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Last active September 7, 2020 13:08
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read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nHello all! Let's talk about Vault today\n";
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\n\n
- Vault solves many problems. But lets talk secret sprawl today
- Secrets are spread everywhere (code, config, VCS)
- Its hard to reason about who had accessed what
- Which secrets were actually used?
- If the infrastructure is compromised, it gets difficult to guage the attack surface which makes it even more harder to execute any break glass procedures.
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\n\n
Basic Features:
- Centralized Protected Storage
- API driven (automation)
- Dynamic Secrets
- Leasing, Renewals and Revocation
- Auditing
- ACLs
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\n\n
Vault Architecture
- Core
- Backends: Audit, Auth, Secret, Storage
- Shamir Secret Sharing
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\n\n
What else can Vault do?
There's also
- Multi-Factor Authentication
- High Availability
- Performance Replication
- Disaster Recovery Replication
- Super cool UI
- Seal Wrapping
- Auto-Unsealing
- Plugin System
- HSM integration
- Control Groups
- Sentinel Integration
and more and more and more and more!
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\n\n
Today's Agenda:
- Initializing and Unsealing Vault
- Enabling Auditing
- Writing a policy
- KV store
- Transit Backend
- LDAP Auth
- PKI backend
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nLet's start a vault server\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault server -config vault.hcl -log-level debug\n";read -rsn1
####### Initialize #######
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nInitialize Vault\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault operator init -format json -key-shares 1 -key-threshold 1\n"; read -rsn1
initResult=$(vault operator init -format json -key-shares 1 -key-threshold 1)
echo $initResult | jq
unsealKey=$(echo -n $initResult | jq -r '.unseal_keys_b64[0]')
rootToken=$(echo -n $initResult | jq -r '.root_token')
# Store the unseal key and the root token for future use
echo -n $unsealKey > unsealKey
echo -n $rootToken > rootToken
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nUnseal Vault\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault operator unseal "$(cat unsealKey)"\n"; read -rsn1
vault operator unseal `cat unsealKey`
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nEnable the CLI to operate on Vault\n";echo -e "\n\$vault login "$(cat rootToken)"\n"; read -rsn1
vault login `cat rootToken`
####### End of Initialize #######
####### Enable Audit #######
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nEnable auditing to a file\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault audit enable file file_path=vault_audit.log\n"; read -rsn1
vault audit enable file file_path=vault_audit.log
####### End of Enable Audit #######
####### Secret creation and reading using policy #######
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nLet's create a secret\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault write secret/foo hello=hashi-standup-folks\n";read -rsn1
vault write secret/foo hello=hashi-standup-folks
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nLet's create another secret\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault write secret/bar this=should-not-be-accessed\n"; read -rsn1
vault write secret/bar this=should-not-be-accessed
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nCreate a policy to access a secret: policy.hcl\n"; read -rsn1
cat > policy.hcl << EOF
path "secret/foo" {
capabilities = ["create", "read", "update", "delete", "list"]
echo $(cat policy.hcl)
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nUpload the policy file into Vault\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault policy write secret-reading-policy policy.hcl\n"; read -rsn1
vault policy write secret-reading-policy policy.hcl
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nCreating a token\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault token create -format json -ttl 5m -policy secret-reading-policy\n"; read -rsn1
vault token create -format json -ttl 5m -policy secret-reading-policy > clientToken
echo $(cat clientToken) | jq
clientToken=$(cat clientToken | jq -r .auth.client_token)
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nRead the secret using the token that we created\n"; echo -e "\n\$VAULT_TOKEN=$clientToken vault read secret/foo\n"; read -rsn1
VAULT_TOKEN=$clientToken vault read secret/foo
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nTry reading something which you don't have access to\n"; echo -e "\n\$VAULT_TOKEN=$clientToken vault read secret/bar\n"; read -rsn1
VAULT_TOKEN=$clientToken vault read secret/bar
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nTry reading something that doesn't exist\n"; echo -e "\n\$VAULT_TOKEN=$clientToken vault read secret/baz\n"; read -rsn1
VAULT_TOKEN=$clientToken vault read secret/baz
####### End of Secret creation and reading using policy #######
####### Encryption as a service: Transit #######
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nEncryption as a service: Transit\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault secrets enable transit\n"; read -rsn1
vault secrets enable transit
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nCreate a named key in transit\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault write transit/keys/my-key type=aes256-gcm96\n"; read -rsn1
vault write transit/keys/my-key type=aes256-gcm96
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nPerform encryption using the named key\n";echo -e "\n\$vault write -format json transit/encrypt/my-key plaintext=$(base64 <<< "my secret data")\n"; read -rsn1
encryptResult=$(vault write -format json transit/encrypt/my-key plaintext=$(base64 <<< "my secret data"))
echo $encryptResult | jq
cipherText=$(echo -n $encryptResult | jq -r .data.ciphertext)
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nPerform decryption using the named key\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault write -format json transit/decrypt/my-key ciphertext=$cipherText\n"; read -rsn1
decryptResult=$(vault write -format json transit/decrypt/my-key ciphertext=$cipherText)
echo $decryptResult | jq
plaintextB64=$(echo -n $decryptResult | jq -r .data.plaintext)
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nDecode the base64ed response to get the plaintext\n";echo -e "\necho -n $plaintextB64 | base64 -D\n"; read -rsn1
echo -n $plaintextB64 | base64 -D
####### End of Encryption as a service: Transit #######
####### LDAP Auth #######
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nEnable LDAP auth\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault auth enable ldap\n" ;read -rsn1
vault auth enable ldap
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nCreate LDAP configuration file\n"; read -rsn1
cat > ldapConfig -<<EOF
"url": "ldap://",
"userattr": "uid",
"userdn": "dc=example,dc=com",
"groupdn": "dc=example,dc=com",
"binddn": "cn=read-only-admin,dc=example,dc=com"
echo $(cat ldapConfig) | jq
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nRegister the configuration in the backend\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault write auth/ldap/config @ldapConfig\n"; read -rsn1
vault write auth/ldap/config @ldapConfig
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nRegister a group to be able to assign a policy to the LDAP user\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault write auth/ldap/groups/testgroup policies=testgroup-policy\n"; read -rsn1
vault write auth/ldap/groups/testgroup policies=testgroup-policy
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nRegister a user in the backend with the group information tied\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault write auth/ldap/users/tesla policies=default groups=testgroup\n"; read -rsn1
vault write auth/ldap/users/tesla policies=default groups=testgroup
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nPerform a login to get the token\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault write -format json auth/ldap/login/tesla password=password\n"; read -rsn1
vault write -format json auth/ldap/login/tesla password=password | jq
####### End of LDAP Auth #######
####### Approle Auth #######
#read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nEnable AppRole Auth\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault auth enable approle\n"; read -rsn1
#vault auth enable approle
#read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nCreate a role with desired properties\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault write auth/approle/role/role1 bind_secret_id=true period=60 policies=approle_policy\n"; read -rsn1
#vault write auth/approle/role/role1 bind_secret_id=true period=60 policies=approle_policy
#read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nRead out the secret ID\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault write -format json -f auth/approle/role/role1/secret-id\n"; read -rsn1
#secretIDResult=$(vault write -format json -f auth/approle/role/role1/secret-id)
#echo $secretIDResult | jq
#secretID=$(echo -n $secretIDResult | jq -r '.data.secret_id')
#read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nRead out the role ID\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault read -format json auth/approle/role1/role-id\n"; read -rsn1
#roleIDResult=$(vault read -format json auth/approle/role/role1/role-id)
#echo $roleIDResult | jq
#roleID=$(echo -n $roleIDResult | jq -r '.data.role_id')
#read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nLogin and create an AppRole token\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault write auth/approle/login role_id=$roleID secret_id=$secretID\n"; read -rsn1
#vault write auth/approle/login role_id=$roleID secret_id=$secretID
####### End of Approle Auth #######
####### Vault Secret Backend: pki #######
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nEnable PKI backend\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault secrets enable pki\n"; read -rsn1
vault secrets enable pki
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nIncrease the expiry of the CA\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault secrets tune -max-lease-ttl=87600h\n"; read -rsn1
vault secrets tune -max-lease-ttl=87600h pki
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nGenerate an internal CA which doesn't export the private key\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault write pki/root/generate/internal ttl=87600h ip_sans=\n"; read -rsn1
vault write pki/root/generate/internal ttl=87600h ip_sans=
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nGenerate a role to control the properties of certificate issuance\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault write pki/roles/myvault-dot-com require_cn=false allow_subdomains=true max_ttl=72h generate_lease=true\n"; read -rsn1
vault write pki/roles/myvault-dot-com require_cn=false allowed_domains="" allow_subdomains="true" max_ttl="72h" generate_lease="true"
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nIssue a certificate\n"; echo -e "vault write pki/issue/myvault-dot-com format=pem ip_sans="; read -rsn1
vault write pki/issue/myvault-dot-com format=pem ip_sans=
####### End of Vault Secret Backend: pki #######
####### End #######
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nCheck audit trail!\n"; read -rsn1
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nThank you!\n"; read -rsn1
####### Exiting the script #######
exit 0
####### End of Existing the script #######
####### Response Wrapping #######
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nResponse Wrapping\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault token create -format json -ttl 5m -policy default -wrap-ttl 2m\n"; read -rsn1
wrappingResult=$(vault token create -format json -ttl 5m -policy default -wrap-ttl 2m)
echo $wrappingResult | jq
wrappingToken=$(echo -n $wrappingResult | jq -r .wrap_info.token)
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nUnwrap the wrapping token to see the underlying data\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault write sys/wrapping/unwrap token=$wrappingToken\n"; read -rsn1
vault write sys/wrapping/unwrap token=$wrappingToken
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nWrapping is applicable across Vault's API and not just for tokens\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault write -format json -wrap-ttl 2m auth/ldap/login/tesla password=password\n"; read -rsn1
wrappingResult=$(vault write -format json -wrap-ttl 2m auth/ldap/login/tesla password=password)
echo $wrappingResult | jq
wrappingToken=$(echo -n $wrappingResult | jq -r .wrap_info.token)
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nUnwrap the wrapping token to see the underlying data\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault write sys/wrapping/unwrap token=$wrappingToken\n"; read -rsn1
vault write sys/wrapping/unwrap token=$wrappingToken
####### End of Response Wrapping #######
####### TOTP #######
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nTime-based One Time Passwords from Vault\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault secrets enable totp\n"; read -rsn1
vault secrets enable totp
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nGenerate a key\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault write totp/keys/my-totp account_name-hashicorp issuer=vault generate=true\n"; read -rsn1
vault write totp/keys/my-totp account_name=hashicorp issuer=vault generate=true
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nUse API to generate a TOTP code\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault read totp/code/my-totp\n"; read -rsn1
vault read totp/code/my-totp
####### End of TOTP #######
####### Identity #######
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nIdentity: Create a user in userpass\n"; echo -e "vault write auth/userpass/users/testuser password=testpassword policy=userpass-policy"; read -rsn1
vault write auth/userpass/users/testuser password=testpassword policy=userpass-policy
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nCreate an entity\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault write -f -format json identity/entity\n"; read -rsn1
entityResult=$(vault write -f -format json identity/entity)
echo $entityResult | jq
entityID=$(echo -n $entityResult | jq -r
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nFetch the mount accessor of userpass auth method\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault auth list -detailed -format json | jq -r .[userpass/].accessor\n"; read -rsn1
userPassAccessor=$(vault auth list -detailed -format json | jq -r '.["userpass/"].accessor')
echo $userPassAccessor
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nRegister an alias for the entity\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault write identity/entity-alias name=testuser mount_accessor=$userPassAccessor canonical_id=$entityID\n"; read -rsn1
vault write identity/entity-alias name=testuser mount_accessor=$userPassAccessor canonical_id=$entityID
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nPerform a login\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault write -format json auth/userpass/login/testuser password=testpassword\n"; read -rsn1
loginResult=$(vault write -format json auth/userpass/login/testuser password=testpassword)
echo $loginResult | jq
clientToken=$(echo -n $loginResult | jq -r .auth.client_token)
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nNotice the entity ID being populated in the token lookup\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault token lookup -format json $clientToken\n"; read -rsn1
vault token lookup -format json $clientToken | jq
####### End of Identity #######
####### Identity MFA #######
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nMulti-Factor Authentication\n\nRegister a MFA method in Vault\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault write sys/mfa/method/totp/my_totp issuer=vault\n"; read -rsn1
vault write sys/mfa/method/totp/my_totp issuer=Vault
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nCreate a policy that requires an MFA\n"
cat > totp-policy.hcl << EOF
path "auth/token/create" {
capabilities = ["create", "update"]
mfa_methods = ["my_totp"]
echo $(cat totp-policy.hcl)
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nUpload the TOTP policy\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault policy write totp-policy totp-policy.hcl\n"; read -rsn1
vault policy write totp-policy totp-policy.hcl
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nUpdate the userpass user to get the TOTP policy upon login\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault write auth/userpass/users/testuser password=testpassword policies=totp-policy\n"; read -rsn1
vault write auth/userpass/users/testuser password=testpassword policies=totp-policy
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nPerform the login\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault write -format json auth/userpass/login/testuser password=testpassword\n"; read -rsn1
loginResult=$(vault write -format json auth/userpass/login/testuser password=testpassword)
echo $loginResult | jq
clientToken=$(echo -n $loginResult | jq -r .auth.client_token)
entityID=$(vault token lookup -format json $clientToken | jq -r '.data.entity_id')
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nGenerate a URL for the TOTP MFA method\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault write -format json sys/mfa/method/totp/my_totp/admin-generate entity_id=$entityID\n"; read -rsn1
generateResult=$(vault write -format json sys/mfa/method/totp/my_totp/admin-generate entity_id=$entityID)
echo $generateResult | jq
url=$(echo -n $generateResult | jq -r .data.url)
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nRegister the URL with the TOTP backend to generate a code\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault write totp/keys/my_totp url=$url\n"; read -rsn1
vault write totp/keys/my_totp url=$url
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nGenerate TOTP code for MFA auth\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault read -format json totp/code/my_totp | jq -r '.data.code'\n"; read -rsn1
totpCode=$(vault read -format json totp/code/my_totp | jq -r '.data.code')
echo $totpCode
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nTry to access the API without the TOTP code; This should fail\n"; echo -e "\n\$VAULT_TOKEN=$clientToken vault write -f auth/token/create\n"; read -rsn1
VAULT_TOKEN=$clientToken vault write -f auth/token/create
read -rsn1; echo -e "\nSupply the TOTP code with the request\n"; echo -e "\n\$VAULT_TOKEN=$clientToken vault write -f -mfa my_totp:$totpCode auth/token/create\n"; read -rsn1
VAULT_TOKEN=$clientToken vault write -f -mfa my_totp:$totpCode auth/token/create
####### End of Identity MFA #######
####### Userpass Auth #######
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nEnble userpass backend\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault auth enable userpass\n"; read -rsn1
vault auth enable userpass
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nRegister a user in the backend with the desired policy\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault write auth/userpass/users/hashi password=corp policies=userpass-policy\n"; read -rsn1
vault write auth/userpass/users/hashi password=corp policies=userpass-policy
read -rsn1; clear; echo -e "\nPerform a login to get a token\n"; echo -e "\n\$vault write auth/userpass/login/hashi password=corp\n"; read -rsn1
vault write auth/userpass/login/hashi password=corp
####### End of Userpass Auth #######
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