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Created September 12, 2016 15:02
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'use strict';
angular.module('hotStar.multisportSDKManager', ['hotStar.utils'])
.factory('MultiSportManager', ['$filter', '$rootScope', 'Utils', 'Configuration', '$location', '$cookies', '$q', 'BaseConfig', function($filter, $rootScope, utils, configuration, $location, $cookies, $q, baseConfig) {
var sdk;
var deferred = $q.defer();
var multisportSDK = {
initSDK: function() {
try {
window.asyncSportzSDK = function() {
sdk = new SportzSDK();
var filename = baseConfig.SPORTS_SDK;
} catch (e) {}
callSportsSDK: function(methodName, params) {
deferred.promise.then(function() {"multisport", methodName, params);
var utility = {
hasMatchScores: function(match) {
var teams = match.participants;
var scoreCount = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < teams.length; i++) {
var team = teams[i];
if (team && team.value && team.value != "")
return true;
return false;
removeOversFromScore: function(match) {
var teams = match.participants;
for (var i = teams.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var team = teams[i];
var score = team.value;
if (score) {
var scoreSplits = score.split(' ');
for (var j = 0; j < scoreSplits.length; j++) {
var scoreElement = scoreSplits[j];
if (scoreElement == "") {
scoreSplits.splice(j--, 1); //remove extra spaces
var lastscorepart = ""
if (scoreSplits[scoreSplits.length - 1].charAt(0) == "f") {
lastscorepart = scoreSplits[scoreSplits.length - 1];
scoreSplits.splice(scoreSplits.length - 1, 1);
for (var j = 0; j < scoreSplits.length; j++) {
var scoreElement = scoreSplits[j];
if (scoreElement.charAt(0) == "(" && scoreElement.charAt(scoreElement.length - 1) == ")" && match.event_format.toLowerCase() == "test") { //remove overs from test matches. keep the overs of the last innings intact
if (j != scoreSplits.length - 1)
scoreSplits.splice(j--, 1);
if (lastscorepart != "")
team.value = scoreSplits.join(' ');
//Replacing dec with d as per requirement
team.value = team.value.replace(/ dec /g, ' d ');
team.value = team.value.replace(/ fol /g, ' f/o ');
addAsteriskForBattingTeam: function(match) {
var teams = match.participants;
var battingTeam = teams.filter(function(team) {
return team.highlight == "true";
if (battingTeam && match.event_state == "L" && battingTeam.value && battingTeam.value != "" && (!match.result_code || match.result_code == "")) {
var battingTeamScore = battingTeam.value;
var scoreSplits = battingTeamScore.split(' ');
var andIndex = scoreSplits.indexOf('&');
if (scoreSplits[andIndex + 1].indexOf("*") == -1)
scoreSplits[andIndex + 1] = scoreSplits[andIndex + 1] + "*";
battingTeam.value = scoreSplits.join(' ');
getTestDay: function(match) {
match.isStumps = false;
if (match.event_format.toLowerCase() == "test" && match.event_state == "L") {
match.isStumps = (match.event_status_id == 120);
var currentDate = moment((Number(utils.getCookie('currentSystemTime'))));
if (currentDate.year() == 1970) {
currentDate = moment((Number(utils.getCookie('currentSystemTime')) * 1000));
if (!currentDate.isValid())
currentDate = moment();
var startDate = moment(match.start_date, moment.ISO_8601);
var testMatchDay = currentDate.dayOfYear() - startDate.dayOfYear() + 1;
if (testMatchDay > 0 && testMatchDay < 6) return testMatchDay;
return -1;
getMatchCentreUrl: function(match) {
return "/sports/"
+ utils.encodeName(
+ "/" + utils.encodeName(match.tour_name({shortName: false}))
+ "/" + utils.encodeName(match.participants[0].name)
+ "-vs-" + utils.encodeName(match.participants[1].name)
+ "-" + utils.encodeName(match.event_name)
+ "-m" + match.game_id;
var SM = {
callSportsCollectionByDate: function(params) {
multisportSDK.callSportsSDK("getCollectionByDate", params);
callSportsCollectionByTournament: function(params) {
multisportSDK.callSportsSDK("getCollectionByTournament", params);
callSportsCollectionByGameState: function(params) {
multisportSDK.callSportsSDK("getCollectionByGameState", params);
callSportsDateList: function(params) {
multisportSDK.callSportsSDK("getDateList", params);
callDestroyCallerId: function(params) {
multisportSDK.callSportsSDK("destroyCallerId", params);
getUtility: function() {
return utility;
return SM;
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