["1","0"],
"siblings": ["1","2"]
} */
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