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Created January 24, 2012 10:23
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Facebook Billboard Problem
#!/usr/bin/env python
# BillBoard problem solution
# Vishesh Yadav
# Note: Lot many easy optimizations can be made, but for the sake of
# clarity, let it be.
from math import sqrt
def line_combinations(width, height, dim, words):
if dim is 0 or len(words) is 0:
return True
elif len(words) is 1 and width < dim * len(words[0]):
return False
elif height < dim:
return False
elif width > dim * len(" ".join(words)): # not really needed, still
return True
fit_first_line_till = -1
for i in range(len(words)):
if width < dim * len(" ".join(words[0:i+1])):
if fit_first_line_till is -1:
return False
fit_first_line_till = i
line = words[0:fit_first_line_till+1]
restline = words[fit_first_line_till+1:]
return line_combinations(width, height - dim, dim, restline)
def billboard(width, height, text):
words = text.split()
area = width * height
avg_dim = int(sqrt(area/(len(text) - len(text.split(' ')) - 1)))
for w in words:
if avg_dim * len(w) > width:
avg_dim = avg_dim - 1
while not line_combinations(width, height, avg_dim, words):
avg_dim = avg_dim - 1
return avg_dim
x = int(raw_input())
for i in range(x):
line = raw_input().split()
w = int(line[0])
h = int(line[1])
t = " ".join(line[2:])
print "Case #%i: %i" % (i + 1, billboard(w, h, t))
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