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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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Practical padding oracle attack on RSA ( - Blaichenbacher Attack Simulation based on Chosen Ciphertext Attacks Against Protocols Based on the RSA Encryption Standard PKCS #1 by Daniel Bleichenbacher (…
from subprocess import *
from binascii import *
import sys
import os
def sO(y):
rr = hexlify(unhexlify('%0256x' % y))
#print rr[0:4]
if (rr[0:4]) == "0002":
if "00" in rr[4:]:
return True
return False
return False
def ceil(x,y):
return x/y + (x%y != 0)
def floor(x,y):
return x//y
n = 0x00e133440e6948ba3905e722442723bc5741fef35213731f3871de50c904676fefc836dc9253ead0a79dc89c42647d1614a3e167550e9890c379045e8822451fc83bf53ed66885654e9658bff02d5cdb13d5e28e9ac650c380552195ee5927eb51f9e6fbeef8fde1639f05b15e677958042d922e2f62c024071839e7602ddfed6f
B = 2**1008
m0 = 0x0002a76dd2cdb43e02a0e441552e79e9df2e78f7e85376d73e6cac8fbd54b0dde79b60cc321c4f964bf568263873342f9d541b5a9496fbbd18c78b69a58a526b123229bfd401f4c31c2ff6b24c5fbb92d6c969677420ca586671b233d090f4410fe30c38a57e12bbd693a7efe8d083bd34b68f81c8fc7292dcf0004e4954430a
#m0 = 0x0002ea42c1185be80e167bc38604acd4ce581127d89ea14bf6251ab9df9e7f7e9967dda136e543da6c65bd2d599d488f0cb06c68a1fdfc627bdc18776bb85ceb7e1e741a6c0da0e931eebfd2275caea7066407a82d9cc9d7ccdf34742d7db0735abf076e99af8e5aaa2f343118c872a3fe26f3c8cba700766973686e7576700a
s1 = ceil(n,3*B) # this is the starting value for s1
print "[-] Starting search for s1 (from value %i)" % s1
i2a = 1 # counter for iterations
k = 128 # number of bytes of modulus 128 = 1024 bits
fk = '%0'+str(k*2)+'x' # format string to print hex 0 padded
while True:
m1 = (s1 * m0) % n
# print "s1 = ",s1
if sO(m1): # call the (simulated) oracle
break # padding is correct, we have found s1
i2a += 1
s1 += 1 # try next value of s1
print "[*] Search done in %i iterations" % i2a
print " s1: %i" % s1
B2,B3 = 2*B,3*B # constants to avoid recomputing them any time
newM = set([]) # collects new intervals
#print ceil((B2*s1 - B3 + 1),n),floor(((B3-1)*s1 - B2),n) + 1
a = B2
b = B3 - 1
si = s1
print ceil((a*si - B3 + 1),n),floor(((b)*si - B2),n) + 1
for r in range(ceil((a*si - B3 + 1),n),floor(((b)*si - B2),n) + 1):
aa = ceil(B2 + r*n,si)
bb = floor(B3 - 1 + r*n, si)
newa = max(a,aa)
newb = min(b,bb)
if newa <= newb:
newM |= set([ (newa, newb) ])
print len(newM)
while True:
if len(newM) == 1:
loner = newM.pop()
a = loner[0]
b = loner[1]
r = ceil((b*si - B2)*2,n) # starting value for r
i2c,nr = 0,1 # for statistics
found = False
while not found:
#print ceil((B2 + r * n),b),floor((B3-1 + r * n),a)+1
for si in range(ceil((B2 + r * n),b),floor((B3-1 + r * n),a)+1):
mi = (si * m0) % n
i2c += 1
if sO(mi):
found = True
break # we found si
if not found:
r += 1 # try next value for r
nr += 1
#print " explored values of r: %i" % r
print "[*] Search done in %i iterations" % (i2c)
print " explored values of r: %i" % nr
print " s_%i: %i" % (i2c,si)
elif len(newM) > 1:
si += 1
while True:
m1 = (si * m0) % n
# print "s1 = ",s1
if sO(m1): # call the (simulated) oracle
break # padding is correct, we have found s1
si += 1
print " si: %i" % si
newMM = set([])
for (a,b) in newM: # for all intervals
for r in range(ceil((a*si - B3 + 1),n),floor((b*si - B2),n) + 1):
aa = ceil(B2 + r*n,si)
bb = floor(B3 - 1 + r*n, si)
newa = max(a,aa)
newb = min(b,bb)
if newa <= newb:
newMM |= set([ (newa, newb) ])
# print len(newMM)
if len(newMM)>0:
newM = newMM
if len(newM) == 1:
popped = newM.pop()
if popped[0] == popped[1]:
print 'Found a:'+fk % popped[0]
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