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Last active August 14, 2024 17:38
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Python Script for Opening and Closing Positions in Alpaca
import time
from import REST
# Set your Alpaca API credentials
ALPACA_SECRET_KEY = 'k1sXSgCkrpWSqQ3wyuKqwMT9H7q3hFLEAiVL0lif'
# Initialize the Alpaca API
# 1. Placing an Order
def place_order(symbol, qty, side):
order = api.submit_order(
symbol=symbol, # Symbol with '/'
qty=qty, # Quantity
side=side, # "buy" or "sell"
print(f"Order submitted successfully: {order}")
return order
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error placing order: {e}")
return None
# 2. Monitoring the Order
def monitor_order(order_id):
retries = 5
delay = 2 # seconds
for attempt in range(retries):
order_status = api.get_order(order_id)
print("Order status:", order_status)
return order_status
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error monitoring order, attempt {attempt + 1}: {e}")
time.sleep(delay) # Wait before trying again
print("Failed to retrieve the order status after several attempts.")
return None
# 3. Query BTC Balance
def get_available_balance(symbol):
time.sleep(2) # Add a delay to allow positions to update
positions = api.list_positions()
# Check both formats of the symbol
for position in positions:
if position.symbol == symbol or position.symbol.replace('/', '') == symbol.replace('/', ''):
return float(position.qty)
print(f"No positions found for {symbol}.")
return 0.0
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error retrieving balance: {e}")
return 0.0
# 4. Closing the Order
def close_order(symbol):
available_qty = get_available_balance(symbol)
if available_qty > 0:
close_order = api.submit_order(
symbol=symbol, # Symbol with '/'
qty=available_qty, # Sell only the available quantity
print("Close order submitted:", close_order)
return close_order
print("No available balance to sell.")
return None
except Exception as e:
print("Error closing order:", e)
return None
# Execute the workflow
if __name__ == "__main__":
symbol = "BTC/USD"
qty = 0.001 # Example quantity to buy
print("Placing order...")
placed_order = place_order(symbol, qty, "buy")
if placed_order:
print("\nMonitoring order...")
monitored_order = monitor_order( # Use the order's unique ID
if monitored_order:
print("\nClosing order...")
closed_order = close_order(symbol)
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This Python script interacts with the Alpaca trading API to automate the process of opening and closing a position in cryptocurrency trading.

Key Steps:
Place an Order: Submits a market buy order for a specified cryptocurrency (e.g., BTC/USD).
Monitor the Order: Checks and confirms when the buy order has been filled.
Query Balance: Retrieves the available balance of the purchased cryptocurrency after the buy order is filled.
Close the Position: Submits a market sell order to close the position using the exact available balance, ensuring no errors due to insufficient funds.

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