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Created October 29, 2012 11:24
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Potion Test
OS: Mac OSX Mountain Lion
make test
running API tests
OK (12 tests)
running GC tests
OK (4 tests)
running VM tests
>, but got <((45, 65, 27, 89), (10, 44, 44, 4), 3)>9), (10, 44, 44, 4), 3)
>, but got <203>.pn: expected <203
>, but got <159> expected <159
>, but got <(7, 52, 9, 81)>ed <(7, 52, 9, 81)
>, but got <no arguments and highly sparse>ts and highly sparse
>, but got <function(x, y)>xpected <function(x, y)
>, but got <105> expected <105
>, but got <(1, -77, 97, XXX, Kiriku)>-77, 97, XXX, Kiriku)
>, but got <60> expected <60
>, but got <58> expected <58
>, but got <(function(), 17, 45, 67, 23, true, 16, (nil, nil), (b=2))>16, (nil, nil), (b=2))
test/data/ expected <[grammar [digit <- n:[0-9] { n number }, value <- d:digit+ | '(' e:expr ')' { d or e }, expr <- l:value op:[*/] r:value
if (op == '*'): l * r. else: l / r.
>, but got <[grammar [digit <- n:[0-9] { n number }, value <- d:digit+ | '(' e:expr ')' { d or e }, expr <- l:value op:[*/] r:value
if (op == '*'): l * r. else: l / r.
}, main <- expr]]>
>, but got <<html><body(margin=0)><p>SUPERIOR!</p><em></em><strong(padding=2)></strong></body></html>nil>/body></html>nil
>, but got <([potion 0.0 (date=2009-06-16)], [app [stack [button Mice, button Eagles, button Quail]]])>, button Quail]]])
>, but got <(10, 10, 10)>ted <(10, 10, 10)
test/flow/ expected <Ringo
>, but got <Ringo
>, but got <(0, (20, 10), (10, 10))> (20, 10), (10, 10))
test/flow/ expected <TRY 1
>, but got <TRY 1
>, but got <(14, 16, 12, Lobby, 10)>12, Lobby, 10)
>, but got <Seth>n: expected <Seth
>, but got <(1, 2, 3, nil, nil)>1, 2, 3, nil, nil)
>, but got <4> expected <4
>, but got <(nil, 1, nil)>ted <(nil, 1, nil)
>, but got <(germans, nil, bottles, exists, bottles)>xists, bottles)
>, but got <(1, 2, 3)>ected <(1, 2, 3)
>, but got <(false, false, false, true)>se, false, true)
>, but got <(false, true, false, false, true, true, false, true, true, false)>ue, true, false)
>, but got <(false, true, true, true)>ue, true, true)
>, but got <8> expected <8
>, but got <(1022, 1023, 1024, 1025, -1022, -1023, -1024, -1025)>2, -1023, -1024, -1025)
>, but got <e> expected <e
>, but got <(992.0, 444444444444.0)>992.0, 444444444444.0)
>, but got <3> expected <3
>, but got <(5, 7, 7)>xpected <(5, 7, 7)
>, but got <1> expected <1
>, but got <(0, -12, -68, 68, -5, -17, -778, 167)>5, -17, -778, 167)
>, but got <20> expected <20
>, but got <216>.pn: expected <216
>, but got <-1> expected <-1
>, but got <36> expected <36
>, but got <1440> expected <1440
>, but got <OdelayOdelayOdelayOdelayOdelay012345678910>ayOdelay012345678910
>, but got <truefalsefalsetrue(1, 1.0)>sefalsetrue(1, 1.0)
>, but got <(5)> expected <(5)
>, but got <(52, h, nil, 7, true)>2, h, nil, 7, true)
>, but got <(52, the, nil, (6, 0, 8, 9), true, 3)>(6, 0, 8, 9), true, 3)
>, but got <(1, 0, 0, 12)>cted <(1, 0, 0, 12)
>, but got <(40)8Lobbynil>xpected <(40)8Lobbynil
>, but got <(true, true, true, false, false, false)>alse, false, false)
>, but got <wedge> expected <wedge
>, but got <(true, 6, true, vil, false, nil, false, nil)>se, nil, false, nil)
>, but got <(3, 6, 0)>: expected <(3, 6, 0)
>, but got <hello worldnil>ted <hello worldnil
>, but got <0.0 * Potion * 2009>0.0 * Potion * 2009
>, but got <(3, 13, 5, 5)>pected <(3, 13, 5, 5)
>, but got <(0, 0, 1, -1, 12, 722222227, -722222227, 3.141591, 900000000000009.0)>91, 900000000000009.0)
>, but got <97nil>n: expected <97nil
>, but got <(it's garbage day, the internal\revenue\service is here)>enue\service is here)
test/strings/ expected <(ahh, the "new" potion, tofu
>, but got <(ahh, the "new" potion, tofu
coconut milk)>
>, but got <(bcde, abc, abc, abc, bc, de, 乔纳森)>abc, bc, de, 乔纳森)
>, but got <($, ©, ∞, $, ©, ∞)>$, ©, ∞, $, ©, ∞)
>, but got <(2, 4, 3, HUGE)>d <(2, 4, 3, HUGE)
>, but got <(i686-apple-darwin8, i386-undermydesk-freebsd, 3, nil, 0cd914e, nil)> nil, 0cd914e, nil)
>, but got <(3999, 6)>pected <(3999, 6)
>, but got <6540>pn: expected <6540
>, but got <(potion, ?)>: expected <(potion, ?)
>, but got <(3, 2, 1)>: expected <(3, 2, 1)
>, but got <breadnil>.pn: expected <breadnil
>, but got <Potionnil>.pn: expected <Potionnil
>, but got <-4> expected <-4
>, but got <(mayo, mayo)>pn: expected <(mayo, mayo)
>, but got <dog is a canine>xpected <dog is a canine
>, but got <My name is nil.nil>cted <My name is nil.nil
>, but got <My name is nil and I'm a Constable.nil>nil and I'm a Constable.nil
>, but got <window> expected <window
running compiler tests
>, but got <((45, 65, 27, 89), (10, 44, 44, 4), 3)>9), (10, 44, 44, 4), 3)
>, but got <203>.pn: expected <203
>, but got <159> expected <159
>, but got <(7, 52, 9, 81)>ed <(7, 52, 9, 81)
>, but got <no arguments and highly sparse>ts and highly sparse
>, but got <function(x, y)>xpected <function(x, y)
>, but got <105> expected <105
>, but got <(1, -77, 97, XXX, Kiriku)>-77, 97, XXX, Kiriku)
>, but got <60> expected <60
>, but got <58> expected <58
>, but got <(function(), 17, 45, 67, 23, true, 16, (nil, nil), (b=2))>16, (nil, nil), (b=2))
test/data/ expected <[grammar [digit <- n:[0-9] { n number }, value <- d:digit+ | '(' e:expr ')' { d or e }, expr <- l:value op:[*/] r:value
if (op == '*'): l * r. else: l / r.
>, but got <[grammar [digit <- n:[0-9] { n number }, value <- d:digit+ | '(' e:expr ')' { d or e }, expr <- l:value op:[*/] r:value
if (op == '*'): l * r. else: l / r.
}, main <- expr]]>
>, but got <<html><body(margin=0)><p>SUPERIOR!</p><em></em><strong(padding=2)></strong></body></html>nil>/body></html>nil
>, but got <([potion 0.0 (date=2009-06-16)], [app [stack [button Mice, button Eagles, button Quail]]])>, button Quail]]])
>, but got <(10, 10, 10)>ted <(10, 10, 10)
test/flow/ expected <Ringo
>, but got <Ringo
>, but got <(0, (20, 10), (10, 10))> (20, 10), (10, 10))
test/flow/ expected <TRY 1
>, but got <TRY 1
>, but got <(14, 16, 12, Lobby, 10)>12, Lobby, 10)
>, but got <Seth>n: expected <Seth
>, but got <(1, 2, 3, nil, nil)>1, 2, 3, nil, nil)
>, but got <4> expected <4
>, but got <(nil, 1, nil)>ted <(nil, 1, nil)
>, but got <(germans, nil, bottles, exists, bottles)>xists, bottles)
>, but got <(1, 2, 3)>ected <(1, 2, 3)
>, but got <(false, false, false, true)>se, false, true)
>, but got <(false, true, false, false, true, true, false, true, true, false)>ue, true, false)
>, but got <(false, true, true, true)>ue, true, true)
>, but got <8> expected <8
>, but got <(1022, 1023, 1024, 1025, -1022, -1023, -1024, -1025)>2, -1023, -1024, -1025)
>, but got <e> expected <e
>, but got <(992.0, 444444444444.0)>992.0, 444444444444.0)
>, but got <3> expected <3
>, but got <(5, 7, 7)>xpected <(5, 7, 7)
>, but got <1> expected <1
>, but got <(0, -12, -68, 68, -5, -17, -778, 167)>5, -17, -778, 167)
>, but got <20> expected <20
>, but got <216>.pn: expected <216
>, but got <-1> expected <-1
>, but got <36> expected <36
>, but got <1440> expected <1440
>, but got <OdelayOdelayOdelayOdelayOdelay012345678910>ayOdelay012345678910
>, but got <truefalsefalsetrue(1, 1.0)>sefalsetrue(1, 1.0)
>, but got <(5)> expected <(5)
>, but got <(52, h, nil, 7, true)>2, h, nil, 7, true)
>, but got <(52, the, nil, (6, 0, 8, 9), true, 3)>(6, 0, 8, 9), true, 3)
>, but got <(1, 0, 0, 12)>cted <(1, 0, 0, 12)
>, but got <(40)8Lobbynil>xpected <(40)8Lobbynil
>, but got <(true, true, true, false, false, false)>alse, false, false)
>, but got <wedge> expected <wedge
>, but got <(true, 6, true, vil, false, nil, false, nil)>se, nil, false, nil)
>, but got <(3, 6, 0)>: expected <(3, 6, 0)
>, but got <hello worldnil>ted <hello worldnil
>, but got <0.0 * Potion * 2009>0.0 * Potion * 2009
>, but got <(3, 13, 5, 5)>pected <(3, 13, 5, 5)
>, but got <(0, 0, 1, -1, 12, 722222227, -722222227, 3.141591, 900000000000009.0)>91, 900000000000009.0)
>, but got <97nil>n: expected <97nil
>, but got <(it's garbage day, the internal\revenue\service is here)>enue\service is here)
test/strings/ expected <(ahh, the "new" potion, tofu
>, but got <(ahh, the "new" potion, tofu
coconut milk)>
>, but got <(bcde, abc, abc, abc, bc, de, 乔纳森)>abc, bc, de, 乔纳森)
>, but got <($, ©, ∞, $, ©, ∞)>$, ©, ∞, $, ©, ∞)
>, but got <(2, 4, 3, HUGE)>d <(2, 4, 3, HUGE)
>, but got <(i686-apple-darwin8, i386-undermydesk-freebsd, 3, nil, 0cd914e, nil)> nil, 0cd914e, nil)
>, but got <(3999, 6)>pected <(3999, 6)
>, but got <6540>pn: expected <6540
>, but got <(potion, ?)>: expected <(potion, ?)
>, but got <(3, 2, 1)>: expected <(3, 2, 1)
>, but got <breadnil>.pn: expected <breadnil
>, but got <Potionnil>.pn: expected <Potionnil
>, but got <-4> expected <-4
>, but got <(mayo, mayo)>pn: expected <(mayo, mayo)
>, but got <dog is a canine>xpected <dog is a canine
>, but got <My name is nil.nil>cted <My name is nil.nil
>, but got <My name is nil and I'm a Constable.nil>nil and I'm a Constable.nil
>, but got <window> expected <window
running JIT tests
>, but got <((45, 65, 27, 89), (10, 44, 44, 4), 3)>9), (10, 44, 44, 4), 3)
>, but got <203>.pn: expected <203
>, but got <159> expected <159
>, but got <(7, 52, 9, 81)>ed <(7, 52, 9, 81)
>, but got <no arguments and highly sparse>ts and highly sparse
>, but got <function(x, y)>xpected <function(x, y)
>, but got <105> expected <105
>, but got <(1, -77, 97, XXX, Kiriku)>-77, 97, XXX, Kiriku)
>, but got <60> expected <60
>, but got <58> expected <58
>, but got <(function(), 17, 45, 67, 23, true, 16, (nil, nil), (b=2))>16, (nil, nil), (b=2))
test/data/ expected <[grammar [digit <- n:[0-9] { n number }, value <- d:digit+ | '(' e:expr ')' { d or e }, expr <- l:value op:[*/] r:value
if (op == '*'): l * r. else: l / r.
>, but got <[grammar [digit <- n:[0-9] { n number }, value <- d:digit+ | '(' e:expr ')' { d or e }, expr <- l:value op:[*/] r:value
if (op == '*'): l * r. else: l / r.
}, main <- expr]]>
>, but got <<html><body(margin=0)><p>SUPERIOR!</p><em></em><strong(padding=2)></strong></body></html>nil>/body></html>nil
>, but got <([potion 0.0 (date=2009-06-16)], [app [stack [button Mice, button Eagles, button Quail]]])>, button Quail]]])
>, but got <(10, 10, 10)>ted <(10, 10, 10)
test/flow/ expected <Ringo
>, but got <Ringo
>, but got <(0, (20, 10), (10, 10))> (20, 10), (10, 10))
test/flow/ expected <TRY 1
>, but got <TRY 1
>, but got <(14, 16, 12, Lobby, 10)>12, Lobby, 10)
>, but got <Seth>n: expected <Seth
>, but got <(1, 2, 3, nil, nil)>1, 2, 3, nil, nil)
>, but got <4> expected <4
>, but got <(nil, 1, nil)>ted <(nil, 1, nil)
>, but got <(germans, nil, bottles, exists, bottles)>xists, bottles)
>, but got <(1, 2, 3)>ected <(1, 2, 3)
>, but got <(false, false, false, true)>se, false, true)
>, but got <(false, true, false, false, true, true, false, true, true, false)>ue, true, false)
>, but got <(false, true, true, true)>ue, true, true)
>, but got <8> expected <8
>, but got <(1022, 1023, 1024, 1025, -1022, -1023, -1024, -1025)>2, -1023, -1024, -1025)
>, but got <e> expected <e
>, but got <(992.0, 444444444444.0)>992.0, 444444444444.0)
>, but got <3> expected <3
>, but got <(5, 7, 7)>xpected <(5, 7, 7)
>, but got <1> expected <1
>, but got <(0, -12, -68, 68, -5, -17, -778, 167)>5, -17, -778, 167)
>, but got <20> expected <20
>, but got <216>.pn: expected <216
>, but got <-1> expected <-1
>, but got <36> expected <36
>, but got <1440> expected <1440
>, but got <OdelayOdelayOdelayOdelayOdelay012345678910>ayOdelay012345678910
>, but got <truefalsefalsetrue(1, 1.0)>sefalsetrue(1, 1.0)
>, but got <(5)> expected <(5)
>, but got <(52, h, nil, 7, true)>2, h, nil, 7, true)
>, but got <(52, the, nil, (6, 0, 8, 9), true, 3)>(6, 0, 8, 9), true, 3)
>, but got <(1, 0, 0, 12)>cted <(1, 0, 0, 12)
>, but got <(40)8Lobbynil>xpected <(40)8Lobbynil
>, but got <(true, true, true, false, false, false)>alse, false, false)
>, but got <wedge> expected <wedge
>, but got <(true, 6, true, vil, false, nil, false, nil)>se, nil, false, nil)
>, but got <(3, 6, 0)>: expected <(3, 6, 0)
>, but got <hello worldnil>ted <hello worldnil
>, but got <0.0 * Potion * 2009>0.0 * Potion * 2009
>, but got <(3, 13, 5, 5)>pected <(3, 13, 5, 5)
>, but got <(0, 0, 1, -1, 12, 722222227, -722222227, 3.141591, 900000000000009.0)>91, 900000000000009.0)
>, but got <97nil>n: expected <97nil
>, but got <(it's garbage day, the internal\revenue\service is here)>enue\service is here)
test/strings/ expected <(ahh, the "new" potion, tofu
>, but got <(ahh, the "new" potion, tofu
coconut milk)>
>, but got <(bcde, abc, abc, abc, bc, de, 乔纳森)>abc, bc, de, 乔纳森)
>, but got <($, ©, ∞, $, ©, ∞)>$, ©, ∞, $, ©, ∞)
>, but got <(2, 4, 3, HUGE)>d <(2, 4, 3, HUGE)
>, but got <(i686-apple-darwin8, i386-undermydesk-freebsd, 3, nil, 0cd914e, nil)> nil, 0cd914e, nil)
>, but got <(3999, 6)>pected <(3999, 6)
>, but got <6540>pn: expected <6540
>, but got <(potion, ?)>: expected <(potion, ?)
>, but got <(3, 2, 1)>: expected <(3, 2, 1)
>, but got <breadnil>.pn: expected <breadnil
>, but got <Potionnil>.pn: expected <Potionnil
>, but got <-4> expected <-4
>, but got <(mayo, mayo)>pn: expected <(mayo, mayo)
>, but got <dog is a canine>xpected <dog is a canine
>, but got <My name is nil.nil>cted <My name is nil.nil
>, but got <My name is nil and I'm a Constable.nil>nil and I'm a Constable.nil
>, but got <window> expected <window
225 FAILS (234 tests)
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