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Last active September 4, 2018 19:16
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Cars chaincode example
// Simple CRUD chaincode for store information about cars
package cars
import (
p ""
var (
ErrCarAlreadyExists = errors.New(`car already exists`)
const CarEntity = `CAR`
const CarRegisteredEvent = `CAR_REGISTERED`
// CarPayload chaincode method argument
type CarPayload struct {
Id string
Title string
Owner string
// Car struct for chaincode state
type Car struct {
Id string
Title string
Owner string
UpdatedAt time.Time // set by chaincode method
// Key for car entry in chaincode state
func (c Car) Key() ([]string, error) {
return []string{CarEntity, c.Id}, nil
type Chaincode struct {
router *router.Group
func New() *Chaincode {
r := router.New(`cars`) // also initialized logger with "cars" prefix
Query(`List`, cars). // chain code method name is carList
Query(`Get`, car, p.String(`id`)). // chain code method name is carGet, method has 1 string argument "id"
Invoke(`Register`, carRegister, p.Struct(`car`, &CarPayload{}), // 1 struct argument
owner.Only) // allow access to method only for chaincode owner (authority)
return &Chaincode{r}
//======== Base methods ====================================
// Init initializes chain code - sets chaincode "owner"
func (cc *Chaincode) Init(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface) peer.Response {
// set owner of chain code with special permissions , based on tx creator certificate
// owner info stored in chaincode state as entry with key "OWNER" and content is serialized "Grant" structure
return owner.SetFromCreator(cc.router.Context(`init`, stub))
// Invoke - entry point for chain code invocations
func (cc *Chaincode) Invoke(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface) peer.Response {
// delegate handling to router
return cc.router.Handle(stub)
// ======= Chaincode methods
// car get info chaincode method handler
func car(c router.Context) (interface{}, error) {
// get state entry by composite key using CarKeyPrefix and car.Id
// and unmarshal from []byte to Car struct
return c.State().Get(&Car{Id: c.ArgString(`id`)})
// cars car list chaincode method handler
func cars(c router.Context) (interface{}, error) {
return c.State().List(
CarEntity, // get list of state entries of type CarKeyPrefix
&Car{}) // unmarshal from []byte and append to []Car slice
// carRegister car register chaincode method handler
func carRegister(c router.Context) (interface{}, error) {
// arg name defined in router method definition
p := c.Arg(`car`).(CarPayload)
t, _ := c.Time() // tx time
car := &Car{ // data for chaincode state
Id: p.Id,
Title: p.Title,
Owner: p.Owner,
UpdatedAt: t,
// trigger event
c.SetEvent(CarRegisteredEvent, car)
return car, // peer.Response payload will be json serialized car data
//put json serialized data to state
// create composite key using CarKeyPrefix and car.Id
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