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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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A small comparison of many to many thread-safe queues in Clojure
(import 'java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue)
(use 'criterium.core)
(defn lbq-test []
(let [q ^LinkedBlockingQueue (LinkedBlockingQueue.)]
(.start(Thread. #(dotimes [n 50000] (.take q))))
(.start(Thread. #(dotimes [n 50000] (.take q))))
(.start(Thread. #(dotimes [n 50000] (.take q))))
(.start(Thread. #(dotimes [n 1000000] (.add q n))))
(.start(Thread. #(dotimes [n 1000000] (.add q n))))
(dotimes [n 50000] (.take q))))
(defn try-deliver [a v]
(deliver (first a) v)
(catch Exception e)))
(defn dropbuf-test []
(let [a (atom [])]
(.start(Thread. #(dotimes [n 50000]
(let [p (promise)]
(swap! a conj p) @p))))
(.start(Thread. #(dotimes [n 50000]
(let [p (promise)]
(swap! a conj p) @p))))
(.start(Thread. #(dotimes [n 50000]
(let [p (promise)]
(swap! a conj p) @p))))
#(dotimes [n 1000000]
(swap! a (fn [x] (try-deliver x n) (rest x))))))
#(dotimes [n 1000000]
(swap! a (fn [x] (try-deliver x n) (rest x))))))
(dotimes [n 50000]
(let [p (promise)]
(swap! a conj p)@p))))
(require '[clojure.core.async :as async])
(defn ca-test []
(let [c (async/chan 2000000)]
(async/thread(dotimes [n 50000] (async/<!! c)))
(async/thread(dotimes [n 50000] (async/<!! c)))
(async/thread(dotimes [n 50000] (async/<!! c)))
(async/thread(dotimes [n 1000000] (async/>!! c n)))
(async/thread(dotimes [n 1000000] (async/>!! c n)))
(dotimes [n 50000] (async/<!! c))))
;fill rate
(defn fill-atom []
(let [a (atom [])]
(.start(Thread. #(dotimes [n 1000000] (swap! a conj n))))
(dotimes [n 1000000] (swap! a conj n))))
(defn fill-lbq []
(let [q ^LinkedBlockingQueue (LinkedBlockingQueue.)]
(.start(Thread. #(dotimes [n 1000000] (.add q n))))
(dotimes [n 1000000] (.add q n))))
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