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Created August 16, 2017 16:22
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  • Save vird/5097087000ce4edaf792474cba5429a4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save vird/5097087000ce4edaf792474cba5429a4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Running 30s test @
2 threads and 100 connections
Thread calibration: mean lat.: 2.431ms, rate sampling interval: 10ms
Thread calibration: mean lat.: 2.408ms, rate sampling interval: 10ms
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 2.44ms 833.21us 9.80ms 69.68%
Req/Sec 10.55k 1.57k 16.44k 73.90%
Latency Distribution (HdrHistogram - Recorded Latency)
50.000% 2.45ms
75.000% 2.96ms
90.000% 3.46ms
99.000% 4.49ms
99.900% 6.07ms
99.990% 8.71ms
99.999% 9.22ms
100.000% 9.81ms
Detailed Percentile spectrum:
Value Percentile TotalCount 1/(1-Percentile)
0.092 0.000000 1 1.00
1.354 0.100000 39526 1.11
1.745 0.200000 79045 1.25
2.025 0.300000 118523 1.43
2.249 0.400000 158307 1.67
2.447 0.500000 197773 2.00
2.543 0.550000 217401 2.22
2.639 0.600000 237164 2.50
2.739 0.650000 256893 2.86
2.847 0.700000 276823 3.33
2.961 0.750000 296374 4.00
3.023 0.775000 306155 4.44
3.093 0.800000 316061 5.00
3.169 0.825000 326067 5.71
3.251 0.850000 335758 6.67
3.347 0.875000 345765 8.00
3.401 0.887500 350719 8.89
3.459 0.900000 355661 10.00
3.525 0.912500 360512 11.43
3.599 0.925000 365452 13.33
3.685 0.937500 370403 16.00
3.735 0.943750 372865 17.78
3.789 0.950000 375302 20.00
3.851 0.956250 377719 22.86
3.923 0.962500 380257 26.67
3.999 0.968750 382660 32.00
4.047 0.971875 383941 35.56
4.099 0.975000 385168 40.00
4.159 0.978125 386409 45.71
4.227 0.981250 387639 53.33
4.303 0.984375 388876 64.00
4.347 0.985938 389476 71.11
4.399 0.987500 390099 80.00
4.451 0.989062 390689 91.43
4.519 0.990625 391312 106.67
4.599 0.992188 391917 128.00
4.643 0.992969 392225 142.22
4.703 0.993750 392545 160.00
4.763 0.994531 392842 182.86
4.839 0.995313 393166 213.33
4.919 0.996094 393467 256.00
4.983 0.996484 393613 284.44
5.039 0.996875 393763 320.00
5.119 0.997266 393922 365.71
5.219 0.997656 394078 426.67
5.347 0.998047 394226 512.00
5.435 0.998242 394306 568.89
5.555 0.998437 394382 640.00
5.695 0.998633 394457 731.43
5.891 0.998828 394538 853.33
6.087 0.999023 394613 1024.00
6.215 0.999121 394650 1137.78
6.347 0.999219 394689 1280.00
6.479 0.999316 394727 1462.86
6.679 0.999414 394766 1706.67
7.091 0.999512 394805 2048.00
7.579 0.999561 394824 2275.56
7.807 0.999609 394843 2560.00
7.979 0.999658 394862 2925.71
8.103 0.999707 394883 3413.33
8.303 0.999756 394901 4096.00
8.375 0.999780 394911 4551.11
8.439 0.999805 394920 5120.00
8.527 0.999829 394931 5851.43
8.591 0.999854 394944 6826.67
8.615 0.999878 394949 8192.00
8.695 0.999890 394954 9102.22
8.719 0.999902 394960 10240.00
8.751 0.999915 394966 11702.86
8.783 0.999927 394969 13653.33
8.839 0.999939 394974 16384.00
8.855 0.999945 394976 18204.44
8.863 0.999951 394978 20480.00
8.879 0.999957 394981 23405.71
8.935 0.999963 394983 27306.67
8.943 0.999969 394985 32768.00
8.967 0.999973 394987 36408.89
8.991 0.999976 394988 40960.00
9.015 0.999979 394989 46811.43
9.135 0.999982 394990 54613.33
9.175 0.999985 394991 65536.00
9.183 0.999986 394992 72817.78
9.223 0.999988 394993 81920.00
9.223 0.999989 394993 93622.86
9.295 0.999991 394994 109226.67
9.295 0.999992 394994 131072.00
9.311 0.999993 394995 145635.56
9.311 0.999994 394995 163840.00
9.311 0.999995 394995 187245.71
9.743 0.999995 394996 218453.33
9.743 0.999996 394996 262144.00
9.743 0.999997 394996 291271.11
9.743 0.999997 394996 327680.00
9.743 0.999997 394996 374491.43
9.807 0.999998 394997 436906.67
9.807 1.000000 394997 inf
#[Mean = 2.439, StdDeviation = 0.833]
#[Max = 9.800, Total count = 394997]
#[Buckets = 27, SubBuckets = 2048]
597549 requests in 30.00s, 79.78MB read
Requests/sec: 19917.47
Transfer/sec: 2.66MB
Running 30s test @
2 threads and 100 connections
Thread calibration: mean lat.: 2.070ms, rate sampling interval: 10ms
Thread calibration: mean lat.: 2.029ms, rate sampling interval: 10ms
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 2.03ms 738.26us 9.82ms 66.93%
Req/Sec 10.54k 1.50k 16.22k 78.18%
Latency Distribution (HdrHistogram - Recorded Latency)
50.000% 2.04ms
75.000% 2.51ms
90.000% 2.97ms
99.000% 3.81ms
99.900% 4.40ms
99.990% 5.39ms
99.999% 8.06ms
100.000% 9.83ms
Detailed Percentile spectrum:
Value Percentile TotalCount 1/(1-Percentile)
0.200 0.000000 1 1.00
1.025 0.100000 39560 1.11
1.367 0.200000 79116 1.25
1.636 0.300000 118613 1.43
1.849 0.400000 158016 1.67
2.036 0.500000 197660 2.00
2.125 0.550000 217479 2.22
2.215 0.600000 237313 2.50
2.307 0.650000 257052 2.86
2.405 0.700000 276706 3.33
2.513 0.750000 296382 4.00
2.573 0.775000 306289 4.44
2.637 0.800000 316060 5.00
2.707 0.825000 325976 5.71
2.787 0.850000 335973 6.67
2.875 0.875000 345781 8.00
2.923 0.887500 350654 8.89
2.975 0.900000 355520 10.00
3.035 0.912500 360478 11.43
3.101 0.925000 365437 13.33
3.175 0.937500 370314 16.00
3.219 0.943750 372853 17.78
3.267 0.950000 375299 20.00
3.319 0.956250 377748 22.86
3.381 0.962500 380255 26.67
3.447 0.968750 382683 32.00
3.485 0.971875 383891 35.56
3.525 0.975000 385125 40.00
3.573 0.978125 386378 45.71
3.625 0.981250 387614 53.33
3.685 0.984375 388843 64.00
3.717 0.985938 389474 71.11
3.751 0.987500 390078 80.00
3.789 0.989062 390681 91.43
3.831 0.990625 391299 106.67
3.883 0.992188 391929 128.00
3.911 0.992969 392230 142.22
3.941 0.993750 392541 160.00
3.979 0.994531 392855 182.86
4.019 0.995313 393150 213.33
4.063 0.996094 393458 256.00
4.091 0.996484 393622 284.44
4.119 0.996875 393777 320.00
4.147 0.997266 393920 365.71
4.191 0.997656 394088 426.67
4.231 0.998047 394235 512.00
4.263 0.998242 394316 568.89
4.291 0.998437 394385 640.00
4.327 0.998633 394466 731.43
4.363 0.998828 394540 853.33
4.407 0.999023 394616 1024.00
4.431 0.999121 394654 1137.78
4.467 0.999219 394693 1280.00
4.511 0.999316 394731 1462.86
4.575 0.999414 394770 1706.67
4.643 0.999512 394810 2048.00
4.679 0.999561 394827 2275.56
4.739 0.999609 394846 2560.00
4.799 0.999658 394865 2925.71
4.891 0.999707 394885 3413.33
4.983 0.999756 394905 4096.00
5.031 0.999780 394914 4551.11
5.095 0.999805 394924 5120.00
5.187 0.999829 394933 5851.43
5.235 0.999854 394943 6826.67
5.319 0.999878 394952 8192.00
5.375 0.999890 394957 9102.22
5.427 0.999902 394962 10240.00
5.459 0.999915 394967 11702.86
5.527 0.999927 394972 13653.33
5.575 0.999939 394976 16384.00
5.671 0.999945 394979 18204.44
5.855 0.999951 394981 20480.00
6.043 0.999957 394984 23405.71
6.223 0.999963 394986 27306.67
6.331 0.999969 394988 32768.00
6.611 0.999973 394990 36408.89
6.855 0.999976 394991 40960.00
6.947 0.999979 394992 46811.43
7.447 0.999982 394993 54613.33
7.747 0.999985 394994 65536.00
8.003 0.999986 394995 72817.78
8.055 0.999988 394996 81920.00
8.055 0.999989 394996 93622.86
8.311 0.999991 394997 109226.67
8.311 0.999992 394997 131072.00
8.367 0.999993 394998 145635.56
8.367 0.999994 394998 163840.00
8.367 0.999995 394998 187245.71
8.783 0.999995 394999 218453.33
8.783 0.999996 394999 262144.00
8.783 0.999997 394999 291271.11
8.783 0.999997 394999 327680.00
8.783 0.999997 394999 374491.43
9.831 0.999998 395000 436906.67
9.831 1.000000 395000 inf
#[Mean = 2.028, StdDeviation = 0.738]
#[Max = 9.824, Total count = 395000]
#[Buckets = 27, SubBuckets = 2048]
597571 requests in 30.00s, 123.67MB read
Requests/sec: 19917.13
Transfer/sec: 4.12MB
./wrk -t2 -c100 -d30s -R20000 --latency | tee perf_profile/usr_20k
./wrk -t2 -c100 -d30s -R20000 --latency | tee perf_profile/loc_20k
./wrk -t2 -c100 -d30s -R20000 --latency | tee perf_profile/vis_20k
./wrk -t2 -c100 -d30s -R20000 --latency | tee perf_profile/u_v_20k
./wrk -t2 -c100 -d30s -R20000 --latency | tee perf_profile/l_v_20k
Running 30s test @
2 threads and 100 connections
Thread calibration: mean lat.: 2.662ms, rate sampling interval: 10ms
Thread calibration: mean lat.: 2.734ms, rate sampling interval: 10ms
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 2.70ms 1.30ms 25.44ms 76.51%
Req/Sec 10.55k 1.52k 17.89k 74.29%
Latency Distribution (HdrHistogram - Recorded Latency)
50.000% 2.58ms
75.000% 3.33ms
90.000% 4.09ms
99.000% 6.82ms
99.900% 13.48ms
99.990% 18.53ms
99.999% 21.81ms
100.000% 25.45ms
Detailed Percentile spectrum:
Value Percentile TotalCount 1/(1-Percentile)
0.096 0.000000 1 1.00
1.290 0.100000 39544 1.11
1.694 0.200000 79065 1.25
2.015 0.300000 118599 1.43
2.303 0.400000 158099 1.67
2.575 0.500000 197546 2.00
2.711 0.550000 217509 2.22
2.849 0.600000 237074 2.50
2.997 0.650000 256909 2.86
3.153 0.700000 276568 3.33
3.327 0.750000 296293 4.00
3.419 0.775000 306134 4.44
3.523 0.800000 316111 5.00
3.635 0.825000 325928 5.71
3.761 0.850000 335731 6.67
3.911 0.875000 345713 8.00
3.997 0.887500 350635 8.89
4.093 0.900000 355558 10.00
4.203 0.912500 360450 11.43
4.335 0.925000 365477 13.33
4.487 0.937500 370405 16.00
4.575 0.943750 372838 17.78
4.671 0.950000 375231 20.00
4.791 0.956250 377726 22.86
4.927 0.962500 380185 26.67
5.099 0.968750 382633 32.00
5.215 0.971875 383875 35.56
5.351 0.975000 385120 40.00
5.515 0.978125 386354 45.71
5.731 0.981250 387588 53.33
6.019 0.984375 388817 64.00
6.179 0.985938 389429 71.11
6.375 0.987500 390043 80.00
6.631 0.989062 390664 91.43
6.963 0.990625 391275 106.67
7.399 0.992188 391893 128.00
7.639 0.992969 392202 142.22
7.895 0.993750 392511 160.00
8.223 0.994531 392817 182.86
8.655 0.995313 393130 213.33
9.111 0.996094 393441 256.00
9.415 0.996484 393590 284.44
9.831 0.996875 393744 320.00
10.279 0.997266 393898 365.71
10.647 0.997656 394051 426.67
11.167 0.998047 394207 512.00
11.479 0.998242 394282 568.89
11.879 0.998437 394360 640.00
12.423 0.998633 394436 731.43
12.959 0.998828 394514 853.33
13.527 0.999023 394591 1024.00
13.783 0.999121 394629 1137.78
14.023 0.999219 394669 1280.00
14.543 0.999316 394706 1462.86
14.935 0.999414 394745 1706.67
15.383 0.999512 394784 2048.00
15.623 0.999561 394803 2275.56
15.783 0.999609 394823 2560.00
16.207 0.999658 394841 2925.71
16.607 0.999707 394863 3413.33
16.975 0.999756 394880 4096.00
17.183 0.999780 394890 4551.11
17.423 0.999805 394899 5120.00
17.679 0.999829 394909 5851.43
18.063 0.999854 394919 6826.67
18.271 0.999878 394928 8192.00
18.383 0.999890 394933 9102.22
18.543 0.999902 394938 10240.00
18.607 0.999915 394943 11702.86
19.583 0.999927 394948 13653.33
19.871 0.999939 394952 16384.00
19.999 0.999945 394955 18204.44
20.191 0.999951 394957 20480.00
20.767 0.999957 394960 23405.71
20.847 0.999963 394963 27306.67
20.895 0.999969 394964 32768.00
21.023 0.999973 394966 36408.89
21.231 0.999976 394967 40960.00
21.279 0.999979 394968 46811.43
21.407 0.999982 394969 54613.33
21.487 0.999985 394970 65536.00
21.503 0.999986 394971 72817.78
21.807 0.999988 394972 81920.00
21.807 0.999989 394972 93622.86
21.823 0.999991 394973 109226.67
21.823 0.999992 394973 131072.00
21.887 0.999993 394974 145635.56
21.887 0.999994 394974 163840.00
21.887 0.999995 394974 187245.71
21.983 0.999995 394975 218453.33
21.983 0.999996 394975 262144.00
21.983 0.999997 394975 291271.11
21.983 0.999997 394975 327680.00
21.983 0.999997 394975 374491.43
25.455 0.999998 394976 436906.67
25.455 1.000000 394976 inf
#[Mean = 2.695, StdDeviation = 1.301]
#[Max = 25.440, Total count = 394976]
#[Buckets = 27, SubBuckets = 2048]
597528 requests in 30.00s, 2.41GB read
Requests/sec: 19917.67
Transfer/sec: 82.38MB
Running 30s test @
2 threads and 100 connections
Thread calibration: mean lat.: 2.070ms, rate sampling interval: 10ms
Thread calibration: mean lat.: 2.093ms, rate sampling interval: 10ms
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 2.09ms 774.86us 8.45ms 67.24%
Req/Sec 10.55k 1.55k 16.44k 77.34%
Latency Distribution (HdrHistogram - Recorded Latency)
50.000% 2.09ms
75.000% 2.60ms
90.000% 3.09ms
99.000% 3.91ms
99.900% 4.59ms
99.990% 7.30ms
99.999% 8.01ms
100.000% 8.45ms
Detailed Percentile spectrum:
Value Percentile TotalCount 1/(1-Percentile)
0.109 0.000000 1 1.00
1.042 0.100000 39504 1.11
1.412 0.200000 79096 1.25
1.686 0.300000 118501 1.43
1.902 0.400000 158095 1.67
2.093 0.500000 197809 2.00
2.183 0.550000 217295 2.22
2.277 0.600000 237169 2.50
2.375 0.650000 256855 2.86
2.483 0.700000 276729 3.33
2.599 0.750000 296470 4.00
2.663 0.775000 306326 4.44
2.731 0.800000 315998 5.00
2.807 0.825000 325942 5.71
2.889 0.850000 335752 6.67
2.983 0.875000 345698 8.00
3.035 0.887500 350604 8.89
3.093 0.900000 355539 10.00
3.157 0.912500 360450 11.43
3.229 0.925000 365384 13.33
3.311 0.937500 370341 16.00
3.357 0.943750 372776 17.78
3.405 0.950000 375299 20.00
3.459 0.956250 377765 22.86
3.517 0.962500 380148 26.67
3.585 0.968750 382626 32.00
3.621 0.971875 383893 35.56
3.659 0.975000 385122 40.00
3.701 0.978125 386343 45.71
3.745 0.981250 387591 53.33
3.795 0.984375 388812 64.00
3.825 0.985938 389408 71.11
3.859 0.987500 390040 80.00
3.891 0.989062 390642 91.43
3.929 0.990625 391268 106.67
3.977 0.992188 391890 128.00
4.001 0.992969 392185 142.22
4.033 0.993750 392489 160.00
4.067 0.994531 392807 182.86
4.111 0.995313 393112 213.33
4.163 0.996094 393437 256.00
4.187 0.996484 393578 284.44
4.219 0.996875 393729 320.00
4.255 0.997266 393879 365.71
4.303 0.997656 394033 426.67
4.359 0.998047 394198 512.00
4.387 0.998242 394263 568.89
4.427 0.998437 394340 640.00
4.467 0.998633 394419 731.43
4.527 0.998828 394498 853.33
4.615 0.999023 394573 1024.00
4.659 0.999121 394612 1137.78
4.711 0.999219 394649 1280.00
4.783 0.999316 394687 1462.86
4.907 0.999414 394725 1706.67
5.095 0.999512 394765 2048.00
5.155 0.999561 394784 2275.56
5.215 0.999609 394802 2560.00
5.379 0.999658 394822 2925.71
5.583 0.999707 394841 3413.33
6.231 0.999756 394860 4096.00
6.443 0.999780 394871 4551.11
6.575 0.999805 394879 5120.00
6.711 0.999829 394889 5851.43
6.875 0.999854 394899 6826.67
7.047 0.999878 394908 8192.00
7.215 0.999890 394913 9102.22
7.315 0.999902 394918 10240.00
7.403 0.999915 394923 11702.86
7.523 0.999927 394928 13653.33
7.591 0.999939 394932 16384.00
7.647 0.999945 394935 18204.44
7.671 0.999951 394937 20480.00
7.795 0.999957 394940 23405.71
7.819 0.999963 394943 27306.67
7.835 0.999969 394944 32768.00
7.843 0.999973 394946 36408.89
7.891 0.999976 394947 40960.00
7.919 0.999979 394948 46811.43
7.939 0.999982 394949 54613.33
7.955 0.999985 394950 65536.00
7.991 0.999986 394951 72817.78
8.011 0.999988 394952 81920.00
8.011 0.999989 394952 93622.86
8.039 0.999991 394953 109226.67
8.039 0.999992 394953 131072.00
8.167 0.999993 394954 145635.56
8.167 0.999994 394954 163840.00
8.167 0.999995 394954 187245.71
8.311 0.999995 394955 218453.33
8.311 0.999996 394955 262144.00
8.311 0.999997 394955 291271.11
8.311 0.999997 394955 327680.00
8.311 0.999997 394955 374491.43
8.455 0.999998 394956 436906.67
8.455 1.000000 394956 inf
#[Mean = 2.091, StdDeviation = 0.775]
#[Max = 8.448, Total count = 394956]
#[Buckets = 27, SubBuckets = 2048]
597509 requests in 30.00s, 154.42MB read
Requests/sec: 19917.88
Transfer/sec: 5.15MB
Running 30s test @
2 threads and 100 connections
Thread calibration: mean lat.: 1.781ms, rate sampling interval: 10ms
Thread calibration: mean lat.: 1.650ms, rate sampling interval: 10ms
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 1.74ms 703.73us 11.18ms 70.31%
Req/Sec 10.55k 1.55k 16.11k 76.57%
Latency Distribution (HdrHistogram - Recorded Latency)
50.000% 1.65ms
75.000% 2.15ms
90.000% 2.68ms
99.000% 3.66ms
99.900% 4.73ms
99.990% 8.90ms
99.999% 10.33ms
100.000% 11.18ms
Detailed Percentile spectrum:
Value Percentile TotalCount 1/(1-Percentile)
0.125 0.000000 1 1.00
0.928 0.100000 39611 1.11
1.152 0.200000 79032 1.25
1.326 0.300000 118538 1.43
1.488 0.400000 158089 1.67
1.655 0.500000 197535 2.00
1.742 0.550000 217394 2.22
1.833 0.600000 237144 2.50
1.929 0.650000 256852 2.86
2.034 0.700000 276640 3.33
2.153 0.750000 296407 4.00
2.219 0.775000 306350 4.44
2.289 0.800000 316252 5.00
2.367 0.825000 325956 5.71
2.457 0.850000 335813 6.67
2.561 0.875000 345804 8.00
2.617 0.887500 350574 8.89
2.681 0.900000 355585 10.00
2.751 0.912500 360514 11.43
2.829 0.925000 365489 13.33
2.919 0.937500 370395 16.00
2.969 0.943750 372807 17.78
3.025 0.950000 375314 20.00
3.085 0.956250 377723 22.86
3.157 0.962500 380242 26.67
3.235 0.968750 382681 32.00
3.279 0.971875 383913 35.56
3.327 0.975000 385173 40.00
3.377 0.978125 386369 45.71
3.437 0.981250 387599 53.33
3.505 0.984375 388837 64.00
3.541 0.985938 389460 71.11
3.581 0.987500 390065 80.00
3.629 0.989062 390692 91.43
3.689 0.990625 391307 106.67
3.749 0.992188 391925 128.00
3.787 0.992969 392229 142.22
3.827 0.993750 392542 160.00
3.873 0.994531 392847 182.86
3.931 0.995313 393152 213.33
4.001 0.996094 393460 256.00
4.037 0.996484 393618 284.44
4.081 0.996875 393767 320.00
4.135 0.997266 393921 365.71
4.195 0.997656 394080 426.67
4.267 0.998047 394232 512.00
4.319 0.998242 394311 568.89
4.379 0.998437 394383 640.00
4.475 0.998633 394461 731.43
4.587 0.998828 394539 853.33
4.767 0.999023 394616 1024.00
4.871 0.999121 394653 1137.78
5.047 0.999219 394692 1280.00
5.275 0.999316 394731 1462.86
5.563 0.999414 394769 1706.67
6.119 0.999512 394808 2048.00
6.363 0.999561 394827 2275.56
6.615 0.999609 394847 2560.00
6.775 0.999658 394866 2925.71
7.055 0.999707 394885 3413.33
7.551 0.999756 394904 4096.00
7.815 0.999780 394914 4551.11
8.059 0.999805 394923 5120.00
8.399 0.999829 394933 5851.43
8.583 0.999854 394945 6826.67
8.687 0.999878 394952 8192.00
8.823 0.999890 394957 9102.22
8.919 0.999902 394962 10240.00
9.111 0.999915 394967 11702.86
9.343 0.999927 394972 13653.33
9.463 0.999939 394976 16384.00
9.591 0.999945 394979 18204.44
9.703 0.999951 394981 20480.00
9.807 0.999957 394984 23405.71
9.855 0.999963 394987 27306.67
9.927 0.999969 394988 32768.00
10.007 0.999973 394990 36408.89
10.143 0.999976 394991 40960.00
10.271 0.999979 394992 46811.43
10.279 0.999982 394994 54613.33
10.279 0.999985 394994 65536.00
10.319 0.999986 394995 72817.78
10.327 0.999988 394996 81920.00
10.327 0.999989 394996 93622.86
10.391 0.999991 394997 109226.67
10.391 0.999992 394997 131072.00
10.503 0.999993 394998 145635.56
10.503 0.999994 394998 163840.00
10.503 0.999995 394998 187245.71
11.039 0.999995 394999 218453.33
11.039 0.999996 394999 262144.00
11.039 0.999997 394999 291271.11
11.039 0.999997 394999 327680.00
11.039 0.999997 394999 374491.43
11.183 0.999998 395000 436906.67
11.183 1.000000 395000 inf
#[Mean = 1.743, StdDeviation = 0.704]
#[Max = 11.176, Total count = 395000]
#[Buckets = 27, SubBuckets = 2048]
597552 requests in 30.00s, 108.85MB read
Requests/sec: 19916.68
Transfer/sec: 3.63MB
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