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Last active May 23, 2024 04:45
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Metaplex Metadata interface
/// <reference types="node" />
/// Locale: node_modules/@metaplex-foundation/mpl-token-metadata/dist/src/accounts/Metadata.d.ts
import { Borsh, Account, AnyPublicKey, StringPublicKey } from '@metaplex-foundation/mpl-core';
import { AccountInfo, Connection, PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js';
import { Buffer } from 'buffer';
import { Edition } from './Edition';
import { MasterEdition } from './MasterEdition';
import { Uses } from './Uses';
import { Collection } from './Collection';
import { MetadataKey, TokenStandard } from './constants';
declare type CreatorArgs = {
address: StringPublicKey;
verified: boolean;
share: number;
export declare class Creator extends Borsh.Data<CreatorArgs> {
static readonly SCHEMA: any;
address: StringPublicKey;
verified: boolean;
share: number;
declare type DataArgs = {
name: string;
symbol: string;
uri: string;
sellerFeeBasisPoints: number;
creators: Creator[] | null;
declare type DataV2Args = {
name: string;
symbol: string;
uri: string;
sellerFeeBasisPoints: number;
creators: Creator[] | null;
collection: Collection | null;
uses: Uses | null;
export declare class DataV2 extends Borsh.Data<DataV2Args> {
static readonly SCHEMA: any;
name: string;
symbol: string;
uri: string;
sellerFeeBasisPoints: number;
creators: Creator[] | null;
collection: Collection | null;
uses: Uses | null;
export declare class MetadataDataData extends Borsh.Data<DataArgs> {
static readonly SCHEMA: any;
name: string;
symbol: string;
uri: string;
sellerFeeBasisPoints: number;
creators: Creator[] | null;
constructor(args: DataArgs);
declare type Args = {
updateAuthority: StringPublicKey;
mint: StringPublicKey;
data: MetadataDataData;
primarySaleHappened: boolean;
isMutable: boolean;
editionNonce: number | null;
export declare class MetadataData extends Borsh.Data<Args> {
static readonly SCHEMA: any;
key: MetadataKey;
updateAuthority: StringPublicKey;
mint: StringPublicKey;
data: MetadataDataData;
primarySaleHappened: boolean;
isMutable: boolean;
editionNonce: number | null;
tokenStandard: TokenStandard | null;
collection: Collection | null;
uses: Uses | null;
masterEdition?: StringPublicKey;
edition?: StringPublicKey;
constructor(args: Args);
export declare class Metadata extends Account<MetadataData> {
constructor(pubkey: AnyPublicKey, info: AccountInfo<Buffer>);
static isCompatible(data: Buffer): boolean;
static getPDA(mint: AnyPublicKey): Promise<PublicKey>;
static findMany(connection: Connection, filters?: {
mint?: AnyPublicKey;
updateAuthority?: AnyPublicKey;
creators?: AnyPublicKey[];
}): Promise<Metadata[]>;
static findByMint(connection: Connection, mint: AnyPublicKey): Promise<Metadata>;
static findByOwner(connection: Connection, owner: AnyPublicKey): Promise<Metadata[]>;
static findByOwnerV2(connection: Connection, owner: AnyPublicKey): Promise<Metadata[]>;
static findByOwnerV3(connection: Connection, owner: AnyPublicKey): Promise<Metadata[]>;
static findInfoByOwner(connection: Connection, owner: AnyPublicKey): Promise<Map<AnyPublicKey, AccountInfo<Buffer>>>;
static findDataByOwner(connection: Connection, owner: AnyPublicKey): Promise<MetadataData[]>;
static getEdition(connection: Connection, mint: AnyPublicKey): Promise<Edition | MasterEdition>;
export declare const MAX_NAME_LENGTH = 32;
export declare const MAX_SYMBOL_LENGTH = 10;
export declare const MAX_URI_LENGTH = 200;
export declare const MAX_CREATOR_LEN: number;
export declare const computeCreatorOffset: (index: number) => number;
export {};
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