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Created February 27, 2020 18:12
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Custom stream react chat message component examples!
* Stream comes with some in-built components for message.
* 1. MessageLivestream -
* 2. MessageSimple -
* 3. MessageTeam -
* 4. MessageCommerce -
* All these components are exported from 'stream-chat-react' package.
* Simply import them in your project using import:
* ```
* import { MessageSimple, MessageCommerce, MessageTeam, MessageLivestream } from 'stream-chat-react';
* ```
* `MessageList` component accepts `Message` prop, where you can mention or provide custom message (UI) component.
* You can in-build as it is, but every product requires its own functionality/behaviour and styles.
* For this you can either build your own component or you can also use in-built components with some modifications.
* Here I am going to build some custom components, which use in-built components underneath with some modifications.
* Then all you need to do is to pass this component to MessageList component:
* e.g.,
* <Chat client={chatClient}>
* <Channel>
* <MessageList Message={MessageCommerceModified} />
* <MessageInput />
* </Channel>
* </Chat>
* EXAMPLE 1 - Inbuilt message component with different/modified/overriden props.
* Suppose if you want to use MessageCommerce component provided by Stream, but need to make some modification to its props.
* Not just MessageCommerce, we have few more alternatives available (docs -
* e.g., here I am gonna add my own behaviour on top of existing behavior - when thread is opened from message component
const MessageCommerceModified = (props) => {
const handleOpenThread = () => {
// Custom behaviour
alert(`Thread is being opened from message with id - ${}`);
// Continue with original handler.
return (
* EXAMPLE 2 - Hiding message for certain users/condition.
* Another usecase of custom message component would be to hide the message for certain users.
* I am gonna use MessageSimple component for this example
const restrictedUserIds = ['user_id1', 'user_id2', 'user_id3'];
const MessageSimpleModified = (props) => {
const currentUserId =;
if (restrictedUserIds.indexOf(currentUserId) > -1) {
// current user is part of restricted user list;
// In that case don't don't render anything, so user won't see the message
return null;
// Otherwise render the message normally;
return (
<MessageSimple {...props} />
* EXAMPLE 3 - Custom styling based on condition.
* Another usecase of custom message component would be if you want different styles for received messages and sent messages.
* The approach for this is to have your own div wrapper around inner MessageSimple component and add styles to this wrapper
* for underlying componeng. For example in this case I want to make background color of sent message to be yellow and
* background color of received message as blue. So if the message belongs to me, then I will add a wrapper around message with class
* `.message-simple-styled-sent`. Otherwise I will wrap it with class `.message-simple-styled-received` (you can ofcourse choose
* your own class names. ... this is just an example).
* You can use inspect element feature to get classnames for underlying components or scan through source code of component.
* Add following styles to stylesheet:
* ```css
* .message-simple-styled-sent .str-chat__message-simple-text-inner {
* background-color: yellow;
* }
* .message-simple-styled-received .str-chat__message-simple-text-inner {
* background-color: blue;
* }
* ```
const MessageSimpleStyled = (props) => {
const { isMyMessage, message } = props;
if (isMyMessage(message)) {
// If the message belongs to me or is sent by me, the wrap it with `.message-simple-styled-sent`
return (
<div className="message-simple-styled-sent">
<MessageSimple {...props} />
// Otherwise wrap it with `.message-simple-styled-received`
return (
<div className="message-simple-styled-received">
<MessageSimple {...props} />
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