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Last active May 11, 2024 12:28
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  • Save virtuallyunknown/27d19f38dccb9e19245a9bcd2a95f447 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save virtuallyunknown/27d19f38dccb9e19245a9bcd2a95f447 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import * as d3 from 'd3';
import { useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
import { AbsoluteFill, spring, useCurrentFrame, useVideoConfig } from 'remotion';
// Dataset
type Letter = {
letter: string;
frequency: number;
const data: Letter[] = [
{ letter: 'A', frequency: 0.08167 },
{ letter: 'B', frequency: 0.01492 },
{ letter: 'C', frequency: 0.02782 },
{ letter: 'D', frequency: 0.04253 },
{ letter: 'E', frequency: 0.12702 },
{ letter: 'F', frequency: 0.02288 },
{ letter: 'G', frequency: 0.02015 },
{ letter: 'H', frequency: 0.06094 },
{ letter: 'I', frequency: 0.06966 },
{ letter: 'J', frequency: 0.00153 },
{ letter: 'K', frequency: 0.00772 },
{ letter: 'L', frequency: 0.04025 },
{ letter: 'M', frequency: 0.02406 },
{ letter: 'N', frequency: 0.06749 },
{ letter: 'O', frequency: 0.07507 },
{ letter: 'P', frequency: 0.01929 },
{ letter: 'Q', frequency: 0.00095 },
{ letter: 'R', frequency: 0.05987 },
{ letter: 'S', frequency: 0.06327 },
{ letter: 'T', frequency: 0.09056 },
{ letter: 'U', frequency: 0.02758 },
{ letter: 'V', frequency: 0.00978 },
{ letter: 'W', frequency: 0.0236 },
{ letter: 'X', frequency: 0.0015 },
{ letter: 'Y', frequency: 0.01974 },
{ letter: 'Z', frequency: 0.00074 },
const yDomain = new d3.InternSet(
([d]) => -d.frequency,
(d) => d.letter
const x = (d: Letter) => d.frequency;
const y = (d: Letter) => d.letter;
const xFormat = '%';
const xLabel = 'Frequency';
const color = '#4290f5';
const marginTop = 50;
const marginRight = 30;
const marginBottom = 30;
const marginLeft = 40;
const yPadding = 0.1;
const delay = 10;
export const Comp: React.FC = () => {
const { width, height, fps } = useVideoConfig();
const frame = useCurrentFrame();
const svgRef = useRef<SVGSVGElement>(null);
const animation = spring({
frame: frame - delay,
config: {
mass: 5,
damping: 200,
useEffect(() => {
if (!svgRef.current) return;
const X =, x);
const Y =, y);
// Copyright 2021 Observable, Inc.
// Released under the ISC license.
const svg = d3
.attr('viewBox', [0, 0, width, height]);
const xRange = [marginLeft, width - marginRight]; // [left, right]
const yRange = [height - marginBottom, marginTop]; // [bottom, top]
const xDomain = [0, d3.max(X) as number];
// Omit any data not present in the y-domain.
const I = d3.range(X.length).filter((i) => yDomain.has(Y[i]));
// Construct scales and axes.
const xScale = d3.scaleLinear(xDomain, xRange);
const yScale = d3.scaleBand(yDomain, yRange).padding(yPadding);
const xAxis = d3.axisTop(xScale).ticks(width / 80, xFormat);
const yAxis = d3.axisLeft(yScale).tickSizeOuter(0);
// Compute titles.
const formatValue = xScale.tickFormat(100, xFormat);
const title = (i: number) => `${formatValue(X[i])}`;
// Craete x-axis (only once because it's static)
if (!'.x-axis').node()) {
.classed('x-axis', true)
.attr('transform', `translate(0,${marginTop})`)
.call((g) =>'.domain').remove())
.call((g) =>
.selectAll('.tick line')
.attr('y2', height - marginTop - marginBottom)
.attr('stroke-opacity', 0.1))
.call((g) =>
.attr('x', width - marginRight)
.attr('y', -22)
.attr('fill', 'currentColor')
.attr('text-anchor', 'end')
// Create parent <g> element for bars
if (!'.bars').node()) {
.classed('bars', true)
.attr('fill', color);
(enter) => {
return enter
.attr('x', xScale(0))
.attr('y', (i) => yScale(Y[i]) as number)
.attr('width', (i) => xScale(X[i]) * animation - xScale(0))
.attr('height', yScale.bandwidth());
(update) => {
return update
.attr('width', (i) => xScale(X[i]) * animation - xScale(0));
(exit) => {
return exit.remove();
// Create parent <g> element for labels
if (!'.labels').node()) {
.classed('labels', true)
.attr('fill', 'white')
.attr('text-anchor', 'end')
.attr('font-family', 'sans-serif')
.attr('font-size', 10);
(enter) => {
return enter
.attr('x', (i) => xScale((X[i] * animation) as number))
.attr('y', (i) => (yScale(Y[i]) as number) + yScale.bandwidth() / 2)
.attr('dy', '0.35em')
.attr('dx', -4)
.call((text) =>
.filter((i) => xScale(X[i]) - xScale(0) < 20) // Short bars
.attr('dx', +4)
.attr('fill', 'black')
.attr('text-anchor', 'start'));
(update) => {
return update
.attr('x', (i) => xScale((X[i] * animation) as number));
(exit) => {
return exit.remove();
// Craete y-axis (only once because it's static)
if (!'.y-axis').node()) {
.classed('y-axis', true)
.attr(`transform`, `translate(${marginLeft},0)`)
}, [height, animation, width]);
return (
backgroundColor: 'white',
<svg ref={svgRef} />
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