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subfuzion /
Last active May 6, 2024 09:53
curl POST examples

Common Options

-#, --progress-bar Make curl display a simple progress bar instead of the more informational standard meter.

-b, --cookie <name=data> Supply cookie with request. If no =, then specifies the cookie file to use (see -c).

-c, --cookie-jar <file name> File to save response cookies to.

staltz /
Last active May 6, 2024 01:44
The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing
gaearon /
Last active May 3, 2024 12:56
A Gentle Introduction to Prepack, Part 1


When this guide is more complete, the plan is to move it into Prepack documentation.
For now I put it out as a gist to gather initial feedback.

A Gentle Introduction to Prepack (Part 1)

If you're building JavaScript apps, you might already be familiar with some tools that compile JavaScript code to equivalent JavaScript code:

  • Babel lets you use newer JavaScript language features, and outputs equivalent code that targets older JavaScript engines.
slikts /
Last active April 27, 2024 02:40
Advanced memoization and effects in React

Advanced memoization and effects in React

Memoization is a somewhat fraught topic in the React world, meaning that it's easy to go wrong with it, for example, by [making memo() do nothing][memo-pitfall] by passing in children to a component. The general advice is to avoid memoization until the profiler tells you to optimize, but not all use cases are general, and even in the general use case you can find tricky nuances.

Discussing this topic requires some groundwork about the technical terms, and I'm placing these in once place so that it's easy to skim and skip over:

  • Memoization means caching the output based on the input; in the case of functions, it means caching the return value based on the arguments.
  • Values and references are unfortunately overloaded terms that can refer to the low-level implementation details of assignments in a language like C++, for example, or to memory

Everything I Know About UI Routing


  1. Location - The location of the application. Usually just a URL, but the location can contain multiple pieces of information that can be used by an app
    1. pathname - The "file/directory" portion of the URL, like invoices/123
    2. search - The stuff after ? in a URL like /assignments?showGrades=1.
    3. query - A parsed version of search, usually an object but not a standard browser feature.
    4. hash - The # portion of the URL. This is not available to servers in request.url so its client only. By default it means which part of the page the user should be scrolled to, but developers use it for various things.
    5. state - Object associated with a location. Think of it like a hidden URL query. It's state you want to keep with a specific location, but you don't want it to be visible in the URL.
ef4 /
Last active April 2, 2024 17:38
Webpack 5 Node Polyfills Upgrade Cheatsheet

Webpack 5 Node Polyfills Upgrade Cheatsheet

Webpack 4 automatically polyfilled many Node APIs in the browser. This was not a great system, because it could lead to surprisingly giant libraries getting pulled into your app by accident, and it gave you no control over the exact versions of the polyfills you were using.

So Webpack 5 removed this functionality. That means you need to make changes if you were relying on those polyfills. This is a quick reference for how to replace the most common patterns.

List of polyfill packages that were used in webpack 4

For each automatically-polyfilled node package name on the left, this shows the name of the NPM package that was used to polyfill it on the right. Under webpack 5 you can manually install these packages and use them via resolve.fallback.

domenic /
Last active March 31, 2024 14:07
You're Missing the Point of Promises

This article has been given a more permanent home on my blog. Also, since it was first written, the development of the Promises/A+ specification has made the original emphasis on Promises/A seem somewhat outdated.

You're Missing the Point of Promises

Promises are a software abstraction that makes working with asynchronous operations much more pleasant. In the most basic definition, your code will move from continuation-passing style:

getTweetsFor("domenic", function (err, results) {
 // the rest of your code goes here.

Folder Structure

Please note

While this gist has been shared and followed for years, I regret not giving more background. It was originally a gist for the engineering org I was in, not a "general suggestion" for any React app.

Typically I avoid folders altogether. Heck, I even avoid new files. If I can build an app with one 2000 line file I will. New files and folders are a pain.

Bekbolatov /
Last active March 7, 2024 01:18
Clean tmux cheat-sheet

Clean tmux cheat-sheet

By resources


list-sessions        ls         -- List sessions managed by server
new-session          new        -- Create a new session
jfmengels /
Last active February 6, 2024 20:57
Generated docs for Lodash/fp. Help make them better at