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Created August 6, 2009 13:26
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# Rails Template for pages_plugin
gem "vita-clearance",
:lib => 'clearance',
:source => '',
:version => ''
gem "mislav-will_paginate",
:lib => "will_paginate",
:source => ""
gem 'thoughtbot-shoulda',
:lib => 'shoulda',
:source => "",
:version => '>= 2.9.1'
gem "friendly_id"
plugin 'pages_plugin', :git => ''
rake 'gems:install'
rake 'gems:unpack'
rake 'db:create:all'
rake 'pages_plugin:sync_migrations'
generate :clearance
generate :friendly_id
generate :migration, 'add_admin_to_user', 'admin:boolean'
rake 'db:migrate'
rake 'pages_plugin:setup'
run "rm public/index.html"
run "rsync -ruv vendor/plugins/eshop_plugin/app/views/layouts app/views"
run "rsync -ruv vendor/plugins/pages_plugin/public ."
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