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Last active March 1, 2017 04:13
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Git Steps for Developers
# Git setup steps
## Pre-requirements
* If you are using latest version of eclipse, ignore this step. Install egit plugin in eclipse :
* Install git in your system and make sure that it is accessible from command promt :
## Setup Environment Steps
**`NOTE : Every occurrence of << >> indicate the place holder, not actual value.`**
#### 1. Fork repository (You might be using some other clients like Gitlab, that does not matter here)
* Go to the repository (on htpps:// where you are going to push your final code. It will be something like this :
* Click the `Fork` button on above repository page.
* If you don't get above step, please refer :
#### 2. Clone Repository
* Go to your forked repository home page. This URL will be something like this : **`<<username>>/somerepo`**.
* Copy the repository URL from above repository page on github. This url will be something like this : **`<<username>>/somerepo.git`**
* Open command prompt at your desired directory where you want to clone the repository.
* Type command : **`git clone <<copied url from above step>>`**
* It will ask for your username and password, please provide it.
### 3. Add Upstream
* Type command : **`git remote add upstream`** (Cross verify this URL from your repository page from Github)
**`NOTE : Above 3 steps are required only once when you do new repository setup.`**
### 4. Fetch from Upstream
* Type command : **`git fetch upstream`**
### 5. Create New Local Branch from Upstream
* Type command : **`git checkout -b <<branch_name_based_on_new_feature>> upstream/master`** (Cross verify the branch name which is being used for developing purpose from your repository owner, here we have assumed the **`master`** branch)
### 6. Do Code
* Import existing project in eclipse (or any of your favorite IDE) and do changes.
### 7. Add to Index
* Once you are done with code changes which you need to add to index all of changed files, I have mentioned below two ways of doing this.
* Command way : `git add <<relative_path_of_your_file>>`
* Eclipse way : Once you are done with code changes which you need to commit, right click on those files from **`Eclipse`** and click on **`Add to Index`**.
### 8. Commit Changes
* Command way : Type `git status` to check which files are going in next commit. The indexed files will be visible in green color. Once you are happy with those files, please type command `git commit -m <<your_commit_msg>>`.
* Eclipse way : Open **`Git Staging`** view in **`Eclipse`** and make sure above indexed files are listed there. Click on **`Commit`** button (visible on **`Git Staging`** view ).
### 9. Pull changes done by others
* We need to pull changes so that we can resolve conflicts before push.
* Type command : **`git pull upstream master`** (Make sure you are using the same branch name here which we have used in Step 5 : **`upstream/master`**)
## 10. Resolve Conflicts, if any
* If you get conflicts for any files as output of **`Step 9`**, then follow below steps (10.a and 10.b), else go to next **`Step 11`**.
* 10.a : Resolve those conflicts manually
* 10.b : Repeat from **`Step 7`**.
### 11. Push code
* Type command : **`git push origin <<current_branch_name>>`**
* You can cross verify the branch name with **`git branch`** command.
### 12. Create PR (pull request)
* Refer :
### 12. Repeat from step 4.
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