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Created February 22, 2021 18:54
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Membersuite WhoAmI Notices
* Events import page
* NOTE: Before this script will work, please copy vendor/membersuite/lib/mozilla.pem to $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/ms_sdk/lib/’
include_once(get_template_directory() . '/inc/vendor/membersuite/lib/phpsdk.phar');
function pretty_print($obj){
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
echo "<br/>";
echo '<br/>';
function lsw_membersuite_import(){
print_r('Starting import...<br/>');
$api = new MemberSuite();
$api->accesskeyId = Userconfig::read('AccessKeyId');
$api->associationId = Userconfig::read('AssociationId');
$api->secretaccessId = Userconfig::read('SecretAccessKey');
$response = $api->WhoAmI();
$error_message = ' Unable to login <br> '.$response->aErrors->bConciergeError->bMessage;
$eventQuery = "select ID, StartDate, EndDate, Location, Name, RegistrationUrl, CreatedDate, LastModifiedDate from Event order by CreatedDate";
$Startrecord = "0";
$NumberofRecords = "";
$response = $api->ExecuteMSQL($eventQuery, $Startrecord, $NumberofRecords);
$result = $response->aResultValue->aSearchResult->aTable->diffgrdiffgram->NewDataSet;
if($result->Table) {
foreach($result->Table as $row) {
echo "EventID : ".$row->ID."<br/>";
echo "Event Name : ".$row->Name."<br/>";
if(isset($row->StartDate)) {
echo "Start Date : ". $row->StartDate. "<br/>";
echo "--------------------------------------------------------<br/><br/>";
else {
echo "Search Failed";
add_action('lsw_membersuite_hook', 'lsw_membersuite_import');
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
Starting import...
Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$aSearchResult in phar:///app/public/wp-content/themes/_lsw/inc/vendor/membersuite/lib/phpsdk.phar/classes/Concierge.php on line 82 Notice: Trying to get property 'aTable' of non-object in phar:///app/public/wp-content/themes/_lsw/inc/vendor/membersuite/lib/phpsdk.phar/classes/Concierge.php on line 82 Notice: Trying to get property 'diffgrdiffgram' of non-object in phar:///app/public/wp-content/themes/_lsw/inc/vendor/membersuite/lib/phpsdk.phar/classes/Concierge.php on line 82 Notice: Trying to get property 'NewDataSet' of non-object in phar:///app/public/wp-content/themes/_lsw/inc/vendor/membersuite/lib/phpsdk.phar/classes/Concierge.php on line 82 Notice: Trying to get property 'Table' of non-object in phar:///app/public/wp-content/themes/_lsw/inc/vendor/membersuite/lib/phpsdk.phar/classes/Concierge.php on line 82 Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in phar:///app/public/wp-content/themes/_lsw/inc/vendor/membersuite/lib/phpsdk.phar/classes/Concierge.php on line 82
stdClass Object
[aCacheable] => false
[aErrors] => stdClass Object
[aNotModified] => false
[aSuccess] => true
[aWorkflowExecutionID] => stdClass Object
[aWorkflowRunID] => stdClass Object
[aResultValue] => stdClass Object
[aAccessibleEntities] => stdClass Object
[aAssociation] => stdClass Object
[bClassType] => Association
[bFields] => stdClass Object
[bKeyValueOfstringanyType] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[bKey] => Acronym
[bValue] => LSW
[1] => stdClass Object
[bKey] => DatabaseServer
[bValue] => MemberSuiteSSD3
[2] => stdClass Object
[bKey] => BaseCurrency
[bValue] => USD
[3] => stdClass Object
[bKey] => DisabledSince
[bValue] => stdClass Object
[4] => stdClass Object
[bKey] => TimeZone
[bValue] => stdClass Object
[5] => stdClass Object
[bKey] => DateLastAccessed
[bValue] => 2021-02-22T13:35:57
[6] => stdClass Object
[bKey] => LastAccessedBy
[bValue] => 00000000-0008-c264-d848-76e6a9c8a97a
[7] => stdClass Object
[bKey] => SystemDateLastAccessed
[bValue] => 2021-02-22T11:46:59
[8] => stdClass Object
[bKey] => PartitionKey
[bValue] => 33364
[9] => stdClass Object
[bKey] => FiscalYearEnd
[bValue] => 12
[10] => stdClass Object
[bKey] => Type
[bValue] => 0
[11] => stdClass Object
[bKey] => Status
[bValue] => 0
[12] => stdClass Object
[bKey] => EnableApiAccess
[bValue] => false
[13] => stdClass Object
[bKey] => TrialEndDate
[bValue] => stdClass Object
[14] => stdClass Object
[bKey] => ParentAssociation
[bValue] => stdClass Object
[15] => stdClass Object
[bKey] => SalesforceID
[bValue] => stdClass Object
[16] => stdClass Object
[bKey] => ErrorMessage
[bValue] => stdClass Object
[17] => stdClass Object
[bKey] => BillingId
[bValue] => e45ea44a-0019-c1a3-d848-590b700a822d
[18] => stdClass Object
[bKey] => UserPool
[bValue] => us-east-1_6x2IhfNnB
[19] => stdClass Object
[bKey] => UserPoolClient
[bValue] => 4csnpgmtunrtv0vg8o15c6f7q8
[20] => stdClass Object
[bKey] => UseNoSQLForOrderProcessing
[bValue] => false
[21] => stdClass Object
[bKey] => PortalSelfHostUri
[bValue] => stdClass Object
[22] => stdClass Object
[bKey] => PortalDisabled
[bValue] => false
[23] => stdClass Object
[bKey] => EnablePortalFiveContent
[bValue] => true
[24] => stdClass Object
[bKey] => Customer
[bValue] => 00000000-0001-cf2b-d848-6d47707b822d
[25] => stdClass Object
[bKey] => ID
[bValue] => 16a92b2f-0004-cd56-d848-c633ecae822d
[26] => stdClass Object
[bKey] => Name
[bValue] => Life Science Washington
[27] => stdClass Object
[bKey] => Keywords
[bValue] => stdClass Object
[28] => stdClass Object
[bKey] => LastModifiedBy
[bValue] => 00000000-0003-4415-a723-36a340220dce
[29] => stdClass Object
[bKey] => LastModifiedByName
[bValue] => MemberSuiteAgent
[30] => stdClass Object
[bKey] => LastModifiedDate
[bValue] => 2021-02-22T13:35:57
[31] => stdClass Object
[bKey] => CreatedDate
[bValue] => 2020-07-21T10:30:57
[32] => stdClass Object
[bKey] => CreatedBy
[bValue] => 00000000-0003-cedd-c40a-0b3ed1935553
[33] => stdClass Object
[bKey] => CreatedByName
[bValue] => MemberSuiteAgent
[34] => stdClass Object
[bKey] => LockedForDeletion
[bValue] => false
[35] => stdClass Object
[bKey] => IsConfiguration
[bValue] => false
[36] => stdClass Object
[bKey] => IsSealed
[bValue] => false
[37] => stdClass Object
[bKey] => SystemTimestamp
[bValue] => AAAAAAF20/g=
[38] => stdClass Object
[bKey] => ExistsInNoSQL
[bValue] => false
[bParentTypes] => stdClass Object
[cstring] => Array
[0] => CustomerDomainObject
[1] => CatalogAggregate
[2] => Aggregate
[3] => DomainObject
[aAuthenticationData] => stdClass Object
[aAutoLoginHash] => dxLB4D2q+wn3O4CcJYvT4v54hTcR/O48e+YuMoOgRvvCadBc
[aBetaUrlPrefix] => stdClass Object
[aConsoleMetadata] => stdClass Object
[Description] => stdClass Object
[Name] => Default
[bQuickSearches] => stdClass Object
[cNameValueStringPair] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[c_name] => Individual
[c_value] => stdClass Object
[1] => stdClass Object
[c_name] => Organization
[c_value] => stdClass Object
[2] => stdClass Object
[c_name] => Invoice
[c_value] => stdClass Object
[3] => stdClass Object
[c_name] => Payment
[c_value] => stdClass Object
[4] => stdClass Object
[c_name] => Gift
[c_value] => stdClass Object
[5] => stdClass Object
[c_name] => Batch
[c_value] => stdClass Object
[6] => stdClass Object
[c_name] => Order
[c_value] => stdClass Object
[7] => stdClass Object
[c_name] => Product
[c_value] => stdClass Object
[8] => stdClass Object
[c_name] => Certification
[c_value] => stdClass Object
[9] => stdClass Object
[c_name] => Committee
[c_value] => stdClass Object
[10] => stdClass Object
[c_name] => Membership
[c_value] => stdClass Object
[11] => stdClass Object
[c_name] => Event
[c_value] => stdClass Object
[12] => stdClass Object
[c_name] => JobPosting
[c_value] => stdClass Object
[13] => stdClass Object
[c_name] => AllMemberSuiteRecords
[c_value] => stdClass Object
[14] => stdClass Object
[c_name] => ExhibitShow
[c_value] => stdClass Object
[15] => stdClass Object
[c_name] => Competition
[c_value] => stdClass Object
[16] => stdClass Object
[c_name] => Lead
[c_value] => stdClass Object
[17] => stdClass Object
[c_name] => Opportunity
[c_value] => stdClass Object
[18] => stdClass Object
[c_name] => Volunteer
[c_value] => stdClass Object
[19] => stdClass Object
[c_name] => VolunteerJob
[c_value] => stdClass Object
[20] => stdClass Object
[c_name] => CertificationComponent
[c_value] => stdClass Object
[21] => stdClass Object
[c_name] => Entity
[c_value] => stdClass Object
[22] => stdClass Object
[c_name] => CertificationApplication
[c_value] => stdClass Object
[bResources] => stdClass Object
[cStringResource] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[cName] => SaveChanges
[cValue] => Save Changes
[1] => stdClass Object
[cName] => Cancel
[cValue] => Cancel
[2] => stdClass Object
[cName] => CopyOf
[cValue] => Copy of
[3] => stdClass Object
[cName] => SuccessfulRecordDeletion
[cValue] => Record deleted successfully.
[4] => stdClass Object
[cName] => SuccessfulRecordSave
[cValue] => Record update successfully.
[5] => stdClass Object
[cName] => Success
[cValue] => The operation was completed successfully.
[6] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UnsuccessfulRecordDeletion
[cValue] => Unable to delete record - it may be used elsewhere in the system.
[7] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UnsuccessfulRecordSave
[cValue] => Unable to save record. Please try your request again at a later time.
[8] => stdClass Object
[cName] => DefaultConfirmationMessage
[cValue] => Are you sure you want to delete this item? This action CANNOT be undone.
[9] => stdClass Object
[cName] => DiagnosticModeEnabled
[10] => stdClass Object
[cName] => hlSwitchAssociation
[cValue] => (change)
[11] => stdClass Object
[cName] => NotLoggedIn
[cValue] => (not logged in)
[12] => stdClass Object
[cName] => Module.Home
[cValue] => Home
[13] => stdClass Object
[cName] => Module.Diagnostics
[cValue] => Diagnostics
[14] => stdClass Object
[cName] => Module.Auditing
[cValue] => Auditing & Tracking
[15] => stdClass Object
[cName] => Module.CRM
[cValue] => CRM
[16] => stdClass Object
[cName] => Module.Awards
[cValue] => Awards & Competitions
[17] => stdClass Object
[cName] => Module.Financial
[cValue] => Financial
[18] => stdClass Object
[cName] => Module.Accounting
[cValue] => Financial
[19] => stdClass Object
[cName] => Module.Membership
[cValue] => Membership
[20] => stdClass Object
[cName] => Module.Events
[cValue] => Events
[21] => stdClass Object
[cName] => Module.Reports
[cValue] => Reports
[22] => stdClass Object
[cName] => Module.Orders
[cValue] => Orders
[23] => stdClass Object
[cName] => Module.Subscriptions
[cValue] => Subscriptions
[24] => stdClass Object
[cName] => Module.Fundraising
[cValue] => Fundraising
[25] => stdClass Object
[cName] => Module.Advertising
[cValue] => Advertising
[26] => stdClass Object
[cName] => Module.CareerCenter
[cValue] => Career Center
[27] => stdClass Object
[cName] => Module.Exhibits
[cValue] => Exhibits
[28] => stdClass Object
[cName] => Module.Certifications
[cValue] => Certifications
[29] => stdClass Object
[cName] => Module.Committees
[cValue] => Committees
[30] => stdClass Object
[cName] => Module.Prospects
[cValue] => Prospects
[31] => stdClass Object
[cName] => Module.Documents
[cValue] => Documents
[32] => stdClass Object
[cName] => Module.EMarketing
[cValue] => E-Marketing
[33] => stdClass Object
[cName] => Module.Volunteers
[cValue] => Volunteers
[34] => stdClass Object
[cName] => Module.Discussions
[cValue] => Discussions
[35] => stdClass Object
[cName] => Module.Accreditations
[cValue] => Accreditations
[36] => stdClass Object
[cName] => Module.LegislativeAffairs
[cValue] => Legislative Affairs
[37] => stdClass Object
[cName] => Module.Billing
[cValue] => Billing
[38] => stdClass Object
[cName] => Module.Setup
[cValue] => Setup
[39] => stdClass Object
[cName] => Tasks
[cValue] => What would you like to do?
[40] => stdClass Object
[cName] => DataEntryView_DefaultLeftHeader
[cValue] => Steps
[41] => stdClass Object
[cName] => SelectAllRecords
[cValue] =>
All {NumRecordsOnCurrentPage} record(s) on this page are selected.
Click here to select all {TotalRecordCount} records across all pages.
[42] => stdClass Object
[cName] => BatchOperation_NoItemsSelected
[cValue] => No records were selected - cannot process batch operation.
[43] => stdClass Object
[cName] => BatchOperation_NoRecordType
[cValue] => No record type specified - cannot process batch operation.
[44] => stdClass Object
[cName] => AllRecordsSelected
[cValue] =>
{TotalRecordCount} records across all pages have been selected.
[45] => stdClass Object
[cName] => SecurityLockAccessLevel.NoAccess
[cValue] => No Access
[46] => stdClass Object
[cName] => SecurityLockAccessLevel.ReadOnly
[cValue] => Read Only Access
[47] => stdClass Object
[cName] => SecurityLockAccessLevel.ReadWrite
[cValue] => Full Read/Write Access
[48] => stdClass Object
[cName] => Member
[cValue] => Member
[49] => stdClass Object
[cName] => Member:p
[cValue] => Members
[50] => stdClass Object
[cName] => SelectionAtLeastOne
[cValue] => In order to perform this operation, you must select at least one record.
[51] => stdClass Object
[cName] => SelectionErrorMin
[cValue] => In order to perform this operation, please select at least {minSelection} record(s).
[52] => stdClass Object
[cName] => SelectionErrorMax
[cValue] => In order to perform this operation, please select no more than {maxSelection} record(s).
[53] => stdClass Object
[cName] => SelectionErrorRange
[cValue] => In order to perform this operation, please select between {minSelection} and {maxSelection} record(s).
[54] => stdClass Object
[cName] => SelectionErrorSpecific
[cValue] => In order to perform this operation, please select {minSelection} record(s).
[55] => stdClass Object
[cName] => CustomTrigger
[cValue] => Trigger
[56] => stdClass Object
[cName] => CustomTrigger:p
[cValue] => Triggers
[57] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__ExhibitBooths__PartitionKey__Booth_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Booth property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[58] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AwardRecipients__CompetitionEntries__PartitionKey__CompetitionEntry_ID
[cValue] => One or more award recipients are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Competition Entry property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[59] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__BatchAssignmentRules__Batches__PartitionKey__Batch_ID
[cValue] => One or more batch assignment rules are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Batch property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[60] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__PublicationAdSizes__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__AdSize_ID
[cValue] => One or more publication ad sizes are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Ad Size property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[61] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__VolunteerJobTimesheets__VolunteerJobAssignments__PartitionKey__JobAssignment_ID
[cValue] => One or more volunteer job timesheets are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Job Assignment property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[62] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__FulfillmentBatchLineItems__FulfillmentBatches__PartitionKey__FulfillmentBatch_ID
[cValue] => One or more fulfillment batch line items are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Fulfillment Batch property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[63] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Publications__Files__PartitionKey__Image_ID
[cValue] => One or more publications are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Image property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[64] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CompetitionEntries__JudgingBuckets__PartitionKey__JudgingBucket_ID
[cValue] => One or more competition entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Judging Bucket property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[65] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__BoothType_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Booth Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[66] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__BatchAssignmentRules__RuleSets__PartitionKey__RuleSet_ID
[cValue] => One or more batch assignment rules are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Rule Set property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[67] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Publications__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more publications are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[68] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Payments__SourceCodes__PartitionKey__SourceCode_ID
[cValue] => One or more payments are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Source Code property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[69] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Certifications__Entities__PartitionKey__BillTo_ID
[cValue] => One or more certifications are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Bill To property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[70] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__VolunteerTimesheets__VolunteerJobAssignments__PartitionKey__JobAssignment_ID
[cValue] => One or more volunteer timesheets are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Job Assignment property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[71] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CustomTriggers__ExtensionServices__PartitionKey__ExtensionService_ID
[cValue] => One or more custom triggers are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Extension Service property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[72] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CustomFieldValueCalculatedFields__CustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__OrderLineItemID
[cValue] => One or more custom field value calculated fields are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Partition Key property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[73] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__RevenueRecognitionScheduleEntries__RevenueRecognitionSchedules__PartitionKey__Schedule_ID
[cValue] => One or more revenue recognition schedule entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Schedule property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[74] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__DiscussionTopics__Forums__PartitionKey__Forum_ID
[cValue] => One or more discussion topics are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Forum property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[75] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__FulfillmentBatchLineItems__Orders__PartitionKey__Order_ID
[cValue] => One or more fulfillment batch line items are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Order property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[76] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CompetitionEntries__JudgingRounds__PartitionKey__JudgingRound_ID
[cValue] => One or more competition entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Judging Round property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[77] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AssociationConfigurationContainers__Files__PartitionKey__PortalHeaderGraphic_ID
[cValue] => One or more association configuration containers are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Portal Header Graphic property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[78] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__GLAccounts__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID__ARAccount_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the A R Account property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[79] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Refunds__BankReconciliations__PartitionKey__BankReconciliation_ID
[cValue] => One or more refunds are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Bank Reconciliation property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[80] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__RateCardEntries__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Color_ID
[cValue] => One or more rate card entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Color property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[81] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Payments__Batches__PartitionKey__Batch_ID
[cValue] => One or more payments are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Batch property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[82] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Certifications__Orders__PartitionKey__LastOrder_ID__Recursive
[cValue] => One or more certifications are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Last Order property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[83] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__FileCabinets__Chapters__PartitionKey__Chapter_ID
[cValue] => One or more file cabinets are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Chapter property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[84] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CustomFieldValueChoices__CustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__OrderLineItemID
[cValue] => One or more custom field value choices are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Partition Key property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[85] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__DiscussionTopicSubscriptions__DiscussionTopics__PartitionKey__Topic_ID
[cValue] => One or more discussion topic subscriptions are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Topic property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[86] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CompetitionEntries__Products__PartitionKey__EntryFee_ID
[cValue] => One or more competition entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Entry Fee property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[87] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AssociationConfigurationContainers__MetadataContainers__PartitionKey__InvoiceReport_ID
[cValue] => One or more association configuration containers are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Invoice Report property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[88] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Payments__BankReconciliations__PartitionKey__BankReconciliation_ID
[cValue] => One or more payments are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Bank Reconciliation property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[89] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__RateCardEntries__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Position_ID
[cValue] => One or more rate card entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Position property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[90] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Certifications__Entities__PartitionKey__Owner_ID
[cValue] => One or more certifications are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[91] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CommitteeMeetings__Committees__PartitionKey__Committee_ID
[cValue] => One or more committee meetings are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Committee property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[92] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AssociationConfigurationContainers__MetadataContainers__PartitionKey__OrderReceiptReport_ID
[cValue] => One or more association configuration containers are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Order Receipt Report property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[93] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__AccountingProjects__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID__Project_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Project property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[94] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CompetitionEntries__Competitions__PartitionKey__Competition_ID
[cValue] => One or more competition entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Competition property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[95] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__BankReconciliations__CashAccounts__PartitionKey__CashAccount_ID
[cValue] => One or more bank reconciliations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Cash Account property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[96] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__RateCardEntries__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Size_ID
[cValue] => One or more rate card entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Size property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[97] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Certifications__Products__PartitionKey__Product_ID__Recursive
[cValue] => One or more certifications are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Product property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[98] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Orders__Entities__PartitionKey__BillTo_ID
[cValue] => One or more orders are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Bill To property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[99] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CommitteeMemberships__Committees__PartitionKey__Committee_ID
[cValue] => One or more committee memberships are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Committee property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[100] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__JudgingBuckets__Competitions__PartitionKey__Competition_ID
[cValue] => One or more judging buckets are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Competition property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[101] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AssociationConfigurationContainers__MetadataContainers__PartitionKey__PackingSlipReport_ID
[cValue] => One or more association configuration containers are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Packing List Report property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[102] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__GLAccounts__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID__RevenueAccount_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Revenue Account property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[103] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CancellationFeeRules__RuleSets__PartitionKey__RuleSet_ID
[cValue] => One or more cancellation fee rules are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Rule Set property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[104] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ProductRevenueSplits__GLAccounts__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID__RevenueAccount_ID
[cValue] => One or more product revenue splits are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Revenue Account property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[105] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__RecurringBillingRuns__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__TerminationReason_ID
[cValue] => One or more recurring billing runs are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Termination Reason property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[106] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Payments__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__MediaCode_ID
[cValue] => One or more payments are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Media Code property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[107] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Certifications__SavedPaymentMethods__PartitionKey__SavedPaymentMethod_ID
[cValue] => One or more certifications are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Saved Payment Method property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[108] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__VolunteerJobOccurrences__Events__PartitionKey__Event_ID
[cValue] => One or more volunteer job occurrences are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Event property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[109] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Orders__Entities__PartitionKey__ShipTo_ID
[cValue] => One or more orders are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Ship To property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[110] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CommitteeMemberships__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Position_ID
[cValue] => One or more committee memberships are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Position property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[111] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__HistoricalTransactionLineItems__HistoricalTransactions__PartitionKey__HistoricalTransaction_ID
[cValue] => One or more historical transaction line items are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Historical Transaction property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[112] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__JobPostings__Entities__PartitionKey__Owner_ID
[cValue] => One or more job postings are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[113] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AppealPremiums__Products__PartitionKey__Premium_ID
[cValue] => One or more appeal premiums are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Premium property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[114] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__JudgingTeamBuckets__JudgingBuckets__PartitionKey__Bucket_ID
[cValue] => One or more judging team buckets are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Bucket property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[115] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AssociationConfigurationContainers__MetadataContainers__PartitionKey__PaymentReceiptReport_ID
[cValue] => One or more association configuration containers are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Payment Receipt Report property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[116] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__Campaigns__PartitionKey__Campaign_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Campaign property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[117] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__COGSEntries__COGSEntries__PartitionKey__ParentCOGSEntry_ID
[cValue] => One or more cogs entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Parent COGS Entry property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[118] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ProductRevenueSplits__Products__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID__Product_ID
[cValue] => One or more product revenue splits are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Product property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[119] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Certifications__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__TerminationReason_ID
[cValue] => One or more certifications are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Termination Reason property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[120] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__VolunteerJobOccurrences__VolunteerJobs__PartitionKey__Job_ID
[cValue] => One or more volunteer job occurrences are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Job property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[121] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Orders__SourceCodes__PartitionKey__SourceCode_ID
[cValue] => One or more orders are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Source Code property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[122] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__FileFolders__FileCabinets__PartitionKey__FileCabinet_ID
[cValue] => One or more file folders are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the File Cabinet property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[123] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Committees__Committees__PartitionKey__ParentCommittee_ID
[cValue] => One or more committees are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Parent Committee property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[124] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Opportunities__Entities__PartitionKey__Account_ID
[cValue] => One or more opportunities are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Account property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[125] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CampaignPremiums__Products__PartitionKey__Premium_ID
[cValue] => One or more campaign premiums are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Premium property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[126] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__JudgingTeamBuckets__JudgingTeams__PartitionKey__Team_ID
[cValue] => One or more judging team buckets are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Team property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[127] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AssociationConfigurationContainers__MetadataContainers__PartitionKey__PickListReport_ID
[cValue] => One or more association configuration containers are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Pick List Report property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[128] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__COGSEntries__BusinessUnits__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID
[cValue] => One or more cogs entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Business Unit property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[129] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__RegistrationRibbons__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more registration ribbons are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[130] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Publications__Products__PartitionKey__CancellationFeeProduct_ID__Recursive
[cValue] => One or more publications are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Cancellation Fee Product property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[131] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Orders__ShippingMethods__PartitionKey__ShippingMethod_ID
[cValue] => One or more orders are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Shipping Method property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[132] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Expenses__AccreditationSiteVisits__PartitionKey__SiteVisit_ID
[cValue] => One or more expenses are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Site Visit property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[133] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Committees__Chapters__PartitionKey__Chapter_ID
[cValue] => One or more committees are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Chapter property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[134] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__JobPostingEntitlements__Entities__PartitionKey__Owner_ID
[cValue] => One or more job posting entitlements are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[135] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CEUCredits__Products__PartitionKey__Product_ID
[cValue] => One or more ceu credits are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Product property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[136] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Invoices__SourceCodes__PartitionKey__SourceCode_ID
[cValue] => One or more invoices are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Source Code property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[137] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AbstractCourses__Courses__PartitionKey__Course_ID
[cValue] => One or more abstract courses are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Course property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[138] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__JudgingRounds__Competitions__PartitionKey__Competition_ID
[cValue] => One or more judging rounds are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Competition property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[139] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__ProductCategories__PartitionKey__Category_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Category property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[140] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__COGSEntries__FiscalYears__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID__FiscalYear_ID
[cValue] => One or more cogs entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Fiscal Year property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[141] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__RelationshipTypeMessageCategories__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Category_ID
[cValue] => One or more relationship type message categories are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Category property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[142] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__BillingScheduleEntries__Payments__PartitionKey__Payment_ID
[cValue] => One or more billing schedule entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Payment property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[143] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Orders__InvoiceTerms__PartitionKey__InvoiceTerms_ID
[cValue] => One or more orders are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Invoice Terms property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[144] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Expenses__Appeals__PartitionKey__Appeal_ID
[cValue] => One or more expenses are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Appeal property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[145] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Committees__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more committees are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[146] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__PriorityPointAssignments__Entities__PartitionKey__Exhibitor_ID
[cValue] => One or more priority point assignments are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Exhibitor property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[147] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Invoices__InsertionOrders__PartitionKey__InsertionOrder_ID
[cValue] => One or more invoices are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Insertion Order property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[148] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CoursePrerequisites__Courses__PartitionKey__Course_ID
[cValue] => One or more course prerequisites are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Course property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[149] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__GLAccounts__PartitionKey__COGSAccount_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the COGS Account property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[150] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__COGSEntries__InventoryTransactions__PartitionKey__FulfillmentTransaction_ID
[cValue] => One or more cogs entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Fulfillment Transaction property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[151] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Orders__BusinessUnits__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID
[cValue] => One or more orders are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Business Unit property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[152] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__VolunteerJobTraits__VolunteerJobs__PartitionKey__Job_ID
[cValue] => One or more volunteer job traits are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Job property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[153] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Expenses__Campaigns__PartitionKey__Campaign_ID
[cValue] => One or more expenses are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Campaign property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[154] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Committees__Events__PartitionKey__Event_ID
[cValue] => One or more committees are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Event property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[155] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Tributes__Entities__PartitionKey__Honoree_ID
[cValue] => One or more tributes are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Honoree property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[156] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__HistoricalDeferrals__BusinessUnits__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID
[cValue] => One or more historical deferrals are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Business Unit property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[157] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Invoices__InvoiceTerms__PartitionKey__Terms_ID
[cValue] => One or more invoices are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Terms property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[158] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CoursePrerequisites__Courses__PartitionKey__PreRequisite_ID
[cValue] => One or more course prerequisites are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Pre Requisite property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[159] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__JudgingTeamMembers__JudgingTeams__PartitionKey__Team_ID
[cValue] => One or more judging team members are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Team property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[160] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__Competitions__PartitionKey__Competition_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Competition property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[161] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__BusinessUnitDefaultGLAccounts__BusinessUnits__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID
[cValue] => One or more business unit default gl accounts are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Business Unit property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[162] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__COGSEntries__InventoryTransactions__PartitionKey__InventoryReceipt_ID
[cValue] => One or more cogs entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Inventory Receipt property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[163] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Orders__CashAccounts__PartitionKey__CashAccount_ID
[cValue] => One or more orders are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Cash Account property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[164] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__VolunteerJobTraits__VolunteerTraitTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more volunteer job traits are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[165] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Committees__OrganizationalLayers__PartitionKey__OrganizationalLayer_ID
[cValue] => One or more committees are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Organizational Layer property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[166] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Gifts__Entities__PartitionKey__Donor_ID
[cValue] => One or more gifts are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Donor property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[167] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__HistoricalDeferrals__FiscalYears__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID__FiscalYear_ID
[cValue] => One or more historical deferrals are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Fiscal Year property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[168] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__DiscountCodeProducts__Products__PartitionKey__Product_ID
[cValue] => One or more discount code products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Product property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[169] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Invoices__Batches__PartitionKey__Batch_ID
[cValue] => One or more invoices are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Batch property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[170] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__SessionCourses__Courses__PartitionKey__Course_ID
[cValue] => One or more session courses are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Course property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[171] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__JudgingTeams__Competitions__PartitionKey__Competition_ID
[cValue] => One or more judging teams are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Competition property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[172] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__MetadataContainers__PartitionKey__ConfirmationEmail_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Confirmation Email property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[173] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__DiscountCodes__Products__PartitionKey__DiscountProduct_ID
[cValue] => One or more discount codes are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Discount Product property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[174] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__COGSEntries__InventoryTransactions__PartitionKey__ReturnTransaction_ID
[cValue] => One or more cogs entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Return Transaction property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[175] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Requests__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Priority_ID
[cValue] => One or more requests are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Priority property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[176] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Files__Volunteers__PartitionKey__Volunteer_ID
[cValue] => One or more files are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Volunteer property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[177] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Orders__Batches__PartitionKey__Batch_ID
[cValue] => One or more orders are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Batch property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[178] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Resumes__Entities__PartitionKey__Owner_ID
[cValue] => One or more resumes are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[179] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__HistoricalDeferrals__Products__PartitionKey__Product_ID
[cValue] => One or more historical deferrals are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Product property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[180] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__LegislativeBillIssues__LegislativeIssues__PartitionKey__Issue_ID
[cValue] => One or more legislative bill issues are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Issue property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[181] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__Warehouses__PartitionKey__DefaultWarehouse_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Default Warehouse property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[182] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EntityAddresses__Entities__PartitionKey__Owner_ID
[cValue] => One or more entity addresses are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[183] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__COGSEntries__Orders__PartitionKey__Order_ID
[cValue] => One or more cogs entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Order property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[184] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Requests__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Status_ID
[cValue] => One or more requests are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Status property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[185] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__VolunteerAssignedLocations__Volunteers__PartitionKey__Volunteer_ID
[cValue] => One or more volunteer assigned locations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Volunteer property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[186] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Orders__BillingTemplates__PartitionKey__BillingTemplate_ID
[cValue] => One or more orders are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Billing Template property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[187] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CommitteeTerms__Committees__PartitionKey__Committee_ID
[cValue] => One or more committee terms are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Committee property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[188] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__MembershipRecommendations__Entities__PartitionKey__LinkedIndividual_ID
[cValue] => One or more membership recommendations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Linked Individual property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[189] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__InvoiceLineItems__Invoices__PartitionKey__Invoice_ID
[cValue] => One or more invoice line items are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Invoice property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[190] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EventTableReservations__Products__PartitionKey__Fee_ID
[cValue] => One or more event table reservations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Fee property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[191] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Registrations__TieredRegistrationPricingRules__PartitionKey__TieredRegistrationPricingRule_ID
[cValue] => One or more registrations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Tiered Registration Pricing Rule property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[192] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__GLAccounts__PartitionKey__DeferredRevenueAccount_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Deferred Revenue Account property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[193] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EntityAddresses__GeographicalRegions__PartitionKey__Region_ID
[cValue] => One or more entity addresses are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Region property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[194] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__COGSEntries__StockItemInventories__PartitionKey__StockItemInventory_ID
[cValue] => One or more cogs entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Stock Item Inventory property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[195] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__BillingCycleContactRelationshipTypes__BillingCycles__PartitionKey__BillingCycle_ID
[cValue] => One or more billing cycle contact relationship types are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Billing Cycle property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[196] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__VolunteerAssignedTypes__Volunteers__PartitionKey__Volunteer_ID
[cValue] => One or more volunteer assigned types are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Volunteer property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[197] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Orders__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__InvoiceType_ID
[cValue] => One or more orders are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Invoice Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[198] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Batches__FiscalYears__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID__FiscalYear_ID
[cValue] => One or more batches are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Fiscal Year property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[199] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__DiscussionBoards__Committees__PartitionKey__Committee_ID
[cValue] => One or more discussion boards are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Committee property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[200] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__InvoiceLineItems__Products__PartitionKey__Product_ID
[cValue] => One or more invoice line items are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Product property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[201] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Invoices__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__MediaCode_ID
[cValue] => One or more invoices are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Media Code property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[202] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__OrderLineItems__TieredRegistrationPricingRules__PartitionKey__TieredRegistrationPricingRule_ID
[cValue] => One or more order line items are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Tiered Registration Pricing Rule property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[203] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__MetadataContainers__PartitionKey__DropEmail_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Drop Email property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[204] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_OrderDemographicValues_Orders
[cValue] => One or more order demographic values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Order property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[205] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__VolunteerAvailabilities__Volunteers__PartitionKey__Volunteer_ID
[cValue] => One or more volunteer availabilities are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Volunteer property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[206] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Orders__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__MediaCode_ID
[cValue] => One or more orders are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Media Code property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[207] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__FileCabinets__Committees__PartitionKey__Committee_ID
[cValue] => One or more file cabinets are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Committee property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[208] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Requests__Entities__PartitionKey__Customer_ID
[cValue] => One or more requests are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Customer property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[209] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__FundPremiums__Products__PartitionKey__Premium_ID
[cValue] => One or more fund premiums are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Premium property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[210] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Invoices__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more invoices are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[211] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__LegislatorTerms__LegislativeTerms__PartitionKey__Term_ID
[cValue] => One or more legislator terms are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Term property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[212] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_AbstractCustomFieldValues_Abstracts
[cValue] => One or more abstract custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[213] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CreditUsageLineItems__CreditUsages__PartitionKey__CreditUsage_ID
[cValue] => One or more credit usage line items are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Credit Usage property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[214] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__InventoryTransactions__Products__PartitionKey__Product_ID
[cValue] => One or more inventory transactions are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Product property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[215] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__BillingScheduleEntries__BillingSchedules__PartitionKey__Schedule_ID
[cValue] => One or more billing schedule entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Schedule property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[216] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Orders__SavedPaymentMethods__PartitionKey__SavedPaymentMethod_ID
[cValue] => One or more orders are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Saved Payment Method property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[217] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ConfigurationSettings__CustomFields__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID
[cValue] => One or more configuration settings are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Custom Field property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[218] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__DiscountCodeCustomers__Entities__PartitionKey__Customer_ID
[cValue] => One or more discount code customers are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Customer property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[219] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CertificationComponentRegistrations__Events__PartitionKey__Event_ID
[cValue] => One or more certification component registrations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Event property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[220] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__Events__PartitionKey__Event_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Event property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[221] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_AccreditationAppealCustomFieldValues_AccreditationAppeals
[cValue] => One or more accreditation appeal custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[222] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CreditUsageLineItems__Invoices__PartitionKey__Invoice_ID
[cValue] => One or more credit usage line items are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Invoice property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[223] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ConfigurationSettings__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__ConfigurableType_ID
[cValue] => One or more configuration settings are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Configurable Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[224] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__MetadataContainers__PartitionKey__FirstReminderEmail_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the First Reminder Email property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[225] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_AccreditationCommissionMemberCustomFieldValues_AccreditationCommissionMembers
[cValue] => One or more accreditation commission member custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[226] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CreditUsages__Batches__PartitionKey__Batch_ID
[cValue] => One or more credit usages are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Batch property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[227] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__OrganizationalLayerLeadersRecursive__OrganizationalLayerLeaders__PartitionKey__DefinedAtOrganizationalLayer_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => One or more organizational layer leaders recursive are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Partition Key property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[228] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Subscriptions__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__TerminationReason_ID
[cValue] => One or more subscriptions are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Termination Reason property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[229] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__InventoryTransactions__Warehouses__PartitionKey__TargetWarehouse_ID
[cValue] => One or more inventory transactions are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Target Warehouse property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[230] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__VolunteerScreenings__Volunteers__PartitionKey__Volunteer_ID
[cValue] => One or more volunteer screenings are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Volunteer property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[231] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CustomFields__CustomObjects__PartitionKey__CustomObject_ID
[cValue] => One or more custom fields are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Custom Object property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[232] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__WaivedRegistrationListMembers__Entities__PartitionKey__Individual_ID
[cValue] => One or more waived registration list members are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Individual property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[233] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ProductCEUCredits__Products__PartitionKey__Product_ID
[cValue] => One or more product ceu credits are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Product property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[234] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CustomObjectInstances__CustomObjects__PartitionKey__CustomObject_ID
[cValue] => One or more custom object instances are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Custom Object property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[235] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__Funds__PartitionKey__Fund_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Fund property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[236] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_AccreditationCustomFieldValues_Accreditations
[cValue] => One or more accreditation custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[237] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CreditUsages__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__MediaCode_ID
[cValue] => One or more credit usages are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Media Code property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[238] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Subscriptions__SavedPaymentMethods__PartitionKey__SavedPaymentMethod_ID
[cValue] => One or more subscriptions are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Saved Payment Method property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[239] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__InventoryTransactions__Warehouses__PartitionKey__Warehouse_ID
[cValue] => One or more inventory transactions are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Warehouse property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[240] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__VolunteerScreenings__VolunteerScreeningPlans__PartitionKey__ScreeningPlan_ID
[cValue] => One or more volunteer screenings are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Screening Plan property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[241] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__JobPostings__Orders__PartitionKey__Order_ID
[cValue] => One or more job postings are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Order property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[242] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CustomFields__Products__PartitionKey__Product_ID
[cValue] => One or more custom fields are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Product property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[243] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__SubscriptionFulfillments__Entities__PartitionKey__Subscriber_ID
[cValue] => One or more subscription fulfillments are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Subscriber property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[244] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ProductEntitlements__Products__PartitionKey__Product_ID
[cValue] => One or more product entitlements are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Product property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[245] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__WriteOffs__Invoices__PartitionKey__Invoice_ID
[cValue] => One or more write offs are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Invoice property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[246] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__GiftSubType_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Gift Sub Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[247] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_AccreditationSiteVisitCustomFieldValues_AccreditationSiteVisits
[cValue] => One or more accreditation site visit custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[248] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CreditUsages__SourceCodes__PartitionKey__SourceCode_ID
[cValue] => One or more credit usages are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Source Code property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[249] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AccreditationSiteVisitTeamMembers__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Role_ID
[cValue] => One or more accreditation site visit team members are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Role property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[250] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__MembershipAddOns__Memberships__PartitionKey__Membership_ID
[cValue] => One or more membership add ons are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Membership property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[251] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__RevenueRecognitionSchedules__Invoices__PartitionKey__Invoice_ID
[cValue] => One or more revenue recognition schedules are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Invoice property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[252] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__Files__PartitionKey__Image_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Image property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[253] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_AccreditationTeamEvaluationCustomFieldValues_AccreditationTeamEvaluations
[cValue] => One or more accreditation team evaluation custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[254] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ExchangeCancellations__OrderCancellations__PartitionKey__Cancellation_ID
[cValue] => One or more exchange cancellations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Cancellation property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[255] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__VolunteerTraits__Volunteers__PartitionKey__Volunteer_ID
[cValue] => One or more volunteer traits are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Volunteer property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[256] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ClassifiedAds__Orders__PartitionKey__Order_ID
[cValue] => One or more classified ads are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Order property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[257] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CertificationComponentCEUCredits__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more certification component ceu credits are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[258] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__PortalUsers__Entities__PartitionKey__Owner_ID
[cValue] => One or more portal users are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[259] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__MembershipAddOns__Products__PartitionKey__Merchandise_ID
[cValue] => One or more membership add ons are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Merchandise property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[260] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__MetadataContainers__PartitionKey__InitialBillingEmail_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Initial Billing Email property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[261] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_AccreditationReportCustomFieldValues_AccreditationReports
[cValue] => One or more accreditation report custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[262] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ExchangeCancellations__Exchanges__PartitionKey__Exchange_ID
[cValue] => One or more exchange cancellations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Exchange property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[263] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__DonorAcknowledgmentRules__Appeals__PartitionKey__Appeal_ID
[cValue] => One or more donor acknowledgment rules are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Appeal property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[264] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Invoices__BusinessUnits__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID
[cValue] => One or more invoices are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Business Unit property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[265] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__VolunteerTraits__VolunteerTraitTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more volunteer traits are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[266] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CertificationComponents__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more certification components are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[267] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Funds__CashAccounts__PartitionKey__BankAccount_ID
[cValue] => One or more funds are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Bank Account property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[268] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__MembershipAddOns__Orders__PartitionKey__Order_ID
[cValue] => One or more membership add ons are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Order property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[269] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_AdvertisingContractCustomFieldValues_AdvertisingContracts
[cValue] => One or more advertising contract custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[270] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ExchangeReturns__Exchanges__PartitionKey__Exchange_ID
[cValue] => One or more exchange returns are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Exchange property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[271] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__DonorAcknowledgmentRules__Campaigns__PartitionKey__Campaign_ID
[cValue] => One or more donor acknowledgment rules are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Campaign property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[272] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CourseRooms__EventLocationRooms__PartitionKey__Room_ID
[cValue] => One or more course rooms are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Room property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[273] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CertificationExams__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more certification exams are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[274] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Files__Leads__PartitionKey__Lead_ID
[cValue] => One or more files are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Lead property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[275] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__InvoiceType_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Invoice Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[276] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_AgencyCustomFieldValues_Agencies
[cValue] => One or more agency custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[277] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ExchangeReturns__Returns__PartitionKey__Return_ID
[cValue] => One or more exchange returns are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Return property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[278] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Subscriptions__Products__PartitionKey__Fee_ID
[cValue] => One or more subscriptions are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Fee property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[279] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__DonorAcknowledgmentRules__MetadataContainers__PartitionKey__EmailTemplate_ID
[cValue] => One or more donor acknowledgment rules are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Email Template property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[280] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__VolunteerScreeningPlanSteps__VolunteerScreeningPlans__PartitionKey__ScreeningPlan_ID
[cValue] => One or more volunteer screening plan steps are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Screening Plan property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[281] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__OrderDiscountCodes__Orders__PartitionKey__Order_ID
[cValue] => One or more order discount codes are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Order property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[282] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EventLocationRooms__Events__PartitionKey__Event_ID
[cValue] => One or more event location rooms are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Event property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[283] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CertificationProgramCEURequirements__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more certification program ceu requirements are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[284] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Accreditations__Entities__PartitionKey__Organization_ID
[cValue] => One or more accreditations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Organization property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[285] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Files__Opportunities__PartitionKey__Opportunity_ID
[cValue] => One or more files are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Opportunity property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[286] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_AwardRecipientCustomFieldValues_AwardRecipients
[cValue] => One or more award recipient custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[287] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Exchanges__BusinessUnits__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID
[cValue] => One or more exchanges are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Business Unit property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[288] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Subscriptions__Publications__PartitionKey__Publication_ID
[cValue] => One or more subscriptions are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Publication property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[289] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__DonorAcknowledgmentRules__Funds__PartitionKey__Fund_ID
[cValue] => One or more donor acknowledgment rules are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Fund property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[290] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__VolunteerScreeningSteps__VolunteerScreenings__PartitionKey__VolunteerScreening_ID
[cValue] => One or more volunteer screening steps are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Volunteer Screening property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[291] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EventResources__EventLocationRooms__PartitionKey__Room_ID
[cValue] => One or more event resources are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Room property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[292] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CertificationProgramExamRequirements__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more certification program exam requirements are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[293] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__SectionLeaders__Entities__PartitionKey__Individual_ID
[cValue] => One or more section leaders are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Individual property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[294] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__VolunteerJobTraits__VolunteerTraitSubTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID__FirstSubType_ID
[cValue] => One or more volunteer job traits are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Partition Key property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[295] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__LeadCampaigns__Leads__PartitionKey__Lead_ID
[cValue] => One or more lead campaigns are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Lead property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[296] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__MembershipOrganizations__PartitionKey__MembershipOrganization_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Membership Organization property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[297] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_AwardCustomFieldValues_Awards
[cValue] => One or more award custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[298] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Exchanges__Orders__PartitionKey__Order_ID
[cValue] => One or more exchanges are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Order property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[299] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__BillingScheduleEntries__Invoices__PartitionKey__Invoice_ID
[cValue] => One or more billing schedule entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Invoice property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[300] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Tributes__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more tributes are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[301] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__DonorAcknowledgmentRules__MailMergeTemplates__PartitionKey__Letter_ID
[cValue] => One or more donor acknowledgment rules are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Letter property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[302] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__VolunteerTraitSubTypes__VolunteerTraitTypes__PartitionKey__TraitType_ID
[cValue] => One or more volunteer trait sub types are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Trait Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[303] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Exhibitors__Orders__PartitionKey__Order_ID
[cValue] => One or more exhibitors are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Order property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[304] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CertificationProgramRecommendationRequirements__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more certification program recommendation requirements are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[305] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__VolunteerJobTraits__VolunteerTraitSubTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID__SecondSubType_ID
[cValue] => One or more volunteer job traits are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Partition Key property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[306] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__Chapters__PartitionKey__MembershipOrganization_ID__Chapter_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Chapter property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[307] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_CertificationExamCustomFieldValues_CertificationExams
[cValue] => One or more certification exam custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[308] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Exchanges__Entities__PartitionKey__Owner_ID
[cValue] => One or more exchanges are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[309] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Tributes__Funds__PartitionKey__DefaultFund_ID
[cValue] => One or more tributes are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Default Fund property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[310] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__DonorAcknowledgmentRules__MailMergeTemplates__PartitionKey__Receipt_ID
[cValue] => One or more donor acknowledgment rules are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Receipt property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[311] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__WaivedRegistrationListMembers__WaivedRegistrationLists__PartitionKey__List_ID
[cValue] => One or more waived registration list members are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the List property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[312] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EventResources__Events__PartitionKey__Event_ID
[cValue] => One or more event resources are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Event property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[313] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Certifications__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Status_ID
[cValue] => One or more certifications are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Status property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[314] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Entities__Files__PartitionKey__Image_ID__Recursive
[cValue] => One or more entities are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Image property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[315] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__MembershipOrganization_ID__MembershipType_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Membership Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[316] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_CEUCreditCustomFieldValues_CEUCredits
[cValue] => One or more ceu credit custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[317] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__VolunteerAssignedLocations__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Location_ID
[cValue] => One or more volunteer assigned locations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Location property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[318] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__DonorAcknowledgmentRules__Products__PartitionKey__Product_ID
[cValue] => One or more donor acknowledgment rules are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Product property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[319] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__WaivedRegistrationLists__Events__PartitionKey__Event_ID
[cValue] => One or more waived registration lists are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Event property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[320] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Registrations__Orders__PartitionKey__Order_ID
[cValue] => One or more registrations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Order property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[321] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__SessionRooms__EventLocationRooms__PartitionKey__Room_ID
[cValue] => One or more session rooms are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Room property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[322] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Certifications__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__StatusReason_ID
[cValue] => One or more certifications are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Status Reason property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[323] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ReturnRequestLineItems__ReturnRequests__PartitionKey__ReturnRequest_ID
[cValue] => One or more return request line items are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Return Request property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[324] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_CertificationCustomFieldValues_Certifications
[cValue] => One or more certification custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[325] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__VolunteerAssignedTypes__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more volunteer assigned types are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[326] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__MembershipSections__Orders__PartitionKey__Order_ID
[cValue] => One or more membership sections are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Order property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[327] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EventParticipantAssignments__EventParticipants__PartitionKey__EventParticipant_ID
[cValue] => One or more event participant assignments are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Event Participant property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[328] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CEUCredits__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more ceu credits are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[329] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__VolunteerTraits__VolunteerTraitSubTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID__FirstSubType_ID
[cValue] => One or more volunteer traits are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Partition Key property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[330] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__OrganizationalLayers__PartitionKey__OrganizationalLayer_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Organizational Layer property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[331] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_ChapterCustomFieldValues_Chapters
[cValue] => One or more chapter custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[332] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__OrderLineItems__LateFeeRules__PartitionKey__LateFeeRule_ID
[cValue] => One or more order line items are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Late Fee Rule property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[333] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__VolunteerAwards__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more volunteer awards are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[334] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Refunds__BusinessUnits__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID
[cValue] => One or more refunds are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Business Unit property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[335] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Memberships__Orders__PartitionKey__LastOrder_ID
[cValue] => One or more memberships are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Last Order property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[336] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EventParticipantAssignments__Events__PartitionKey__Session_ID
[cValue] => One or more event participant assignments are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Session property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[337] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Chapters__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__MembershipOrganization_ID__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more chapters are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[338] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__TaxTableEntries__Products__PartitionKey__TaxProduct_ID
[cValue] => One or more tax table entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Tax Product property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[339] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__VolunteerTraits__VolunteerTraitSubTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID__SecondSubType_ID
[cValue] => One or more volunteer traits are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Partition Key property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[340] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__RelationshipTypes__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__FlowDownAddressType_ID
[cValue] => One or more relationship types are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Flow Down Address Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[341] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__CertificationPrograms__PartitionKey__Program_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Program property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[342] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_CertificationRecommendationCustomFieldValues_CertificationRecommendations
[cValue] => One or more certification recommendation custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[343] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__InvoiceLineItems__LateFeeRules__PartitionKey__LateFeeRule_ID
[cValue] => One or more invoice line items are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Late Fee Rule property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[344] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__BillingRuns__Batches__PartitionKey__Batch_ID
[cValue] => One or more billing runs are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Batch property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[345] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__VolunteerJobOccurrences__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Department_ID
[cValue] => One or more volunteer job occurrences are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Department property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[346] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Funds__CashAccounts__PartitionKey__MerchantAccount_ID
[cValue] => One or more funds are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Merchant Account property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[347] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Memberships__Orders__PartitionKey__Order_ID
[cValue] => One or more memberships are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Order property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[348] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EventParticipantHonoraria__EventParticipants__PartitionKey__EventParticipant_ID
[cValue] => One or more event participant honoraria are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Event Participant property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[349] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ChapterTypeAllowedMembershipTypes__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__ChapterType_ID
[cValue] => One or more chapter type allowed membership types are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Chapter Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[350] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__RelationshipTypes__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__FlowDownPhoneNumberType_ID
[cValue] => One or more relationship types are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Flow Down Phone Number Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[351] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__ProrationTables__PartitionKey__ProrationTable_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Proration Table property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[352] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_CompetitionEntryCustomFieldValues_CompetitionEntries
[cValue] => One or more competition entry custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[353] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__LateFeeRules__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__InvoiceType_ID
[cValue] => One or more late fee rules are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Invoice Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[354] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__BillingRuns__BillingCycles__PartitionKey__Cycle_ID
[cValue] => One or more billing runs are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Cycle property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[355] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__VolunteerJobOccurrences__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Location_ID
[cValue] => One or more volunteer job occurrences are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Location property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[356] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ChangeMemos__Batches__PartitionKey__Batch_ID
[cValue] => One or more change memos are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Batch property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[357] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EventLocationRoomResources__EventResources__PartitionKey__Resource_ID
[cValue] => One or more event location room resources are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Resource property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[358] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ChapterTypeAllowedMembershipTypes__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__MembershipType_ID
[cValue] => One or more chapter type allowed membership types are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Membership Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[359] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Speakers__Entities__PartitionKey__Individual_ID
[cValue] => One or more speakers are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Individual property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[360] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EventParticipantDocuments__Files__PartitionKey__Document_ID
[cValue] => One or more event participant documents are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Document property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[361] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__Publications__PartitionKey__Publication_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Publication property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[362] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_CourseCustomFieldValues_Courses
[cValue] => One or more course custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[363] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__LateFeeRules__Products__PartitionKey__Product_ID
[cValue] => One or more late fee rules are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Product property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[364] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__BillingRuns__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__TerminationReason_ID
[cValue] => One or more billing runs are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Termination Reason property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[365] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__VolunteerJobOccurrences__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Site_ID
[cValue] => One or more volunteer job occurrences are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Site property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[366] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ChangeMemos__BusinessUnits__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID
[cValue] => One or more change memos are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Business Unit property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[367] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__SessionResources__EventResources__PartitionKey__Resource_ID
[cValue] => One or more session resources are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Resource property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[368] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ClassifiedAds__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more classified ads are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[369] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AccreditationAppeals__Entities__PartitionKey__SubmittedBy_ID
[cValue] => One or more accreditation appeals are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Submitted By property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[370] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EventSpeakerHandouts__Files__PartitionKey__Document_ID
[cValue] => One or more event speaker handouts are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Document property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[371] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__InvoiceTerms__PartitionKey__RenewalTerms_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Renewal Terms property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[372] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_CompetitionCustomFieldValues_Competitions
[cValue] => One or more competition custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[373] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__LateFeeRules__RuleSets__PartitionKey__RuleSet_ID
[cValue] => One or more late fee rules are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Rule Set property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[374] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__VolunteerJobs__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Site_ID
[cValue] => One or more volunteer jobs are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Site property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[375] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ChangeMemos__Invoices__PartitionKey__Invoice_ID
[cValue] => One or more change memos are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Invoice property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[376] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__MembershipChapters__Orders__PartitionKey__Order_ID
[cValue] => One or more membership chapters are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Order property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[377] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__SessionResources__Events__PartitionKey__Session_ID
[cValue] => One or more session resources are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Session property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[378] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Competitions__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more competitions are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[379] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__SavedPaymentMethods__Entities__PartitionKey__Owner_ID
[cValue] => One or more saved payment methods are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[380] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EventSpeakerPresentations__Files__PartitionKey__Document_ID
[cValue] => One or more event speaker presentations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Document property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[381] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__Products__PartitionKey__RenewsWith_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Renews With property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[382] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_ClassifiedAdCustomFieldValues_ClassifiedAds
[cValue] => One or more classified ad custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[383] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Credits__OrderCancellations__PartitionKey__OrderCancellation_ID
[cValue] => One or more credits are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Order Cancellation property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[384] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__BillingRuns__RecurringBillingRuns__PartitionKey__RecurringBillingRun_ID
[cValue] => One or more billing runs are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Recurring Billing Run property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[385] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__VolunteerJobs__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__VolunteerType_ID
[cValue] => One or more volunteer jobs are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Volunteer Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[386] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ChangeMemos__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__MediaCode_ID
[cValue] => One or more change memos are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Media Code property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[387] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__OrganizationalLayerLeadersRecursive__Entities__PartitionKey__Individual_ID
[cValue] => One or more organizational layer leaders recursive are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Individual property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[388] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__HistoricalTransactions__Entities__PartitionKey__Owner_ID
[cValue] => One or more historical transactions are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[389] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__RevenueRecognitionTemplates__PartitionKey__RevenueRecognitionTemplate_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Revenue Recognition Template property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[390] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_CommitteeCustomFieldValues_Committees
[cValue] => One or more committee custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[391] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ChangeMemos__OrderCancellations__PartitionKey__OrderCancellation_ID
[cValue] => One or more change memos are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Order Cancellation property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[392] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__BillingRunMembers__BillingRuns__PartitionKey__BillingRun_ID
[cValue] => One or more billing run members are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Billing Run property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[393] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__VolunteerScreenings__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__VolunteerType_ID
[cValue] => One or more volunteer screenings are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Volunteer Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[394] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ChangeMemos__Orders__PartitionKey__Order_ID
[cValue] => One or more change memos are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Order property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[395] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ExhibitorPreferredBoothTypes__Orders__PartitionKey__Order_ID
[cValue] => One or more exhibitor preferred booth types are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Order property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[396] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Competitions__Events__PartitionKey__Event_ID
[cValue] => One or more competitions are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Event property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[397] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__FiscalPeriods__FiscalYears__PartitionKey__FiscalYear_ID
[cValue] => One or more fiscal periods are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Fiscal Year property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[398] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__OrganizationalLayerLeaders__Entities__PartitionKey__Individual_ID
[cValue] => One or more organizational layer leaders are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Individual property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[399] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CEUCredits__Events__PartitionKey__Event_ID
[cValue] => One or more ceu credits are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Event property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[400] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__MembershipsFlowdown__Entities__PartitionKey__Entity_ID
[cValue] => One or more memberships flowdown are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Entity property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[401] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__MembershipCalculatedFields__Memberships__PartitionKey__Membership_ID
[cValue] => One or more membership calculated fields are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Membership property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[402] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__MetadataContainers__PartitionKey__SecondReminderEmail_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Second Reminder Email property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[403] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_CustomObjectInstanceCustomFieldValues_CustomObjectInstances
[cValue] => One or more custom object instance custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[404] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__OrderCancellations__BusinessUnits__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID
[cValue] => One or more order cancellations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Business Unit property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[405] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__BillingRunLogs__BillingRuns__PartitionKey__BillingRun_ID
[cValue] => One or more billing run logs are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Billing Run property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[406] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Registrations__Entities__PartitionKey__Owner_ID
[cValue] => One or more registrations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[407] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__MembershipChapters__Memberships__PartitionKey__Membership_ID
[cValue] => One or more membership chapters are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Membership property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[408] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__ExhibitShows__PartitionKey__Show_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Show property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[409] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_EventCustomFieldValues_Events
[cValue] => One or more event custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[410] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__OrderCancellations__Batches__PartitionKey__Batch_ID
[cValue] => One or more order cancellations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Batch property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[411] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ChangeMemos__Returns__PartitionKey__Return_ID
[cValue] => One or more change memos are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Return property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[412] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ExhibitorPreferredBooths__Orders__PartitionKey__Order_ID
[cValue] => One or more exhibitor preferred booths are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Order property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[413] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__SessionLinkedTracks__Events__PartitionKey__Session_ID
[cValue] => One or more session linked tracks are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Session property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[414] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__DueToDueFromEntries__GLAccounts__PartitionKey__FromBusinessUnit_ID__LiabilityAccount_ID
[cValue] => One or more due to due from entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Liability Account property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[415] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Committees__Sections__PartitionKey__Section_ID
[cValue] => One or more committees are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Section property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[416] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__MembershipChapters__Products__PartitionKey__Product_ID
[cValue] => One or more membership chapters are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Product property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[417] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__EventSponsorshipOpportunities__PartitionKey__SponsorshipOpportunity_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Sponsorship Opportunity property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[418] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_EventLocationRoomCustomFieldValues_EventLocationRooms
[cValue] => One or more event location room custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[419] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__OrderCancellations__Orders__PartitionKey__Order_ID
[cValue] => One or more order cancellations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Order property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[420] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__BillingRunActivities__BillingRuns__PartitionKey__BillingRun_ID
[cValue] => One or more billing run activities are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Billing Run property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[421] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ChangeMemos__SourceCodes__PartitionKey__SourceCode_ID
[cValue] => One or more change memos are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Source Code property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[422] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ExhibitorAssignedBooths__Orders__PartitionKey__Order_ID
[cValue] => One or more exhibitor assigned booths are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Order property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[423] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Entitlements__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__CustomType_ID
[cValue] => One or more entitlements are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Custom Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[424] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ProductDueToDueFromEntries__GLAccounts__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID__LiabilityAccount_ID
[cValue] => One or more product due to due from entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Liability Account property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[425] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__DiscussionBoards__Sections__PartitionKey__Section_ID
[cValue] => One or more discussion boards are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Section property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[426] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__TableType_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Table Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[427] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_EventRegistrationCustomFieldValues_Registrations
[cValue] => One or more event registration custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[428] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__OrderCancellations__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Reason_ID
[cValue] => One or more order cancellations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Reason property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[429] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__BillingSchedules__Orders__PartitionKey__Order_ID
[cValue] => One or more billing schedules are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Order property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[430] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EntityAddressFlowDown__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__FlowDownAddressType_ID
[cValue] => One or more entity address flow down are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Flow Down Address Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[431] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__JudgingTeamMembers__Entities__PartitionKey__Member_ID
[cValue] => One or more judging team members are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Member property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[432] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Events__Sections__PartitionKey__Section_ID
[cValue] => One or more events are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Section property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[433] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__TaxTables__PartitionKey__TaxTable_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Tax Table property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[434] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_ExhibitorCustomFieldValues_Exhibitors
[cValue] => One or more exhibitor custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[435] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__OrderCreditUsages__Credits__PartitionKey__Credit_ID
[cValue] => One or more order credit usages are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Credit property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[436] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CashAccounts__BusinessUnits__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID
[cValue] => One or more cash accounts are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Business Unit property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[437] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EntityPhoneNumberFlowDown__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__FlowDownPhoneNumberType_ID
[cValue] => One or more entity phone number flow down are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Flow Down Phone Number Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[438] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__InsertionOrders__Entities__PartitionKey__Advertiser_ID
[cValue] => One or more insertion orders are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Advertiser property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[439] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ProrationTableEntries__ProrationTables__PartitionKey__ProrationTable_ID
[cValue] => One or more proration table entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Proration Table property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[440] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__FileCabinets__Sections__PartitionKey__Section_ID
[cValue] => One or more file cabinets are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Section property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[441] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__MetadataContainers__PartitionKey__ThirdReminderEmail_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Third Reminder Email property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[442] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_ExhibitShowCustomFieldValues_ExhibitShows
[cValue] => One or more exhibit show custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[443] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__JournalEntryLineItems__JournalEntries__PartitionKey__JournalEntry_ID
[cValue] => One or more journal entry line items are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Journal Entry property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[444] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__PortalPaymentRules__DiscountCodes__PartitionKey__DiscountCode_ID
[cValue] => One or more portal payment rules are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Discount Code property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[445] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CashAccounts__GLAccounts__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID__CurrencyFluctuationAccount_ID
[cValue] => One or more cash accounts are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Currency Fluctuation Account property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[446] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Subscriptions__Orders__PartitionKey__LastOrder_ID
[cValue] => One or more subscriptions are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Last Order property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[447] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EventParticipantHonoraria__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more event participant honoraria are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[448] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__InsertionOrders__Entities__PartitionKey__BillTo_ID
[cValue] => One or more insertion orders are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Bill To property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[449] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__MembershipSections__Sections__PartitionKey__Section_ID
[cValue] => One or more membership sections are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Section property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[450] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Memberships__Chapters__PartitionKey__PrimaryChapter_ID
[cValue] => One or more memberships are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Primary Chapter property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[451] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_HistoricalTransactionCustomFieldValues_HistoricalTransactions
[cValue] => One or more historical transaction custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[452] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__JournalEntries__BusinessUnits__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID
[cValue] => One or more journal entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Business Unit property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[453] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__PortalPaymentRules__MembershipOrganizations__PartitionKey__MembershipOrganization_ID
[cValue] => One or more portal payment rules are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Membership Organization property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[454] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CashAccounts__GLAccounts__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID__DepositsInTransitAccount_ID
[cValue] => One or more cash accounts are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Deposits In Transit Account property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[455] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Competitions__MetadataContainers__PartitionKey__ConfirmationEmail_ID
[cValue] => One or more competitions are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Confirmation Email property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[456] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Subscriptions__Orders__PartitionKey__OriginalOrder_ID
[cValue] => One or more subscriptions are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Original Order property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[457] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EventResources__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more event resources are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[458] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Abstracts__Entities__PartitionKey__Owner_ID
[cValue] => One or more abstracts are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[459] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__DiscussionBoards__OrganizationalLayers__PartitionKey__OrganizationalLayer_ID
[cValue] => One or more discussion boards are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Organizational Layer property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[460] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__SectionLeaders__Sections__PartitionKey__Section_ID
[cValue] => One or more section leaders are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Section property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[461] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__Vendors__PartitionKey__Vendor_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Vendor property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[462] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_InsertionOrderCustomFieldValues_InsertionOrders
[cValue] => One or more insertion order custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[463] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__JournalEntries__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more journal entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[464] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ExhibitorAssignedBooths__Exhibitors__PartitionKey__Exhibitor_ID
[cValue] => One or more exhibitor assigned booths are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Exhibitor property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[465] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__PortalPaymentRules__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__IndividualType_ID
[cValue] => One or more portal payment rules are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Individual Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[466] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CashAccounts__GLAccounts__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID__GLAccount_ID
[cValue] => One or more cash accounts are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the GL Account property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[467] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Events__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more events are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[468] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Entitlements__SavedSearches__PartitionKey__Search_ID
[cValue] => One or more entitlements are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Search property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[469] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Abstracts__Entities__PartitionKey__Submitter_ID
[cValue] => One or more abstracts are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Submitter property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[470] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__FileCabinets__OrganizationalLayers__PartitionKey__OrganizationalLayer_ID
[cValue] => One or more file cabinets are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Organizational Layer property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[471] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Sections__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__MembershipOrganization_ID__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more sections are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[472] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__GLAccounts__PartitionKey__WriteOffAccount_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Write Off Account property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[473] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_IndividualCustomFieldValues_dbo.Entities
[cValue] => One or more individual custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[474] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__JournalEntries__FiscalYears__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID__FiscalYear_ID
[cValue] => One or more journal entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Fiscal Year property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[475] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ExhibitorAssignedBooths__ExhibitBooths__PartitionKey__Booth_ID
[cValue] => One or more exhibitor assigned booths are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Booth property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[476] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__PortalPaymentRules__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__MembershipType_ID
[cValue] => One or more portal payment rules are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Membership Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[477] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CashAccounts__GLAccounts__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID__ReconciliationDiscrepencyAccount_ID
[cValue] => One or more cash accounts are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Reconciliation Discrepency Account property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[478] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__InventoryTransactions__Orders__PartitionKey__Order_ID
[cValue] => One or more inventory transactions are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Order property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[479] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Events__SessionTimeSlots__PartitionKey__TimeSlot_ID__Recursive
[cValue] => One or more events are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Time Slot property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[480] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Widgets__SavedSearches__PartitionKey__Search_ID
[cValue] => One or more widgets are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Search property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[481] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__GiftSolicitors__Entities__PartitionKey__Solicitor_ID
[cValue] => One or more gift solicitors are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Solicitor property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[482] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Entitlements__FileFolders__PartitionKey__FileCabinet_ID__FileFolder_ID
[cValue] => One or more entitlements are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Partition Key property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[483] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__OrganizationalLayerLeaders__OrganizationalLayers__PartitionKey__OrganizationalLayer_ID
[cValue] => One or more organizational layer leaders are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Organizational Layer property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[484] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Sections__Entities__PartitionKey__LinkedOrganization_ID
[cValue] => One or more sections are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Linked Organization property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[485] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_LegislativeIssueCustomFieldValues_LegislativeIssues
[cValue] => One or more legislative issue custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[486] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__MembershipOrderHistory__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__PreviousType_ID
[cValue] => One or more membership order history are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Previous Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[487] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ExhibitorPreferredBooths__Exhibitors__PartitionKey__Exhibitor_ID
[cValue] => One or more exhibitor preferred booths are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Exhibitor property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[488] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__PortalPaymentRules__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__OrganizationType_ID
[cValue] => One or more portal payment rules are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Organization Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[489] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CashAccounts__GLAccounts__PartitionKey__MerchantServicesFeesAccount_ID
[cValue] => One or more cash accounts are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Merchant Services Fees Account property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[490] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EventTableReservations__Orders__PartitionKey__Order_ID
[cValue] => One or more event table reservations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Order property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[491] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EventSponsorshipOpportunities__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more event sponsorship opportunities are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[492] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ScoreCards__CompetitionEntries__PartitionKey__Entry_ID
[cValue] => One or more score cards are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Entry property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[493] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__OrganizationalLayers__Entities__PartitionKey__LinkedOrganization_ID
[cValue] => One or more organizational layers are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Linked Organization property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[494] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ProductLinkages__Products__PartitionKey__LinkedProduct_ID
[cValue] => One or more product linkages are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Linked Product property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[495] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__OrganizationalLayerLeadersRecursive__OrganizationalLayers__PartitionKey__OrganizationalLayer_ID
[cValue] => One or more organizational layer leaders recursive are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Organizational Layer property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[496] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Sections__MembershipOrganizations__PartitionKey__MembershipOrganization_ID
[cValue] => One or more sections are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Membership Organization property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[497] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_LegislativeBillCustomFieldValues_LegislativeBills
[cValue] => One or more legislative bill custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[498] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__MembershipOrderHistory__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more membership order history are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[499] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ExhibitorPreferredBooths__ExhibitBooths__PartitionKey__Booth_ID
[cValue] => One or more exhibitor preferred booths are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Booth property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[500] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__PortalPaymentRules__Funds__PartitionKey__Fund_ID
[cValue] => One or more portal payment rules are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Fund property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[501] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Returns__BusinessUnits__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID
[cValue] => One or more returns are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Business Unit property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[502] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Invoices__Orders__PartitionKey__Order_ID
[cValue] => One or more invoices are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Order property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[503] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EventTableReservations__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__TableType_ID
[cValue] => One or more event table reservations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Table Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[504] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Exhibitors__Entities__PartitionKey__Customer_ID
[cValue] => One or more exhibitors are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Customer property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[505] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ProductLinkages__Products__PartitionKey__Product_ID
[cValue] => One or more product linkages are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Product property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[506] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__OrganizationalLayersRecursive__OrganizationalLayers__PartitionKey__ChildOfLayer_ID
[cValue] => One or more organizational layers recursive are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Child Of Layer property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[507] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Memberships__MembershipOrganizations__PartitionKey__MembershipOrganization_ID
[cValue] => One or more memberships are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Membership Organization property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[508] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_MembershipRecommendationCustomFieldValues_MembershipRecommendations
[cValue] => One or more membership recommendation custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[509] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__MembershipOrderHistory__Products__PartitionKey__PreviousProduct_ID
[cValue] => One or more membership order history are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Previous Product property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[510] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ExhibitorRegistrationWindows__ExhibitShows__PartitionKey__Show_ID
[cValue] => One or more exhibitor registration windows are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Show property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[511] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CEUCredits__Orders__PartitionKey__Order_ID
[cValue] => One or more ceu credits are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Order property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[512] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EventTableReservations__EventTables__PartitionKey__Table_ID
[cValue] => One or more event table reservations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Table property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[513] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ScoreCards__JudgingRounds__PartitionKey__Round_ID
[cValue] => One or more score cards are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Round property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[514] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EventTableReservations__Entities__PartitionKey__Occupant_ID
[cValue] => One or more event table reservations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Occupant property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[515] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__OrganizationalLayersRecursive__OrganizationalLayers__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => One or more organizational layers recursive are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the ID property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[516] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_LegislatorCustomFieldValues_Legislators
[cValue] => One or more legislator custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[517] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__MembershipOrderHistory__Memberships__PartitionKey__Membership_ID
[cValue] => One or more membership order history are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Membership property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[518] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Registrations__Registrations__PartitionKey__ParentRegistration_ID
[cValue] => One or more registrations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Parent Registration property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[519] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ConfigurationSettings__MetadataContainers__PartitionKey__MetadataContainer_ID
[cValue] => One or more configuration settings are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Metadata Container property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[520] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CompetitionEntries__Orders__PartitionKey__Order_ID
[cValue] => One or more competition entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Order property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[521] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EventTables__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more event tables are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[522] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ScoreCardScores__ScoreCards__PartitionKey__ScoreCard_ID
[cValue] => One or more score card scores are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Score Card property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[523] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__BillingScheduleCalculatedFields__BillingSchedules__PartitionKey__BillingSchedule_ID
[cValue] => One or more billing schedule calculated fields are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Billing Schedule property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[524] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EventTableReservations__Entities__PartitionKey__Owner_ID
[cValue] => One or more event table reservations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[525] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__OrganizationalLayersRecursive__OrganizationalLayers__PartitionKey__OrganizationalLayer_ID
[cValue] => One or more organizational layers recursive are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Organizational Layer property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[526] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_JobPostingCustomFieldValues_JobPostings
[cValue] => One or more job posting custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[527] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__MembershipOrderHistory__Orders__PartitionKey__Order_ID
[cValue] => One or more membership order history are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Order property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[528] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__FileFolders__FileFolders__PartitionKey__FileCabinet_ID__ParentFolder_ID
[cValue] => One or more file folders are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Partition Key property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[529] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__BusinessUnitDefaultGLAccounts__GLAccounts__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID__BadDebtsExpenseAccount_ID
[cValue] => One or more business unit default gl accounts are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Bad Debts Expense Account property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[530] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__HistoricalTransactions__Orders__PartitionKey__Order_ID
[cValue] => One or more historical transactions are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Order property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[531] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EventTables__Events__PartitionKey__Event_ID
[cValue] => One or more event tables are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Event property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[532] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AccreditationAssignedCommissionMembers__AccreditationCommissionMembers__PartitionKey__Member_ID
[cValue] => One or more accreditation assigned commission members are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Member property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[533] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ScoreCardScores__ScoringCriteria__PartitionKey__Criterion_ID
[cValue] => One or more score card scores are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Criterion property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[534] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EventParticipants__Entities__PartitionKey__Individual_ID
[cValue] => One or more event participants are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Individual property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[535] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__RegistrationAddOns__Products__PartitionKey__Merchandise_ID
[cValue] => One or more registration add ons are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Merchandise property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[536] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_MembershipCustomFieldValues_Memberships
[cValue] => One or more membership custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[537] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__MembershipOrderHistory__Products__PartitionKey__Product_ID
[cValue] => One or more membership order history are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Product property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[538] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__BusinessUnitDefaultGLAccounts__GLAccounts__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID__COGSExpenseAccount_ID
[cValue] => One or more business unit default gl accounts are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the COGS Expense Account property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[539] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Events__MetadataContainers__PartitionKey__ConfirmationEmail_ID
[cValue] => One or more events are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Confirmation Email property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[540] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ExhibitBooths__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Category_ID
[cValue] => One or more exhibit booths are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Category property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[541] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ScoringCriteria__Competitions__PartitionKey__Competition_ID
[cValue] => One or more scoring criteria are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Competition property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[542] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Registrations__Entities__PartitionKey__AssignedTo_ID
[cValue] => One or more registrations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Assigned To property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[543] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__RegistrationAddOns__Orders__PartitionKey__Order_ID
[cValue] => One or more registration add ons are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Order property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[544] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ConfigurableTypes__MetadataContainers__PartitionKey__CreatePageLayout_ID
[cValue] => One or more configurable types are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Create Page Layout property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[545] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_OrganizationalLayerCustomFieldValues_OrganizationalLayers
[cValue] => One or more organizational layer custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[546] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__PaymentGatewayCaptures__Payments__PartitionKey__Payment_ID
[cValue] => One or more payment gateway captures are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Payment property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[547] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EntityLegislativeDistricts__LegislativeDistricts__PartitionKey__District_ID
[cValue] => One or more entity legislative districts are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the District property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[548] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__BusinessUnitDefaultGLAccounts__GLAccounts__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID__CurrencyTradingAccount_ID
[cValue] => One or more business unit default gl accounts are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Currency Trading Account property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[549] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Events__MetadataContainers__PartitionKey__DefaultAgenda_ID
[cValue] => One or more events are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Default Agenda property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[550] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ExhibitBooths__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more exhibit booths are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[551] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CEUCredits__Registrations__PartitionKey__Registration_ID
[cValue] => One or more ceu credits are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Registration property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[552] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Registrations__Entities__PartitionKey__Group_ID
[cValue] => One or more registrations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Group property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[553] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__RegistrationAddOns__Registrations__PartitionKey__Registration_ID
[cValue] => One or more registration add ons are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Registration property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[554] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__MembershipSections__Memberships__PartitionKey__Membership_ID
[cValue] => One or more membership sections are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Membership property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[555] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ConfigurableTypes__MetadataContainers__PartitionKey__CustomReport_ID
[cValue] => One or more configurable types are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Custom Report property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[556] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_OpportunityCustomFieldValues_Opportunities
[cValue] => One or more opportunity custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[557] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ProductDueToDueFromEntries__GLAccounts__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID__AccountsReceivableAccount_ID
[cValue] => One or more product due to due from entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Accounts Receivable Account property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[558] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__BusinessUnitDefaultGLAccounts__Products__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID__DefaultCancellationFeeProduct_ID
[cValue] => One or more business unit default gl accounts are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Default Cancellation Fee Product property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[559] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Events__MetadataContainers__PartitionKey__WaitListEmail_ID
[cValue] => One or more events are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Wait List Email property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[560] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ExhibitBooths__ExhibitShows__PartitionKey__Show_ID
[cValue] => One or more exhibit booths are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Show property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[561] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AccreditationSiteVisitTeamMembers__AccreditationCommissionMembers__PartitionKey__Member_ID
[cValue] => One or more accreditation site visit team members are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Member property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[562] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__MembershipSections__Products__PartitionKey__Product_ID
[cValue] => One or more membership sections are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Product property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[563] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ConfigurableTypes__MetadataContainers__PartitionKey__EditPageLayout_ID
[cValue] => One or more configurable types are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Edit Page Layout property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[564] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_LegislativeDistrictCustomFieldValues_LegislativeDistricts
[cValue] => One or more legislative district custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[565] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__BusinessUnitDefaultGLAccounts__GLAccounts__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID__InventoryAccount_ID
[cValue] => One or more business unit default gl accounts are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Inventory Account property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[566] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__MembershipOrganizations__MetadataContainers__PartitionKey__NewMemberConfirmationEmail_ID
[cValue] => One or more membership organizations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the New Member Confirmation Email property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[567] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ExhibitorContactRestrictions__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__BoothCategory_ID
[cValue] => One or more exhibitor contact restrictions are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Booth Category property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[568] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AccreditationSiteVisitTeamMembers__AccreditationSiteVisits__PartitionKey__AccreditationSiteVisit_ID
[cValue] => One or more accreditation site visit team members are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Accreditation Site Visit property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[569] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__RegistrationRibbons__Registrations__PartitionKey__Registration_ID
[cValue] => One or more registration ribbons are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Registration property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[570] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Registrations__Entities__PartitionKey__OwnerPrimaryOrganization_ID
[cValue] => One or more registrations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner Primary Organization property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[571] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EventInvitees__Events__PartitionKey__Event_ID
[cValue] => One or more event invitees are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Event property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[572] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_LeadCustomFieldValues_Leads
[cValue] => One or more lead custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[573] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ProductDueToDueFromEntries__Products__PartitionKey__Product_ID
[cValue] => One or more product due to due from entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Product property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[574] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__InformationLinks__Competitions__PartitionKey__Competition_ID
[cValue] => One or more information links are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Competition property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[575] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__BusinessUnitDefaultGLAccounts__GLAccounts__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID__OverpaymentLiabilityAccount_ID
[cValue] => One or more business unit default gl accounts are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Overpayment Liability Account property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[576] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__MembershipOrganizations__MetadataContainers__PartitionKey__RenewingMemberConfirmationEmail_ID
[cValue] => One or more membership organizations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Renewing Member Confirmation Email property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[577] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ExhibitorContactRestrictions__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__BoothType_ID
[cValue] => One or more exhibitor contact restrictions are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Booth Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[578] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EventInvitees__Entities__PartitionKey__Invitee_ID
[cValue] => One or more event invitees are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Invitee property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[579] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ConfigurableTypes__MembershipOrganizations__PartitionKey__MembershipOrganization_ID
[cValue] => One or more configurable types are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Membership Organization property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[580] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_SectionCustomFieldValues_Sections
[cValue] => One or more section custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[581] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Returns__ReturnRequests__PartitionKey__Request_ID
[cValue] => One or more returns are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Request property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[582] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__InformationLinks__Events__PartitionKey__Event_ID
[cValue] => One or more information links are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Event property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[583] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__FundGLAccounts__Funds__PartitionKey__Fund_ID
[cValue] => One or more fund gl accounts are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Fund property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[584] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CampaignPremiums__Campaigns__PartitionKey__Campaign_ID
[cValue] => One or more campaign premiums are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Campaign property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[585] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__BusinessUnitDefaultGLAccounts__GLAccounts__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID__StoreCreditLiabilityAccount_ID
[cValue] => One or more business unit default gl accounts are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Store Credit Liability Account property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[586] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ExhibitorContactRestrictions__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__ContactType_ID
[cValue] => One or more exhibitor contact restrictions are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Contact Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[587] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EntityPhoneNumbers__Entities__PartitionKey__Owner_ID
[cValue] => One or more entity phone numbers are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[588] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EventParticipants__EventParticipants__PartitionKey__ReportsTo_ID
[cValue] => One or more event participants are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Reports To property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[589] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__LookupTableRows__LookupTables__PartitionKey__LookupTable_ID
[cValue] => One or more lookup table rows are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Lookup Table property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[590] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ConfigurableTypes__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__MembershipOrganization_ID__MembershipCategory_ID
[cValue] => One or more configurable types are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Membership Category property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[591] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_SessionRegistrationCustomFieldValues_Registrations
[cValue] => One or more session registration custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[592] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__InsertionOrderInvoiceBatches__Batches__PartitionKey__InvoiceBatch_ID
[cValue] => One or more insertion order invoice batches are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Invoice Batch property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[593] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__FundPremiums__Funds__PartitionKey__Fund_ID
[cValue] => One or more fund premiums are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Fund property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[594] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Campaigns__Campaigns__PartitionKey__ParentCampaign_ID
[cValue] => One or more campaigns are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Parent Campaign property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[595] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ExhibitorContactRestrictions__ExhibitShows__PartitionKey__Show_ID
[cValue] => One or more exhibitor contact restrictions are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Show property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[596] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EntityPhoneNumberFlowDown__Entities__PartitionKey__Parent_ID
[cValue] => One or more entity phone number flow down are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Parent property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[597] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EventParticipants__Events__PartitionKey__Event_ID
[cValue] => One or more event participants are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Event property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[598] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ConfigurableTypes__MetadataContainers__PartitionKey__PortalPageLayout_ID
[cValue] => One or more configurable types are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Portal Page Layout property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[599] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_SubscriptionCustomFieldValues_Subscriptions
[cValue] => One or more subscription custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[600] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__RecurringBatchDefinitionUserGroups__RecurringBatchDefinitions__PartitionKey__RecurringBatch_ID
[cValue] => One or more recurring batch definition user groups are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Recurring Batch property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[601] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__InsertionOrderInvoiceBatches__InvoiceTerms__PartitionKey__Terms_ID
[cValue] => One or more insertion order invoice batches are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Terms property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[602] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__GiftSplits__Funds__PartitionKey__Fund_ID
[cValue] => One or more gift splits are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Fund property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[603] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__BusinessUnitDefaultGLAccounts__GLAccounts__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID__ARAccount_ID
[cValue] => One or more business unit default gl accounts are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the A R Account property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[604] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ExhibitorContacts__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more exhibitor contacts are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[605] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Registrations__Events__PartitionKey__Event_ID
[cValue] => One or more registrations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Event property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[606] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EntityLegislativeDistricts__Entities__PartitionKey__Entity_ID
[cValue] => One or more entity legislative districts are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Entity property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[607] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ConfigurableTypes__VolunteerScreeningPlans__PartitionKey__ScreeningPlan_ID
[cValue] => One or more configurable types are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Screening Plan property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[608] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_OrganizationCustomFieldValues_dbo.Entities
[cValue] => One or more organization custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[609] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__RecurringBatchDefinitionUserGroups__UserGroups__PartitionKey__UserGroup_ID
[cValue] => One or more recurring batch definition user groups are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the User Group property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[610] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__InsertionOrderInvoiceBatches__Issues__PartitionKey__Issue_ID
[cValue] => One or more insertion order invoice batches are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Issue property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[611] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__BusinessUnitDefaultGLAccounts__GLAccounts__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID__DeferredRevenueAccount_ID
[cValue] => One or more business unit default gl accounts are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Deferred Revenue Account property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[612] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ExhibitorContacts__Exhibitors__PartitionKey__Exhibitor_ID
[cValue] => One or more exhibitor contacts are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Exhibitor property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[613] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ConfigurableTypes__MetadataContainers__PartitionKey__ViewPageLayout_ID
[cValue] => One or more configurable types are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the View Page Layout property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[614] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_SpeakerCustomFieldValues_Speakers
[cValue] => One or more speaker custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[615] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Batches__RecurringBatchDefinitions__PartitionKey__RecurringBatchDefinition_ID
[cValue] => One or more batches are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Recurring Batch Definition property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[616] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__InsertionOrderInvoiceBatchMembers__InsertionOrderInvoiceBatches__PartitionKey__InvoiceBatch_ID
[cValue] => One or more insertion order invoice batch members are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Invoice Batch property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[617] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Funds__BusinessUnits__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID
[cValue] => One or more funds are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Business Unit property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[618] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ChangeMemoLineItems__ChangeMemos__PartitionKey__ChangeMemo_ID
[cValue] => One or more change memo line items are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Partition Key property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[619] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ExhibitorPreferredBoothTypes__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more exhibitor preferred booth types are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[620] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Registrations__Products__PartitionKey__Fee_ID
[cValue] => One or more registrations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Fee property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[621] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EntityAddressFlowDown__Entities__PartitionKey__Parent_ID
[cValue] => One or more entity address flow down are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Parent property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[622] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__MetadataContainers__CustomObjects__PartitionKey__CustomObject_ID
[cValue] => One or more metadata containers are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Custom Object property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[623] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_SessionCustomFieldValues_Events
[cValue] => One or more session custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[624] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__RecurringBatchDefinitionSecurityRoles__RecurringBatchDefinitions__PartitionKey__RecurringBatch_ID
[cValue] => One or more recurring batch definition security roles are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Recurring Batch property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[625] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Credits__Batches__PartitionKey__Batch_ID
[cValue] => One or more credits are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Batch property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[626] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__InsertionOrderInvoiceBatchMembers__InsertionOrders__PartitionKey__InsertionOrder_ID
[cValue] => One or more insertion order invoice batch members are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Insertion Order property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[627] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__PortalForms__MetadataContainers__PartitionKey__ConfirmationEmail_ID
[cValue] => One or more portal forms are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Confirmation Email property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[628] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ExhibitorPreferredBoothTypes__Exhibitors__PartitionKey__Exhibitor_ID
[cValue] => One or more exhibitor preferred booth types are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Exhibitor property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[629] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EventTableReservations__Events__PartitionKey__Event_ID
[cValue] => One or more event table reservations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Event property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[630] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ReturnLineItems__Returns__PartitionKey__Return_ID
[cValue] => One or more return line items are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Return property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[631] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_VolunteerCustomFieldValues_Volunteers
[cValue] => One or more volunteer custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[632] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__RecurringBatchDefinitionSecurityRoles__SecurityRoles__PartitionKey__SecurityRole_ID
[cValue] => One or more recurring batch definition security roles are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Security Role property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[633] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Credits__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__MediaCode_ID
[cValue] => One or more credits are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Media Code property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[634] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__LeadCampaigns__Campaigns__PartitionKey__Campaign_ID
[cValue] => One or more lead campaigns are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Campaign property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[635] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__PaymentLineItems__Invoices__PartitionKey__Invoice_ID
[cValue] => One or more payment line items are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Invoice property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[636] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__PortalForms__MetadataContainers__PartitionKey__CreatePageLayout_ID
[cValue] => One or more portal forms are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Create Page Layout property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[637] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Exhibitors__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Status_ID
[cValue] => One or more exhibitors are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Status property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[638] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ShippingMethodRates__ShippingZones__PartitionKey__ShippingZone_ID
[cValue] => One or more shipping method rates are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Shipping Zone property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[639] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ScoreCards__Entities__PartitionKey__Judge_ID
[cValue] => One or more score cards are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Judge property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[640] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK_RequestCustomFieldValues_Requests
[cValue] => One or more request custom field values are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[641] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__RecurringBatchDefinitions__BusinessUnits__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID
[cValue] => One or more recurring batch definitions are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Business Unit property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[642] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Credits__SourceCodes__PartitionKey__SourceCode_ID
[cValue] => One or more credits are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Source Code property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[643] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__PaymentLineItems__Payments__PartitionKey__Payment_ID
[cValue] => One or more payment line items are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Payment property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[644] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__PortalForms__MetadataContainers__PartitionKey__EditPageLayout_ID
[cValue] => One or more portal forms are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Edit Page Layout property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[645] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ShippingMethodRates__ShippingMethods__PartitionKey__ShippingMethod_ID
[cValue] => One or more shipping method rates are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Shipping Method property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[646] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Memberships__Entities__PartitionKey__BillTo_ID
[cValue] => One or more memberships are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Bill To property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[647] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__OrganizationalLayers__MembershipOrganizations__PartitionKey__MembershipOrganization_ID
[cValue] => One or more organizational layers are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Membership Organization property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[648] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ProductProcessingPriorityRules__RuleSets__PartitionKey__RuleSet_ID
[cValue] => One or more product processing priority rules are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Rule Set property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[649] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__PortalForms__MetadataContainers__PartitionKey__ViewPageLayout_ID
[cValue] => One or more portal forms are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the View Page Layout property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[650] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Exhibitors__ExhibitorRegistrationWindows__PartitionKey__RegistrationWindow_ID
[cValue] => One or more exhibitors are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Registration Window property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[651] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Memberships__Entities__PartitionKey__Owner_ID
[cValue] => One or more memberships are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[652] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AbstractCalculatedFields__Abstracts__PartitionKey__Abstract_ID
[cValue] => One or more abstract calculated fields are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Abstract property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[653] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__RevenueRecognitionScheduleRevenueSplits__RevenueRecognitionSchedules__PartitionKey__Schedule_ID
[cValue] => One or more revenue recognition schedule revenue splits are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Schedule property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[654] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__InsertionOrders__AdvertisingContracts__PartitionKey__Contract_ID
[cValue] => One or more insertion orders are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Contract property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[655] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Gifts__Batches__PartitionKey__Batch_ID
[cValue] => One or more gifts are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Batch property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[656] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Exhibitors__ExhibitShows__PartitionKey__Show_ID
[cValue] => One or more exhibitors are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Show property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[657] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Memberships__Entities__PartitionKey__ReferredBy_ID
[cValue] => One or more memberships are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Referred By property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[658] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AbstractSessionTracks__Abstracts__PartitionKey__Abstract_ID
[cValue] => One or more abstract session tracks are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Abstract property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[659] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__PortalPaymentRules__RuleSets__PartitionKey__RuleSet_ID
[cValue] => One or more portal payment rules are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Rule Set property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[660] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__InsertionOrders__Agencies__PartitionKey__Agency_ID
[cValue] => One or more insertion orders are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Agency property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[661] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Exhibitors__Files__PartitionKey__Logo_ID
[cValue] => One or more exhibitors are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Logo property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[662] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Entitlements__Entities__PartitionKey__Owner_ID
[cValue] => One or more entitlements are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[663] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CompetitionEntries__Abstracts__PartitionKey__Abstract_ID
[cValue] => One or more competition entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Abstract property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[664] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EventParticipantDocuments__EventParticipants__PartitionKey__EventParticipant_ID
[cValue] => One or more event participant documents are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Event Participant property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[665] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Publications__RuleSets__PartitionKey__LateFeeRuleSet_ID
[cValue] => One or more publications are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Late Fee Rule Set property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[666] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CompetitionEntries__Entities__PartitionKey__Entrant_ID
[cValue] => One or more competition entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Entrant property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[667] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CompetitionEntries__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Status_ID
[cValue] => One or more competition entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Status property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[668] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__TieredRegistrationPricingRules__RuleSets__PartitionKey__RuleSet_ID
[cValue] => One or more tiered registration pricing rules are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Rule Set property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[669] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__SubLedgerEntries__Credits__PartitionKey__Credit_ID
[cValue] => One or more sub ledger entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Credit property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[670] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ExhibitShows__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Category_ID
[cValue] => One or more exhibit shows are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Category property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[671] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Activities__Legislators__PartitionKey__Legislator_ID
[cValue] => One or more activities are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Legislator property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[672] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Activities__Entities__PartitionKey__Entity_ID
[cValue] => One or more activities are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Entity property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[673] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CommitteeMemberships__Entities__PartitionKey__Member_ID
[cValue] => One or more committee memberships are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Member property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[674] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EventSpeakerHandouts__EventParticipants__PartitionKey__EventParticipant_ID
[cValue] => One or more event speaker handouts are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Event Participant property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[675] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__MembershipOrganizations__RuleSets__PartitionKey__LateFeeRuleSet_ID__Recursive
[cValue] => One or more membership organizations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Late Fee Rule Set property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[676] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__MailMergeTemplates__Files__PartitionKey__Template_ID
[cValue] => One or more mail merge templates are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Template property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[677] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ExhibitShows__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__PriorityPointGroup_ID
[cValue] => One or more exhibit shows are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Priority Point Group property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[678] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__LegislativeBillSponsors__Legislators__PartitionKey__Legislator_ID
[cValue] => One or more legislative bill sponsors are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Legislator property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[679] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ClassifiedAds__Entities__PartitionKey__Owner_ID
[cValue] => One or more classified ads are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[680] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__RevenueRecognitionSchedules__BusinessUnits__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID
[cValue] => One or more revenue recognition schedules are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Business Unit property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[681] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__DonorAcknowledgmentRules__RuleSets__PartitionKey__RuleSet_ID
[cValue] => One or more donor acknowledgment rules are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Rule Set property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[682] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__MailMergeTemplates__MembershipOrganizations__PartitionKey__MembershipOrganization_ID
[cValue] => One or more mail merge templates are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Membership Organization property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[683] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ExhibitShows__Events__PartitionKey__Event_ID
[cValue] => One or more exhibit shows are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Event property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[684] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Legislators__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Title_ID
[cValue] => One or more legislators are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Title property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[685] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Chapters__Entities__PartitionKey__LinkedOrganization_ID
[cValue] => One or more chapters are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Linked Organization property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[686] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Abstracts__Events__PartitionKey__Event_ID
[cValue] => One or more abstracts are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Event property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[687] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EventSpeakerPresentations__EventParticipants__PartitionKey__EventParticipant_ID
[cValue] => One or more event speaker presentations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Event Participant property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[688] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__RuleSets__PartitionKey__CancellationFeeRuleSet_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Cancellation Fee Rule Set property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[689] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__LegislativeBillIssues__LegislativeBills__PartitionKey__LegislativeBill_ID
[cValue] => One or more legislative bill issues are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Legislative Bill property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[690] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ExhibitShows__Files__PartitionKey__ShowFloor_ID
[cValue] => One or more exhibit shows are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Show Floor property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[691] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AdvertisingContracts__Agencies__PartitionKey__Agency_ID
[cValue] => One or more advertising contracts are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Agency property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[692] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__InventoryTransactions__FulfillmentBatches__PartitionKey__FulfillmentBatch_ID
[cValue] => One or more inventory transactions are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Fulfillment Batch property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[693] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Legislators__Entities__PartitionKey__Individual_ID
[cValue] => One or more legislators are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Individual property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[694] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ChapterLeaders__Entities__PartitionKey__Individual_ID
[cValue] => One or more chapter leaders are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Individual property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[695] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__GeographicalRegionAssignmentRules__RuleSets__PartitionKey__RuleSet_ID
[cValue] => One or more geographical region assignment rules are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Rule Set property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[696] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Activities__AccreditationAppeals__PartitionKey__AccreditationAppeal_ID
[cValue] => One or more activities are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Accreditation Appeal property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[697] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__WriteOffLineItems__Products__PartitionKey__Product_ID
[cValue] => One or more write off line items are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Product property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[698] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__RuleSets__PartitionKey__LateFeeRuleSet_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Late Fee Rule Set property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[699] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__InsertionOrders__Files__PartitionKey__UploadedMaterials_ID
[cValue] => One or more insertion orders are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Uploaded Materials property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[700] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Expenses__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Package_ID
[cValue] => One or more expenses are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Package property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[701] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__InventoryTransactions__InventoryTransactions__PartitionKey__InventoryReceipt_ID
[cValue] => One or more inventory transactions are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Inventory Receipt property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[702] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Legislators__LegislativeBodies__PartitionKey__LegislativeBody_ID
[cValue] => One or more legislators are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Legislative Body property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[703] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Activities__Accreditations__PartitionKey__Accreditation_ID
[cValue] => One or more activities are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Accreditation property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[704] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__WriteOffLineItems__WriteOffs__PartitionKey__WriteOff_ID
[cValue] => One or more write off line items are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Write Off property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[705] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__RuleSets__PartitionKey__TieredRegistrationPricingRuleSet_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Tiered Registration Pricing Rule Set property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[706] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__InsertionOrders__Issues__PartitionKey__Issue_ID
[cValue] => One or more insertion orders are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Issue property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[707] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Refunds__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__MediaCode_ID
[cValue] => One or more refunds are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Media Code property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[708] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Returns__Orders__PartitionKey__Order_ID
[cValue] => One or more returns are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Order property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[709] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Expenses__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more expenses are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[710] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__InventoryTransactions__InventoryTransactions__PartitionKey__PurchaseOrder_ID
[cValue] => One or more inventory transactions are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Purchase Order property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[711] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Legislators__LegislativeDistricts__PartitionKey__LegislativeBody_ID__District_ID
[cValue] => One or more legislators are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the District property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[712] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CEUCredits__Entities__PartitionKey__Owner_ID
[cValue] => One or more ceu credits are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[713] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Activities__AccreditationSiteVisits__PartitionKey__AccreditationSiteVisit_ID
[cValue] => One or more activities are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Accreditation Site Visit property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[714] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CertificationPrograms__RuleSets__PartitionKey__LateFeeRuleSet_ID
[cValue] => One or more certification programs are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Late Fee Rule Set property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[715] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Refunds__Batches__PartitionKey__Batch_ID
[cValue] => One or more refunds are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Batch property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[716] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Returns__Batches__PartitionKey__Batch_ID
[cValue] => One or more returns are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Batch property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[717] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Expenses__Funds__PartitionKey__Fund_ID
[cValue] => One or more expenses are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Fund property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[718] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__InventoryTransactions__Returns__PartitionKey__Return_ID
[cValue] => One or more inventory transactions are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Return property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[719] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__SpeakerEvaluations__Courses__PartitionKey__Course_ID
[cValue] => One or more speaker evaluations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Course property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[720] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__LegislatorTerms__Legislators__PartitionKey__Legislator_ID
[cValue] => One or more legislator terms are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Legislator property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[721] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Activities__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Status_ID
[cValue] => One or more activities are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Status property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[722] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__RuleSets__BusinessUnits__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID
[cValue] => One or more rule sets are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Business Unit property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[723] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__LegislativeDistricts__LegislativeBodies__PartitionKey__LegislativeBody_ID
[cValue] => One or more legislative districts are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Legislative Body property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[724] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Refunds__SourceCodes__PartitionKey__SourceCode_ID
[cValue] => One or more refunds are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Source Code property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[725] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Returns__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Reason_ID
[cValue] => One or more returns are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Reason property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[726] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__GiftAttributes__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Category_ID
[cValue] => One or more gift attributes are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Category property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[727] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__SpeakerEvaluations__Events__PartitionKey__Event_ID
[cValue] => One or more speaker evaluations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Event property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[728] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Activities__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more activities are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[729] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ConfigurationSettings__PortalForms__PartitionKey__PortalForm_ID
[cValue] => One or more configuration settings are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Portal Form property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[730] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__RuleSets__Events__PartitionKey__Event_ID
[cValue] => One or more rule sets are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Event property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[731] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__LegislativeTerms__LegislativeBodies__PartitionKey__LegislativeBody_ID
[cValue] => One or more legislative terms are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Legislative Body property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[732] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CertificationComponentRegistrations__CertificationComponents__PartitionKey__Component_ID
[cValue] => One or more certification component registrations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Component property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[733] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__DueToDueFromEntries__BusinessUnits__PartitionKey__FromBusinessUnit_ID
[cValue] => One or more due to due from entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the From Business Unit property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[734] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__SpeakerEvaluations__Events__PartitionKey__Session_ID
[cValue] => One or more speaker evaluations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Session property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[735] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CertificationRecommendations__Entities__PartitionKey__LinkedIndividual_ID
[cValue] => One or more certification recommendations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Linked Individual property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[736] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ConfigurationSettings__Products__PartitionKey__Product_ID
[cValue] => One or more configuration settings are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Product property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[737] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__MessagingCandidates__Jobs__PartitionKey__MessageJob_ID
[cValue] => One or more messaging candidates are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Message Job property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[738] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__RefundLineItems__Refunds__PartitionKey__Refund_ID
[cValue] => One or more refund line items are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Refund property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[739] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__InsertionOrders__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Color_ID
[cValue] => One or more insertion orders are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Color property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[740] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__DueToDueFromEntries__GLAccounts__PartitionKey__FromBusinessUnit_ID__AccountsReceivableAccount_ID
[cValue] => One or more due to due from entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Accounts Receivable Account property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[741] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__SpeakerEvaluations__Speakers__PartitionKey__Speaker_ID
[cValue] => One or more speaker evaluations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Speaker property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[742] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CertificationExams__Entities__PartitionKey__Student_ID
[cValue] => One or more certification exams are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Student property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[743] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__SubLedgerEntryItems__CashAccounts__PartitionKey__CashAccount_ID
[cValue] => One or more sub ledger entry items are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Cash Account property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[744] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__MessagingEntries__Jobs__PartitionKey__MessageJob_ID
[cValue] => One or more messaging entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Message Job property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[745] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CEUCredits__CertificationComponentRegistrations__PartitionKey__ComponentRegistration_ID
[cValue] => One or more ceu credits are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Component Registration property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[746] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__InsertionOrders__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Position_ID
[cValue] => One or more insertion orders are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Position property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[747] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AppealPremiums__Appeals__PartitionKey__Appeal_ID
[cValue] => One or more appeal premiums are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Appeal property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[748] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AbstractCalculatedFields__Speakers__PartitionKey__Speaker1_ID
[cValue] => One or more abstract calculated fields are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Speaker1 property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[749] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CertificationComponentRegistrations__Entities__PartitionKey__Student_ID
[cValue] => One or more certification component registrations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Student property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[750] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Activities__Leads__PartitionKey__Lead_ID
[cValue] => One or more activities are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Lead property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[751] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EventTableAssignments__Entities__PartitionKey__Occupant_ID
[cValue] => One or more event table assignments are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Occupant property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[752] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__InsertionOrders__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Size_ID
[cValue] => One or more insertion orders are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Size property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[753] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__DueToDueFromEntries__BusinessUnits__PartitionKey__ToBusinessUnit_ID
[cValue] => One or more due to due from entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the To Business Unit property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[754] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AbstractCalculatedFields__Speakers__PartitionKey__Speaker2_ID
[cValue] => One or more abstract calculated fields are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Speaker2 property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[755] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AwardRecipients__Entities__PartitionKey__Recipient_ID
[cValue] => One or more award recipients are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Recipient property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[756] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Activities__LegislativeBills__PartitionKey__Bill_ID
[cValue] => One or more activities are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Bill property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[757] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Sponsorships__Orders__PartitionKey__Order_ID
[cValue] => One or more sponsorships are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Order property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[758] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EventTableAssignments__EventTableReservations__PartitionKey__Reservation_ID
[cValue] => One or more event table assignments are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Reservation property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[759] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__OrderDiscountCodes__DiscountCodes__PartitionKey__DiscountCode_ID
[cValue] => One or more order discount codes are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Discount Code property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[760] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Entities__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Status_ID
[cValue] => One or more entities are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Status property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[761] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AbstractCalculatedFields__Speakers__PartitionKey__Speaker3_ID
[cValue] => One or more abstract calculated fields are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Speaker3 property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[762] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Agencies__Entities__PartitionKey__Organization_ID
[cValue] => One or more agencies are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Organization property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[763] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Sponsorships__Entities__PartitionKey__Sponsor_ID
[cValue] => One or more sponsorships are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Sponsor property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[764] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EventTableAssignments__EventTables__PartitionKey__Table_ID
[cValue] => One or more event table assignments are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Table property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[765] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AbstractCalculatedFields__Speakers__PartitionKey__Speaker4_ID
[cValue] => One or more abstract calculated fields are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Speaker4 property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[766] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__SalesReps__Entities__PartitionKey__Individual_ID
[cValue] => One or more sales reps are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Individual property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[767] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Activities__Opportunities__PartitionKey__Opportunity_ID
[cValue] => One or more activities are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Opportunity property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[768] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Sponsorships__ExhibitShows__PartitionKey__Show_ID
[cValue] => One or more sponsorships are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Show property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[769] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__OrganizationalLayers__OrganizationalLayers__PartitionKey__MembershipOrganization_ID__ParentLayer_ID
[cValue] => One or more organizational layers are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Parent Layer property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[770] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AbstractCalculatedFields__Speakers__PartitionKey__Speaker5_ID
[cValue] => One or more abstract calculated fields are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Speaker5 property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[771] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AdvertisingContracts__Entities__PartitionKey__Advertiser_ID
[cValue] => One or more advertising contracts are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Advertiser property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[772] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Activities__Requests__PartitionKey__Request_ID
[cValue] => One or more activities are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Request property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[773] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Sponsorships__Competitions__PartitionKey__Competition_ID
[cValue] => One or more sponsorships are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Competition property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[774] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__IssueAdColors__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__AdColor_ID
[cValue] => One or more issue ad colors are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Ad Color property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[775] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AbstractCalculatedFields__Speakers__PartitionKey__Speaker6_ID
[cValue] => One or more abstract calculated fields are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Speaker6 property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[776] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AdvertisingContracts__Entities__PartitionKey__BillTo_ID
[cValue] => One or more advertising contracts are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Bill To property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[777] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AccreditationAppeals__Accreditations__PartitionKey__Accreditation_ID
[cValue] => One or more accreditation appeals are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Accreditation property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[778] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Sponsorships__Events__PartitionKey__Event_ID
[cValue] => One or more sponsorships are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Event property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[779] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ConfigurableTypes__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__FlipStatus_ID
[cValue] => One or more configurable types are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Flip Status property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[780] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__PortalPaymentRules__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__MembershipStatus_ID
[cValue] => One or more portal payment rules are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Membership Status property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[781] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__IssueAdPositions__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__AdPosition_ID
[cValue] => One or more issue ad positions are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Ad Position property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[782] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__HistoricalTransactions__BusinessUnits__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID
[cValue] => One or more historical transactions are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Business Unit property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[783] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AbstractCalculatedFields__Speakers__PartitionKey__Speaker7_ID
[cValue] => One or more abstract calculated fields are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Speaker7 property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[784] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AccreditationTeamEvaluations__Entities__PartitionKey__SubmittedBy_ID
[cValue] => One or more accreditation team evaluations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Submitted By property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[785] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AccreditationAppeals__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Status_ID
[cValue] => One or more accreditation appeals are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Status property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[786] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Sponsorships__EventSponsorshipOpportunities__PartitionKey__Opportunity_ID
[cValue] => One or more sponsorships are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Opportunity property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[787] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__DropStatus_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Drop Status property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[788] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__RecurringEmailBlasts__Jobs__PartitionKey__EmailBlast_ID
[cValue] => One or more recurring email blasts are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Email Blast property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[789] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CertificationComponentCEUCredits__CertificationComponents__PartitionKey__Component_ID
[cValue] => One or more certification component ceu credits are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Component property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[790] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ProductSpecialPrices__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__MembershipStatus_ID
[cValue] => One or more product special prices are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Membership Status property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[791] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__IssueAdSizes__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__AdSize_ID
[cValue] => One or more issue ad sizes are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Ad Size property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[792] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AbstractCalculatedFields__Speakers__PartitionKey__Speaker8_ID
[cValue] => One or more abstract calculated fields are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Speaker8 property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[793] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AccreditationCommissionMembers__Entities__PartitionKey__Individual_ID
[cValue] => One or more accreditation commission members are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Individual property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[794] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AccreditationAppeals__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more accreditation appeals are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[795] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Sponsorships__Products__PartitionKey__Fee_ID
[cValue] => One or more sponsorships are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Fee property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[796] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__InitialStatus_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Initial Status property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[797] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ProductPurchaseRestrictions__Products__PartitionKey__Product_ID
[cValue] => One or more product purchase restrictions are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Product property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[798] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__JobPostings__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Location_ID
[cValue] => One or more job postings are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Location property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[799] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__OrderLineItems__Warehouses__PartitionKey__Warehouse_ID
[cValue] => One or more order line items are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Warehouse property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[800] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AbstractCalculatedFields__Speakers__PartitionKey__Speaker9_ID
[cValue] => One or more abstract calculated fields are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Speaker9 property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[801] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Subscriptions__Entities__PartitionKey__BillTo_ID
[cValue] => One or more subscriptions are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Bill To property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[802] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ProductSpecialPrices__MembershipOrganizations__PartitionKey__MembershipOrganization_ID
[cValue] => One or more product special prices are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Membership Organization property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[803] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__SubscriptionFulfillments__Subscriptions__PartitionKey__Subscription_ID
[cValue] => One or more subscription fulfillments are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Subscription property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[804] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Jobs__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Category_ID
[cValue] => One or more jobs are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Category property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[805] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AbstractSpeakers__Speakers__PartitionKey__Speaker_ID
[cValue] => One or more abstract speakers are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Speaker property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[806] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Subscriptions__Entities__PartitionKey__Owner_ID
[cValue] => One or more subscriptions are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[807] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AccreditationAssignedCommissionMembers__Accreditations__PartitionKey__Accreditation_ID
[cValue] => One or more accreditation assigned commission members are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Accreditation property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[808] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ProductSpecialPrices__Products__PartitionKey__Product_ID
[cValue] => One or more product special prices are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Product property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[809] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__LeadCampaigns__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Status_ID
[cValue] => One or more lead campaigns are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Status property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[810] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CourseSpeakers__Speakers__PartitionKey__Speaker_ID
[cValue] => One or more course speakers are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Speaker property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[811] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AccreditationAssignedCommissionMembers__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Role_ID
[cValue] => One or more accreditation assigned commission members are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Role property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[812] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Leads__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Status_ID
[cValue] => One or more leads are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Status property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[813] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ConfigurableTypes__GLAccounts__PartitionKey__GLAccount_ID
[cValue] => One or more configurable types are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the GL Account property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[814] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__SessionSpeakers__Speakers__PartitionKey__Speaker_ID
[cValue] => One or more session speakers are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Speaker property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[815] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AccreditationReports__Accreditations__PartitionKey__Accreditation_ID
[cValue] => One or more accreditation reports are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Accreditation property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[816] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Leads__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more leads are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[817] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Volunteers__Entities__PartitionKey__Individual_ID
[cValue] => One or more volunteers are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Individual property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[818] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AccreditationReports__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Status_ID
[cValue] => One or more accreditation reports are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Status property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[819] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CertificationExams__Certifications__PartitionKey__Certification_ID
[cValue] => One or more certification exams are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Certification property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[820] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__LegislativeBills__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Category_ID
[cValue] => One or more legislative bills are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Category property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[821] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Volunteers__Entities__PartitionKey__Sponsor_ID
[cValue] => One or more volunteers are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Sponsor property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[822] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AccreditationReports__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more accreditation reports are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[823] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__LegislativeBills__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Status_ID
[cValue] => One or more legislative bills are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Status property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[824] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__InsertionOrders__Orders__PartitionKey__Order_ID
[cValue] => One or more insertion orders are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Order property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[825] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Invoices__Entities__PartitionKey__BillTo_ID
[cValue] => One or more invoices are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Bill To property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[826] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AccreditationReports__Files__PartitionKey__File_ID
[cValue] => One or more accreditation reports are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the File property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[827] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__LegislativeBills__LegislativeBodies__PartitionKey__LegislativeBody_ID
[cValue] => One or more legislative bills are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Legislative Body property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[828] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__DiscussionTopicSubscriptions__Entities__PartitionKey__Subscriber_ID
[cValue] => One or more discussion topic subscriptions are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Subscriber property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[829] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AccreditationSiteVisits__Accreditations__PartitionKey__Accreditation_ID
[cValue] => One or more accreditation site visits are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Accreditation property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[830] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ChapterLeaders__Chapters__PartitionKey__Chapter_ID
[cValue] => One or more chapter leaders are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Chapter property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[831] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__LegislativeBillSponsors__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more legislative bill sponsors are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[832] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__SubLedgerEntries__ChangeMemos__PartitionKey__ChangeMemo_ID
[cValue] => One or more sub ledger entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Partition Key property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[833] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Payments__Entities__PartitionKey__Owner_ID
[cValue] => One or more payments are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[834] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AccreditationSiteVisits__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Status_ID
[cValue] => One or more accreditation site visits are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Status property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[835] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ChapterPostalCodeMappings__Chapters__PartitionKey__MembershipOrganization_ID__Chapter_ID
[cValue] => One or more chapter postal code mappings are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Chapter property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[836] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__LegislativeBillSponsors__LegislativeBills__PartitionKey__LegislativeBill_ID
[cValue] => One or more legislative bill sponsors are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Legislative Bill property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[837] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__BusinessUnits__MetadataContainers__PartitionKey__BatchDownloadTemplate_ID
[cValue] => One or more business units are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Batch Download Template property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[838] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AccreditationSiteVisits__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more accreditation site visits are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[839] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Files__AccreditationSiteVisits__PartitionKey__AccreditationSiteVisit_ID
[cValue] => One or more files are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Accreditation Site Visit property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[840] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__DiscussionTopics__Entities__PartitionKey__PostedBy_ID
[cValue] => One or more discussion topics are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Posted By property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[841] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AccreditationTeamEvaluations__Accreditations__PartitionKey__Accreditation_ID
[cValue] => One or more accreditation team evaluations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Accreditation property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[842] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__OrderLineItems__RevenueRecognitionTemplates__PartitionKey__RevenueRecognitionTemplate_ID
[cValue] => One or more order line items are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Revenue Recognition Template property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[843] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Files__Certifications__PartitionKey__Certification_ID
[cValue] => One or more files are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Certification property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[844] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__DiscussionPosts__Entities__PartitionKey__PostedBy_ID
[cValue] => One or more discussion posts are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Posted By property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[845] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Files__Accreditations__PartitionKey__Accreditation_ID
[cValue] => One or more files are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Accreditation property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[846] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ConfigurationSettings__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__MembershipStatus_ID
[cValue] => One or more configuration settings are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Membership Status property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[847] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__WriteOffs__GLAccounts__PartitionKey__BadDebtsExpenseAccount_ID
[cValue] => One or more write offs are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Bad Debts Expense Account property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[848] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Accreditations__AccreditationPrograms__PartitionKey__Program_ID
[cValue] => One or more accreditations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Program property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[849] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Files__FileFolders__PartitionKey__FileCabinet_ID__FileFolder_ID
[cValue] => One or more files are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Partition Key property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[850] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__SubLedgerEntryItems__BusinessUnits__PartitionKey__DueToDueFromBusinessUnit_ID
[cValue] => One or more sub ledger entry items are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Due To Due From Business Unit property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[851] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__WriteOffs__BusinessUnits__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID
[cValue] => One or more write offs are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Business Unit property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[852] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Accreditations__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Status_ID
[cValue] => One or more accreditations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Status property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[853] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__OrderLineItems__Products__PartitionKey__Product_ID
[cValue] => One or more order line items are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Product property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[854] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__RecurringBillingRuns__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__NewStatusForDroppedMembers_ID
[cValue] => One or more recurring billing runs are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the New Status For Dropped Members property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[855] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__BillingRuns__Issues__PartitionKey__InsertionOrderIssue_ID
[cValue] => One or more billing runs are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Insertion Order Issue property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[856] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__OrderLineItems__BillingTemplates__PartitionKey__BillingTemplate_ID
[cValue] => One or more order line items are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Billing Template property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[857] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Events__OrganizationalLayers__PartitionKey__OrganizationalLayer_ID
[cValue] => One or more events are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Organizational Layer property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[858] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__BillingCycles__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__NewStatusForDrops_ID
[cValue] => One or more billing cycles are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the New Status For Drops property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[859] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Memberships__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__MembershipOrganization_ID__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more memberships are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[860] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__WriteOffs__SourceCodes__PartitionKey__SourceCode_ID
[cValue] => One or more write offs are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Source Code property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[861] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__OrderLineItems__Orders__PartitionKey__Order_ID
[cValue] => One or more order line items are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Order property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[862] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Events__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Category_ID
[cValue] => One or more events are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Category property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[863] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__BillingCycles__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__NewStatusForFirstReminders_ID
[cValue] => One or more billing cycles are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the New Status For First Reminders property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[864] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Memberships__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__TerminationReason_ID
[cValue] => One or more memberships are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Termination Reason property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[865] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__WriteOffs__Batches__PartitionKey__Batch_ID
[cValue] => One or more write offs are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Batch property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[866] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__BillingCycles__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__NewStatusForInitialBillings_ID
[cValue] => One or more billing cycles are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the New Status For Initial Billings property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[867] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Memberships__Products__PartitionKey__MembershipOrganization_ID__Product_ID
[cValue] => One or more memberships are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Product property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[868] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__OrderLineItems__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__OverrideReason_ID
[cValue] => One or more order line items are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Override Reason property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[869] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Events__BusinessUnits__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID
[cValue] => One or more events are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Business Unit property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[870] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__BillingCycles__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__NewStatusForSecondReminders_ID
[cValue] => One or more billing cycles are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the New Status For Second Reminders property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[871] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Memberships__SavedPaymentMethods__PartitionKey__SavedPaymentMethod_ID
[cValue] => One or more memberships are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Saved Payment Method property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[872] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__WriteOffs__GLAccounts__PartitionKey__WriteOffGLAccount_ID
[cValue] => One or more write offs are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Write Off GL Account property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[873] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EntityAddressFlowDown__Relationships__PartitionKey__Relationship_ID
[cValue] => One or more entity address flow down are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Relationship property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[874] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Events__CertificationComponents__PartitionKey__CertificationComponent_ID
[cValue] => One or more events are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Certification Component property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[875] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__BillingCycles__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__NewStatusForThirdReminders_ID
[cValue] => One or more billing cycles are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the New Status For Third Reminders property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[876] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Relationships__RelationshipTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more relationships are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[877] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Opportunities__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Stage_ID
[cValue] => One or more opportunities are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Stage property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[878] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EntityPhoneNumberFlowDown__Relationships__PartitionKey__Relationship_ID
[cValue] => One or more entity phone number flow down are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Relationship property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[879] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Events__Chapters__PartitionKey__Chapter_ID
[cValue] => One or more events are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Chapter property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[880] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Memberships__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Status_ID
[cValue] => One or more memberships are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Status property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[881] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Opportunities__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more opportunities are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[882] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__SessionRoomSetupPlans__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Category_ID
[cValue] => One or more session room setup plans are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Category property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[883] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__SubLedgerEntries__Payments__PartitionKey__Payment_ID
[cValue] => One or more sub ledger entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Payment property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[884] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__BillingRuns__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__NewStatusForDroppedMembers_ID
[cValue] => One or more billing runs are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the New Status For Dropped Members property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[885] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Credits__Entities__PartitionKey__Owner_ID
[cValue] => One or more credits are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Owner property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[886] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AwardRecipients__AwardPeriods__PartitionKey__Period_ID
[cValue] => One or more award recipients are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Period property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[887] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__SessionRoomSetupPlans__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more session room setup plans are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[888] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__SubLedgerEntries__Batches__PartitionKey__Batch_ID
[cValue] => One or more sub ledger entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Batch property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[889] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Events__Events__PartitionKey__NextEvent_ID
[cValue] => One or more events are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Next Event property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[890] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__PortalFormValueAssignments__PortalForms__PartitionKey__PortalForm_ID
[cValue] => One or more portal form value assignments are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Portal Form property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[891] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__InventoryTransactions__InventoryTransactions__PartitionKey__Transfer_ID
[cValue] => One or more inventory transactions are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Transfer property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[892] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__OrganizationalLayers__OrganizationalLayerTypes__PartitionKey__MembershipOrganization_ID__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more organizational layers are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[893] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AwardRecipients__Awards__PartitionKey__Award_ID
[cValue] => One or more award recipients are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Award property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[894] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__SessionRoomSetupPlans__Events__PartitionKey__Session_ID
[cValue] => One or more session room setup plans are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Session property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[895] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__SubLedgerEntries__Invoices__PartitionKey__Invoice_ID
[cValue] => One or more sub ledger entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Invoice property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[896] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Events__Events__PartitionKey__ParentEvent_ID
[cValue] => One or more events are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Parent Event property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[897] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__MembershipChapters__Chapters__PartitionKey__Chapter_ID
[cValue] => One or more membership chapters are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Chapter property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[898] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__InvoiceLineItems__RevenueRecognitionTemplates__PartitionKey__RevenueRecognitionTemplate_ID
[cValue] => One or more invoice line items are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Revenue Recognition Template property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[899] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__OrganizationalLayerTypes__MembershipOrganizations__PartitionKey__MembershipOrganization_ID
[cValue] => One or more organizational layer types are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Membership Organization property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[900] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AwardRecipients__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Designation_ID
[cValue] => One or more award recipients are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Designation property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[901] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__StockItemInventories__Products__PartitionKey__Product_ID
[cValue] => One or more stock item inventories are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Product property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[902] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__BillingCycleContactRelationshipTypes__RelationshipTypes__PartitionKey__RelationshipType_ID
[cValue] => One or more billing cycle contact relationship types are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Relationship Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[903] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__SubLedgerEntries__FiscalPeriods__PartitionKey__FiscalYear_ID__FiscalPeriod
[cValue] => One or more sub ledger entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Partition Key property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[904] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Chapters__MembershipOrganizations__PartitionKey__MembershipOrganization_ID
[cValue] => One or more chapters are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Membership Organization property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[905] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__GiftPremiums__Products__PartitionKey__Premium_ID
[cValue] => One or more gift premiums are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Premium property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[906] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__OrganizationalLayerTypes__MetadataContainers__PartitionKey__CreatePageLayout_ID
[cValue] => One or more organizational layer types are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Create Page Layout property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[907] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AwardRecipients__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Status_ID
[cValue] => One or more award recipients are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Status property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[908] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__StockItemInventories__Warehouses__PartitionKey__Warehouse_ID
[cValue] => One or more stock item inventories are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Warehouse property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[909] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ConfigurationSettings__RelationshipTypes__PartitionKey__RelationshipType_ID
[cValue] => One or more configuration settings are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Relationship Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[910] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__SubLedgerEntries__FiscalYears__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID__FiscalYear_ID
[cValue] => One or more sub ledger entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Fiscal Year property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[911] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CertificationProgramCEURequirements__CertificationPrograms__PartitionKey__Program_ID
[cValue] => One or more certification program ceu requirements are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Program property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[912] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CreditLineItems__Credits__PartitionKey__Credit_ID
[cValue] => One or more credit line items are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Credit property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[913] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__OrganizationContactRestrictions__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__MembershipType_ID
[cValue] => One or more organization contact restrictions are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Membership Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[914] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__MembershipOrganizations__Products__PartitionKey__CancellationFeeProduct_ID__Recursive
[cValue] => One or more membership organizations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Cancellation Fee Product property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[915] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__BatchSecurityRoles__SecurityRoles__PartitionKey__SecurityRole_ID
[cValue] => One or more batch security roles are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Security Role property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[916] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__OrganizationalLayerTypes__MetadataContainers__PartitionKey__EditPageLayout_ID
[cValue] => One or more organizational layer types are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Edit Page Layout property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[917] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AwardPeriods__Awards__PartitionKey__Award_ID
[cValue] => One or more award periods are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Award property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[918] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__OrganizationContactRestrictions__RelationshipTypes__PartitionKey__RelationshipType_ID
[cValue] => One or more organization contact restrictions are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Relationship Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[919] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__MembershipOrganizations__BusinessUnits__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID
[cValue] => One or more membership organizations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Business Unit property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[920] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CreditUsageLineItems__Credits__PartitionKey__Credit_ID
[cValue] => One or more credit usage line items are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Credit property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[921] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__OrganizationContactRestrictions__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__OrganizationType_ID
[cValue] => One or more organization contact restrictions are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Organization Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[922] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__SecurityRoleMembers__SecurityRoles__PartitionKey__SecurityRole_ID
[cValue] => One or more security role members are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Security Role property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[923] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__OrganizationalLayerTypes__MetadataContainers__PartitionKey__PortalPageLayout_ID
[cValue] => One or more organizational layer types are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Portal Page Layout property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[924] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Awards__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more awards are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[925] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__RelationshipTypeMessageCategories__RelationshipTypes__PartitionKey__RelationshipType_ID
[cValue] => One or more relationship type message categories are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Relationship Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[926] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__SubLedgerEntries__Refunds__PartitionKey__Refund_ID
[cValue] => One or more sub ledger entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Refund property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[927] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__MembershipOrganizations__MembershipOrganizations__PartitionKey__ParentOrganization_ID
[cValue] => One or more membership organizations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Parent Organization property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[928] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CertificationProgramExamRequirements__CertificationPrograms__PartitionKey__Program_ID
[cValue] => One or more certification program exam requirements are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Program property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[929] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__OrderCancellationLineItems__OrderCancellations__PartitionKey__OrderCancellation_ID
[cValue] => One or more order cancellation line items are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Order Cancellation property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[930] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__RevenueRecognitionSchedules__RevenueRecognitionSchedules__PartitionKey__ParentSchedule_ID
[cValue] => One or more revenue recognition schedules are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Parent Schedule property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[931] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__OrganizationalLayerTypes__MetadataContainers__PartitionKey__ViewPageLayout_ID
[cValue] => One or more organizational layer types are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the View Page Layout property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[932] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Awards__MetadataContainers__PartitionKey__CreateRecipientPageLayout_ID
[cValue] => One or more awards are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Create Recipient Page Layout property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[933] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__PortalForms__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__ActivityType_ID
[cValue] => One or more portal forms are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Activity Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[934] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__RevenueRecognitionSchedules__WriteOffs__PartitionKey__WriteOff_ID
[cValue] => One or more revenue recognition schedules are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Write Off property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[935] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__SubscriptionFulfillments__Issues__PartitionKey__Issue_ID
[cValue] => One or more subscription fulfillments are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Issue property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[936] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__OrganizationalLayerTypes__OrganizationalLayerTypes__PartitionKey__MembershipOrganization_ID__ParentType_ID
[cValue] => One or more organizational layer types are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Parent Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[937] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Awards__MetadataContainers__PartitionKey__EditRecipientPageLayout_ID
[cValue] => One or more awards are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Edit Recipient Page Layout property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[938] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__SubLedgerEntries__WriteOffs__PartitionKey__WriteOff_ID
[cValue] => One or more sub ledger entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Write Off property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[939] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CertificationProgramRecommendationRequirements__CertificationPrograms__PartitionKey__Program_ID
[cValue] => One or more certification program recommendation requirements are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Program property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[940] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AbstractCourses__Abstracts__PartitionKey__Abstract_ID
[cValue] => One or more abstract courses are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Abstract property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[941] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Awards__MetadataContainers__PartitionKey__PortalRecipientPageLayout_ID
[cValue] => One or more awards are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Portal Recipient Page Layout property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[942] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__SubLedgerEntries__Gifts__PartitionKey__Gift_ID
[cValue] => One or more sub ledger entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Gift property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[943] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__DataImportRecords__DataImports__PartitionKey__DataImport_ID
[cValue] => One or more data import records are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Data Import property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[944] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__SubLedgerEntries__JournalEntries__PartitionKey__JournalEntry_ID
[cValue] => One or more sub ledger entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Journal Entry property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[945] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Payments__Payments__PartitionKey__PaymentThatThisTransactionReverses_ID
[cValue] => One or more payments are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Payment That This Transaction Reverses property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[946] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__TaxTableEntries__TaxTables__PartitionKey__TaxTable_ID
[cValue] => One or more tax table entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Tax Table property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[947] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AbstractSpeakers__Abstracts__PartitionKey__Abstract_ID
[cValue] => One or more abstract speakers are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Abstract property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[948] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Awards__MetadataContainers__PartitionKey__ViewRecipientPageLayout_ID
[cValue] => One or more awards are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the View Recipient Page Layout property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[949] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__SubLedgerEntryItems__SubLedgerEntries__PartitionKey__SubLedgerEntry_ID
[cValue] => One or more sub ledger entry items are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Sub Ledger Entry property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[950] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__DiscountCodeCustomers__DiscountCodes__PartitionKey__DiscountCode_ID
[cValue] => One or more discount code customers are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Discount Code property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[951] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ClassifiedAds__Issues__PartitionKey__Issue_ID
[cValue] => One or more classified ads are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Issue property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[952] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CertificationPrograms__CertificationPrograms__PartitionKey__RenewalProgram_ID
[cValue] => One or more certification programs are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Renewal Program property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[953] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Credits__BusinessUnits__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID
[cValue] => One or more credits are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Business Unit property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[954] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__TaxTables__Products__PartitionKey__DefaultTaxProduct_ID__Recursive
[cValue] => One or more tax tables are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Default Tax Product property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[955] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EventSponsorshipOpportunities__Events__PartitionKey__Event_ID
[cValue] => One or more event sponsorship opportunities are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Event property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[956] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ClassifiedAds__Products__PartitionKey__Fee_ID
[cValue] => One or more classified ads are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Fee property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[957] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__MessagingEntries_Stage__Jobs__PartitionKey__MessageJob_ID
[cValue] => One or more messaging entries stage are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Message Job property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[958] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Certifications__CertificationPrograms__PartitionKey__Program_ID
[cValue] => One or more certifications are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Program property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[959] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Batches__BusinessUnits__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID
[cValue] => One or more batches are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Business Unit property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[960] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Credits__Orders__PartitionKey__Order_ID
[cValue] => One or more credits are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Order property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[961] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__GiftTributes__Tributes__PartitionKey__Tribute_ID
[cValue] => One or more gift tributes are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Tribute property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[962] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EventSponsorshipOpportunities__Events__PartitionKey__Session_ID
[cValue] => One or more event sponsorship opportunities are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Session property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[963] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__SessionSpeakers__Events__PartitionKey__Session_ID
[cValue] => One or more session speakers are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Session property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[964] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__DiscountCodeProductCategories__DiscountCodes__PartitionKey__DiscountCode_ID
[cValue] => One or more discount code product categories are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Discount Code property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[965] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__PriorityPointAssignments__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Group_ID
[cValue] => One or more priority point assignments are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Group property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[966] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Batches__FiscalPeriods__PartitionKey__FiscalYear_ID__FiscalPeriod
[cValue] => One or more batches are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Partition Key property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[967] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__TributeAcknowledgees__Tributes__PartitionKey__Tribute_ID
[cValue] => One or more tribute acknowledgees are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Tribute property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[968] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__FiscalYears__BusinessUnits__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID
[cValue] => One or more fiscal years are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Business Unit property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[969] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__DiscountCodeProducts__DiscountCodes__PartitionKey__DiscountCode_ID
[cValue] => One or more discount code products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Discount Code property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[970] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__IssueAdColors__Issues__PartitionKey__Issue_ID
[cValue] => One or more issue ad colors are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Issue property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[971] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__PriorityPointAssignments__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more priority point assignments are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[972] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Credits__Payments__PartitionKey__Payment_ID
[cValue] => One or more credits are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Payment property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[973] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Resumes__Files__PartitionKey__File_ID
[cValue] => One or more resumes are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the File property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[974] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__DiscountCodeProductTypes__DiscountCodes__PartitionKey__DiscountCode_ID
[cValue] => One or more discount code product types are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Discount Code property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[975] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__IssueAdPositions__Issues__PartitionKey__Issue_ID
[cValue] => One or more issue ad positions are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Issue property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[976] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__PriorityPointAssignments__ExhibitShows__PartitionKey__Show_ID
[cValue] => One or more priority point assignments are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Show property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[977] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Gifts__Gifts__PartitionKey__MasterGift_ID
[cValue] => One or more gifts are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Master Gift property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[978] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__BatchSecurityRoles__Batches__PartitionKey__Batch_ID
[cValue] => One or more batch security roles are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Batch property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[979] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Credits__Returns__PartitionKey__Return_ID
[cValue] => One or more credits are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Return property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[980] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__SessionCourses__Events__PartitionKey__Session_ID
[cValue] => One or more session courses are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Session property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[981] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__InsertionOrders__RateCards__PartitionKey__RateCard_ID
[cValue] => One or more insertion orders are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Rate Card property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[982] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__DiscountCodes__Events__PartitionKey__Event_ID
[cValue] => One or more discount codes are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Event property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[983] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__IssueAdSizes__Issues__PartitionKey__Issue_ID
[cValue] => One or more issue ad sizes are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Issue property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[984] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__PriorityPointAssignments__ExhibitBooths__PartitionKey__Booth_ID
[cValue] => One or more priority point assignments are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Booth property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[985] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Gifts__SavedPaymentMethods__PartitionKey__SavedPaymentMethod_ID
[cValue] => One or more gifts are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Saved Payment Method property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[986] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__BatchUserGroups__Batches__PartitionKey__Batch_ID
[cValue] => One or more batch user groups are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Batch property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[987] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__BillingCycles__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__TerminationReasonForDrops_ID
[cValue] => One or more billing cycles are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Termination Reason For Drops property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[988] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Issues__RateCards__PartitionKey__RateCard_ID
[cValue] => One or more issues are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Rate Card property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[989] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Issues__Batches__PartitionKey__InvoiceBatch_ID
[cValue] => One or more issues are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Invoice Batch property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[990] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ProductCEUCredits__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more product ceu credits are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[991] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Activities__Gifts__PartitionKey__Gift_ID
[cValue] => One or more activities are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Gift property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[992] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__BatchUserGroups__UserGroups__PartitionKey__UserGroup_ID
[cValue] => One or more batch user groups are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the User Group property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[993] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__RateCardEntries__RateCards__PartitionKey__RateCard_ID
[cValue] => One or more rate card entries are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Rate Card property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[994] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Issues__Publications__PartitionKey__Publication_ID
[cValue] => One or more issues are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Publication property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[995] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__GiftAttributes__Gifts__PartitionKey__Gift_ID
[cValue] => One or more gift attributes are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Gift property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[996] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__Products__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID__CancellationFeeProduct_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Cancellation Fee Product property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[997] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__UserGroupMembers__UserGroups__PartitionKey__UserGroup_ID
[cValue] => One or more user group members are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the User Group property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[998] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__RateCards__InvoiceTerms__PartitionKey__Terms_ID
[cValue] => One or more rate cards are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Terms property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[999] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__DiscountCodeProductCategories__ProductCategories__PartitionKey__Category_ID
[cValue] => One or more discount code product categories are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Category property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1000] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__BillingCycles__BusinessUnits__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID
[cValue] => One or more billing cycles are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Business Unit property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1001] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__SessionTimeSlots__Events__PartitionKey__Event_ID
[cValue] => One or more session time slots are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Event property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1002] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__RateCards__Products__PartitionKey__Product_ID
[cValue] => One or more rate cards are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Product property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1003] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Opportunities__Campaigns__PartitionKey__Campaign_ID
[cValue] => One or more opportunities are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Campaign property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1004] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__GiftTributes__Gifts__PartitionKey__Gift_ID
[cValue] => One or more gift tributes are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Gift property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1005] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AbstractSessionTracks__SessionTracks__PartitionKey__SessionTrack_ID
[cValue] => One or more abstract session tracks are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Session Track property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1006] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__RateCards__Publications__PartitionKey__Publication_ID
[cValue] => One or more rate cards are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Publication property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1007] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ProductSpecialPrices__DiscountCodes__PartitionKey__DiscountCode_ID
[cValue] => One or more product special prices are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Discount Code property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1008] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__GiftSolicitors__Gifts__PartitionKey__Gift_ID
[cValue] => One or more gift solicitors are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Gift property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1009] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__EventSponsorshipOpportunities__SessionTracks__PartitionKey__Track_ID
[cValue] => One or more event sponsorship opportunities are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Track property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1010] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__DiscussionBoards__Chapters__PartitionKey__Chapter_ID
[cValue] => One or more discussion boards are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Chapter property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1011] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__GiftPremiums__Gifts__PartitionKey__Gift_ID
[cValue] => One or more gift premiums are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Gift property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1012] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__SessionLinkedTracks__SessionTracks__PartitionKey__Track_ID
[cValue] => One or more session linked tracks are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Track property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1013] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__RecurringBillingRuns__BillingCycles__PartitionKey__Cycle_ID
[cValue] => One or more recurring billing runs are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Cycle property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1014] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__GiftInstallments__Gifts__PartitionKey__Gift_ID
[cValue] => One or more gift installments are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Gift property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1015] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__SessionTracks__Events__PartitionKey__Event_ID
[cValue] => One or more session tracks are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Event property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1016] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__DiscussionBoards__Events__PartitionKey__Event_ID
[cValue] => One or more discussion boards are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Event property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1017] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__AdvertisingContracts__Publications__PartitionKey__Publication_ID
[cValue] => One or more advertising contracts are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Publication property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1018] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__GiftSplits__Gifts__PartitionKey__Gift_ID
[cValue] => One or more gift splits are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Gift property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1019] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ShippingMethods__Products__PartitionKey__ShippingProduct_ID
[cValue] => One or more shipping methods are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Shipping Product property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1020] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Entities__DonorLevels__PartitionKey__DonorLevel_ID
[cValue] => One or more entities are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Donor Level property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1021] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__MembershipsFlowdown__Memberships__PartitionKey__Membership_ID
[cValue] => One or more memberships flowdown are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Membership property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1022] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__PublicationAdColors__Publications__PartitionKey__Publication_ID
[cValue] => One or more publication ad colors are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Publication property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1023] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Jobs__Competitions__PartitionKey__Competition_ID
[cValue] => One or more jobs are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Competition property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1024] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__AccreditationPrograms__PartitionKey__AccreditationProgram_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Accreditation Program property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1025] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__CommitteeMemberships__CommitteeTerms__PartitionKey__Committee_ID__Term_ID
[cValue] => One or more committee memberships are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Term property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1026] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__FundGLAccounts__GLAccounts__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID__GLAccountToCredit_ID
[cValue] => One or more fund gl accounts are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the GL Account To Credit property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1027] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Events__Products__PartitionKey__CancellationFeeProduct_ID__Recursive
[cValue] => One or more events are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Cancellation Fee Product property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1028] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Entities__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__MediaCode_ID
[cValue] => One or more entities are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Media Code property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1029] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__PublicationAdPositions__Publications__PartitionKey__Publication_ID
[cValue] => One or more publication ad positions are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Publication property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1030] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__MetadataContainers__PartitionKey__Agenda_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Agenda property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1031] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ProductSpecialPrices__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__MembershipType_ID
[cValue] => One or more product special prices are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Membership Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1032] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Events__CashAccounts__PartitionKey__MerchantAccount_ID
[cValue] => One or more events are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Merchant Account property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1033] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__VolunteerAwards__Volunteers__PartitionKey__Volunteer_ID
[cValue] => One or more volunteer awards are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Volunteer property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1034] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__BusinessUnits__Files__PartitionKey__Logo_ID__Recursive
[cValue] => One or more business units are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Logo property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1035] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Entities__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Type_ID
[cValue] => One or more entities are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1036] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Forums__DiscussionBoards__PartitionKey__DiscussionBoard_ID
[cValue] => One or more forums are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Discussion Board property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1037] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__PublicationAdSizes__Publications__PartitionKey__Publication_ID
[cValue] => One or more publication ad sizes are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Publication property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1038] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Jobs__Jobs__PartitionKey__ParentJob_ID
[cValue] => One or more jobs are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Parent Job property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1039] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__Appeals__PartitionKey__Appeal_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Appeal property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1040] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__GLAccounts__BusinessUnits__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID
[cValue] => One or more gl accounts are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Business Unit property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1041] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__PublicationAdColors__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__AdColor_ID
[cValue] => One or more publication ad colors are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Ad Color property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1042] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__BillingRunTargetRecords__BillingRuns__PartitionKey__BillingRun_ID
[cValue] => One or more billing run target records are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Billing Run property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1043] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__VolunteerJobAssignments__VolunteerJobOccurrences__PartitionKey__JobOccurrence_ID
[cValue] => One or more volunteer job assignments are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Job Occurrence property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1044] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__BusinessUnits__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__DefaultInvoiceType_ID__Recursive
[cValue] => One or more business units are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Default Invoice Type property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1045] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Entities__SourceCodes__PartitionKey__SourceCode_ID
[cValue] => One or more entities are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Source Code property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1046] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__DiscussionPosts__DiscussionTopics__PartitionKey__Topic_ID
[cValue] => One or more discussion posts are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Topic property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1047] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Publications__BusinessUnits__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID
[cValue] => One or more publications are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Business Unit property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1048] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Products__BillingTemplates__PartitionKey__BillingTemplate_ID
[cValue] => One or more products are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Billing Template property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1049] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__PublicationAdPositions__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__AdPosition_ID
[cValue] => One or more publication ad positions are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Ad Position property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1050] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__VolunteerJobAssignments__Volunteers__PartitionKey__Volunteer_ID
[cValue] => One or more volunteer job assignments are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Volunteer property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1051] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__Entities__InvoiceTerms__PartitionKey__DefaultCreditTerms_ID
[cValue] => One or more entities are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Default Credit Terms property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1052] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ExamLocations__CertificationExamLocations__PartitionKey__CertificationExamLocation_ID
[cValue] => One or more certification exam locations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Course property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1053] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FK__ExamLocations__CertificationExams__PartitionKey__CertificationExam_ID
[cValue] => One or more certification exam locations are linked to the record(s) you are attempting to delete via the Course property. Record deletion was unsuccessful.
[1054] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__DiscountCodeCustomers__PartitionKey__DiscountCode_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same discount code and list index.
[1055] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__DiscountCodeCustomers__PartitionKey__DiscountCode_ID__Customer_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same discount code and customer.
[1056] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__LegislativeBillCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1057] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__CommitteeMeetings__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1058] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__CommitteeMeetings__PartitionKey__Name
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same name.
[1059] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Invoices__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1060] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__Invoices__PartitionKey__LocalID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same local id.
[1061] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__SessionLinkedTracks__PartitionKey__Session_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same session and list index.
[1062] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__InsertionOrderInvoiceBatches__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1063] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ShippingCarrierAccounts__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1064] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__ShippingCarrierAccounts__PartitionKey__Name
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same name.
[1065] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__FileFolders__PartitionKey__FileCabinet_ID__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same file cabinet and System ID.
[1066] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__FileFolders__PartitionKey__FileCabinet_ID__ParentFolder_ID__Name
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same file cabinet, parent folder, and name.
[1067] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ScheduledSearches__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1068] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__CertificationComponents__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1069] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__RequestCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1070] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__CommandPreferences__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1071] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__CommandPreferences__PartitionKey__User_ID__Name
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same user and name.
[1072] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__HistoricalDeferrals__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1073] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__InvoiceLineItems__PartitionKey__Invoice_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same invoice and list index.
[1074] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__InvoiceLineItems__PartitionKey__InvoiceLineItemID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same invoice line item id.
[1075] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__InvoiceLineItems__PartitionKey__Invoice_ID__InvoiceLineItemID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same invoice and invoice line item id.
[1076] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__SalesReps__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1077] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__AbstractCourses__PartitionKey__Abstract_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same abstract and list index.
[1078] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ExhibitShows__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1079] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__ExhibitShows__PartitionKey__LocalID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same local id.
[1080] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__CertificationExamCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1081] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Announcements__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1082] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__Announcements__PartitionKey__Name
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same name.
[1083] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__CertificationComponentRegistrations__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1084] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__AbstractSessionTracks__PartitionKey__Abstract_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same abstract and list index.
[1085] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__RevenueRecognitionSchedules__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1086] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__RevenueRecognitionSchedules__PartitionKey__Invoice_ID__InvoiceLineItemID__ChangeMemo_ID__WriteOff_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same invoice, invoice line item id, change memo, and write off.
[1087] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ExhibitorRegistrationWindows__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1088] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__SessionCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1089] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__BillingRunActivities__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1090] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__EventTableReservations__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1091] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__AccreditationCommissionMembers__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1092] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__EntityPhoneNumbers__PartitionKey__Owner_ID__Type_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and type.
[1093] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__EntityPhoneNumbers__PartitionKey__Owner_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and list index.
[1094] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__CertificationProgramRecommendationRequirements__PartitionKey__Program_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same program and list index.
[1095] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Exhibitors__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1096] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__Exhibitors__PartitionKey__LocalID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same local id.
[1097] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__Exhibitors__PartitionKey__Show_ID__Customer_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same show and customer.
[1098] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__InformationLinks__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1099] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__AccreditationSiteVisitCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1100] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__SecurityRoles__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1101] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__SecurityRoles__PartitionKey__Name
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same name.
[1102] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__AccreditationAssignedCommissionMembers__PartitionKey__Accreditation_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same accreditation and list index.
[1103] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__CertificationProgramExamRequirements__PartitionKey__Program_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same program and list index.
[1104] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__CertificationProgramExamRequirements__PartitionKey__Program_ID__Type_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same program and type.
[1105] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Events__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1106] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__Events__PartitionKey__ClassType__LocalID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same local id.
[1107] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ExhibitBooths__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1108] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__AccreditationReportCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1109] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__RecurringBillingRuns__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1110] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__JudgingTeams__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1111] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__JudgingTeams__PartitionKey__Competition_ID__Name
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same competition and name.
[1112] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__CertificationProgramCEURequirements__PartitionKey__Program_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same program and list index.
[1113] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__SecurityRoleMembers__PartitionKey__SecurityRole_ID__User_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same security role and user.
[1114] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__SecurityRoleMembers__PartitionKey__SecurityRole_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same security role and list index.
[1115] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__LegislativeTerms__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1116] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__CustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__OrderLineItemID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same custom field, owner, and order line item id.
[1117] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__CustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__Owner_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and list index.
[1118] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__SectionCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1119] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__JudgingTeamBuckets__PartitionKey__Team_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same team and list index.
[1120] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__JudgingTeamBuckets__PartitionKey__Team_ID__Bucket_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same team and bucket.
[1121] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__SessionTracks__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1122] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__AccreditationSiteVisits__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1123] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__RateCardEntries__PartitionKey__RateCard_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same rate card and list index.
[1124] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__VolunteerAvailabilities__PartitionKey__Volunteer_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same volunteer and list index.
[1125] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__MessagingEntries_Stage__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1126] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__CommitteeMemberships__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1127] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__CustomObjectInstanceCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1128] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__CustomFields__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1129] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__CustomFields__PartitionKey__ApplicableType__Event_ID__Competition_ID__Product_ID__Name
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same applicable type, event, competition, product, and name.
[1130] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__JudgingRounds__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1131] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__JudgingRounds__PartitionKey__Competition_ID__Name
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same competition and name.
[1132] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__JudgingRounds__PartitionKey__Competition_ID__RoundNumber
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same competition and round number.
[1133] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__RelationshipTypeMessageCategories__PartitionKey__RelationshipType_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same relationship type and list index.
[1134] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__AccreditationSiteVisitTeamMembers__PartitionKey__AccreditationSiteVisit_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same accreditation site visit and list index.
[1135] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__DueToDueFromEntries__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1136] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__DueToDueFromEntries__PartitionKey__FromBusinessUnit_ID__ToBusinessUnit_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same from business unit and to business unit.
[1137] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__SessionTimeSlots__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1138] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__IndividualCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1139] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ExhibitorPreferredBooths__PartitionKey__Exhibitor_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same exhibitor and list index.
[1140] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__ExhibitorPreferredBooths__PartitionKey__Exhibitor_ID__Booth_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same exhibitor and booth.
[1141] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Publications__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1142] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__BillingRunMembers__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1143] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__BillingRunMembers__PartitionKey__BillingRun_ID__Owner_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same billing run and owner.
[1144] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__SessionRooms__PartitionKey__Session_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same session and list index.
[1145] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__JudgingBuckets__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1146] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__JudgingBuckets__PartitionKey__Competition_ID__Name
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same competition and name.
[1147] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__OrganizationContactRestrictions__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1148] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__AccreditationTeamEvaluations__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1149] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__MembershipAddOns__PartitionKey__Membership_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same membership and list index.
[1150] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Committees__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1151] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__Committees__PartitionKey__Name
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same name.
[1152] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__EventLocationRoomCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1153] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__PublicationAdColors__PartitionKey__Publication_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same publication and list index.
[1154] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Sections__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1155] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__Sections__PartitionKey__LocalID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same local id.
[1156] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__DonorAcknowledgmentRules__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1157] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__VolunteerScreeningSteps__PartitionKey__VolunteerScreening_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same volunteer screening and list index.
[1158] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Files__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1159] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__BillingRunTargetRecords__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1160] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__BillingRunCandidates__PartitionKey__BillingRun_ID__Candidate_ID__Action
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same billing run, target record, and action.
[1161] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__CertificationRecommendations__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1162] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__SubscriptionCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1163] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__InsertionOrders__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1164] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__AppealPremiums__PartitionKey__Appeal_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same appeal and list index.
[1165] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__GLAccounts__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1166] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__GLAccounts__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID__Code
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same business unit and code.
[1167] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__GLAccounts__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same business unit and System ID.
[1168] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__CertificationExams__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1169] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__SectionLeaders__PartitionKey__Section_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same section and list index.
[1170] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__AccreditationCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1171] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Batches__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1172] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__Batches__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID__Name
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same business unit and name.
[1173] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__SessionResources__PartitionKey__Session_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same session and list index.
[1174] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Activities__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1175] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__FulfillmentBatches__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1176] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__FulfillmentBatches__PartitionKey__Name
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same name.
[1177] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__AbstractCalculatedFields__PartitionKey__Abstract_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same abstract.
[1178] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__BatchSecurityRoles__PartitionKey__Batch_ID__SecurityRole_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same batch and security role.
[1179] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__BatchSecurityRoles__PartitionKey__Batch_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same batch and list index.
[1180] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Opportunities__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1181] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__Opportunities__PartitionKey__LocalID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same local id.
[1182] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__SessionRegistrationCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1183] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Abstracts__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1184] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__BatchUserGroups__PartitionKey__Batch_ID__UserGroup_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same batch and user group.
[1185] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__BatchUserGroups__PartitionKey__Batch_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same batch and list index.
[1186] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__PublicationAdSizes__PartitionKey__Publication_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same publication and list index.
[1187] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ReturnRequestLineItems__PartitionKey__ReturnRequest_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same return request and list index.
[1188] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__BillingRuns__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1189] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__DiscountCodes__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1190] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__DiscountCodes__PartitionKey__Code__Event_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same code and event.
[1191] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__EventCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1192] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ExhibitorAssignedBooths__PartitionKey__Exhibitor_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same exhibitor and list index.
[1193] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__ExhibitorAssignedBooths__PartitionKey__Exhibitor_ID__Booth_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same exhibitor and booth.
[1194] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__CampaignPremiums__PartitionKey__Campaign_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same campaign and list index.
[1195] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__OrganizationalLayerCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1196] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__VolunteerJobTraits__PartitionKey__Job_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same job and list index.
[1197] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__EventLocationRoomResources__PartitionKey__EventLocationRoom_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same event location room and list index.
[1198] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__CertificationComponentCEUCredits__PartitionKey__Component_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same component and list index.
[1199] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1200] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__MembershipOrganization_ID__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same membership organization and System ID.
[1201] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__ClassType__Code
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same code.
[1202] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__ConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__ID__ClassType
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1203] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__SpeakerCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1204] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__VolunteerAssignedTypes__PartitionKey__Volunteer_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same volunteer and list index.
[1205] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__EventSponsorshipOpportunities__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1206] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__CoursePrerequisites__PartitionKey__Course_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same course and list index.
[1207] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__OrganizationalLayersRecursive__PartitionKey__ID__ChildOfLayer_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID and child of layer.
[1208] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__OrganizationCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1209] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__VolunteerAssignedLocations__PartitionKey__Volunteer_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same volunteer and list index.
[1210] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__VolunteerAssignedLocations__PartitionKey__Volunteer_ID__Location_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same volunteer and location.
[1211] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Competitions__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1212] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__Competitions__PartitionKey__Event_ID_Unique
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same event unique.
[1213] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Entitlements__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1214] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__EventLocationRooms__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1215] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__SessionSpeakers__PartitionKey__Session_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same session and list index.
[1216] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__CommitteeCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1217] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__PublicationAdPositions__PartitionKey__Publication_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same publication and list index.
[1218] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__CourseRooms__PartitionKey__Course_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same course and list index.
[1219] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__OpportunityCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1220] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__CompetitionEntries__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1221] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__VolunteerTraitTypes__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1222] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__VolunteerTraitTypes__PartitionKey__Code
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same code.
[1223] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__CourseSpeakers__PartitionKey__Course_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same course and list index.
[1224] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Resumes__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1225] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__Resumes__PartitionKey__LocalID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same local id.
[1226] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__PortalPaymentRules__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1227] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ExhibitorCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1228] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Campaigns__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1229] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__Campaigns__PartitionKey__Name
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same name.
[1230] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ClassifiedAds__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1231] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__SourceCodes__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1232] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__CompetitionCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1233] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__PriorityPointAssignments__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1234] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Certifications__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1235] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__CustomTriggers__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1236] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK_System_Indexes
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same t a b l e s c h e m a, t a b l e n a m e, and i n d e x n a m e.
[1237] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__EngagementSettings__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1238] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__EngagementSettings__PartitionKey__Name
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same name.
[1239] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ExhibitShowCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1240] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__DiscussionPosts__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1241] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Chapters__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1242] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__Chapters__PartitionKey__MembershipOrganization_ID__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same membership organization and System ID.
[1243] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__Chapters__PartitionKey__LocalID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same local id.
[1244] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Agencies__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1245] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Relationships__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1246] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ProductCategories__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1247] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ProductLinkages__PartitionKey__Product_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same product and list index.
[1248] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__AgencyCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1249] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__GLAccountRegister__PartitionKey__GLAccountLink
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same gl account link.
[1250] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__AdvertisingContracts__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1251] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__DiscussionTopicSubscriptions__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1252] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__DiscussionTopicSubscriptions__PartitionKey__Topic_ID__Subscriber_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same topic and subscriber.
[1253] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__DiscussionForumSubscriptions__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1254] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__DiscussionForumSubscriptions__PartitionKey__Forum_ID__Subscriber_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same Forum and subscriber.
[1255] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__CommitteeTerms__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1256] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__CommitteeTerms__PartitionKey__Committee_ID__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same committee and System ID.
[1257] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__CommitteeTerms__PartitionKey__Committee_ID__Name
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same committee and name.
[1258] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ConfigurationSettings__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1259] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__ConfigurationSettings__PartitionKey__Namespace__Name
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same namespace and name.
[1260] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ChapterLeaders__PartitionKey__Chapter_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same chapter and list index.
[1261] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__MembershipRecommendationCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1262] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__OrderLineItemCalculatedFields__PartitionKey__Order_ID__OrderLineItemId
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same order and order line item id.
[1263] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__EntityAddressFlowDown__PartitionKey__Relationship_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same relationship.
[1264] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__EntityAddressFlowDown__PartitionKey__Child_ID__FlowDownAddressType_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same child and flow down address type.
[1265] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__RegistrationAddOns__PartitionKey__Registration_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same registration and list index.
[1266] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK_System_PrimaryKeys
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same t a b l e s c h e m a, t a b l e n a m e, and c o n s t r a i n t n a m e.
[1267] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Registrations__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1268] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__MembershipsFlowdown__PartitionKey__Entity_ID__Membership_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same entity and membership.
[1269] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__CourseCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1270] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__SubLedgerEntryItems__PartitionKey__SubLedgerEntry_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same sub ledger entry and list index.
[1271] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__DonorLevels__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1272] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Expenses__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1273] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ref_CountryCodes__Code
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same code.
[1274] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK_System_NullableSameTableReferences
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same t a b l e s c h e m a, t a b l e n a m e, and c o l u m n n a m e.
[1275] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ProductSpecialPrices__PartitionKey__Product_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same product and list index.
[1276] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__AwardRecipientCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1277] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__RevenueRecognitionScheduleEntries__PartitionKey__Schedule_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same schedule and list index.
[1278] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__DatabaseVariables__Name
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same name.
[1279] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__IssueAdPositions__PartitionKey__Issue_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same issue and list index.
[1280] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__SessionCourses__PartitionKey__Session_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same session and list index.
[1281] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ref_StateCodes_Code
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same code.
[1282] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK_System_ForeignKeys
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same t a b l e s c h e m a, t a b l e n a m e, and c o n s t r a i n t n a m e.
[1283] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__EventRegistrationCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1284] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__MembershipSections__PartitionKey__Membership_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same membership and list index.
[1285] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__EventResources__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1286] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__IssueAdSizes__PartitionKey__Issue_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same issue and list index.
[1287] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__PortalUsers__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1288] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__PortalUsers__PartitionKey__Name
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same name.
[1289] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__PortalUsers__PartitionKey__Owner_ID__ForeignKey
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner.
[1290] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__DataImports__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1291] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK_System_Columns
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same t a b l e s c h e m a and t a b l e n a m e.
[1292] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__CertificationCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1293] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__EventParticipants__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1294] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__IssueAdColors__PartitionKey__Issue_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same issue and list index.
[1295] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ReturnLineItems__PartitionKey__Return_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same return and list index.
[1296] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__DataImportRecords__PartitionKey__DataImport_ID__RecordID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same data import and record id.
[1297] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__DiscussionBoards__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1298] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__DiscussionBoards__PartitionKey__Chapter_ID__Event_ID__Section_ID__Committee_ID__OrganizationalLayer_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same chapter, event, section, committee, and organizational layer.
[1299] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__LegislativeDistrictCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1300] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Credits__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1301] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__Credits__PartitionKey__LocalID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same local id.
[1302] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__UserGroupMembers__PartitionKey__UserGroup_ID__User_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same user group and user.
[1303] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__UserGroupMembers__PartitionKey__UserGroup_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same user group and list index.
[1304] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__EventParticipantAssignments__PartitionKey__EventParticipant_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same event participant and list index.
[1305] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__BusinessUnits__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1306] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__BusinessUnits__PartitionKey__Name
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same name.
[1307] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__CustomFieldValueChoices__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__OrderLineItemID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same custom field, owner, order line item id, and list index.
[1308] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__MembershipOrganizations__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1309] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__MembershipOrganizations__PartitionKey__Name
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same name.
[1310] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Tasks__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1311] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__MembershipCalculatedFields__PartitionKey__Membership_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same membership.
[1312] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__LegislatorCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1313] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__EventParticipantDocuments__PartitionKey__EventParticipant_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same event participant and list index.
[1314] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ProductEntitlements__PartitionKey__Product_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same product and list index.
[1315] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Requests__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1316] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__Requests__PartitionKey__ID__LocalID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID and local id.
[1317] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__OrganizationalLayers__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1318] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__OrganizationalLayers__PartitionKey__MembershipOrganization_ID__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same membership organization and System ID.
[1319] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__OrganizationalLayers__PartitionKey__LocalID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same local id.
[1320] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__OrganizationalLayers__PartitionKey__MembershipOrganization_ID__ParentLayer_ID__Name
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same membership organization, parent layer, and name.
[1321] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__VolunteerCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1322] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__EntityCalculatedFields__PartitionKey__Entity_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same entity.
[1323] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__EnumValues__EnumName__EnumValue
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same enum name and enum value.
[1324] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__EventParticipantHonoraria__PartitionKey__EventParticipant_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same event participant and list index.
[1325] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ChapterTypeAllowedMembershipTypes__PartitionKey__ChapterType_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same chapter type and list index.
[1326] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__StockItemInventories__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1327] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__CEUCredits__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1328] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__CEUCredits__PartitionKey__LocalID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same local id.
[1329] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ChapterCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1330] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__RefundLineItems__PartitionKey__Refund_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same refund and list index.
[1331] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__OrganizationalLayerLeaders__PartitionKey__OrganizationalLayer_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same organizational layer and list index.
[1332] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__RecurringBatchDefinitions__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1333] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__EventSpeakerHandouts__PartitionKey__EventParticipant_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same event participant and list index.
[1334] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__HistoricalTransactionCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1335] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__BillingSchedules__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1336] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__BillingSchedules__PartitionKey__Order_ID__OrderLineItemID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same order and order line item id.
[1337] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__RecurringEmailBlasts__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1338] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__GiftPremiums__PartitionKey__Gift_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same gift and list index.
[1339] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__EventSpeakerPresentations__PartitionKey__EventParticipant_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same event participant and list index.
[1340] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__CreditUsageLineItems__PartitionKey__CreditUsage_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same credit usage and list index.
[1341] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__CreditUsageLineItems__PartitionKey__CreditUsage_ID__CreditUsageLineItemID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same credit usage and credit usage line item id.
[1342] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__JobPostingCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1343] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__GeographicalRegions__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1344] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__GeographicalRegions__PartitionKey__Code
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same Code.
[1345] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__GeographicalRegions__PartitionKey__Name
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same Name.
[1346] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__WriteOffLineItems__PartitionKey__WriteOff_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same write off and list index.
[1347] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__WriteOffLineItems__PartitionKey__WriteOff_ID__InvoiceLineItemID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same write off and invoice line item id.
[1348] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__EntityPhoneNumberFlowDown__PartitionKey__Relationship_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same relationship.
[1349] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__EntityPhoneNumberFlowDown__PartitionKey__Child_ID__FlowDownPhoneNumberType_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same child and flow down phone number type.
[1350] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ExhibitorPreferredBoothTypes__PartitionKey__Exhibitor_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same exhibitor and list index.
[1351] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ExhibitorContactRestrictions__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1352] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Speakers__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1353] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__Speakers__PartitionKey__Individual_ID__ForeignKey
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same individual.
[1354] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__PortalControlPropertyOverrides__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1355] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__PortalControlPropertyOverrides__PartitionKey__PageName__ControlName__PropertyName
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same page name, control name, and property name.
[1356] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__EventTableAssignments__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1357] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Refunds__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1358] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__Refunds__PartitionKey__LocalID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same local id.
[1359] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__AccreditationAppealCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1360] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__GeographicalRegionAssignmentRules__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1361] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__CustomObjects__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1362] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__CustomObjects__PartitionKey__Name
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same name.
[1363] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__JudgingTeamMembers__PartitionKey__Team_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same team and list index.
[1364] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__EntityAddresses__PartitionKey__Owner_ID__Type_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and type.
[1365] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__EntityAddresses__PartitionKey__Owner_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and list index.
[1366] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Exchanges__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1367] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__FundGLAccounts__PartitionKey__Fund_ID__GiftType
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same fund and gift type.
[1368] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__FundGLAccounts__PartitionKey__Fund_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same fund and list index.
[1369] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Appeals__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1370] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__Appeals__PartitionKey__Name
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same name.
[1371] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Topics__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1372] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Returns__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1373] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__Returns__PartitionKey__LocalID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same local id.
[1374] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__FundPremiums__PartitionKey__Fund_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same fund and list index.
[1375] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__VolunteerTimesheets__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1376] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__AwardRecipients__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1377] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__BillingScheduleCalculatedFields__PartitionKey__BillingSchedule_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same billing schedule.
[1378] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__OrderCancellations__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1379] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__OrganizationalLayerLeadersRecursive__PartitionKey__OrganizationalLayer_ID__ListIndex__Individual_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same organizational layer, list index, and individual.
[1380] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Sponsorships__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1381] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__BillingScheduleEntries__PartitionKey__Schedule_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same schedule and list index.
[1382] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Associations__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1383] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__GiftAttributes__PartitionKey__Gift_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same gift and list index.
[1384] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__GiftTributes__PartitionKey__Gift_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same gift and list index.
[1385] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__GiftTributes__PartitionKey__Gift_ID__Tribute_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same gift and tribute.
[1386] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__VolunteerJobs__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1387] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Leads__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1388] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__Leads__PartitionKey__LocalID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same local id.
[1389] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__EventTables__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1390] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__EventTables__PartitionKey__Event_ID__Name
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same event and name.
[1391] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ExchangeReturns__PartitionKey__Exchange_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same exchange and list index.
[1392] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__GiftInstallments__PartitionKey__Gift_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same gift and list index.
[1393] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ExhibitorContacts__PartitionKey__Exhibitor_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same exhibitor and list index.
[1394] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__VolunteerJobOccurrences__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1395] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__SavedPaymentMethods__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1396] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ScoreCardScores__PartitionKey__ScoreCard_ID__Criterion_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same score card and criterion.
[1397] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__ScoreCardScores__PartitionKey__ScoreCard_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same score card and list index.
[1398] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__GiftSolicitors__PartitionKey__Gift_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same gift and list index.
[1399] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ChapterPostalCodeMappings__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1400] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__VolunteerJobAssignments__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1401] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__VolunteerJobAssignments__PartitionKey__JobOccurrence_ID__Volunteer_ID__StartDateTime
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same job occurrence, volunteer, and start date time.
[1402] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ProductProcessingPriorityRules__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1403] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ScoreCards__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1404] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__ScoreCards__PartitionKey__Entry_ID__Judge_ID__Round_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same entry, judge, and round.
[1405] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__GiftSplits__PartitionKey__Gift_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same gift and list index.
[1406] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Legislators__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1407] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__InsertionOrderInvoiceBatchMembers__PartitionKey__InvoiceBatch_ID__InsertionOrder_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same invoice batch and insertion order.
[1408] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__PortalForms__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1409] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__SubscriptionFulfillments__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1410] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__SubscriptionFulfillments__PartitionKey__ID__Subscription_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID and subscription.
[1411] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__OrderCreditUsages__PartitionKey__Order_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same order and list index.
[1412] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__JobPostingEntitlements__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1413] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__WaivedRegistrationLists__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1414] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__LegislativeBodies__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1415] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK_MaintenanceLog
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same maintenance log id.
[1416] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__LeadCampaigns__PartitionKey__Lead_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same lead and list index.
[1417] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ShippingMethods__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1418] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__ShippingMethods__PartitionKey__Name
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same name.
[1419] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__PaymentLineItems__PartitionKey__Payment_ID__ListIndex__PaymentLineItemID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same payment, list index, and payment line item id.
[1420] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__PaymentLineItems__PartitionKey__Payment_ID__PaymentLineItemID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same payment and payment line item id.
[1421] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__JournalEntries__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1422] => stdClass Object
[cName] => IX_JournalEntries
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same name.
[1423] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__WaivedRegistrationListMembers__PartitionKey__List_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same list and list index.
[1424] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Products__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1425] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__Products__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same business unit and System ID.
[1426] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__Products__PartitionKey__ClassType__LocalID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same local id.
[1427] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__Products__PartitionKey__MembershipOrganization_ID__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same membership organization and System ID.
[1428] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__Products__PartitionKey__ID__ClassType
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1429] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Vendors__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1430] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__Vendors__PartitionKey__Name
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same name.
[1431] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__LegislativeBillIssues__PartitionKey__LegislativeBill_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same legislative bill and list index.
[1432] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__OrderLineItems__PartitionKey__Order_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same order and list index.
[1433] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__OrderLineItems__PartitionKey__Order_ID__OrderLIneItemID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same order and order line item id.
[1434] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__FileCabinets__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1435] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__FileCabinets__PartitionKey__ClassType__Chapter_ID__Committee_ID__Section_ID__OrganizationalLayer_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same chapter, committee, section, and organizational layer.
[1436] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ExchangeCancellations__PartitionKey__Exchange_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same exchange and list index.
[1437] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__LegislativeIssues__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1438] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Widgets__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1439] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__AssociationLocks__PartitionKey__Name
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same name.
[1440] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__EngagementCalculatedValues__PartitionKey__Entity_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same entity.
[1441] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__AssociationConfigurationContainers__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1442] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__LegislativeBillSponsors__PartitionKey__LegislativeBill_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same legislative bill and list index.
[1443] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__AccreditationPrograms__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1444] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Forums__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1445] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ReturnRequests__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1446] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__MessagingCandidates__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1447] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__LegislatorTerms__PartitionKey__Legislator_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same legislator and list index.
[1448] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__DiscussionTopics__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1449] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__LocalIdentifierSeeds__PartitionKey__Class__CustomObject_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same class and custom object.
[1450] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__CreditUsages__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1451] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ShippingZones__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1452] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__ShippingZones__PartitionKey__Name
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same name.
[1453] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__EngagementRawValues__PartitionKey__Entity_ID__Date
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same entity and date.
[1454] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ChangeMemos__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1455] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__InvoiceAdjustments__PartitionKey__LocalID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same local id.
[1456] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__RuleSets__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1457] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__PortalFormValueAssignments__PartitionKey__PortalForm_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same portal form and list index.
[1458] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__UserGroups__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1459] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__UserGroups__PartitionKey__Name
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same name.
[1460] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__EngagementRawValuesForConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Entity_ID__Date__Metric__Type_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same entity, date, metric, and type.
[1461] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__COGSEntries__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1462] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__WriteOffs__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1463] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ProductCEUCredits__PartitionKey__Product_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same product and list index.
[1464] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__MembershipOrderHistory__PartitionKey__Membership_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same membership and list index.
[1465] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__MembershipRecommendations__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1466] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Tributes__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1467] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__MailMergeTemplates__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1468] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__FiscalYears__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1469] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__FiscalYears__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same business unit and System ID.
[1470] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__FiscalYears__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID__Year
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same business unit and year.
[1471] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__BatchAssignmentRules__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1472] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ProductRevenueSplits__PartitionKey__Product_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same product and list index.
[1473] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__EventConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1474] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__EventConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Event_ID__ClassType__Code
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same event and code.
[1475] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__EventConfigurableTypes__PartitionKey__Event_ID__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same event and System ID.
[1476] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__FiscalPeriods__PartitionKey__FiscalYear_ID__PeriodNumber
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same fiscal year and period number.
[1477] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__TieredRegistrationPricingRules__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1478] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__SubLedgerEntries__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1479] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__AccountingProjects__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1480] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__AccountingProjects__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same business unit and System ID.
[1481] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__AccountingProjects__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID__Name
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same business unit and name.
[1482] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__SessionRoomSetupPlans__PartitionKey__Session_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same session and list index.
[1483] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__SavedSearches__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1484] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__SavedSearches__PartitionKey__ApplicableType__Name__IsPublic__Owner_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same applicable type, name, is public, and owner.
[1485] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__LegislativeDistricts__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1486] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__LegislativeDistricts__PartitionKey__LegislativeBody_ID__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same legislative body and System ID.
[1487] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__VolunteerTraits__PartitionKey__Volunteer_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same volunteer and list index.
[1488] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Funds__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1489] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__Funds__PartitionKey__Name
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same name.
[1490] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ProrationTableEntries__PartitionKey__ProrationTable_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same proration table and list index.
[1491] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Jobs__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1492] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__Jobs__PartitionKey__ClassType__LocalID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same local id.
[1493] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Subscriptions__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1494] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__CashAccounts__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1495] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__MerchantAccounts__PartitionKey__Name
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same name.
[1496] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__JournalEntryLineItems__PartitionKey__JournalEntry_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same journal entry and list index.
[1497] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__LookupTables__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1498] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__LookupTables__PartitionKey__Name
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same name.
[1499] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__RegistrationRibbons__PartitionKey__Registration_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same registration and list index.
[1500] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__RateCards__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1501] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__PaymentGatewayCaptures__PartitionKey__Payment_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same payment and list index.
[1502] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__LookupTableRows__PartitionKey__LookupTable_ID__Value
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same lookup table and value.
[1503] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__LookupTableRows__PartitionKey__LookupTable_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same lookup table and list index.
[1504] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__RecurringBatchDefinitionUserGroups__PartitionKey__RecurringBatch_ID__UserGroup_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same recurring batch and user group.
[1505] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Gifts__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1506] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__Gifts__PartitionKey__LocalID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same local id.
[1507] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__IntegrationLinks__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1508] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__IntegrationLinks__PartitionKey__Name
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same name.
[1509] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__AccreditationCommissionMemberCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1510] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__MetadataContainers__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1511] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__MetadataContainers__PartitionKey__ClassType__ApplicableType__Name__Context_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same applicable type, name, and context.
[1512] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Memberships__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1513] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__OrderDiscountCodes__PartitionKey__Order_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same order and list index.
[1514] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ShippingMethodRates__PartitionKey__ShippingMethod_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same shipping method and list index.
[1515] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__BankReconciliations__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1516] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__InsertionOrderCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1517] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__DiscriminatorValues__TableName__DiscriminatorValue
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same table name and discriminator value.
[1518] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__SpeakerEvaluations__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1519] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ExtensionServices__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1520] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__BusinessUnitDefaultGLAccounts__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same business unit.
[1521] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__BusinessUnitDefaultGLAccounts__PartitionKey__BusinessUnit_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same business unit and list index.
[1522] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__MembershipChapters__PartitionKey__Membership_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same membership and list index.
[1523] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__MessagingEntries__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1524] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__BillingTemplates__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1525] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__BillingTemplates__PartitionKey__Name
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same name.
[1526] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ClassifiedAdCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1527] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Accreditations__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1528] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__CertificationPrograms__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1529] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__TaxTableEntries__PartitionKey__TaxTable_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same tax table and list index.
[1530] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__BillingCycleContactRelationshipTypes__PartitionKey__BillingCycle_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same billing cycle and list index.
[1531] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__OrderDemographicValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Order_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same order, order line item id, and custom field.
[1532] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ProductDueToDueFromEntries__PartitionKey__Product_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same product and list index.
[1533] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__RevenueRecognitionTemplates__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1534] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__RevenueRecognitionTemplates__PartitionKey__Name
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same name.
[1535] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__LeadCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1536] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__RelationshipTypes__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1537] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__RelationshipTypes__PartitionKey__Code
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same code.
[1538] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__JobPostings__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1539] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__JobPostings__PartitionKey__LocalID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same local id.
[1540] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__TributeAcknowledgees__PartitionKey__Tribute_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same tribute and list index.
[1541] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Warehouses__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1542] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__Warehouses__PartitionKey__Name
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same name.
[1543] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Volunteers__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1544] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__Volunteers__PartitionKey__Individual_ID__ForeignKey
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same individual.
[1545] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__RevenueRecognitionScheduleRevenueSplits__PartitionKey__Schedule_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same schedule and list index.
[1546] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__AdvertisingContractCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1547] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__AwardPeriods__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1548] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__VolunteerAwards__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1549] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__DeletedObjects__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1550] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Courses__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1551] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__LateFeeRules__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1552] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__CEUCreditCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1553] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__VolunteerJobTimesheets__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1554] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__HistoricalTransactionLineItems__PartitionKey__HistoricalTransaction_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same historical transaction and list index.
[1555] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__job_history__PartitionKey__job_name
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same job name.
[1556] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Awards__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1557] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__EventInvitees__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1558] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__TaxTables__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1559] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__TaxTables__PartitionKey__Name
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same name.
[1560] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__RecurringBatchDefinitionSecurityRoles__PartitionKey__RecurringBatch_ID__SecurityRole_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same recurring batch and security role.
[1561] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ProrationTables__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1562] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__ProrationTables__PartitionKey__Name
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same name.
[1563] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__OrganizationalLayerTypes__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1564] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__OrganizationalLayerTypes__PartitionKey__MembershipOrganization_ID__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same membership organization and System ID.
[1565] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__AccreditationTeamEvaluationCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1566] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ScoringCriteria__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1567] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__ScoringCriteria__PartitionKey__Competition_ID__Name
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same competition and name.
[1568] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__VolunteerTraitSubTypes__PartitionKey__TraitType_ID__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same trait type and System ID.
[1569] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__VolunteerTraitSubTypes__PartitionKey__TraitType_ID__ClassType__Code
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same trait type and code.
[1570] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Entities__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1571] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__Entities__PartitionKey__ClassType__LocalID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same local id.
[1572] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__CancellationFeeRules__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1573] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__LegislativeIssueCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1574] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__AccreditationAppeals__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1575] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__DiscountCodeProducts__PartitionKey__DiscountCode_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same discount code and list index.
[1576] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__DiscountCodeProducts__PartitionKey__DiscountCode_ID__Product_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same discount code and product.
[1577] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__AbstractSpeakers__PartitionKey__Abstract_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same abstract and list index.
[1578] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__CustomObjectInstances__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1579] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__AbstractCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1580] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__CompetitionEntryCalculatedFields__PartitionKey__CompetitionEntry_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same competition entry.
[1581] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__MembershipCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1582] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__AccreditationReports__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1583] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__CommandOverrides__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1584] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__CommandOverrides__PartitionKey__Name
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same name.
[1585] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Issues__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1586] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Orders__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1587] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__Orders__PartitionKey__LocalID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same local id.
[1588] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ChangeMemoLineItems__PartitionKey__ChangeMemo_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same change memo and list index.
[1589] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__InventoryTransactions__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1590] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__CreditLineItems__PartitionKey__Credit_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same credit and list index.
[1591] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__DiscountCodeProductTypes__PartitionKey__DiscountCode_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same discount code and list index.
[1592] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__DiscountCodeProductTypes__PartitionKey__DiscountCode_ID__ProductType
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same discount code and product type.
[1593] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__CertificationRecommendationCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1594] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__LegislativeBills__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1595] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__VolunteerScreenings__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1596] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__UserPreferences__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1597] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__UserPreferences__PartitionKey__User_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same user.
[1598] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__CustomFieldValueCalculatedFields__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__OrderLineItemID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same custom field, owner, and order line item id.
[1599] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ProductCrossSellKeywords__PartitionKey__Product_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same product and list index.
[1600] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Payments__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1601] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__Payments__PartitionKey__LocalID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same local id.
[1602] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__CompetitionEntryCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1603] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__EntityLegislativeDistricts__PartitionKey__ListIndex__Entity_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same list index and entity.
[1604] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__VolunteerScreeningPlanSteps__PartitionKey__ScreeningPlan_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same screening plan and list index.
[1605] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__InvoiceTerms__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1606] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__InvoiceTerms__PartitionKey__Name
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same name.
[1607] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__DiscountCodeProductCategories__PartitionKey__DiscountCode_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same discount code and list index.
[1608] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__DiscountCodeProductCategories__PartitionKey__DiscountCode_ID__Category_ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same discount code and category.
[1609] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__FulfillmentBatchLineItems__PartitionKey__FulfillmentBatch_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same fulfillment batch and list index.
[1610] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__OrderCancellationLineItems__PartitionKey__OrderCancellation_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same order cancellation and list index.
[1611] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__HistoricalTransactions__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1612] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UX__HistoricalTransactions__PartitionKey__LocalID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same local id.
[1613] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__AwardCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1614] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__Dashboards__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1615] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ProductPurchaseRestrictions__PartitionKey__Product_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same product and list index.
[1616] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__VolunteerScreeningPlans__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1617] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__BillingCycles__PartitionKey__ID
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same System ID.
[1618] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__ExamLocations__PartitionKey__CertificationExam_ID__ListIndex
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same location and list index.
[1619] => stdClass Object
[cName] => PK__CertificationExamLocationCustomFieldValues__PartitionKey__CustomField_ID__Owner_ID__Page
[cValue] => We cannot save the record because another record already exists with the same owner and custom field.
[1620] => stdClass Object
[cName] => DataEntryPageLayout
[cValue] => Data Entry Page Layout
[1621] => stdClass Object
[cName] => DataEntryPageLayout:p
[cValue] => Data Entry Page Layouts
[1622] => stdClass Object
[cName] => Data360PageLayout
[cValue] => Data 360° Page Layout
[1623] => stdClass Object
[cName] => Data360PageLayout:p
[cValue] => Data 360° Page Layouts
[1624] => stdClass Object
[cName] => BuiltInField
[cValue] => Built-In Field
[1625] => stdClass Object
[cName] => BuiltInField:p
[cValue] => Built-In Fields
[1626] => stdClass Object
[cName] => CustomField
[cValue] => Custom Field
[1627] => stdClass Object
[cName] => CustomField:p
[cValue] => Custom Fields
[1628] => stdClass Object
[cName] => IntegrationLinkTargetType.Data360View
[cValue] => 360° Screen
[1629] => stdClass Object
[cName] => IntegrationLinkTargetType.Tab
[cValue] => Tab
[1630] => stdClass Object
[cName] => IntegrationLinkTargetType.Home
[cValue] => Module Home Page
[1631] => stdClass Object
[cName] => DisplayTarget.IFrame
[cValue] => IFrame (inside of MemberSuite)
[1632] => stdClass Object
[cName] => OrderPaymentMethod.None
[cValue] => No payment
[1633] => stdClass Object
[cName] => OrderPaymentMethod.ACH
[cValue] => ACH/eCheck
[1634] => stdClass Object
[cName] => OrderStatus.BackOrdered
[cValue] => Backordered
[1635] => stdClass Object
[cName] => ShippingCarrier.USPS
[cValue] => USPS
[1636] => stdClass Object
[cName] => ShippingCarrier.FedEx
[cValue] => FedEx
[1637] => stdClass Object
[cName] => ShippingCarrier.DHL
[cValue] => DHL
[1638] => stdClass Object
[cName] => ShippingCarrier.UPS
[cValue] => UPS
[1639] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDataType.Unspecified
[cValue] => Unspecified
[1640] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDataType.Text
[cValue] => Text
[1641] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDataType.Address
[cValue] => Address
[1642] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDataType.LargeText
[cValue] => Large Text
[1643] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDataType.HtmlText
[cValue] => Formatted Text
[1644] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDataType.Boolean
[cValue] => Boolean (Yes/No)
[1645] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDataType.Integer
[cValue] => Integer
[1646] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDataType.Decimal
[cValue] => Decimal
[1647] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDataType.Image
[cValue] => Image
[1648] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDataType.Date
[cValue] => Date
[1649] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDataType.DateTime
[cValue] => Date & Time
[1650] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDataType.Time
[cValue] => Time
[1651] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDataType.Money
[cValue] => Money
[1652] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDataType.Enum
[cValue] => Enum
[1653] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDataType.Email
[cValue] => Email Address
[1654] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDataType.PhoneNumber
[cValue] => Phone Number
[1655] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDataType.Url
[cValue] => Url
[1656] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDataType.Percentage
[cValue] => Percentage
[1657] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDataType.List
[cValue] => List
[1658] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDataType.Reference
[cValue] => Record Reference
[1659] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDataType.Document
[cValue] => File/Document
[1660] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDisplayType.Unspecified
[cValue] => Unspecified
[1661] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDisplayType.TextBox
[cValue] => Standard Text Box
[1662] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDisplayType.NumericTextBox
[cValue] => Numerical Text Box
[1663] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDisplayType.HtmlTextBox
[cValue] => HTML Formatted Text Box
[1664] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDisplayType.Password
[cValue] => Password Protected Text Box
[1665] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDisplayType.DatePicker
[cValue] => Date Picker
[1666] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDisplayType.DateTimePicker
[cValue] => Date & Time Picker
[1667] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDisplayType.MonthDayPicker
[cValue] => Month/Day Picker
[1668] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDisplayType.MonthYearPicker
[cValue] => Month/Year Picker
[1669] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDisplayType.TimePicker
[cValue] => Time Picker
[1670] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDisplayType.CheckBox
[cValue] => CheckBox
[1671] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDisplayType.Rating
[cValue] => Rating (in stars)
[1672] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDisplayType.CheckBoxes
[cValue] => Checkboxes
[1673] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDisplayType.RadioButtons
[cValue] => Radiobuttons
[1674] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDisplayType.DropDownList
[cValue] => Pick List
[1675] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDisplayType.LargeTextBox
[cValue] => Large Text Box
[1676] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDisplayType.ComboBox
[cValue] => ComboBox
[1677] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDisplayType.CurrencyTextBox
[cValue] => Currency Text Box
[1678] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDisplayType.EmailTextBox
[cValue] => Email Text Box
[1679] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDisplayType.ListBox
[cValue] => List Box (Single Select)
[1680] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDisplayType.MultiSelectListBox
[cValue] => List Box (Multi-Select)
[1681] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDisplayType.DualListBox
[cValue] => Dual List Box
[1682] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDisplayType.FileUpload
[cValue] => File Upload
[1683] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDisplayType.AjaxComboBox
[cValue] => AJAX Combo Box
[1684] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDisplayType.Hyperlink
[cValue] => Hyperlink
[1685] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDisplayType.Image
[cValue] => Image
[1686] => stdClass Object
[cName] => FieldDisplayType.Separator
[cValue] => Separator
[1687] => stdClass Object
[cName] => UnitTestResource
[cValue] => UnitTest1
[bTabs] => stdClass Object
[bTab] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[ApplicapleGuidHintType] => stdClass Object
[AppliesIf] => stdClass Object
[Arg1] => stdClass Object
[Arg2] => stdClass Object
[Arg3] => stdClass Object
[Arg4] => stdClass Object
[Cert20] => stdClass Object
[CertVersion] => All
[CommandSessionID] => stdClass Object
[ConfirmWith] => stdClass Object
[Context] => stdClass Object
[HelpText] => stdClass Object
[ID] => Home
[Icon] => home
[Label] => stdClass Object
[Name] => Console.Home
[NavigateBackName] => stdClass Object
[PortalContent] => All
[State] => stdClass Object
[Target] => SameWindow
[bCommands] => stdClass Object
[cCommandShortcut] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[cApplicapleGuidHintType] => stdClass Object
[cAppliesIf] => stdClass Object
[cArg1] => stdClass Object
[cArg2] => stdClass Object
[cArg3] => stdClass Object
[cArg4] => stdClass Object
[cCert20] => stdClass Object
[cCertVersion] => All
[cCommandSessionID] => stdClass Object
[cConfirmWith] => stdClass Object
[cContext] => stdClass Object
[cHelpText] => stdClass Object
[cID] => stdClass Object
[cIcon] => stdClass Object
[cLabel] => Main Dashboard
[cName] => Console.Home
[cNavigateBackName] => stdClass Object
[cPortalContent] => All
[cState] => stdClass Object
[cTarget] => SameWindow
[1] => stdClass Object
[cApplicapleGuidHintType] => stdClass Object
[cAppliesIf] => stdClass Object
[cArg1] => stdClass Object
[cArg2] => stdClass Object
[cArg3] => stdClass Object
[cArg4] => stdClass Object
[cCert20] => stdClass Object
[cCertVersion] => All
[cCommandSessionID] => stdClass Object
[cConfirmWith] => stdClass Object
[cContext] => stdClass Object
[cHelpText] => stdClass Object
[cID] => stdClass Object
[cIcon] => stdClass Object
[cLabel] => My Tasks
[cName] => Console.Task.Manage
[cNavigateBackName] => stdClass Object
[cPortalContent] => All
[cState] => stdClass Object
[cTarget] => SameWindow
[2] => stdClass Object
[cApplicapleGuidHintType] => stdClass Object
[cAppliesIf] => stdClass Object
[cArg1] => stdClass Object
[cArg2] => stdClass Object
[cArg3] => stdClass Object
[cArg4] => stdClass Object
[cCert20] => stdClass Object
[cCertVersion] => All
[cCommandSessionID] => stdClass Object
[cConfirmWith] => stdClass Object
[cContext] => stdClass Object
[cHelpText] => stdClass Object
[cID] => stdClass Object
[cIcon] => stdClass Object
[cLabel] => My Profile
[cName] => Console.Profile.Edit
[cNavigateBackName] => stdClass Object
[cPortalContent] => All
[cState] => stdClass Object
[cTarget] => SameWindow
[3] => stdClass Object
[cApplicapleGuidHintType] => stdClass Object
[cAppliesIf] => stdClass Object
[cArg1] => stdClass Object
[cArg2] => stdClass Object
[cArg3] => stdClass Object
[cArg4] => stdClass Object
[cCert20] => stdClass Object
[cCertVersion] => All
[cCommandSessionID] => stdClass Object
[cConfirmWith] => stdClass Object
[cContext] => stdClass Object
[cHelpText] => stdClass Object
[cID] => stdClass Object
[cIcon] => stdClass Object
[cLabel] => My Preferences
[cName] => Console.Preferences.Edit
[cNavigateBackName] => stdClass Object
[cPortalContent] => All
[cState] => stdClass Object
[cTarget] => SameWindow
[4] => stdClass Object
[cApplicapleGuidHintType] => stdClass Object
[cAppliesIf] => stdClass Object
[cArg1] => stdClass Object
[cArg2] => stdClass Object
[cArg3] => stdClass Object
[cArg4] => stdClass Object
[cCert20] => stdClass Object
[cCertVersion] => All
[cCommandSessionID] => stdClass Object
[cConfirmWith] => stdClass Object
[cContext] => stdClass Object
[cHelpText] => stdClass Object
[cID] => stdClass Object
[cIcon] => stdClass Object
[cLabel] => Change My Password
[cName] => Console.Password.Edit
[cNavigateBackName] => stdClass Object
[cPortalContent] => All
[cState] => stdClass Object
[cTarget] => SameWindow
[5] => stdClass Object
[cApplicapleGuidHintType] => stdClass Object
[cAppliesIf] => stdClass Object
[cArg1] => stdClass Object
[cArg2] => stdClass Object
[cArg3] => stdClass Object
[cArg4] => stdClass Object
[cCert20] => stdClass Object
[cCertVersion] => All
[cCommandSessionID] => stdClass Object
[cConfirmWith] => stdClass Object
[cContext] => stdClass Object
[cHelpText] => stdClass Object
[cID] => stdClass Object
[cIcon] => stdClass Object
[cLabel] => Software Downloads
[cName] => Console.Downloads.View
[cNavigateBackName] => stdClass Object
[cPortalContent] => All
[cState] => stdClass Object
[cTarget] => SameWindow
[6] => stdClass Object
[cApplicapleGuidHintType] => stdClass Object
[cAppliesIf] => stdClass Object
[cArg1] => stdClass Object
[cArg2] => stdClass Object
[cArg3] => stdClass Object
[cArg4] => stdClass Object
[cCert20] => stdClass Object
[cCertVersion] => All
[cCommandSessionID] => stdClass Object
[cConfirmWith] => stdClass Object
[cContext] => stdClass Object
[cHelpText] => stdClass Object
[cID] => stdClass Object
[cIcon] => stdClass Object
[cLabel] => Job Status Console
[cName] => Console.Job.Manage
[cNavigateBackName] => stdClass Object
[cPortalContent] => All
[cState] => stdClass Object
[cTarget] => SameWindow
[7] => stdClass Object
[cApplicapleGuidHintType] => stdClass Object
[cAppliesIf] => stdClass Object
[cArg1] => stdClass Object
[cArg2] => stdClass Object
[cArg3] => stdClass Object
[cArg4] => stdClass Object
[cCert20] => stdClass Object
[cCertVersion] => All
[cCommandSessionID] => stdClass Object
[cConfirmWith] => stdClass Object
[cContext] => stdClass Object
[cHelpText] => stdClass Object
[cID] => stdClass Object
[cIcon] => stdClass Object
[cLabel] => My Saved Searches
[cName] => Console.SavedSearch.ManageMy
[cNavigateBackName] => stdClass Object
[cPortalContent] => All
[cState] => stdClass Object
[cTarget] => SameWindow
[8] => stdClass Object
[cApplicapleGuidHintType] => stdClass Object
[cAppliesIf] => stdClass Object
[cArg1] => stdClass Object
[cArg2] => stdClass Object
[cArg3] => stdClass Object
[cArg4] => stdClass Object
[cCert20] => stdClass Object
[cCertVersion] => All
[cCommandSessionID] => stdClass Object
[cConfirmWith] => stdClass Object
[cContext] => stdClass Object
[cHelpText] => stdClass Object
[cID] => stdClass Object
[cIcon] => stdClass Object
[cLabel] => My Scheduled Searches
[cName] => Console.ScheduledSearch.ManageMy
[cNavigateBackName] => stdClass Object
[cPortalContent] => All
[cState] => stdClass Object
[cTarget] => SameWindow
[9] => stdClass Object
[cApplicapleGuidHintType] => stdClass Object
[cAppliesIf] => stdClass Object
[cArg1] => stdClass Object
[cArg2] => stdClass Object
[cArg3] => stdClass Object
[cArg4] => stdClass Object
[cCert20] => stdClass Object
[cCertVersion] => All
[cCommandSessionID] => stdClass Object
[cConfirmWith] => stdClass Object
[cContext] => stdClass Object
[cHelpText] => stdClass Object
[cID] => stdClass Object
[cIcon] => stdClass Object
[cLabel] => Log into My Portal
[cName] => Console.External.Login
[cNavigateBackName] => stdClass Object
[cPortalContent] => All
[cState] => stdClass Object
[cTarget] => SameWindow
[10] => stdClass Object
[cApplicapleGuidHintType] => stdClass Object
[cAppliesIf] => stdClass Object
[cArg1] => stdClass Object
[cArg2] => 5
[cArg3] => stdClass Object
[cArg4] => stdClass Object
[cCert20] => stdClass Object
[cCertVersion] => All
[cCommandSessionID] => stdClass Object
[cConfirmWith] => stdClass Object
[cContext] => stdClass Object
[cHelpText] => stdClass Object
[cID] => stdClass Object
[cIcon] => stdClass Object
[cLabel] => Log into MRP
[cName] => Console.External.Login
[cNavigateBackName] => stdClass Object
[cPortalContent] => All
[cState] => stdClass Object
[cTarget] => SameWindow
[11] => stdClass Object
[cApplicapleGuidHintType] => stdClass Object
[cAppliesIf] => stdClass Object
[cArg1] => stdClass Object
[cArg2] => stdClass Object
[cArg3] => stdClass Object
[cArg4] => stdClass Object
[cCert20] => stdClass Object
[cCertVersion] => All
[cCommandSessionID] => stdClass Object
[cConfirmWith] => stdClass Object
[cContext] => stdClass Object
[cHelpText] => stdClass Object
[cID] => stdClass Object
[cIcon] => stdClass Object
[cLabel] => System Auditing
[cName] => Console.Auditing.Home
[cNavigateBackName] => stdClass Object
[cPortalContent] => All
[cState] => stdClass Object
[cTarget] => SameWindow
[12] => stdClass Object
[cApplicapleGuidHintType] => stdClass Object
[cAppliesIf] => stdClass Object
[cArg1] => stdClass Object
[cArg2] => stdClass Object
[cArg3] => stdClass Object
[cArg4] => stdClass Object
[cCert20] => stdClass Object
[cCertVersion] => All
[cCommandSessionID] => stdClass Object
[cConfirmWith] => stdClass Object
[cContext] => stdClass Object
[cHelpText] => stdClass Object
[cID] => stdClass Object
[cIcon] => stdClass Object
[cLabel] => Help
[cName] => Console.Support.Help
[cNavigateBackName] => stdClass Object
[cPortalContent] => All
[cState] => stdClass Object
[cTarget] => SameWindow
[13] => stdClass Object
[cApplicapleGuidHintType] => stdClass Object
[cAppliesIf] => stdClass Object
[cArg1] => Login
[cArg2] => stdClass Object
[cArg3] => stdClass Object
[cArg4] => stdClass Object
[cCert20] => stdClass Object
[cCertVersion] => All
[cCommandSessionID] => stdClass Object
[cConfirmWith] => stdClass Object
[cContext] => stdClass Object
[cHelpText] => stdClass Object
[cID] => stdClass Object
[cIcon] => stdClass Object
[cLabel] => Support Tickets
[cName] => Console.Zendesk.Login
[cNavigateBackName] => stdClass Object
[cPortalContent] => All
[cState] => stdClass Object
[cTarget] => NewWindow
[14] => stdClass Object
[cApplicapleGuidHintType] => stdClass Object
[cAppliesIf] => stdClass Object
[cArg1] => stdClass Object
[cArg2] => stdClass Object
[cArg3] => stdClass Object
[cArg4] => stdClass Object
[cCert20] => stdClass Object
[cCertVersion] => All
[cCommandSessionID] => stdClass Object
[cConfirmWith] => stdClass Object
[cContext] => 00000000-0001-cf2b-d848-6d47707b822d
[cHelpText] => stdClass Object
[cID] => stdClass Object
[cIcon] => stdClass Object
[cLabel] => Customer Center
[cName] => Console.Customer.Home
[cNavigateBackName] => stdClass Object
[cPortalContent] => All
[cState] => stdClass Object
[cTarget] => SameWindow
[bIsActive] => true
[1] => stdClass Object
[ApplicapleGuidHintType] => stdClass Object
[AppliesIf] => stdClass Object
[Arg1] => stdClass Object
[Arg2] => stdClass Object
[Arg3] => stdClass Object
[Arg4] => stdClass Object
[Cert20] => stdClass Object
[CertVersion] => All
[CommandSessionID] => stdClass Object
[ConfirmWith] => stdClass Object
[Context] => stdClass Object
[HelpText] => stdClass Object
[ID] => CRM
[Icon] => crm
[Label] => CRM
[Name] => Console.CRM.Home
[NavigateBackName] => stdClass Object
[PortalContent] => All
[State] => stdClass Object
[Target] => SameWindow
[bCommands] => stdClass Object
[cCommandShortcut] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[cApplicapleGuidHintType] => stdClass Object
[cAppliesIf] => stdClass Object
[cArg1] => stdClass Object
[cArg2] => stdClass Object
[cArg3] => stdClass Object
[cArg4] => stdClass Object
[cCert20] => stdClass Object
[cCertVersion] => All
[cCommandSessionID] => stdClass Object
[cConfirmWith] => stdClass Object
[cContext] => stdClass Object
[cHelpText] => stdClass Object
[cID] => stdClass Object
[cIcon] => stdClass Object
[cLabel] => Create an Individual
[cName] => Console.Individual.Create
[cNavigateBackName] => stdClass Object
[cPortalContent] => All
[cState] => stdClass Object
[cTarget] => SameWindow
[1] => stdClass Object
[cApplicapleGuidHintType] => stdClass Object
[cAppliesIf] => stdClass Object
[cArg1] => stdClass Object
[cArg2] => stdClass Object
[cArg3] => stdClass Object
[cArg4] => stdClass Object
[cCert20] => stdClass Object
[cCertVersion] => All
[cCommandSessionID] => stdClass Object
[cConfirmWith] => stdClass Object
[cContext] => stdClass Object
[cHelpText] => stdClass Object
[cID] => stdClass Object
[cIcon] => stdClass Object
[cLabel] => Create an Organization
[cName] => Console.Organization.Create
[cNavigateBackName] => stdClass Object
[cPortalContent] => All
[cState] => stdClass Object
[cTarget] => SameWindow
[2] => stdClass Object
[cApplicapleGuidHintType] => stdClass Object
[cAppliesIf] => stdClass Object
[cArg1] => Individual
[cArg2] => stdClass Object
[cArg3] => stdClass Object
[cArg4] => stdClass Object
[cCert20] => stdClass Object
[cCertVersion] => All
[cCommandSessionID] => stdClass Object
[cConfirmWith] => stdClass Object
[cContext] => stdClass Object
[cHelpText] => stdClass Object
[cID] => stdClass Object
[cIcon] => stdClass Object
[cLabel] => Find an Individual
[cName] => Console.Find
[cNavigateBackName] => stdClass Object
[cPortalContent] => All
[cState] => stdClass Object
[cTarget] => SameWindow
[3] => stdClass Object
[cApplicapleGuidHintType] => stdClass Object
[cAppliesIf] => stdClass Object
[cArg1] => Organization
[cArg2] => stdClass Object
[cArg3] => stdClass Object
[cArg4] => stdClass Object
[cCert20] => stdClass Object
[cCertVersion] => All
[cCommandSessionID] => stdClass Object
[cConfirmWith] => stdClass Object
[cContext] => stdClass Object
[cHelpText] => stdClass Object
[cID] => stdClass Object
[cIcon] => stdClass Object
[cLabel] => Find an Organization
[cName] => Console.Find
[cNavigateBackName] => stdClass Object
[cPortalContent] => All
[cState] => stdClass Object
[cTarget] => SameWindow
[4] => stdClass Object
[cApplicapleGuidHintType] => stdClass Object
[cAppliesIf] => stdClass Object
[cArg1] => stdClass Object
[cArg2] => stdClass Object
[cArg3] => stdClass Object
[cArg4] => stdClass Object
[cCert20] => stdClass Object
[cCertVersion] => All
[cCommandSessionID] => stdClass Object
[cConfirmWith] => stdClass Object
[cContext] => stdClass Object
[cHelpText] => stdClass Object
[cID] => stdClass Object
[cIcon] => stdClass Object
[cLabel] => Record a Customer Request
[cName] => Console.Request.Create
[cNavigateBackName] => stdClass Object
[cPortalContent] => All
[cState] => stdClass Object
[cTarget] => SameWindow
[5] => stdClass Object
[cApplicapleGuidHintType] => stdClass Object
[cAppliesIf] => stdClass Object
[cArg1] => stdClass Object
[cArg2] => stdClass Object
[cArg3] => stdClass Object
[cArg4] => stdClass Object
[cCert20] => stdClass Object
[cCertVersion] => All
[cCommandSessionID] => stdClass Object
[cConfirmWith] => stdClass Object
[cContext] => stdClass Object
[cHelpText] => stdClass Object
[cID] => stdClass Object
[cIcon] => stdClass Object
[cLabel] => Log a Customer Activity
[cName] => Console.Activity.Create
[cNavigateBackName] => stdClass Object
[cPortalContent] => All
[cState] => stdClass Object
[cTarget] => SameWindow
[6] => stdClass Object
[cApplicapleGuidHintType] => stdClass Object
[cAppliesIf] => stdClass Object
[cArg1] => CRM
[cArg2] => stdClass Object
[cArg3] => stdClass Object
[cArg4] => stdClass Object
[cCert20] => stdClass Object
[cCertVersion] => All
[cCommandSessionID] => stdClass Object
[cConfirmWith] => stdClass Object
[cContext] => stdClass Object
[cHelpText] => Perform an advanced search for any CRM record
[cID] => stdClass Object
[cIcon] => ico_search_individual.gif
[cLabel] => Search for CRM Records
[cName] => Console.SelectSearch
[cNavigateBackName] => stdClass Object
[cPortalContent] => All
[cState] => stdClass Object
[cTarget] => SameWindow
[bIsActive] => true
[2] => stdClass Object
[ApplicapleGuidHintType] => stdClass Object
[AppliesIf] => stdClass Object
[Arg1] => stdClass Object
[Arg2] => stdClass Object
[Arg3] => stdClass Object
[Arg4] => stdClass Object
[Cert20] => stdClass Object
[CertVersion] => All
[CommandSessionID] => stdClass Object
[ConfirmWith] => stdClass Object
[Context] => stdClass Object
[HelpText] => stdClass Object
[ID] => Membership
[Icon] => membership
[Label] => Members
[Name] => Console.Membership.Home
[NavigateBackName] => stdClass Object
[PortalContent] => All
[State] => stdClass Object
[Target] => SameWindow
[bCommands] => stdClass Object
[cCommandShortcut] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[cApplicapleGuidHintType] => stdClass Object
[cAppliesIf] => stdClass Object
[cArg1] => stdClass Object
[cArg2] => stdClass Object
[cArg3] => stdClass Object
[cArg4] => stdClass Object
[cCert20] => stdClass Object
[cCertVersion] => All
[cCommandSessionID] => stdClass Object
[cConfirmWith] => stdClass Object
[cContext] => stdClass Object
[cHelpText] => stdClass Object
[cID] => stdClass Object
[cIcon] => stdClass Object
[cLabel] => Create/Renew a Member
[cName] => Console.Membership.Create
[cNavigateBackName] => stdClass Object
[cPortalContent] => All
[cState] => stdClass Object
[cTarget] => SameWindow
[1] => stdClass Object
[cApplicapleGuidHintType] => stdClass Object
[cAppliesIf] => stdClass Object
[cArg1] => Membership
[cArg2] => stdClass Object
[cArg3] => stdClass Object
[cArg4] => stdClass Object
[cCert20] => stdClass Object
[cCertVersion] => All
[cCommandSessionID] => stdClass Object
[cConfirmWith] => stdClass Object
[cContext] => stdClass Object
[cHelpText] => stdClass Object
[cID] => stdClass Object
[cIcon] => stdClass Object
[cLabel] => Find a Member
[cName] => Console.Find
[cNavigateBackName] => stdClass Object
[cPortalContent] => All
[cState] => stdClass Object
[cTarget] => SameWindow
[2] => stdClass Object
[cApplicapleGuidHintType] => stdClass Object
[cAppliesIf] => stdClass Object
[cArg1] => Chapter
[cArg2] => stdClass Object
[cArg3] => stdClass Object
[cArg4] => stdClass Object
[cCert20] => stdClass Object
[cCertVersion] => All
[cCommandSessionID] => stdClass Object
[cConfirmWith] => stdClass Object
[cContext] => stdClass Object
[cHelpText] => stdClass Object
[cID] => stdClass Object
[cIcon] => stdClass Object
[cLabel] => Find a Chapter
[cName] => Console.Find
[cNavigateBackName] => stdClass Object
[cPortalContent] => All
[cState] => stdClass Object
[cTarget] => SameWindow
[3] => stdClass Object
[cApplicapleGuidHintType] => stdClass Object
[cAppliesIf] => stdClass Object
[cArg1] => stdClass Object
[cArg2] => stdClass Object
[cArg3] => stdClass Object
[cArg4] => stdClass Object
[cCert20] => stdClass Object
[cCertVersion] => All
[cCommandSessionID] => stdClass Object
[cConfirmWith] => stdClass Object
[cContext] => stdClass Object
[cHelpText] => stdClass Object
[cID] => stdClass Object
[cIcon] => stdClass Object
[cLabel] => Mass Update Status
[cName] => Console.Membership.ChangeStatus
[cNavigateBackName] => stdClass Object
[cPortalContent] => All
[cState] => stdClass Object
[cTarget] => SameWindow
[4] => stdClass Object
[cApplicapleGuidHintType] => stdClass Object
[cAppliesIf] => stdClass Object
[cArg1] => Membership
[cArg2] => stdClass Object
[cArg3] => stdClass Object
[cArg4] => stdClass Object
[cCert20] => stdClass Object
[cCertVersion] => All
[cCommandSessionID] => stdClass Object
[cConfirmWith] => stdClass Object
[cContext] => stdClass Object
[cHelpText] => Perform an advanced search for any membership-related record
[cID] => stdClass Object
[cIcon] => ico_find_member.gif
[cLabel] => Search for Membership Records
[cName] => Console.SelectSearch
[cNavigateBackName] => stdClass Object
[cPortalContent] => All
[cState] => stdClass Object
[cTarget] => SameWindow
[bIsActive] => true
[3] => stdClass Object
[ApplicapleGuidHintType] => stdClass Object
[AppliesIf] => stdClass Object
[Arg1] => stdClass Object
[Arg2] => stdClass Object
[Arg3] => stdClass Object
[Arg4] => stdClass Object
[Cert20] => stdClass Object
[CertVersion] => All
[CommandSessionID] => stdClass Object
[ConfirmWith] => stdClass Object
[Context] => stdClass Object
[HelpText] => stdClass Object
[ID] => Financial
[Icon] => financial
[Label] => Financial
[Name] => Console.Financial.Home
[NavigateBackName] => stdClass Object
[PortalContent] => All
[State] => stdClass Object
[Target] => SameWindow
[bCommands] => stdClass Object
[cCommandShortcut] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[cApplicapleGuidHintType] => stdClass Object
[cAppliesIf] => stdClass Object
[cArg1] => stdClass Object
[cArg2] => stdClass Object
[cArg3] => stdClass Object
[cArg4] => stdClass Object
[cCert20] => stdClass Object
[cCertVersion] => All
[cCommandSessionID] => stdClass Object
[cConfirmWith] => stdClass Object
[cContext] => stdClass Object
[cHelpText] => stdClass Object
[cID] => stdClass Object
[cIcon] => stdClass Object
[cLabel] => Receive a Payment
[cName] => Console.Payment.Create
[cNavigateBackName] => stdClass Object
[cPortalContent] => All
[cState] => stdClass Object
[cTarget] => SameWindow
[1] => stdClass Object
[cApplicapleGuidHintType] => stdClass Object
[cAppliesIf] => stdClass Object
[cArg1] => Payment
[cArg2] => stdClass Object
[cArg3] => stdClass Object
[cArg4] => Console.Payment.Refund
[cCert20] => stdClass Object
[cCertVersion] => All
[cCommandSessionID] => stdClass Object
[cConfirmWith] => stdClass Object
[cContext] => stdClass Object
[cHelpText] => stdClass Object
[cID] => stdClass Object
[cIcon] => stdClass Object
[cLabel] => Refund a Payment
[cName] => Console.Find
[cNavigateBackName] => stdClass Object
[cPortalContent] => All
[cState] => stdClass Object
[cTarget] => SameWindow
[2] => stdClass Object
[cApplicapleGuidHintType] => stdClass Object
[cAppliesIf] => stdClass Object
[cArg1] => stdClass Object
[cArg2] => stdClass Object
[cArg3] => stdClass Object
[cArg4] => stdClass Object
[cCert20] => stdClass Object
[cCertVersion] => All
[cCommandSessionID] => stdClass Object
[cConfirmWith] => stdClass Object
[cContext] => stdClass Object
[cHelpText] => stdClass Object
[cID] => stdClass Object
[cIcon] => stdClass Object
[cLabel] => Apply Credits
[cName] => Console.Credit.Create
[cNavigateBackName] => stdClass Object
[cPortalContent] => All
[cState] => stdClass Object
[cTarget] => SameWindow
[3] => stdClass Object
[cApplicapleGuidHintType] => stdClass Object
[cAppliesIf] => stdClass Object
[cArg1] => stdClass Object
[cArg2] => stdClass Object
[cArg3] => stdClass Object
[cArg4] => stdClass Object
[cCert20] => stdClass Object
[cCertVersion] => All
[cCommandSessionID] => stdClass Object
[cConfirmWith] => stdClass Object
[cContext] => stdClass Object
[cHelpText] => stdClass Object
[cID] => stdClass Object
[cIcon] => stdClass Object
[cLabel] => Create a Batch
[cName] => Console.Batch.Create
[cNavigateBackName] => stdClass Object
[cPortalContent] => All
[cState] => stdClass Object
[cTarget] => SameWindow
[4] => stdClass Object
[cApplicapleGuidHintType] => stdClass Object
[cAppliesIf] => stdClass Object
[cArg1] => Batch
[cArg2] => stdClass Object
[cArg3] => stdClass Object
[cArg4] => stdClass Object
[cCert20] => stdClass Object
[cCertVersion] => All
[cCommandSessionID] => stdClass Object
[cConfirmWith] => stdClass Object
[cContext] => stdClass Object
[cHelpText] => stdClass Object
[cID] => stdClass Object
[cIcon] => stdClass Object
[cLabel] => Find a Batch
[cName] => Console.Find
[cNavigateBackName] => stdClass Object
[cPortalContent] => All
[cState] => stdClass Object
[cTarget] => SameWindow
[5] => stdClass Object
[cApplicapleGuidHintType] => stdClass Object
[cAppliesIf] => stdClass Object
[cArg1] => stdClass Object
[cArg2] => stdClass Object
[cArg3] => stdClass Object
[cArg4] => stdClass Object
[cCert20] => stdClass Object
[cCertVersion] => All
[cCommandSessionID] => stdClass Object
[cConfirmWith] => stdClass Object
[cContext] => stdClass Object
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