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Created June 22, 2013 21:14
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Debug log for proxy auth
D:\Dev\phantomjs\bin>phantomjs --debug=yes --proxy=http://localhost:3128 --proxy-auth=user:pass tweets.js
2013-06-23T01:09:55 [DEBUG] CookieJar - Created but will not store cookies (use option '--cookies-file=<filename>' to enable persisten cookie storage)
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] Phantom - execute: Configuration
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] 0 objectName : ""
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] 1 cookiesFile : ""
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] 2 diskCacheEnabled : "false"
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] 3 maxDiskCacheSize : "-1"
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] 4 ignoreSslErrors : "false"
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] 5 localToRemoteUrlAccessEnabled : "false"
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] 6 outputEncoding : "UTF-8"
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] 7 proxyType : "http"
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] 8 proxy : "localhost:3128"
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] 9 proxyAuth : "user:pass"
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] 10 scriptEncoding : "UTF-8"
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] 11 webSecurityEnabled : "true"
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] 12 offlineStoragePath : ""
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] 13 offlineStorageDefaultQuota : "-1"
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] 14 printDebugMessages : "true"
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] 15 javascriptCanOpenWindows : "true"
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] 16 javascriptCanCloseWindows : "true"
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] 17 sslProtocol : "sslv3"
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] 18 sslCertificatesPath : ""
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] 19 webdriver : ":"
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] 20 webdriverLogFile : ""
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] 21 webdriverLogLevel : "INFO"
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] 22 webdriverSeleniumGridHub : ""
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] Phantom - execute: Script & Arguments
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] script: "tweets.js"
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] Phantom - execute: Starting normal mode
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] WebPage - setupFrame ""
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] FileSystem - _open: ":/modules/fs.js" QMap(("mode", QVariant(QString, "r") ) )
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] FileSystem - _open: ":/modules/system.js" QMap(("mode", QVariant(QString, "r") ) )
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] FileSystem - _open: ":/modules/_coffee-script.js" QMap(("mode", QVariant(QString, "r") ) )
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] FileSystem - _open: ":/modules/../coffee-script/package.json" QMap(("mode", QVariant(QString, "r") ) )
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] FileSystem - _open: ":/modules/../coffee-script/./lib/coffee-script/coffee-script.js" QMap(("mode", QVariant(QString, "r") ) )
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] FileSystem - _open: ":/modules/../coffee-script/./lib/coffee-script/./lexer.js" QMap(("mode", QVariant(QString, "r") ) )
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] FileSystem - _open: ":/modules/../coffee-script/./lib/coffee-script/././rewriter.js" QMap(("mode", QVariant(QString, "r") ) )
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] FileSystem - _open: ":/modules/../coffee-script/./lib/coffee-script/././helpers.js" QMap(("mode", QVariant(QString, "r") ) )
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] FileSystem - _open: ":/modules/../coffee-script/./lib/coffee-script/./parser.js" QMap(("mode", QVariant(QString, "r") ) )
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] FileSystem - _open: ":/modules/../coffee-script/./lib/coffee-script/./helpers.js" QMap(("mode", QVariant(QString, "r") ) )
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] FileSystem - _open: ":/modules/../coffee-script/./lib/coffee-script/./nodes.js" QMap(("mode", QVariant(QString, "r") ) )
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] FileSystem - _open: ":/modules/../coffee-script/./lib/coffee-script/././scope.js" QMap(("mode", QVariant(QString, "r") ) )
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] FileSystem - _open: ":/modules/../coffee-script/./lib/coffee-script/./././helpers.js" QMap(("mode", QVariant(QString, "r") ) )
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] FileSystem - _open: ":/modules/../coffee-script/./lib/coffee-script/././lexer.js" QMap(("mode", QVariant(QString, "r") ) )
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] FileSystem - _open: ":/modules/../coffee-script/./lib/coffee-script/./././rewriter.js" QMap(("mode", QVariant(QString, "r") ) )
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] FileSystem - _open: ":/modules/webpage.js" QMap(("mode", QVariant(QString, "r") ) )
Usage: tweets.js [twitter ID]
*** Latest tweets from @PhantomJS ***
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] WebPage - updateLoadingProgress: 10
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] CookieJar - Saved "_mobile_sess=BAh7BjoLcmVwX2lkSSIpMDQyNTUyODAtYmRhZS0wMTMwLWY1NjgtMDA4Y2Zh%0AMDQyNGJjBjoGRVQ%3D%0A--50a29e242ad0b026f04d380f7c8bed8f18f82ac7; expires=Tue, 20-Aug-2013 18:06:07 GMT;; path=/"
2013-06-23T01:09:56 [DEBUG] CookieJar - Saved "guest_id=v1%3A137193539736076184; expires=Mon, 22-Jun-2015 21:09:57 GMT;; path=/"
2013-06-23T01:09:58 [DEBUG] CookieJar - Saved "guest_id=v1%3A137193539736076184; expires=Mon, 22-Jun-2015 21:09:57 GMT;; path=/"
2013-06-23T01:09:58 [DEBUG] CookieJar - Saved "_mobile_sess=BAh7BzoLcmVwX2lkSSIpMDQyNTUyODAtYmRhZS0wMTMwLWY1NjgtMDA4Y2Zh%0AMDQyNGJjBjoGRVQ6EF9jc3JmX3Rva2VuIhljMjIwYjAwZDMwYzdkNDNlMTE3%0ANQ%3D%3D%0A--ce8ce53187efa2fdc583478a86e49613bcc45120; expires=Tue, 20-Aug-2013 18:04:35 GMT;; path=/"
2013-06-23T01:09:58 [DEBUG] WebPage - setupFrame ""
2013-06-23T01:09:58 [DEBUG] WebPage - updateLoadingProgress: 19
2013-06-23T01:09:58 [DEBUG] WebPage - updateLoadingProgress: 22
2013-06-23T01:09:58 [DEBUG] WebPage - updateLoadingProgress: 25
2013-06-23T01:09:58 [DEBUG] WebPage - updateLoadingProgress: 28
2013-06-23T01:09:58 [DEBUG] WebPage - updateLoadingProgress: 31
2013-06-23T01:09:58 [DEBUG] WebPage - updateLoadingProgress: 33
2013-06-23T01:09:58 [DEBUG] WebPage - updateLoadingProgress: 36
2013-06-23T01:09:58 [DEBUG] WebPage - updateLoadingProgress: 42
2013-06-23T01:09:58 [DEBUG] WebPage - updateLoadingProgress: 47
2013-06-23T01:09:58 [DEBUG] WebPage - updateLoadingProgress: 100
2013-06-23T01:09:58 [DEBUG] WebPage - evaluateJavaScript "(function() { return (function () {
var list = document.querySelectorAll('div.tweet-text');
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) {
console.log((i + 1) + ": " + list[i].innerText);
1: My slides from #velocityconf 2013 "A Baseline for Web Performance with PhantomJS"
2: .@marcelduran showed the wonders of PhantomJS, webpagetest, yslow, cuzillion etc and how to run performance tests in Jenkins #velocityconf
3: PhantomJS is making the rounds at #velocityconf, mentioned by @postwait and @marcelduran in different sessions
4: Want to use #PhantomJS for web performance baseline? See this #velocityconf talk from @wesleyhales and @ryanbridges…
5: #seleniumconf video "Getting started with GhostDriver" from @detronizator… #PhantomJS #Selenium
6: Check out @TheReddest blog post: Running PhantomJS on Modulus -
7: Rendering D3 maps to PDF with @phantomjs . Very easy to use, very nice results.
8: De-CSS-ification: How to screen capture a web page without its style sheets… #PhantomJS
9: Here are my slides #seconf
10: Laika: a testing framework for @meteorjs, using @phantomjs to run the tests #PhantomJS
11: Apparently @phantomjs has been downloaded more than a million times already! Here's to the next million :)…
12: Folks, update to version 1.9.1 as it fixes some regressions and resolves an important possible crash!…
13: Stats for this month (mostly useless): I got 5K followers, @phantomjs listed in GitHub Popular Starred, @esprima npm downloads > 200K
14: @nodejs @phantomjs @pdfjs Parsing PDFs at Scale with Node.js, PDF.js, and Lunr.js…
15: Continuous Deployment for Pytho...…
16: Finally @phantomjs shows up in the Popular Starred GitHub repositories. Still as the last one, but the race begins!
17: Here's @jakerella blog post about his #JavaScript Testing Talk…
18: How do you call an agile method extremist? A ScrumMonster.
19: #poltergeist for #phantomjs is the best #capybara driver I have used so far.
20: How we test our JavaScript @STYLIGHT:… #stylight #unit-testing #qunit #phantomjs @stylight_eng
21: @casperjs_org @ialanmoran @phantomjs Probably because we need to get… sorted out and landed.
22: @itspolo See… to help us land Solaris/SmartOS support, then we can send a PR to the folks that own the NPM module.
23: @FrozenFire @joyent See… to help us land Solaris/SmartOS support.
24: @itspolo Follow…
25: Apparently @phantomjs GitHub repo just passed 6000 stargazers!
26: @mmanela @ariyahidayat @phantomjs Lost in translation, no doubt! The GH wiki is open to all, so fix it if you like; otherwise we will later.
27: Improved Highcharts serverside chart generation and export server…
28: @adams_ea Lots of info available on this, see issues and mailing list archive. e.g.… and…
29: Running Node.js unit tests (@felixge's utest) for listen.js with @phantomjs and browsers - using browserify #yay…
30: @phantomjs Thanks for making this possible…
2013-06-23T01:09:59 [DEBUG] WebPage - evaluateJavaScript result QVariant(, )
2013-06-23T01:09:59 [DEBUG] CookieJar - Saved "guest_id=v1%3A137193539736076184; expires=Mon, 22-Jun-2015 21:09:57 GMT;; path=/"
2013-06-23T01:09:59 [DEBUG] CookieJar - Saved "_mobile_sess=BAh7BzoLcmVwX2lkSSIpMDQyNTUyODAtYmRhZS0wMTMwLWY1NjgtMDA4Y2Zh%0AMDQyNGJjBjoGRVQ6EF9jc3JmX3Rva2VuIhljMjIwYjAwZDMwYzdkNDNlMTE3%0ANQ%3D%3D%0A--ce8ce53187efa2fdc583478a86e49613bcc45120; expires=Tue, 20-Aug-2013 18:04:35 GMT;; path=/"
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