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Created April 29, 2021 16:21
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plan to implement rnn from scratch
# class RNN:
# def __init__(self, input_shape, hidden_shape, output_shape):
# self.input_shape = input_shape
# self.hidden_shape = hidden_shape
# self.output_shape = output_shape
# self.initialise()
# self.bptt_truncate = 2
# def initialise(self):
# self.Whx = np.random.normal(0, 0.01, shape=(self.hidden_shape, self.input_shape))
# self.Whh = np.random.normal(0, 0.01, shape=(self.hidden_shape, self.hidden_shape))
# = np.random.normal(0, 0.01, shape=(self.hidden_shape))
# self.Wqh = np.random.normal(0, 0.01, shape=(self.output_shape, self.hidden_shape))
# = np.random.normal(0, 0.01, shape=(self.output_shape))
# def tanh(Z):
# return (np.exp(Z)-np.exp(-Z))/(np.exp(Z)-np.exp(-Z))
# def softmax(Z):
# e_x = np.exp(Z - np.max(Z))
# return e_x / e_x.sum(axis=0)
# def forward(self, x):
# prev_memory = np.zeros(shape=(self.hidden_shape,1))
# cache = {}
# for t in range(x.shape[0]):
# WX =, x[i])
# UH =, prev_memory)
# H = WX + UH +
# H_act = self.tanh(H)
# Q =, H_act) +
# Q_act = self.softmax(Q)
# prev_memory = H_act
# cache["WX" + str(t)] = WX
# cache["UH" + str(t)] = UH
# cache["H" + str(t)] = H
# cache["H_act" + str(t)] = H_act
# cache["Q" + str(t)] = Q
# cache["Q_act" + str(t)] = Q_act
# return cache
# def loss(ypred, ytrue):
# def backward():
# def train(self, TrainX, TrainY, ValX, ValY, epochs=1, lr=0.001):
# assert(epochs>=0)
# for e in range(epochs):
# #for training
# Tcache = self.forward(TrainX)
# weights = self.backward(Tcache, TrainX, TrainY)
# self.update_weights(weights)
# #for metrics
# Tcache = self.forward(TrainX)
# TL, TA = self.metrics(Tcache, TrainY)
# Vcache = self.forward(ValX)
# VL, VA = self.metrics(Vcache, ValY)
# print("Epoch: %d | Train loss: %.4f | Train acc: %.4f | Val loss: %.4f | Val acc: %.4f" % (e, TL, TA, VL, VA))
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