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Last active August 2, 2023 03:41
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Keywords for Google Shopping Campaigns
* Exact Match For Shopping
* This script reads a list of exact match keywords for Shopping campaigns from a Google Doc,
* and then excludes any search queries from those camapigns if they do not match those keywords.
* Version: 1.0
* Google AdWords Script maintained by
function main() {
// Put your spreadsheet's URL here:
var spreadsheetUrl = "";
// Make sure the keywords are in columns A to C in the first sheet.
var dateRange = "YESTERDAY";
// By default the script just looks at yesterday's search queries.
var impressionThreshold = 0;
// The script only looks at searches with impressions higher than this threshold.
// Use this if you get a wide range of searches and only want to exclude the highest volume ones.
// Read the spreadsheet
try {
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(spreadsheetUrl);
} catch (e) {
Logger.log("Problem with the spreadsheet URL: '" + e + "'");
Logger.log("Make sure you have correctly copied in your own spreadsheet URL.");
var sheet = spreadsheet.getSheets()[0];
var spreadsheetData = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
// Record each campaigns' keywords, and the words (of more than 4 characters) that are in the keywords
var keywords = {};
var words = {};
var numberOfKeywords = 0;
var numberOfadGroups = 0;
for(var i=1; i<spreadsheetData.length; i++) {
var campaignName = spreadsheetData[i][0];
var adGroupName = spreadsheetData[i][1];
if (keywords[campaignName] == undefined) {
keywords[campaignName] = [];
words[campaignName] = {};
if (keywords[campaignName][adGroupName] == undefined) {
keywords[campaignName][adGroupName] = [];
words[campaignName][adGroupName] = {};
var keyword = spreadsheetData[i][2];
keyword = keyword.toLowerCase().replace(/[^\w\s\d&]/g," ").replace(/ +/g," ").trim();
var keywordWords = keyword.split(" ");
for (var k=0; k<keywordWords.length; k++) {
if (keywordWords[k].length > 4) {
words[campaignName][adGroupName][keywordWords[k]] = true;
var campaignNames = Object.keys(keywords);
Logger.log("Found " + numberOfKeywords + " keywords for " + numberOfadGroups + " ad groups in " + campaignNames.length + " campaign(s).");
// Get the IDs of the ad groups named in the spreadsheet
var adGroupIds = [];
var campaignIds = [];
var campaignReport =
"SELECT CampaignName, AdGroupName, CampaignId, AdGroupId " +
"WHERE Impressions > 0 " +
'AND CampaignName IN ["' + campaignNames.join('","') + '"] ' +
"DURING " + dateRange
var campaignRows = campaignReport.rows();
while (campaignRows.hasNext()) {
var row =;
if (campaignIds.indexOf(row["CampaignId"]) < 0) {
if (keywords[row["CampaignName"]][row["AdGroupName"]] != undefined) {
}//end while
if (adGroupIds.length == 0) {
Logger.log("Could not find any ad groups with impressions that matched the given names.");
Logger.log("Found " + adGroupIds.length + " ad groups in " + campaignIds.length + " campaign(s) with impressions that matched the given names.");
// Initialise the arrays for each campaign, and sorts the keywords from longest to shortest
var negativeQueries = {}; // Contains the queries
var exactNegatives = {}; // Contains any negatives to add with exact match
var phraseNegatives = {}; // Contains any negatives to add with phrase match
for (var campaignName in keywords) {
negativeQueries[campaignName] = {};
exactNegatives[campaignName] = {};
phraseNegatives[campaignName] = {};
for (var adGroupName in keywords[campaignName]) {
negativeQueries[campaignName][adGroupName] = [];
exactNegatives[campaignName][adGroupName] = [];
phraseNegatives[campaignName][adGroupName] = [];
keywords[campaignName][adGroupName].sort(function(a,b) {return b.length - a.length;});
// Get the queries that don't exactly match keywords
var report =
"SELECT Query, AdGroupId, CampaignId, CampaignName, AdGroupName, Impressions " +
"WHERE AdGroupId IN [" + adGroupIds.join(",") + "] " +
"AND Impressions > " + impressionThreshold + " " +
"DURING " + dateRange);
var rows = report.rows();
var numberQueries = 0;
while (rows.hasNext()) {
var row =;
var query = row["Query"].toLowerCase().replace(/[^\w\s\d&]/g," ").replace(/ +/g," ").trim();
var campaignName = row["CampaignName"];
var adGroupName = row["AdGroupName"];
if (keywords[campaignName][adGroupName].indexOf(query) < 0) {
// Process queries
Logger.log("Processing " + numberQueries + " queries that do not match any keywords.");
var numberExactNegatives = 0;
var numberPotentialPhraseNegatives = 0;
for (var campaignName in negativeQueries) {
for (var adGroupName in negativeQueries[campaignName]) {
for (var i=0; i<negativeQueries[campaignName][adGroupName].length; i++) {
var query = negativeQueries[campaignName][adGroupName][i];
var queryDone = false;
// If the query is contained within a keyword, it has to be an exact match negative
if (isStringInsideKeywords(query, keywords[campaignName][adGroupName])) {
// Check each word (that's over 4 characters) in the query - if it's not in the words array
// then it isn't in the keywords, so it's fine to use as a phrase negative
var queryWords = query.split(" ");
for (var w=0; w<queryWords.length; w++) {
if (queryWords[w].length > 4) {
if (words[campaignName][adGroupName][queryWords[w]] == undefined) {
queryDone = true;
// Check if there is a keyword inside the query. If there is, see if the part of the query before
// or after the keyword could be used as a phrase negative.
for (var k=0; k<keywords[campaignName][adGroupName].length && !queryDone; k++) {
var keyword = keywords[campaignName][adGroupName][k];
if ((" " + query + " ").indexOf(" " + keyword + " ") > -1) {
var queryBits = (" " + query + " ").split(" " + keyword + " ");
queryBits[0] = queryBits[0].trim();
queryBits[1] = queryBits[1].trim();
if (queryBits[0].length > 0 && !isStringInsideKeywords(queryBits[0], keywords[campaignName][adGroupName])) {
queryDone = true;
if (queryBits[1].length > 0 && !isStringInsideKeywords(queryBits[1], keywords[campaignName][adGroupName])) {
queryDone = true;
// If nothing smaller than the full query would work, then add the full query as a negative
if (!queryDone) {
Logger.log("Found " + numberPotentialPhraseNegatives + " potential phrase match negatives and " + numberExactNegatives + " exact match negatives.");
// Remove any redundant phrase negatives
Logger.log("Checking for redundant negatives.");
var numberPhraseNegatives = 0;
for (var campaignName in negativeQueries) {
for (var adGroupName in negativeQueries[campaignName]) {
// Order the phrases from shortest to longest
phraseNegatives[campaignName][adGroupName].sort(function(a,b) {return a.length - b.length;});
for (var i=0; i<phraseNegatives[campaignName][adGroupName].length; i++) {
var shorterPhrase = " " + phraseNegatives[campaignName][adGroupName][i] + " ";
// As the array is now ordered, any phrase negatives with higher indices must be longer than shorterPhrase
for (var j=i+1; j<phraseNegatives[campaignName][adGroupName].length; j++) {
var longerPhrase = " " + phraseNegatives[campaignName][adGroupName][j] + " ";
// If the shorterPhrase is within the longerPhrase, then the longerPhrase is redundant
// so it is removed from the array. This also means duplicates are removed.
if (longerPhrase.indexOf(shorterPhrase) > -1) {
numberPhraseNegatives += phraseNegatives[campaignName][adGroupName].length;
Logger.log("Going to create " + numberPhraseNegatives + " phrase match negatives and " + numberExactNegatives + " exact match negatives");
// Iterate through the Shopping ad groups and add the negative keywords
var groupIterator = AdWordsApp.shoppingAdGroups()
while (groupIterator.hasNext()) {
var adGroup =;
var adGroupName = adGroup.getName();
var campaignName = adGroup.getCampaign().getName();
for (var i=0; i<exactNegatives[campaignName][adGroupName].length; i++) {
adGroup.createNegativeKeyword("[" + exactNegatives[campaignName][adGroupName][i] + "]");
for (var i=0; i<phraseNegatives[campaignName][adGroupName].length; i++) {
adGroup.createNegativeKeyword('"' + phraseNegatives[campaignName][adGroupName][i] + '"');
} // end main function
// Check if a word is a substring of any strings in the keywords array
function isStringInsideKeywords(word, keywords) {
for (var k=0; k<keywords.length; k++) {
var keyword = " " + keywords[k] + " ";
if (keyword.indexOf(" " + word + " ") > -1) {
return true;
return false;
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pdtuan commented Aug 2, 2023


I am getting the error: Could not find any ad groups with impressions that matched the given names.

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