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Created November 14, 2019 09:51
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Git - tips and tricks for daily usage

Git - tips and tricks for daily usage

Some commands I use daily, kept here for my future environments


1. Branch checkout shortcut

Go back on latest branch checked out

$ git checkout -

2. Reopen last commit

"Cancel" previous commit, keeping its changes staged

$ git reset --soft HEAD^

3. Add new changes to last commit

Add staged changes to previous commit

$ git commit --amend -C HEAD

4. Squash commits into one

Combine last (e.g.) 3 commits into a single one

  1. Run

    $ git rebase -i HEAD~3
  2. Editor 1: Squash all commits except the first

    pick d701f467 Three commits ago
    s 5aa7d581 Two commits ago
    s 514f6795 Last commit
  3. Editor 2: New commit message

Tip: to cancel the rebase, save an empty commit message in Editor 2

5. Force push

As (2), (3) and (4) are rewriting history, you need to force push (not recommended on shared remote branches)

$ git push --force-with-lease

6. Stage/add changes interactively

To avoid committing unwanted local changes, it's safer to review each change individually. Just don't use git add ., instead:

$ git add -p

7. More compact git status

Only show changes, without unnecessary info

$ git status -s


Oh my Zsh (!)

Better Terminal with ohmyzsh


alias gss = 'git status -s'
alias gap = 'git add -p'
alias gc  = 'git commit -m'
alias gp  = 'git push'
alias gco = 'git checkout'
alias gg  = 'git log --graph --oneline --decorate'
alias ggd = 'gg --cc'
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