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Last active December 15, 2015 21:19
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VK: market: set price for all visible (loaded at current page) products in category
var price = 190000;
var sleepTime = 3000; // ms
var itemsAll = document.querySelectorAll('.market_row_inner_cont');
var items = [];
var i = 0;
for (var j = 0; j < itemsAll.length; j++) {
var priceOrig = itemsAll[j].querySelector('.market_row_price').innerHTML.replace(/,/g, '').replace(' rub.', '');
if (priceOrig != price) {
items.push(itemsAll[j].querySelector('.market_row_inner_cont a'));
var time = sleepTime / 1000 * 3 * items.length / 60;
console.log('All products on page: ' + itemsAll.length + ', with different price: ' + items.length +
'; we need ' + (Math.round(time) + 1) + ' minutes');
function correctPriceInCurrentCategory() {
items[i].click(); // open product
console.log('current product: ' + (i + 1) + '/' + items.length);
setTimeout(openBoxEditor, sleepTime);
function openBoxEditor() {
Market.showEditBox(cur.options.itemId, cur.options.itemOwnerId); // open edit box
setTimeout(setPrice, sleepTime);
function setPrice() {
document.getElementById('item_price').value = price;
document.querySelector('.market_box_btn').click(); // save & close
setTimeout(correctPriceInCurrentCategory, sleepTime); // recursion - set price for next product
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