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Created August 7, 2013 09:33
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package examples
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.collection.immutable
// Master case classes
case object Start
// received events
case class SetTarget(ref: ActorRef)
case class Queue(obj: Any)
case object Flush
// sent events
case class Batch(obj: immutable.Seq[Any])
// states
sealed trait State
case object Idle extends State
case object Active extends State
sealed trait Data
case object Uninitialized extends Data
case class Todo(target: ActorRef, queue: immutable.Seq[Any]) extends Data
class Buncher extends Actor with FSM[State, Data] {
startWith(Idle, Uninitialized)
when(Idle) {
case Event(SetTarget(ref), Uninitialized) =>
stay using Todo(ref, Vector.empty)
// transition elided ...
when(Active, stateTimeout = 1 second) {
case Event(Flush | StateTimeout, t: Todo) =>
goto(Idle) using t.copy(queue = Vector.empty)
whenUnhandled {
// common code for both states
case Event(Queue(obj), t@Todo(_, v)) =>
goto(Active) using t.copy(queue = v :+ obj)
case Event("exceptionCase", _) => throw new RuntimeException
// case Event(e, s) =>
// log.warning("received unhandled request {} in state {}/{}", e, stateName, s)
// stay
onTransition {
case Active -> Idle =>
stateData match {
case Todo(ref, queue) => ref ! Batch (queue)
// unhandled elided ...
override def preRestart(reason: Throwable, message: Option[Any]) {
super.preRestart(reason, message)
println(message, reason)
class ExampleActor extends Actor {
def receive = {
case x => println(x)
class MasterActor extends Actor {
override def supervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy = super.supervisorStrategy
def receive = {
case Start =>
/** defines child Actors */
val buncherAkkEx = context.actorOf(Props[Buncher])
buncherAkkEx ! SetTarget(self)
buncherAkkEx ! Queue(10)
buncherAkkEx ! Queue(11)
buncherAkkEx ! Queue(12)
case Batch(queue) =>
println(s"The queue is: $queue")
case m => context.children.head ! m
object FSMExample extends App {
val system = ActorSystem("FSMExample")
// val exampleAkk = system.actorOf(Props[ExampleActor])
// val buncherAkkEx = system.actorOf(Props[Buncher])
val masterAkk = system.actorOf(Props[MasterActor])
// buncherAkkEx ! SetTarget(exampleAkk)
// buncherAkkEx ! Flush
masterAkk ! Start
masterAkk ! "exceptionCase"
// Thread.sleep(2000)
// system.shutdown()
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