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Last active June 25, 2019 21:54
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  • Save vishalnayak/93985c96e291ed7f77c073197856e92c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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set -aex
cd dev
pkill -9 vault || true
sleep 5s
vault11() {
VAULT_ADDR= vault $@
vault12() {
VAULT_ADDR= vault $@
vault21() {
VAULT_ADDR= vault $@
vault22() {
VAULT_ADDR= vault $@
vault11n() {
VAULT_ADDR= vault $@
vault12n() {
VAULT_ADDR= vault $@
vault21n() {
VAULT_ADDR= vault $@
vault22n() {
VAULT_ADDR= vault $@
cat > config/consul11.hcl -<<EOF
storage "consul" {
path = "vault1"
address = ""
scheme = "http"
token = "test"
listener "tcp" {
address = ""
tls_disable = true
plugin_directory = "/Users/vishal/go/src/"
disable_mlock = "true"
api_addr = ""
default_lease_ttl = "300h"
max_lease_ttl = "500h"
cat > config/consul21.hcl -<<EOF
storage "consul" {
path = "vault2"
address = ""
scheme = "http"
token = "test"
listener "tcp" {
address = ""
tls_disable = true
plugin_directory = "/Users/vishal/go/src/"
disable_mlock = "true"
api_addr = ""
default_lease_ttl = "300h"
max_lease_ttl = "500h"
cat > config/consul22.hcl -<<EOF
storage "consul" {
path = "vault2"
address = ""
scheme = "http"
token = "test"
listener "tcp" {
address = ""
tls_disable = true
plugin_directory = "/Users/vishal/go/src/"
disable_mlock = "true"
api_addr = ""
default_lease_ttl = "300h"
max_lease_ttl = "500h"
rm -rf /tmp/consul11.log
rm -rf /tmp/consul12.log
rm -rf /tmp/consul21.log
vault11 server -config config/consul11.hcl -log-level trace > /tmp/consul12.log 2>&1 &
vault21 server -config config/consul21.hcl -log-level trace > /tmp/consul21.log 2>&1 &
sleep 5s
initResult=$(vault11 operator init -format json -key-shares 1 -key-threshold 1)
unsealKey1=$(echo -n $initResult | jq -r '.unseal_keys_b64[0]')
rootToken1=$(echo -n $initResult | jq -r '.root_token')
echo -n $unsealKey1 > unsealKey1
echo -n $rootToken1 > rootToken1
vault11 operator unseal `cat unsealKey1`
sleep 5s
vault11 login `cat rootToken1`
initResult=$(vault21 operator init -format json -key-shares 1 -key-threshold 1)
unsealKey2=$(echo -n $initResult | jq -r '.unseal_keys_b64[0]')
rootToken2=$(echo -n $initResult | jq -r '.root_token')
echo -n $unsealKey2 > unsealKey2
echo -n $rootToken2 > rootToken2
vault21 operator unseal `cat unsealKey2`
vault11 auth enable userpass
accessor=$(vault11 auth list -format json | jq -r '.["userpass/"].accessor')
vault11 write auth/userpass/users/vishal password=nayak
vault11 write auth/userpass/login/vishal password=nayak
entityID=$(vault11 list -format json identity/entity/id | jq -r '.[0]')
vault11 write identity/entity-alias canonical_id=$entityID mount_accessor=$accessor name=Vishal
sleep 5s
pkill vault
sleep 5s
rm -rf /tmp/consul11.log
rm -rf /tmp/consul21.log
vault11 server -config config/consul11.hcl -log-level trace > /tmp/consul12.log 2>&1 &
vault21 server -config config/consul21.hcl -log-level trace > /tmp/consul21.log 2>&1 &
sleep 5s
vault11 operator unseal $(cat unsealKey1)
vault21 operator unseal $(cat unsealKey2)
vault11 write -f sys/replication/primary/enable
secondaryToken=$(vault11 write -field wrapping_token sys/replication/primary/secondary-token id=asdf)
VAULT_TOKEN=$(cat rootToken2) vault21 write sys/replication/secondary/enable token=$secondaryToken
sleep 10s
grResult=$(vault21 operator generate-root -format json -init)
grNonce=$(echo -n $grResult | jq -r '.nonce')
grOTP=$(echo -n $grResult | jq -r '.otp')
grResult=$(vault21 operator generate-root -nonce $grNonce -format json $unsealKey1)
eToken=$(echo -n $grResult | jq -r '.encoded_token')
rootToken2=$(vault21 operator generate-root -format json -decode $eToken -otp $grOTP)
echo -n $rootToken2 > rootToken2
# Check if the root token can be used by the secondary's active node
vault21 login $(cat rootToken2)
vault22 server -config config/consul22.hcl -log-level trace > /tmp/consul22.log 2>&1 &
sleep 5s
vault22 operator unseal $(cat unsealKey1)
sleep 5s
vault22 status
# Check if the root token can be used by the secondary's standby node
vault22 login $(cat rootToken2)
# Create a token from the standby and use it on both active and standby
token=$(vault22 write -format json auth/userpass/login/vishal password=nayak | jq -r '.auth.client_token')
vault22 login $token
vault21 login $token
# Create a token from the leader and use it on both active and standby
token=$(vault21 write -format json auth/userpass/login/vishal password=nayak | jq -r '.auth.client_token')
vault22 login $token
vault21 login $token
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