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Created June 18, 2022 19:20
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MultiTriggerBomb implementation
import android.os.Handler
import android.os.Looper
import android.util.Log
import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe
* [MultiTriggerBomb] is a construct that executes a piece of code represented as [charge], only if
* 'k' triggers are down('k' conditions become true) or the timeout has happened(in case 'k' conditions do not become true), which ever happens first.
* To plant a bomb, call [MultiTriggerBomb.plant] on the object. Before [MultiTriggerBomb.plant] is called, bomb is in inert state, pressing down the triggers
* has no impact. The timeout counter starts the moment the [MultiTriggerBomb.plant] is called.
* To press down on a trigger, call [MultiTriggerBomb.down], when the number of down() actions
* equals number of triggers, the bomb is exploded, and the code is executed.
* Code/Bomb is always executed in the thread tied to the handler that was provided in the constructor.
* Bomb with 0 triggers will immediately explode at the time of planting.
* |-----------------------------------------------|
* | |
* | [s1] --- [s2] --- [s3] ---[s4] --- [s5] --- | ----> [CHARGE]
* | | ^
* |------------|----------------------------------| |
* | |
* |________________t seconds__________________|
class MultiTriggerBomb(val triggers: Int, val timeout: Long = 0L, private val handler: Handler = Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()), private val charge: () -> Unit) {
var hasExploded = false
private set
var isPlanted = false
private set
var cause: String = ""
private var remainingTriggers = triggers
private var runnable: Runnable? = null
// For easier debugging of what happened.
private var allDownEvents = mutableListOf<String>()
init {
// Run some validations
if (timeout < 0) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Timeout cannot be a -ve number")
if (triggers < 0) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Switches cannot be a -ve number")
* Activates the bomb. This is when the deadline timer starts.
fun plant() {
synchronized(this) {
// Early exit
if (isPlanted || hasExploded) return
if (!isPlanted && !hasExploded) {
if (triggers == 0) {
// Explode immediately {
hasExploded = true
Log.d(TAG, "Exploded while planting!")
if (timeout >= 0) {
runnable = Runnable {
if (!hasExploded) {
Log.d(TAG, "Exploded due to timeout, $remainingTriggers switches remaining.")
this.cause = CAUSE_TIMED_OUT
// start the count down. If trigger count does not reach to 0 without timeout, explode!
runnable?.let { code ->
handler.postDelayed(code, timeout)
isPlanted = true
* Reduces the number of remaining switches by 1. If the down() triggers the explosion the code is executed on the thread whose handler is
* supplied in the bomb constructor.
* @param cause addition cause representing the cause of explosion.
fun down(cause: String = "") {
synchronized(this) {
Log.d(TAG, "trigger down event: $cause, remaining switch count: ${remainingTriggers - 1}")
// early exit
if (remainingTriggers <= 0) {
if (isPlanted && !hasExploded && --remainingTriggers == 0) {
Log.d(TAG, "All switches down, exploding!") { explodeLocked() }
this.cause = cause
fun tryDiffuse() {
// first line of defence, even if we miss this, we skip the execution of runnable further down the line.
synchronized(this) {
runnable?.let {
hasExploded = true
private fun explodeLocked() {
hasExploded = true
// For debugging purposes.
private fun dumpToLog() {
val events = StringBuilder()
for (event in allDownEvents) {
Log.d(TAG, events.substring(0, events.length - 1))
companion object {
const val CAUSE_TIMED_OUT = "timeout happened"
const val CAUSE_ZERO_TRIGGER = "0 trigger"
private const val TAG = "MultiTriggerBomb"
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