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Created July 3, 2014 16:01
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GPU Analaysis
"version": 1,
"dimensions": [
"field_name": "reason",
"allowed_values": ["saved-session"]
"field_name": "appName",
"allowed_values": "Firefox"
"field_name": "appUpdateChannel",
"allowed_values": ["nightly"]
"field_name": "appVersion",
"allowed_values": "33.0a1"
"field_name": "appBuildID",
"allowed_values": "*"
"field_name": "submission_date",
"allowed_values": ["20140626"]
import json
import numpy
import math
import scikits.bootstrap as sb
def cmf(hist):
res = []
total = 0
for idx, value in enumerate(hist):
total += value
return res
def lower_bound(labels, bin):
return labels[bin] if bin > 0 else 0
def med_bin(labels, freq):
half_total_freq = float(sum(freq))/2
for idx, cm in enumerate(cmf(freq)):
if cm >= half_total_freq:
return idx
def width(labels, bin):
return labels[bin + 1] - labels[bin] if bin + 1 < len(labels) else float('inf')
def median(labels, values):
median_bin = med_bin(labels, values)
lower_limit = lower_bound(labels, median_bin)
lower_limit_cmf = lower_bound(cmf(values), median_bin - 1)
half_total_freq = float(sum(values))/2
w = width(labels, median_bin)
median_bin_freq = values[median_bin] if values[median_bin] > 0 else 1
if w == float('inf'):
return lower_limit
return lower_limit + w*(half_total_freq - lower_limit_cmf)/median_bin_freq
def check_numeric_limits(dmin, dmax, n_buckets):
if type(dmin) != int:
raise DefinitionException, "minimum is not a number"
if type(dmax) != int:
raise DefinitionException, "maximum is not a number"
if type(n_buckets) != int:
raise DefinitionException, "number of buckets is not a number"
def exponential_buckets(dmin, dmax, n_buckets):
check_numeric_limits(dmin, dmax, n_buckets)
log_max = math.log(dmax);
bucket_index = 2;
ret_array = [0] * n_buckets
current = dmin
ret_array[1] = current
for bucket_index in range(2, n_buckets):
log_current = math.log(current)
log_ratio = (log_max - log_current) / (n_buckets - bucket_index)
log_next = log_current + log_ratio
next_value = int(math.floor(math.exp(log_next) + 0.5))
if next_value > current:
current = next_value
current = current + 1
ret_array[bucket_index] = current
return ret_array
def clean(s):
return normalize(s).translate(None, ",")
def normalize(s):
if type(s) == unicode:
return s.encode('utf8', 'ignore')
return str(s)
def bootstrap_resample(X, n=None):
if n == None:
n = len(X)
resample_i = numpy.floor(numpy.random.rand(n)*len(X)).astype(int)
X_resample = X[resample_i]
return X_resample
def percentile_method(X, reps=1000, method=numpy.average, alpha=0.1):
X = numpy.array(X)
samples_statistic = []
for rep in range(reps):
sample = bootstrap_resample(X)
return numpy.percentile(samples_statistic, [alpha, 100-alpha])
ta_buckets = exponential_buckets(7, 500, 50)
def map(k, d, v, cx):
j = json.loads(v)
info = j['info']
vendor_id = info.get('adapterVendorID', "N\A")
device_id = info.get('adapterDeviceID', "N\A")
gpu2active = info.get('isGPU2Active', False)
driver = info.get('adapterDriverVersion', 'N\A')
histograms = j['histograms']
ta_hist = histograms.get('FX_TAB_ANIM_ANY_FRAME_INTERVAL_MS', None)
if ta_hist is None:
if sum(ta_hist[:50]) == 0:
cx.write((clean(vendor_id), clean(device_id), clean(driver), clean(gpu2active)), ta_hist)
cx.write((clean(vendor_id), clean(device_id), clean(driver), "ALL"), ta_hist)
cx.write((clean(vendor_id), clean(device_id), "ALL", "ALL"), ta_hist)
cx.write((clean(vendor_id), "ALL", "ALL", "ALL"), ta_hist)
cx.write(("ALL", "ALL", "ALL", "ALL"), ta_hist)
def setup_reduce(cx):
cx.field_separator = ","
def reduce(k, v, cx):
# Let's have a look at an animation histogram
#Aggregate histograms
hist = numpy.array(v[0])
for partial_hist in v[1:]:
partial_hist = numpy.array(partial_hist)
hist += partial_hist
values = []
for idx, bucket in enumerate(ta_buckets):
rep = int(hist[idx])
values += rep * [bucket]
# CI calculated with bootstrap isn't really useful, so don't compute it
p = k + tuple([str(median(ta_buckets, hist[:-5])), str(len(v))])
cx.write(p[0], ",".join(p[1:]))
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