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Last active October 12, 2019 14:36
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# Variables
setenv FOO bar
# Settings
startup_message off
shell zsh
vbell off
defutf8 on
defscrollback 10000
autodetach on
msgwait 1
mousetrack on
# Windows
#screen -t journalctl journalctl -f --lines=40
#select 1
#select 0
# Statusbar
#caption always "%{rw} * | %H * $LOGNAME | %{bw}%c %D | %{-}%-Lw%{rw}%50>%{rW}%n%f* %t %{-}%+Lw%<"
caption always "%{= wk} %-w%{= KW} [%n %t] %{-}%+w %= | @%H | %l | %Y-%m-%d %c:%s "
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