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Forked from stephenturner/ismb_twitter.R
Created June 11, 2014 13:35
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tweets <- list()
dates <- paste("2012-07-",11:18,sep="") # need to go to 18th to catch tweets from 17th
for (i in 2:length(dates)) {
print(paste(dates[i-1], dates[i]))
tweets <- c(tweets, searchTwitter("#ISMB", since=dates[i-1], until=dates[i], n=1500))
# Convert the list to a data frame
tweets <- twListToDF(tweets)
tweets <- unique(tweets)
# To ensure accuracy, make sure that there were no more than 1500 tweets in a single day.
# If there are 1500 on any single day, then you're truncating that day's tweets, and you'll
# need to try to get ROAuth (below) working.
tweets$date <- format(tweets$created, format="%Y-%m-%d")
# @sciencestream is a spambot that's RT'ing everything on the #ISMB tag. Get rid of those.
tweets <- tweets[which(tweets$screenName!="sciencestream"), ]
# Make a table of the number of tweets per user
d <-$screenName))
d <- d[order(d$Freq, decreasing=T), ]
names(d) <- c("User","Tweets")
# Plot the table above for the top 40
png("ismb-users.png", w=700, h=1000)
with(d[rev(1:40), ], barplot(Tweets, names=User, horiz=T, las=1, main="Top 40: Tweets per User", col=1))
# Plot the frequency of tweets over time in two hour windows
# Modified from
minutes <- 120
ggplot(data=tweets, aes(x=created)) +
geom_bar(aes(fill=..count..), binwidth=60*minutes) +
scale_x_datetime("Date") +
scale_y_continuous("Frequency") +
opts(title="#ISMB Tweet Frequency July 11-17", legend.position='none')
ggsave(file='ismb-frequency.png', width=7, height=7, dpi=100)
# Use imagemagick to stitch together. Imagemagick must be installed in your path.
# montage ismb-frequency.png ismb-users.png -tile 1x -geometry -0-0 montage.png
# system("montage ismb-frequency.png ismb-users.png -tile 1x -geometry -0-0 montage.png")
#------------------------------------ Using the ROAuth package ---------------------------------------#
# ## If you can get this to work it's a bit more flexible and doesn't have the 1500/day limit as above.
# ## Using ROAuth will theoretically allow you to retrieve more than 1500 tweets with a single query.
# ## The current version on cran, 0.9.1, has known problems. Supposedly rolling back to 0.9.0 would work,
# ## and it did return TRUE after registerTwitterOAuth(cred) after the handshake, but I kept getting
# ## forbidden errors when trying to retrieve more than 1500. Also happened with version 0.9.2.
# ## Current ROAuth from CRAN is 0.9.1. Has problems with handshake.
# install.packages("ROAuth")
# remove.packages("ROAuth")
# ## Install 0.9.1 from CRAN (doesn't work)
# install.packages("ROAuth")
# ## Using ROAuth 0.9.0 from source
# download.file("", destfile="ROAuth_0.9.0.tar.gz")
# install.packages("ROAuth_0.9.0.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type="source")
# library(ROAuth)
# ## Using ROAuth 0.9.2 from source
# download.file("", destfile="ROAuth_0.9.2.tar.gz")
# install.packages("ROAuth_0.9.2.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type="source")
# library(ROAuth)
# ## The twitteR vignette has decent instructions
# vignette("twitteR")
# cred <- OAuthFactory$new(consumerKey="your_consumer_key_here",
# consumerSecret="your_secret_key_here",
# requestURL="",
# accessURL="",
# authURL="")
# cred$handshake()
# ## You can save and load your credential object once you complete the handshake
# save(cred, file="~/Dropbox/code/misc/cred.RData")
# load("~/Dropbox/code/misc/cred.RData")
# registerTwitterOAuth(cred)
# tweets <- searchTwitter("#ISMB", since="2012-07-11", until="2012-07-18", n=9999)
# tweets <- twListToDF(tweets)
# ## Continue as above
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