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Last active July 17, 2024 17:10
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Comprehensive Bash script to automate macOS developer setup: installs essential apps with Homebrew, sets up Zsh with Oh My Zsh and Powerlevel10k, downloads FlutterFlow, updates /etc/hosts, sets up a conda environment, and installs Anaconda.
set -eo pipefail
# Function to install Xcode Command Line Tools
install_xcode_cli() {
echo "Installing Xcode Command Line Tools..."
xcode-select --install
# Function to install NVM, Node.js, and Yarn
install_nvm_node_yarn() {
echo "Installing NVM, Node.js, and Yarn..."
brew install nvm
mkdir -p ~/.nvm
echo 'export NVM_DIR=~/.nvm' >> ~/.zshrc
echo '[ -s "$(brew --prefix nvm)/" ] && . "$(brew --prefix nvm)/"' >> ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc
nvm install --lts
brew install yarn
if brew list node &>/dev/null; then
brew uninstall node --ignore-dependencies
ln -s ~/.nvm/versions/node/$(nvm current) /usr/local/Cellar/node
brew doctor
# Function to install applications using Homebrew Cask
install_apps_brew() {
echo "Installing applications using Homebrew Cask..."
brew install --cask macs-fan-control whatsapp
brew install wget
brew install --cask discord jandi firefox
brew install --cask android-file-transfer balenaetcher flutter visual-studio-code lmms sublime-text
brew install azure-cli python-tk
brew install --cask android-studio rectangle iterm2
brew install --cask android-platform-tools tradingview
brew install --cask transmission
brew tap osrf/simulation
brew install gazebo11
brew install scrcpy
brew install --cask flutter
# Function to set up Zsh and Oh My Zsh with Powerlevel10k
setup_zsh() {
echo "Setting up Zsh and Oh My Zsh..."
chsh -s "$(which zsh)"
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
mkdir -p "$HOME/.zsh"
git clone --depth=1 "$HOME/.zsh/powerlevel10k"
echo 'source "$HOME/.zsh/powerlevel10k/powerlevel10k.zsh-theme"' >> "$HOME/.zshrc"
echo "Please restart your shell or run 'source $HOME/.zshrc' to apply changes."
# Function to download and install applications that are not available via Homebrew Cask
download_apps_no_brew() {
echo "Downloading and installing FlutterFlow..."
curl -o "$HOME/Downloads/flutterflow-latest-macos.dmg"
hdiutil attach "$HOME/Downloads/flutterflow-latest-macos.dmg"
cp -R "/Volumes/FlutterFlow/" "/Applications/"
hdiutil detach "/Volumes/FlutterFlow"
echo "Downloading and installing ChatGPT..."
curl -o "$HOME/Downloads/chatgpt-latest-macos.dmg"
hdiutil attach "$HOME/Downloads/chatgpt-latest-macos.dmg"
cp -R "/Volumes/ChatGPT/" "/Applications/"
hdiutil detach "/Volumes/ChatGPT"
echo "Downloading and installing"
curl -o "$HOME/Downloads/jan-ai-latest-macos.dmg"
hdiutil attach "$HOME/Downloads/jan-ai-latest-macos.dmg"
cp -R "/Volumes/" "/Applications/"
hdiutil detach "/Volumes/"
# Function to update /etc/hosts file with predefined IP-hostname pairs
update_hosts_file() {
echo "Updating /etc/hosts file..."
local local_pairs=()
local_pairs+=(" ollama")
local_pairs+=(" cyber")
local_pairs+=(" neurosity")
local_pairs+=(" pico")
for pair in "${local_pairs[@]}"; do
local IP=$(echo "$pair" | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
local HOSTNAME=$(echo "$pair" | cut -d ' ' -f 2)
grep -qF "$ENTRY" /etc/hosts || echo "$ENTRY" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts > /dev/null
# Function to set up conda environment and install required packages
install_macMetal() {
echo "Setting up conda environment and installing required packages..."
source "$HOME/.zshrc"
conda create --name macMetal python=3.10 -y
source "$(conda info --base)/etc/profile.d/"
conda activate macMetal
conda install -c apple tensorflow-deps -y
pip install tensorflow-macos tensorflow-metal
conda install notebook -y
pip install numpy<2.0.0 pandas matplotlib scikit-learn scipy plotly jupyterlab<4.1
pip install chardet
mkdir -p "$HOME/Desktop/JupyterNotebooks"
# Function to install Anaconda
installAnaconda() {
echo "Installing Anaconda..."
brew install --cask anaconda
echo 'export PATH="/opt/homebrew/anaconda3/bin:$PATH"' >> "$HOME/.zshrc"
sudo chown -R "$USER" "$HOME/.conda"
echo "Please restart your shell or run 'source $HOME/.zshrc' to apply changes."
# Main function to execute all steps
main() {
echo "Setup complete!"
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