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Created April 1, 2019 11:06
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ImageNet from tensorflow_datasets
Testing the brand new datasets from tensorflow community for experimenting on
ImageNet2012 dataset.
We identify several problems while working with ImageNet dataset:
1. The dataset is not easy to download. Credentials (email) of some well known
organization/university is required to get the dowanload link.
2. The huge size if dataset, namely "ILSVRC2012_img_train.tar" -> 138Gb
and "ILSVRC2012_img_val.tar" -> 7Gb
3. Dowanloading and preparing the dataset for some ML algorithm takes a good
chunck of time.
4. No easy way to parallelize the consumption of data across GPU for model
In this script, we show that tensorflow dataset library tries to solve most of
the above mentioned problems.
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_datasets as tfds
import numpy as np
from scipy.misc import imsave
def main():
print("Demonstration for using Imagenet2012 dataset with tensorflow datset")
# List all the datasets provided in the tensorflow_datasets
# print(tfds.list_builders())
# Step 1: get a dataset builder for the required dataset
dataset_name = "imagenet2012"
if dataset_name in tfds.list_builders():
imagenet_dataset_builder = tfds.builder(dataset_name)
print("retrived " + dataset_name + " builder")
# get all the information regarding dataset
print("Image shape",['image'].shape)
# Download and prepare the dataset internally
# The dataset should be downloaded to ~/tensorflow-datasets/download
# but for Imagenet case, we need to manually download the dataset and
# specify the manual_dir where the downloaded files are kept.
manual_dataset_dir = "/data/datasets"
# The download_and_prepare function will assume that two files namely
# ILSVRC2012_img_train.tar and ILSVRC2012_img_val.tar are present in
# directory manual_dataset_dir + "/manual/imagenet2012"
imagenet_download_config =
manual_dir = manual_dataset_dir)
# Conditionally, download config can be passed as second argument.
download_dir = manual_dataset_dir)
# Once this is complete (that just pre-process without downloading anything)
# it will create a director "~/tensorflow_datasets/imagenet2012/2.0.0"
# having 1000 train tfrecords and 5 validation tfrecords in addition to some
# bookkeeping json and label txt files.
# now, we get the structure which tensorflow data-pipeline
# understands and process in tf graph.
imagenet_train = imagenet_dataset_builder.as_dataset(split=tfds.Split.TRAIN)
assert isinstance(imagenet_train,
imagenet_validation = imagenet_dataset_builder.as_dataset(
assert isinstance(imagenet_validation,
# Now we can peek into the sample images present in the dataset with take
(imagenet_example,) = imagenet_train.take(1) # returns a dictionary
img, label = imagenet_example["image"], imagenet_example["label"]
# img and label are constant tensors, with numpy field containing numpy arry
print("Image_shape", img.numpy().shape)
print("Label_shape", label.numpy().shape)
# print out the image file on the disk, and print the corresponding label
imsave("image.png", img.numpy())
print("label", label.numpy())
# From the imagenet_train and imagenet_validation,
# the input pipeline can be created for tf training and serving.
if __name__ == "__main__":
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