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Last active July 4, 2021 16:48
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Merkle Tree Example
from csv import reader
from hashlib import sha512
import sys
# Simple merkle tree example
# Invoke the script by calling "python "file1.csv" "file2.csv" to compare two merkle trees
class Merkle:
def __init__(self, file):
self.file = file
def hashMerkle(self):
hashes = []
with open(self.file, 'r') as read_obj:
file_reader = reader(read_obj)
# Iterate over each row in the file
for row in file_reader:
for item in row:
# use sha512 (or any other hashing algorithm) to hash the items
sha512(str(item).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()) # utf encoding optional based on the data type
print("\n########### Hashes for " +
self.file + " ##################### \n")
# Since the Merkle is primarily a binary tree, if you have odd number of rows, add another row in the data duplicating the last item
if (len(hashes) % 2 != 0):
# generate binary tree
while (len(hashes) > 1):
j = 0
for i in range(0, len(hashes) - 1):
# hash every leaf and leaf + 1 and concantenate when they are of the same height
hashes[j] = sha512(
(str(hashes[i] + hashes[i+1])).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
i += 2
j += 1
lastDel = i - j
# half the hash every iteration
# remove all other items in the array to return the root
del hashes[-lastDel]
return hashes
if __name__ == "__main__":
# pass in two files that you wish to compare
file1 = sys.argv[1]
file2 = sys.argv[2]
merkle1 = Merkle(file1)
merkle2 = Merkle(file2)
# check if the merkle roots match
assert merkle1.hashMerkle() == merkle2.hashMerkle(), 'Merkle root does not match'
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