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Last active March 20, 2023 19:23
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package main
import (
const (
height = 12
width = 12
start_chips = 444
data = "081788529595" +
"851156944521" +
"723529269394" +
"925989577596" +
"246714266258" +
"281538497523" +
"293567249425" +
"631782336793" +
"257427855358" +
"529836149563" +
"469854976468" +
start = 0
goal = len(data) - 1
e = 0
s = 1
w = 2
n = 3
var (
solutions = 0
intdata [144]int
neighs [144][]int
// charmoves = []byte("nesw")
charmoves = []byte("eswn")
func neighbors(position int) []int {
x := position % width
y := position / width
n := []int{}
if x < width-1 {
n = append(n, position+1)
if y < height-1 {
n = append(n, position+width)
if x > 0 {
n = append(n, position-1)
if y > 0 {
n = append(n, position-width)
return n
type Key int64
func (k Key) String() string {
pos := int(k & 0xffff)
chips := int(k >> 32)
return fmt.Sprintf("%d %d %d", pos%width, pos/width, chips)
// inline
func key(goal_chip, pos int) Key {
return Key(goal_chip<<32 + pos)
type Path uint64
func (p Path) String() string {
end := 22 + bits.OnesCount64(uint64(p)&0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)*2
bytes := make([]byte, 32)
x := unsafe.Pointer(&bytes[0])
pi := (*[4]uint64)(x)
for i := 3; i >= 0; i-- {
pi[i] = intmoves[p&0xffff]
p >>= 16
return string(bytes[:end])
type Paths []Path
func solve(chips int) [][]string {
// min depth is linear distance between start and goal
min := int(math.Abs(float64(start%width-goal%width)) + math.Abs(float64(start/width-goal/width)))
max := int(math.Ceil(math.Sqrt(float64(chips) * 2)))
// figure better split
split := max / 2
fmt.Println(min, max, split)
goal_key := key(0, goal)
wg1 := sync.WaitGroup{}
backwards := map[Key]Paths{}
backwards[goal_key] = Paths{0}
go func() {
defer wg1.Done()
for depth := max - 1; depth >= split; depth-- {
backwards = step(backwards, depth, false)
if (depth-min)%2 == 0 {
backwards[goal_key] = Paths{0}
// fmt.Println(depth, len(current))
// fmt.Println(backwards)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Backs Started %f\n", float64(time.Since(now))/1000000000.0)
start_key := key(chips, start)
forwards := map[Key]Paths{}
forwards[start_key] = Paths{0}
for depth := 0; depth < split-1; depth++ {
current := step(forwards, depth, true)
forwards = current
// fmt.Println(depth, len(current))
// fmt.Println(forwards)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Forwards Complete %f\n", float64(time.Since(now))/1000000000.0)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Backs Complete %f\n", float64(time.Since(now))/1000000000.0)
chunkSize := 100
num := (len(forwards) / chunkSize) + 1
results := make([][]string, num)
keys := make([][]Key, num)
wg2 := sync.WaitGroup{}
i := 0
j := 0
keys[0] = make([]Key, 0, chunkSize)
for k := range forwards {
keys[j] = append(keys[j], k)
if i == chunkSize {
i = 0
keys[j] = make([]Key, 0, chunkSize)
for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
go func(i int) {
defer wg2.Done()
results[i] = step_product(keys[i], backwards, forwards, split-1)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Products Complete %f\n", float64(time.Since(now))/1000000000.0)
return results
func step_product(keys []Key, backwards map[Key]Paths, forwards map[Key]Paths, depth int) []string {
paths := []string{}
for _, last_key := range keys {
f := forwards[last_key]
last_pos := int(last_key & 0xffff)
last_chip := int(last_key >> 32)
for _, pos := range neighs[last_pos] {
current_chip := last_chip
current_chip -= intdata[pos]
if pos != start && pos != goal {
current_chip -= depth
pos_key := key(current_chip, pos)
b, ok := backwards[pos_key]
if !ok {
for _, p1 := range f {
for _, p2 := range b {
// combine the paths
m := direction(last_pos, pos)
m <<= 62 - depth*2
paths = append(paths, (p1 + m + p2).String())
return paths
func step(last map[Key]Paths, depth int, fwd bool) map[Key]Paths {
current := map[Key]Paths{}
for last_key, record := range last {
last_pos := int(last_key & 0xffff)
last_chip := int(last_key >> 32)
if fwd {
if last_chip < 260 {
} else {
if last_chip > 290 {
for _, pos := range neighs[last_pos] {
current_chip := last_chip
if fwd {
current_chip -= intdata[pos]
if pos != start && pos != goal {
current_chip -= depth
} else {
current_chip += intdata[last_pos]
if last_pos != start && last_pos != goal {
current_chip += depth
pos_key := key(current_chip, pos)
current_record, ok := current[pos_key]
if !ok {
current_record = Paths{}
for _, p := range record {
var m Path
if fwd {
m = direction(last_pos, pos)
} else {
m = direction(pos, last_pos)
m <<= 62 - depth*2
current_record = append(current_record, p+m)
current[pos_key] = current_record
return current
func direction(from, to int) Path {
switch to - from {
case 1:
return e
case -1:
return w
case width:
return s
return n
var intmoves = [65536]uint64{}
func genIntMoves() {
// generate combinations of 8 charmoves
i := 0
for _, c1 := range charmoves {
for _, c2 := range charmoves {
for _, c3 := range charmoves {
for _, c4 := range charmoves {
for _, c5 := range charmoves {
for _, c6 := range charmoves {
for _, c7 := range charmoves {
for _, c8 := range charmoves {
intmoves[i] = uint64(c8)<<56 + uint64(c7)<<48 + uint64(c6)<<40 + uint64(c5)<<32 + uint64(c4)<<24 + uint64(c3)<<16 + uint64(c2)<<8 + uint64(c1)
var now time.Time
func main() {
var i int
for i = 0; i < len(data); i++ {
intdata[i] = int(data[i] - '0')
neighs[i] = neighbors(i)
now = time.Now()
paths := solve(start_chips)
n := 0
for _, p := range paths {
n += len(p)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "total: %d\n", n)
package main
import (
const (
height = 12
width = 12
start_chips = 444
data = "081788529595" +
"851156944521" +
"723529269394" +
"925989577596" +
"246714266258" +
"281538497523" +
"293567249425" +
"631782336793" +
"257427855358" +
"529836149563" +
"469854976468" +
start = 0
goal = len(data) - 1
n = 0
e = 1
s = 2
w = 3
var (
solutions = 0
intdata [144]int
neighs [144][]Neighbor
charmoves = []byte("nesw")
type Neighbor struct {
p int
f Path
r Path
func neighbors(position int) []Neighbor {
x := position % width
y := position / width
n := []Neighbor{}
if x < width-1 {
n = append(n, Neighbor{position + 1, "e", "w"})
if y < height-1 {
n = append(n, Neighbor{position + width, "s", "n"})
if x > 0 {
n = append(n, Neighbor{position - 1, "w", "e"})
if y > 0 {
n = append(n, Neighbor{position - width, "n", "s"})
return n
type Key int64
func (k Key) String() string {
pos := int(k & 0xffff)
chips := int(k >> 32)
return fmt.Sprintf("%d %d %d", pos%width, pos/width, chips)
// inline
func key(goal_chip, pos int) Key {
return Key(goal_chip<<32 + pos)
type Path string
type Paths []Path
func solve(chips int) [][]Path {
// min depth is linear distance between start and goal
min := int(math.Abs(float64(start%width-goal%width)) + math.Abs(float64(start/width-goal/width)))
max := int(math.Ceil(math.Sqrt(float64(chips) * 2)))
// figure better split
split := max / 2
fmt.Println(min, max, split)
goal_key := key(0, goal)
depths := []int{}
for depth := min; depth <= max; depth += 2 {
depths = append(depths, depth)
wg1 := sync.WaitGroup{}
backwards := map[Key]Paths{}
backwards[goal_key] = Paths{""}
go func() {
defer wg1.Done()
for depth := max - 1; depth >= split; depth-- {
backwards = step(backwards, depth, false)
if (depth-min)%2 == 0 {
backwards[goal_key] = Paths{""}
// fmt.Println(depth, len(current))
// fmt.Println(backwards)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Backs Started %f\n", float64(time.Since(now))/1000000000.0)
start_key := key(chips, start)
forwards := map[Key]Paths{}
forwards[start_key] = Paths{""}
for depth := 0; depth < split-1; depth++ {
forwards = step(forwards, depth, true)
// fmt.Println(depth, len(current))
// fmt.Println(forwards)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Forwards Complete %f\n", float64(time.Since(now))/1000000000.0)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Backs Complete %f\n", float64(time.Since(now))/1000000000.0)
chunkSize := 50
num := (len(forwards) / chunkSize) + 1
keys := make([][]Key, num)
results := make([][]Path, num)
wg2 := sync.WaitGroup{}
i := 0
j := 0
keys[0] = make([]Key, 0, chunkSize)
for k := range forwards {
keys[j] = append(keys[j], k)
if i == chunkSize {
i = 0
keys[j] = make([]Key, 0, chunkSize)
for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
go func(i int) {
defer wg2.Done()
results[i] = step_product(keys[i], backwards, forwards, split-1)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Products Complete %f\n", float64(time.Since(now))/1000000000.0)
return results
func step_product(keys []Key, backwards map[Key]Paths, forwards map[Key]Paths, depth int) []Path {
paths := []Path{}
for _, last_key := range keys {
f := forwards[last_key]
last_pos := int(last_key & 0xffff)
last_chip := int(last_key >> 32)
for _, n := range neighs[last_pos] {
pos := n.p
current_chip := last_chip
current_chip -= intdata[pos]
if pos != start && pos != goal {
current_chip -= depth
pos_key := key(current_chip, pos)
b, ok := backwards[pos_key]
if !ok {
for _, p1 := range f {
for _, p2 := range b {
// combine the paths
paths = append(paths, p1+n.f+p2)
return paths
func step(last map[Key]Paths, depth int, fwd bool) map[Key]Paths {
current := map[Key]Paths{}
for last_key, record := range last {
last_pos := int(last_key & 0xffff)
last_chip := int(last_key >> 32)
if fwd {
if last_chip < 260 {
} else {
if last_chip > 290 {
for _, n := range neighs[last_pos] {
pos := n.p
current_chip := last_chip
if fwd {
current_chip -= intdata[pos]
if pos != start && pos != goal {
current_chip -= depth
} else {
current_chip += intdata[last_pos]
if last_pos != start && last_pos != goal {
current_chip += depth
pos_key := key(current_chip, pos)
current_record, ok := current[pos_key]
if !ok {
current_record = Paths{}
for _, p := range record {
var m Path
if fwd {
m = p + n.f
} else {
m = n.r + p
current_record = append(current_record, m)
current[pos_key] = current_record
return current
var now time.Time
func main() {
var i int
for i = 0; i < len(data); i++ {
intdata[i] = int(data[i] - '0')
neighs[i] = neighbors(i)
now = time.Now()
paths := solve(start_chips)
n := 0
for _, p := range paths {
n += len(p)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "total: %d\n", n)
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