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Created July 9, 2018 14:21
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User Function TestTarThread()
Local nThread
For nThread := 1 To 2
StartJob('U_TestTar', GetEnvServer(), .F.,)
Next nThread
User Function TestTar()
Local cThreadId := AllTrim( Str( ThreadId() ) )
Local cBarra := If(isSRVunix(),"/","\")
Local cCurDir := CurDir() + If(cBarra $ CurDir(), "" , cBarra )
Local cTmpDir := "testtar" + cThreadId + cBarra
Local cFile1 := cCurDir + cBarra + cTmpDir + "file1.json"
Local cFile2 := cCurDir + cBarra + cTmpDir + "file2.json"
Local cFile3 := cCurDir + cBarra + cTmpDir + "file3.json"
Local aFiles := { cFile1, cFile2, cFile3 }
Local cTarFile := cCurDir + cTmpDir + 'tarfile.tar'
Local cTarGzFile := cCurDir + cTmpDir + 'targzfile.tar.gz'
Local nX
If !ExistDir( cCurDir + cTmpDir )
MakeDir( cCurDir + cTmpDir )
For nX := 1 To 100
nFile1 := FCreate( cFile1 )
nFile2 := FCreate( cFile2 )
nFile3 := FCreate( cFile3 )
FWrite( nFile1, '[ ]' )
FWrite( nFile2, '[ ]' )
FWrite( nFile3, '[ ]' )
FClose( nFile1 )
FClose( nFile2 )
FClose( nFile3 )
TarCompress( aFiles, cTarFile)
GZCompress( cTarFile, cTarGzFile)
Next nX
DirRemove( cCurDir + cTmpDir )
Static Function printf(cLog)
Return conout("["+time()+" - "+cValToChar(ThreadId())+"] " + cLog)
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O erro gerado é:

[INFO ][SERVER] [09/07/2018 11:31:32] Starting Program U_TESTTARTHREAD Thread 14808 (maria.elisandra,NG041-PC)
[11:31:32 - 13984] 1

[INFO ][SERVER] [Thread 14808] [09/07/2018 11:31:33] Thread finished (maria.elisandra, NG041-PC) 
[11:31:33 - 16232] 1
[11:31:33 - 13984] 2
[11:31:33 - 16232] 2
[11:31:33 - 13984] 3
[11:31:33 - 16232] 3
[11:31:33 - 16232] 4

Thread 13984

Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION

Fault address:  00FB2D20 01:00BB1D20 F:\TOTVS\Protheus\bin\appserver\AppServer.exe

[11:31:33 - 16232] 5

Stack Trace:

Address   Frame

00FB2D20  00000000  
	Unable to locate source line number

00FB2D20  00000000  
	Unable to locate source line number

00FAFC04  00000000  
	Unable to locate source line number

00FA91A5  00000000  
	Unable to locate source line number

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