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Forked from ndfred/
Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
A simple standalone script to test an Apple Push Notification setup.
Uses the feedback packets to provide the best information on how to fix things.
Steps to send a push notification:
* set up push certificates on your app on the developer portal and regenerate
your provisioning profiles to make them push ready
* build your app with the new provisioning profile and enable push notifications
in you app delegate
* run the app on your device and use NSLog to get its push token on
the Xcode console
* select your push private key and certificate in Keychain and export them
without a password as a p12 file
* run this command to convert your p12 file to a pem file:
`$ openssl pkcs12 -nodes -in Push.p12 -out Push.pem`
* run this command to make sure your certificates are valid:
`$ openssl s_client -ssl3 -cert Push.pem -connect`
(use if you have a dev push certificate)
if they certificates are valid, the server should not hang up
* change the parameters at the end of the script and run it
* you should see the push notification come through or a helpful error message
* you may alter the JSON payload as you wish to test badges and meta data
import socket
import ssl
import json
import binascii
import struct
def send_push(pem_file_path, token, message, production=True):
"""Send a push notification to the device."""
# Prepare the binary payload
token = token.strip().strip('<>').replace(' ','').replace('-', '')
binary_token = binascii.unhexlify(token)
payload = json.dumps({'aps': {'alert': message}})
binary_payload = struct.pack(
'!BiiH%dsH%ds' % (len(binary_token), len(payload)),
1, 1337, 0,
len(binary_token), binary_token, len(payload), payload
# Send the payload and wait 1 second for an error message
print 'Connecting'
apns_socket = ssl.wrap_socket(socket.socket(), certfile=pem_file_path, ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv3)
apns_socket.connect((production and '' or '', 2195))
print 'Sending message "%s"' % message
print 'Waiting for feedback'
binary_response = apns_socket.recv(6)
if len(binary_response) != 6:
print 'The server hung up, please check your certificates and production mode setting'
command, status, identifier = struct.unpack('!BBi', binary_response)
if command != 8 or identifier != 1337:
print 'Error receiving the feedback packet'
status_messages = [
'Message successfully sent',
'Processing error',
'Missing device token',
'Missing topic',
'Missing payload',
'Invalid token size',
'Invalid topic size',
'Invalid payload size',
'Invalid topic size',
'Invalid token',
if status >= 0 and status < len(status_messages):
print '%s (status %d)' % (status_messages[status], status)
print 'Unknown error (%d)' % status
except ssl.SSLError, exc:
if str(exc) == 'The read operation timed out':
print 'Message succesfsfully send!'
if __name__ == '__main__':
'd274c466 16bb3ee5 07332af6 2f2b7474 b8c0e2ca 43fbe846 8287256b a71862db',
u'Hello World!',
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