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virtualandy / geojson-spec-1.1
Created September 21, 2011 21:42 — forked from sgillies/geojson-spec-1.0
The GeoJSON Specification
The GeoJSON Format Specification
GeoJSON is a geospatial data interchange format based on JavaScript Object
Notation (JSON).
Howard Butler (Hobu Inc.),
virtualandy /
Created July 17, 2012 05:49
A short writeup on why estimating software using LOC is a bad idea and what to do instead

Why estimating software using LOC is bad and what to do about it

Recently, software engineers at Integrity Applications Incorporated were asked about software estimation efforts using source lines of code (SLOC). After much consternation, they've realized what everyone who has ever developed or even used software knows: this stuff is hard. This article tries to summarize why software estimation efforts are difficult and flawed by including a diverse set of references. We also take a look at alternative approaches to classic SLOC estimation algorithms in hopes that there is a better way to estimate effort on software projects.

Software is not a strict science

Despite degrees in computer science and labels of engineer for those who build software systems, a programmer may be closer to an artist or craftswoman.

>Programming is much closer to a craft than a science or engineering discipline. It's a combination of skill and experience expressed through tools. Th

virtualandy / gist:3189715
Created July 27, 2012 18:42 — forked from idan/gist:3135754
A Sample Post

Hello there! This is a sample post for, a super-lightweight writing soapbox for hackers.

Now look up. Further. Above the post title. See that grey text with the gist ID?

Now back to me. That grey text is a link! Open that sucker in a new tab to see the source for this post. Also, I'm on a horse.

This is a major heading

If you peek at it with a web inspector, you'll see that it is a second-level heading. You can use first level headings, but they'll look just like the second level ones, and the gods of the HTML5 outlining algorithm will frown upon you.

virtualandy /
Created September 14, 2012 22:06
Git-ing away from SVN

Switching to GitHub

Many companies ask why they should switch to Git and GitHub. The answer primarily lies in doing less repetitive work, and making your source code control efforts disppear into the background instead of be in the forefront of your workflow. Your focus should be on your creative work and just incidentally have it versioned. As soon as your project is no longer a solo effort, you desire to have it support collaboration. In the space of version control, our users claim that no set of tools does that as well as Git and GitHub.

These goals are explained in a highly creative way by GitHub's CEO in The Git Parable.

Additionally, a growing constituency of open source is hosted at GitHub. In June of 2011, GitHub had [more commits than Sourceforge, Google Code, and CodePlex combined](

virtualandy / index.html
Created November 2, 2012 06:11 — forked from bunkat/index.html
Swimlane Chart using d3.js
<title>Swimlane using d3.js</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="randomData.js"></script>
.chart {
shape-rendering: crispEdges;
virtualandy / index.html
Last active December 11, 2015 04:19
USGS precipation data meets D3
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
body {
font: 10px sans-serif;
shape-rendering: crispEdges;
.day {
virtualandy / flickrmap.js
Last active August 28, 2017 22:07 — forked from anonymous/index.html
simple example of using google maps and the flickr api.
function initialize(searchLat, searchLon) {
var mapOptions = {
center: new google.maps.LatLng(searchLat, searchLon),
zoom: 15,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map-canvas"),
var marker = new google.maps.Marker();
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, "mouseover", function(event) {
virtualandy /
Last active December 16, 2015 02:09
Resources for learning about presentations, slides, etc. Presented as a list of people, with some links to their information and resources.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='' />
<meta http-equiv='content-type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8' />
body {
margin:0 auto;