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Created February 11, 2022 01:11
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Common headers
st_waitnewconn = 0
st_headers = 1
st_body = 2
size_threshold = 4000
function count_headers(headers_string, dir) {
split(headers_string, headers, "\n")
for (i in headers) {
split(headers[i], header_parts, ": ")
if (length(header_parts) >= 2 && tolower(header_parts[1]) == "cookie") {
split(header_parts[2], cookies, "; ")
for (ci in cookies) {
split(cookies[ci], cookie_part, "=")
cookie_counts[cookie_part[1]] += dir
/^T .* -> .* \[AP\]/ {
current_host = $2
if (host_states[current_host] == "") {
host_states[current_host] = st_waitnewconn
#print("host is now", current_host, "state", host_states[current_host])
/^\.$/ && host_states[current_host] == st_headers {
host_states[current_host] = st_body
#print("host is now", current_host, "state", host_states[current_host])
#print("acc headers", headers_buffer[current_host])
headers_string = headers_buffer[current_host]
headers_len = length(headers_string)
if (headers_len > size_threshold) {
count_headers(headers_string, 1)
print large_count++ > "/dev/stderr"
if (large_count > 100) {
/^[A-Z]+ \/.* HTTP\/.*/ && (host_states[current_host] == st_waitnewconn || host_states[current_host] == st_body) {
host_states[current_host] = st_headers
headers_buffer[current_host] = ""
/^$/ {
current_host = ""
current_host != "" && host_states[current_host] == st_headers {
headers_buffer[current_host] = headers_buffer[current_host] $0 "\n"
for (name in cookie_counts) {
print cookie_counts[name], name
sudo ngrep -p -d ens5 -W byline -q tcp and port 80 and dst port 80 |
gawk -f count_headers.awk |
grep -v _gac_UA- |
sort -n
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