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Last active November 22, 2022 05:20
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import {aggregate, reduce, skip, take, distinct, map, Operation, tap} from 'iter-ops';
// Collection of custom operators for "iter-ops", made from existing operators,
// as implementation examples + ideas (these are not part of the library).
* Logs values into the console.
export function log<T>(): Operation<T, T> {
return tap((value) => {
* Joins strings, with optional separator.
export function join<T>(separator?: string): Operation<T, string> {
return aggregate(a => a.join(separator));
* Groups objects by a property value.
export function groupBy<T>(predicate: (v: T) => string): Operation<T, { [key: string]: T[] }> {
return reduce((acc: { [key: string]: T[] }, value: T) => {
(acc[predicate(value)] ||= []).push(value);
return acc;
}, {} as { [key: string]: T[] });
* Implements Array->slice logic (for positive start/end only)
export function slice<T>(start: number, end: number): Operation<T, T> {
return i => {
const k = skip<T>(start)(i);
return take<T>(end - start)(k);
* Emits minimum value.
export function min<T>(): Operation<T, T> {
return reduce((p, c) => p < c ? p : c);
* Emits maximum value.
export function max<T>(): Operation<T, T> {
return reduce((p, c) => p > c ? p : c);
* Emits {min, max} in one iteration.
export function minMax<T>(): Operation<T, { min?: T, max?: T }> {
return reduce((p, c) => {
p.min = c < p.min ? c : p.min ?? c;
p.max = c > p.max ? c : p.max ?? c;
return p;
}, {min: undefined, max: undefined});
* Emits an average value.
export function average<T>(): Operation<T, T> {
return reduce((p, c, idx, state) => {
state.sum = (state.sum ?? p) + c;
return p && state.sum / (idx + 1) as any;
* Sums up a sequence of numbers.
export function sum(): Operation<number, number> {
return reduce((p: number, c: number) => p + c);
* Selects unique key-values, then remaps them into just values.
export function uniqueValues<T, R>(keySelector: (value: T, index: number) => R): Operation<T, R> {
return i => {
const k = distinct(keySelector)(i);
return map(keySelector)(k);
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