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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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  • Save vitillo/dcf2b9ee53c5f5c6c5e3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save vitillo/dcf2b9ee53c5f5c6c5e3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Quick and dirty Telemetry analysis of slow-shutdown.
import json
def map(k, d, v, cx):
j = json.loads(v)
addons = j['info']['addons']
if addons is None:
for addon in addons.split(','):
#remove version number
addon = addon.split(':')[0]
cx.write(addon, 1)
def reduce(k, v, cx):
cx.writecsv([sum(v), k])
./ addons
sort -r -V -k 1,1 /mnt/telemetry/addons.out > addons.csv
./ generic
cat header.txt /mnt/telemetry/generic.out > ./generic.csv
"version": 1,
"dimensions": [
"field_name": "reason",
"allowed_values": ["saved-session"]
"field_name": "appName",
"allowed_values": "Firefox"
"field_name": "appUpdateChannel",
"allowed_values": ["release"]
"field_name": "appVersion",
"allowed_values": "28.0"
"field_name": "appBuildID",
"allowed_values": "*"
"field_name": "submission_date",
"allowed_values": ["20140420"]
import json
simple_keys = ["shutdownDuration" , "failedProfileLockCount" ,"maximalNumberOfConcurrentThreads", "uptime", "pingsOverdue", "savedPings", "sessionRestored"]
system_keys = ["OS", "cpucount", "memsize", "arch", "version", "adapterVendorID", "flashVersion"]
addon_keys = []
# Get top addons
with open('../addons.csv') as f:
addons = []
subs = -1
lines = f.readlines()
total = float(lines[0].split(',')[0])
threshold = 100
for idx, line in enumerate(lines[1:]):
if idx == threshold:
nr, name = line.split(',')
nr = float(nr)
if nr >= 0.01*total:
assert(len(addon_keys) > 0)
with open('../header.txt', 'w') as f:
def ph(keys):
for key in keys:
f.write(key +",")
def add(keys, dic, add_bool = False):
out = []
for key in keys:
if key in dic:
out.append(dic[key] if not add_bool else 1)
return out
def parse_addons(raw):
addons = raw.split(',')
out = set([addon.split(':')[0].strip() for addon in addons])
assert(len(out) > 0)
return out
def map(k, d, v, cx):
j = json.loads(v)
out = []
out += add(simple_keys, j['simpleMeasurements'])
out += add(system_keys, j['info'])
if 'addons' in j['info']:
out += add(addon_keys, parse_addons(j['info']['addons']), True)
cx.write(tuple(out), 1)
def reduce(k, v, cx):
cx.writecsv(list(k) + [sum(v)])
cd telemetry-server
python -m mapreduce.job ../$ \
--input-filter ../filter.json \
--num-mappers 16 \
--num-reducers 4 \
--data-dir /mnt/telemetry/work \
--work-dir /mnt/telemetry/work \
--output /mnt/telemetry/$1.out \
--bucket "telemetry-published-v1"
cd telemetry-server
python -m mapreduce.job ../$ \
--input-filter ../filter.json \
--num-mappers 16 \
--num-reducers 4 \
--data-dir /mnt/telemetry/work/cache \
--work-dir /mnt/telemetry/work \
--output /mnt/telemetry/$1.out \
--bucket "telemetry-published-v1" \
effect_table <- function(table) {
power_chisq <- function(table, test) {
pwr.chisq.test(N=sum(table), df=as.numeric(test[2]), sig.level=0.05, w=0.1)
remove_outliers <- function(x, na.rm = TRUE, ...) {
qnt <- quantile(x, probs=c(.005, .995), na.rm = na.rm, ...)
y <- x
y[x < (qnt[1])] <- NA
y[x > (qnt[2])] <- NA
trim <- function (x) gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", x)
get_flash_version <- function(str) {
sub("\\..*", "", as.character(str))
clean <- function(df) {
df %.%
select(-multiplicity, -pingsOverdue, -savedPings) %.%
mutate(shutdownDuration = remove_outliers(shutdownDuration),
uptime = remove_outliers(uptime),
flashMainVersion = as.factor(get_flash_version(flashVersion))) %.%
cpucount %in% c(1, 2, 4, 8, 12)) %.%
mutate(cpucount = as.factor(cpucount),
failedProfileLockCount = as.factor(failedProfileLockCount >= 1),
version = as.factor(version),
adapterVendorID = as.factor(adapterVendorID),
memsize = cut(memsize,
breaks=c(0, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, Inf),
labels=c("1024", "2048", "4096", "8192", "16384", "Inf")))
plot_shutdown <-function(df) {
ggplot(aes(x=shutdownDuration), data=df) +
geom_histogram(aes(y=..count../sum(..count..)), fill="blue", alpha=0.7, binwidth=0.01) +
scale_x_log10(name="Shutdown Duration") +
scale_y_continuous(name="Density") +
rem <- function (param){ substring(param, 3) }
adistrib <- function(df) {
addons <- df[, c(11:length(df))]
addons <- summary(sapply(addons, as.factor))[2,]
addons <- sapply(addons, rem)
addons <- sapply(addons, trim)
addons <- sapply(addons, strtoi)
# Let's have a look first at a representative sample of the population for release 28
df <- read.csv("generic_big.csv", row.names=NULL)
df[] <- 0 # we can safely impute to 0
# Let's clean up the data
df <- clean(df)
# Let's see if we can spot some pattern
#ggpairs(df[, c(1:9)])
# Can't see anything clearly correlated to shutdownDuration, besides a small correlation with
# cpucount and memsize
# Plot shutdownDuration distribution
# We got a nice spike from 5000 to 8000
# Plot shutdownDuration vs cpucount
ggplot(aes(y=shutdownDuration, x=cpucount), data=df) +
geom_boxplot(fill="blue", alpha=0.7) +
scale_x_discrete(name="Cores") +
scale_y_continuous(name="Shutdown Duration") +
coord_cartesian(ylim = c(-500, 10000)) +
# The number of cores influences negatively shutdownDuration;
# Since memsize is correlated to the number of cores there is no need for another plot
# Investigate submissions with a shutdown duration of 5000-8000
df_com <- df %.% filter(shutdownDuration <= 5000)
df_slow <- df %.% filter(shutdownDuration > 5000 & shutdownDuration < 8000)
# Is the distribution of threads different?
wilcox.test(df_com$maximalNumberOfConcurrentThreads, df_slow$maximalNumberOfConcurrentThreads)
summary(df_slow$maximalNumberOfConcurrentThreads) # Looks like the distribution is shifted to the right by 1
# Let's have a look at the cpu count
table <- rbind(summary(df_com$cpucount), summary(df_slow$cpucount))
chisq.test(table, simulate.p.value = TRUE)
# df_slow contains machines with less cores, news at 11
# Let's have a look at the memory
table <- rbind(summary(df_com$memsize), summary(df_slow$memsize))
effect_table(table) # small but still interesting
chisq.test(table, simulate.p.value=TRUE)
# df_slow contains machiens with less memory, news at 11
# Let's have a look at the flash version
table <- rbind(summary(df_com$flashMainVersion), summary(df_slow$flashMainVersion))
chisq.test(table, simulate.p.value=TRUE) # Nothing really interesting here
# Let's compare the failed profile lock count
table <- rbind(summary(df_com$failedProfileLockCount), summary(df_slow$failedProfileLockCount))
effect_table(table) # small, still worth investigating though
chisq.test(table, simulate.p.value=TRUE)
com <- summary(df_com$failedProfileLockCount)[2] / summary(df_com$failedProfileLockCount)[1]
slow <- summary(df_slow$failedProfileLockCount)[2] / summary(df_slow$failedProfileLockCount)[1]
cat("slow has", slow/com, "times more locks than com")
cat("% of locked profiles for slow:", slow*100)
# Note that even though slow has significantly more locks than com (6.5 times), the chance of having a lock
# in the first place is quite low (1-2%)
# Is the distribution of sessionRestored different?
wilcox.test(df_com$sessionRestored, df_slow$sessionRestored)
# Let's compare the distribution of add-ons
addons <- rbind(adistrib(df_com), adistrib(df_slow))
addons[] <- 0
# Let's just use the most frequent ones, if we can't spot a pattern there then all hopes are lost
top_addons = addons[, 1:20]
effect_table(addons) # very small
test <- chisq.test(top_addons)
# Couldn't find any difference, do we have enough power (0.8) for our smallest significant effect size (0.1)?
power_chisq(top_addons, test) # We do
# Let's have a look now only at a "big" sample of submissions with failedProfileLockCount >=1
df_lock <- read.csv("lockcount.csv", row.names=NULL)
df_lock[] <- 0 # we can safely impute to 0
df_lock <- clean(df_lock)
# Let's look at the OS
summary(df_lock$OS) # There is only WINNT
df <- df %.%
filter(version %in% c(5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3)) %.%
mutate(version = factor(version))
df_lock <- df_lock %.%
filter(version %in% c(5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3)) %.%
mutate(version = factor(version))
# Let's see if we can spot some pattern
#ggpairs(df_lock[, c(1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9)])
# Plot shutdownDuration distribution
# shutdownDuration in df_lock is signifcantly higher than in df;
# it seems to be 10 times higher when comparing medians
# Is the distribution of threads different?
wilcox.test(df_lock$maximalNumberOfConcurrentThreads, df$maximalNumberOfConcurrentThreads)
summary(df_lock$maximalNumberOfConcurrentThreads) # Looks like the distribution is shifted to the right by 3
# Is the uptime distribution different?
wilcox.test(df_lock$uptime, df$uptime)
summary(df_lock$uptime) # whoops, uptime seems to be 5 times higher when comparing medians
# Is the OS version different? (only WINNT data entries show up in the df_lock)
table <- rbind(summary(df$version), summary(df_lock$version))
chisq.test(table) # Yep, let's see what our effect size is
effect_table(table) # Medium (0.35), so it's significant
# Seems like less users here are on 6.3, while the distribution is the same for the other versions
# Is the CPU count distribution different?
table <- rbind(summary(df$cpucount), summary(df_lock$cpucount))
chisq.test(table) # Yep, let's see what our effect size is
effect_table(table) # Medium (0.35), so it's significant
# CPU distribution is shifted slightly to the left, i.e. lower end machines
# Let's have a look at the flash version
table <- rbind(summary(df$flashMainVersion), summary(df_lock$flashMainVersion))
chisq.test(table, simulate.p.value=TRUE) # There is a clear difference here
# Is the distribution of sessionRestored different?
wilcox.test(df_lock$sessionRestored, df$sessionRestored)
# Is the distribution for the top add-ons different?
adistrib(df_lock) # Looks like there isn't an add-on that correlates with all those submissions so don't bother
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